It used to be the nation united behind the President when we were attacked...

...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.

Trump claimed Obama was starting a war with Iran to get re-elected. He wasn't standing by the President. The fact is that the country is asking questions as it should. Was this based on any intelligence or is this a re-election ploy? Is this the result of Trump's incompetent foreign policy? The generals largely opposed withdrawing from the nuclear deal with Iran. There are no traitors and no cowards. Just questions.
...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.

You are so Full of Shit.
I think I nailed it, didn't I?

You realize, don't you, that the modern-day Democrats aren't patriotic Americans are they?

They're Communists.

You put the nail in your ass. Asking questions is patriotic. Accepting any politician's word is communist. It is indeed patriotic to ask questions to seek out information to make a informed judgement.
...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.

You are so Full of Shit.
I think I nailed it, didn't I?

You realize, don't you, that the modern-day Democrats aren't patriotic Americans are they?

They're Communists.

Some say modern day Republicans are acting like traitors and enemies to the republic these days and are basically lying when they call themselves 'Americans'. They're fascists. Two sides of the same shit pile.
...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.

You are so Full of Shit.
I think I nailed it, didn't I?

You realize, don't you, that the modern-day Democrats aren't patriotic Americans are they?

They're Communists.

Some say modern day Republicans are acting like traitors and enemies to the republic these days and are basically lying when they call themselves 'Americans'. They're fascists. Two sides of the same shit pile.
McConnell Graham and Trump should all be gone
...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.

You are so Full of Shit.
I think I nailed it, didn't I?

You realize, don't you, that the modern-day Democrats aren't patriotic Americans are they?

They're Communists.

Modern day Democrats are the only real patriotic Americans.

It's not Democrats who are supporting Russians over their own country.

It isn't Democrats that are defending a criminal president bowing before wahhabist muslims in Saudi Arabia.

It isn't Democrats that are defending a criminal president bowing before a muslim dictator in Turkey.

It isn't a Democrat writing love letters to a dictator in North Korea, and saluting their generals, whom we are technically still at war with.

It's actually hard to tell where Republicans end, and communists start, you're so intertwined with eachother.
The Democrat party is a bunch of wanna bes that used to be laughed at and belittled when they were writing articles for their college newspapers. Now they're editors at the NYT and WaPo.
I was never laughed at or belittled. I am a man of action and destruction to those who offend me. I find the repukes are the puss- people and are quick to run home.
I am a man of action and destruction to those who offend me.
you not only do taxes but you are a tough guy
...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.

You are so Full of Shit.
I think I nailed it, didn't I?

You realize, don't you, that the modern-day Democrats aren't patriotic Americans are they?

They're Communists.

Modern day Democrats are the only real patriotic Americans.

It's not Democrats who are supporting Russians over their own country.

It isn't Democrats that are defending a criminal president bowing before wahhabist muslims in Saudi Arabia.

It isn't Democrats that are defending a criminal president bowing before a muslim dictator in Turkey.

It isn't a Democrat writing love letters to a dictator in North Korea, and saluting their generals, whom we are technically still at war with.

It's actually hard to tell where Republicans end, and communists start, you're so intertwined with eachother.
both parties are a bunch of bullshit as well as the die hards who support them no matter what....
My father told me how all Americans backed FDR during WWII. It was a tough war, but Americans were willing to make sacrifices back then.
So why to liberals refuse to support Trump when we now face the prospect of war?
I predict nothing.
If they do retaliate we should hit em hard as hell so they have no doubt we wont be fucked with.

And off we go to war...again

So tell me lech.
How exactly will Iraq wage war against the US?
With their long range bombers,maybe their navy,or do you predict they'll use their intercontinental ballistic cruise missiles?

It's been explained (and may have been again after mine). They will start dropping bombs on Israel and Saudi Arabia and then when there are further retaliations, China and Russia side up with them. That's a war we can not win.

Heck, we can't even beat Afghanistan.
...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.

You are so Full of Shit.
I think I nailed it, didn't I?

You realize, don't you, that the modern-day Democrats aren't patriotic Americans are they?

They're Communists.

Some say modern day Republicans are acting like traitors and enemies to the republic these days and are basically lying when they call themselves 'Americans'. They're fascists. Two sides of the same shit pile.

The Democrats also foolishly supported Obama's wars. And yes they were wars also.
...but the modern-day Democrats are traitors and cowards and won't do that.

You are so Full of Shit.
I think I nailed it, didn't I?

You realize, don't you, that the modern-day Democrats aren't patriotic Americans are they?

They're Communists.

Modern day Democrats are the only real patriotic Americans.

It's not Democrats who are supporting Russians over their own country.

What did Obama mean when he said he would have more leeway with Russia after the election?

It isn't Democrats that are defending a criminal president bowing before wahhabist muslims in Saudi Arabia.

It isn't Democrats that are defending a criminal president bowing before a muslim dictator in Turkey.

It isn't a Democrat writing love letters to a dictator in North Korea, and saluting their generals, whom we are technically still at war with.

It's actually hard to tell where Republicans end, and communists start, you're so intertwined with eachother.

Democrats accepted every aspect of Obama's lies concerning the wars. From not starting new ones to not ending the old ones.

Now granted, there were enough that decided "enough" and ended the (D) lies but yes, the lies have continued.
My father told me how all Americans backed FDR during WWII. It was a tough war, but Americans were willing to make sacrifices back then.
So why to liberals refuse to support Trump when we now face the prospect of war?
Pearl Harbor was attacked Many dead many fighting ships destroyed FDR was Presidential This liar in our WH now couldn't hold FDR's jock strap
Pearl Harbor was attacked Many dead many fighting ships destroyed FDR was Presidential This liar in our WH now couldn't hold FDR's jock strap
Youve got a good point there.

Obama was truly more qualified than Trump to hold another man's jock strap. He could even do it with no hands, I'd bet.

Trump's success is what's triggering your TDS, not his failures.

Evert time Trump succeeds, you know that makes America stronger, and you know that strong, prosperous countries never voluntarily give away their freedoms for free Socialism stuff.

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