It used to be the nation united behind the President when we were attacked...

I fully support St Trumpy’s action against the Iranian big shot general.
Most people democrat and republican, do not think it was wrong to deal with the general while he was still hanging around. It is worrisome though, what Donnie might do next. I heard he is moving 3,500 more troops to the middle east. I do not see the need. He could be getting ready to do something most of us would not approve. It is definitely not rally round the king time. It is time to watch the Command in chief to make sure he doesn't start another George Bush Jr. war. and try to sell it as patriotism, just to help his election. I liked the initial response, but I do not trust him any more tonight, than I dad three days ago. I favor his trial in the Senate.
you usually go to war with more than that but hey if Trump can win a war with that few, that would be revolutionary

He can't win a war with 3,500 troops. He is not supposed to starting a war. He can just get more of them killed. How many new troops did it take to take out that general? You think they will take out 3,500 more generals or do you think some general will take out more of the 3,500 troops?

Hillary Clinton threatened to destroy Iran, how about we just do that okay.
Hillary sucked and still does. I don't like Trump, but am glad she is not President. She's history. Get over it.
...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.
I disagree. I am an anti-Trumper but I am giving the benefit of the doubt hoping there is a long term plan Trump had that is positive and that will happen.
In this case it was a top Iranian being killed on Iraq soil. One of my big concerns is the Iranians and the Shiite Iraqis will unite against the US.
9/11, the last time we were attacked, under a Republican President, we ALL united.
You are a Trump supporter. What do you predict will happen as a result of killing Qasem Soleimani.
I fully support St Trumpy’s action against the Iranian big shot general.
Most people democrat and republican, do not think it was wrong to deal with the general while he was still hanging around. It is worrisome though, what Donnie might do next. I heard he is moving 3,500 more troops to the middle east. I do not see the need. He could be getting ready to do something most of us would not approve. It is definitely not rally round the king time. It is time to watch the Command in chief to make sure he doesn't start another George Bush Jr. war. and try to sell it as patriotism, just to help his election. I liked the initial response, but I do not trust him any more tonight, than I dad three days ago. I favor his trial in the Senate.
you usually go to war with more than that but hey if Trump can win a war with that few, that would be revolutionary

He can't win a war with 3,500 troops. He is not supposed to starting a war. He can just get more of them killed. How many new troops did it take to take out that general? You think they will take out 3,500 more generals or do you think some general will take out more of the 3,500 troops?

Hillary Clinton threatened to destroy Iran, how about we just do that okay.
When did she say that?
Doesn't matter. She's history.
I'm all for taking out these Terrorists.

The radical scum that comes from the ME, I just don't understand what they believe.
But they do have beliefs they stick by, for whatever reasons, mainly Faith and Hatred.

Maybe they're just tired of foreigners messing with their countries.

You are a dumbass. The Shia militia in Iraq was foreign. Directed by Iranians. Has CNN not explained it to you yet?
I mean just d-u-m-b. Low IQ. How do you even function day to day?
This is what happens to a nation which allows the lowest common denominator to function politically.
Your avatar should read, "America without Saudis". If we blame every Muslim for the acts of the few, we should be consistent. Mostly Saudis destroyed our Towers.
I'm all for taking out these Terrorists.

The radical scum that comes from the ME, I just don't understand what they believe.
But they do have beliefs they stick by, for whatever reasons, mainly Faith and Hatred.

Maybe they're just tired of foreigners messing with their countries.

You are a dumbass. The Shia militia in Iraq was foreign. Directed by Iranians. Has CNN not explained it to you yet?
I mean just d-u-m-b. Low IQ. How do you even function day to day?
This is what happens to a nation which allows the lowest common denominator to function politically.
Your avatar should read, "America without Saudis". If we blame every Muslim for the acts of the few, we should be consistent. Mostly Saudis destroyed our Towers.

No I don’t have that “consistent” fetish. My AV shows what the New York skyline looked like before Muslims got involved. Its that simple. Any subsets are included.

You want to ban and deport Saudis then get after it. I don’t care. I’ve never noticed a shortage of Saudi’s in the US so I won’t miss them.
The Democrat party is a bunch of wanna bes that used to be laughed at and belittled when they were writing articles for their college newspapers. Now they're editors at the NYT and WaPo.
I was never laughed at or belittled. I am a man of action and destruction to those who offend me. I find the repukes are the puss- people and are quick to run home.

Are you a pantifa member?
So why dont you ever leave Portland?
...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.
I disagree. I am an anti-Trumper but I am giving the benefit of the doubt hoping there is a long term plan Trump had that is positive and that will happen.
In this case it was a top Iranian being killed on Iraq soil. One of my big concerns is the Iranians and the Shiite Iraqis will unite against the US.
9/11, the last time we were attacked, under a Republican President, we ALL united.
You are a Trump supporter. What do you predict will happen as a result of killing Qasem Soleimani.

I predict nothing.
If they do retaliate we should hit em hard as hell so they have no doubt we wont be fucked with.
The Democrat party is a bunch of wanna bes that used to be laughed at and belittled when they were writing articles for their college newspapers. Now they're editors at the NYT and WaPo.
I was never laughed at or belittled. I am a man of action and destruction to those who offend me. I find the repukes are the puss- people and are quick to run home.
A man of action? You over in Iraq yet?

I know right!!!
Dems are known pussies and you're just figuring that out?
I predict nothing.
If they do retaliate we should hit em hard as hell so they have no doubt we wont be fucked with.

And off we go to war...again

So tell me lech.
How exactly will Iraq wage war against the US?
With their long range bombers,maybe their navy,or do you predict they'll use their intercontinental ballistic cruise missiles?
I fully support St Trumpy’s action against the Iranian big shot general.
Most people democrat and republican, do not think it was wrong to deal with the general while he was still hanging around. It is worrisome though, what Donnie might do next. I heard he is moving 3,500 more troops to the middle east. I do not see the need. He could be getting ready to do something most of us would not approve. It is definitely not rally round the king time. It is time to watch the Command in chief to make sure he doesn't start another George Bush Jr. war. and try to sell it as patriotism, just to help his election. I liked the initial response, but I do not trust him any more tonight, than I dad three days ago. I favor his trial in the Senate.

We elected him President to make these decisions. I dont think he needs your permission. In fact I dont think he needs any permission. He is the Commander in Chief. And Hillary is a drunk kook babbling about Tulsi being a Russian agent.
Hit em again Mr President.
I fully support St Trumpy’s action against the Iranian big shot general.
Most people democrat and republican, do not think it was wrong to deal with the general while he was still hanging around. It is worrisome though, what Donnie might do next. I heard he is moving 3,500 more troops to the middle east. I do not see the need. He could be getting ready to do something most of us would not approve. It is definitely not rally round the king time. It is time to watch the Command in chief to make sure he doesn't start another George Bush Jr. war. and try to sell it as patriotism, just to help his election. I liked the initial response, but I do not trust him any more tonight, than I dad three days ago. I favor his trial in the Senate.

We elected him President to make these decisions. I dont think he needs your permission. In fact I dont think he needs any permission. He is the Commander in Chief. And Hillary is a drunk kook babbling about Tulsi being a Russian agent.
Hit em again Mr President.

Never said he needed my permission, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Even you.

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