It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

Name the law that would stop these shootings? You can’t because there is no law that would...
Every time it happens progressive light their hair on fire and bring up gibberish for ideas. Crazy people/criminals cannot be stopped by laws...
America has a strong (socialist) standing army. There is no longer need for "militia" as stated in the Second Amendment.
The second is not about a militia it is about individual human rights. It is as important and necessary as when it was written.
Hardcore NRA wingnuts need to be thinking about two words: "Compromise" and "Consensus"...

When it comes to the Constitution there is no such thing as "Compromise" and "Consensus".

Sure there is. Even the original Constitution was built on compromise and consensus.
Human rights are not based on compromise or consensus and the right to be armed is the most important right. Deal with it.
Name the law that would stop these shootings? You can’t because there is no law that would...
The Shoot Back law would have stopped this.

That law requires somebody to shoot back at mass shooters.

Which requires all gun laws to be repealed and everybody to take arms.

Shoot back works.
Doubt you will take anything

This will be the result of lower IQ leftist who have no knowledge what GUN CONTROL WILL DO get educated off more than you pathetic HOLLYWOOD whores who bare all for money and sell their souls.

Gun Control in Australia - Watch and Weep

It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that good citizens will hand over their weapons rather than stand in violation of the law and go to jail.

Criminals then take advantage of the unarmed citizens.

1. This is called cause and effect.

2. Anti-gun fanatics are cause and effect deniers.

Gun Confiscation in Australia: How’s That Working Out?

The world is plunging into bad times as dictators are on the rise....Russia, Venezuela, now China...and the God Damned imbeciles are screaming for people to give up their rights and make themselves helpless. God has left the building.

Executions, torture and chilling 'black jails' - how Chinese President Xi Jinping keeps his iron grip on power that could see him rule for life

Credit: The Sun, UK

Executions, torture and chilling ‘black jails’ – how Chinese President Xi Jinping keeps his iron grip on power that could see him rule for life

In a game-changing vote this week Chinese lawmakers abolished presidential term limits and paved the way for Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely - making him the world's most powerful dictator.

By Mark Hodge
12th March 2018, 7:11 pm
Updated: 12th March 2018, 7:14 pm
AS China’s Xi Jinping tightens his iron grip on power, his government continues to murder its enemies and censor its people.

Since assuming power in 2012, President Xi and his Communist Party have presided over massive restrictions on basic human rights and freedom of expression.


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