It would be really stupid if we got overconfident and lost to Biden because we were sure we couldn't

Folks are simply fed up with chaos and incompetence, ego and lying from Trump. At three or four years old even toddlers begin to mature and to begin controlling unpleasant and harmful habits.

Only in your bubble.
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Yes, contrary to popular opinion, I'm not a Democrat.

I would have guessed you're a nonpartisan left leaner. The biggest problem with partisans is their unwillingness to cooperate or concede ground in a conversation. Nobody has a flawless perspective, so a willingness to be corrected is important for good conversation. They dehumanize their opposition and absolutely refuse to exchange dialogue in a fair and open-minded way. We may disagree and see the world differently in some ways, but I'd wager we both value truth more than we value feeling completely right and superior all the time.
I'm always interested in reading your posts, Confounding, unlike a few posters here that I usually "scroll by."

The partisan response often drives me nuts, too. I look at it as my daily update on what the DNC is saying today. Lonelaugher used to be my go to for that, but he seems to have gone elsewhere. He also has family in Japan, though, so I hope his absence doesn't mean anything calamatous.
Listen Trumpist tool, your man after three years in office still hasn’t figured out what his role as president is. That is why he is completely fucking up the coronavirus response. Trumpist lemmings like yourself can’t see it because of your blind adoration for this fraud.

Be that as it may, all you have is lies on Biden. No one shows more signs of dementia and mental illness than Trump, ya moron.
I dont support Trump, you tunnel vision dumbfuck.
I just also dont support alzheimers patients for president and that dries up your vagina. I get it.. Partisanship is a horrible illness!
Sure you don’t support Trump..LOL...keep up that charade...You spread these lies on Biden, but ignore every dumb ass comment Trump has made, signs of his own early on-set Alzheimer’s, his corruption, and his ineptitude. But you’re not a Trump supporter...ROFLMAO.
Its not a lie. Dude is ill. You know that too but you are a dishonest partisan.
PS, i voted for a Democrat in 2016 ;)
I don't think Biden is as ill as you think. Think back on this when you turn 77. Annoying dust bunnies interfere with those firing neurons as we get older. I'm a lot younger than 77 and it happens to me. But I definitely don't have Alzheimers; it's a normal part of aging and it is being MAGNIFIED beyond belief -- he is even having his videos doctored and misquoted by Trump's minions before flooding the internet with them.
Did you believe Hillary was an alcoholic at death's door during the campaign in '16? That's about how accurate Biden with Alzheimers is.
My grandmother is 85 and sharp as a tac.
Biden is 77 and has stage 2 Alzheimer's.
Its life :dunno:
I'm pleased for your gram.
I doubt it.
If any one approached being as good as President Trump the media would crush him.
Not being Trump, they would say - sawry- and wilt away.

Some people just don't have enough name recognition. As an example just to illustrate my point, you could be considered an irrelevant alternative. Nobody knows who the hell you are though, so you'll never win an election. We have 330 million people in this country. I highly doubt Trump is the pinnacle of conservative thinking.
I dont support Trump, you tunnel vision dumbfuck.
I just also dont support alzheimers patients for president and that dries up your vagina. I get it.. Partisanship is a horrible illness!
Sure you don’t support Trump..LOL...keep up that charade...You spread these lies on Biden, but ignore every dumb ass comment Trump has made, signs of his own early on-set Alzheimer’s, his corruption, and his ineptitude. But you’re not a Trump supporter...ROFLMAO.
Its not a lie. Dude is ill. You know that too but you are a dishonest partisan.
PS, i voted for a Democrat in 2016 ;)
I don't think Biden is as ill as you think. Think back on this when you turn 77. Annoying dust bunnies interfere with those firing neurons as we get older. I'm a lot younger than 77 and it happens to me. But I definitely don't have Alzheimers; it's a normal part of aging and it is being MAGNIFIED beyond belief -- he is even having his videos doctored and misquoted by Trump's minions before flooding the internet with them.
Did you believe Hillary was an alcoholic at death's door during the campaign in '16? That's about how accurate Biden with Alzheimers is.
My grandmother is 85 and sharp as a tac.
Biden is 77 and has stage 2 Alzheimer's.
Its life :dunno:
I'm pleased for your gram.
Maybe she should run for dem nomination. At least she isnt going senile.
Make sure the polls are watched carefully. Democrats are going to be rushing literally millions of ineligible voters and repeaters from poll to poll by the van loads this time for sure. It will cost less money to shut their criminal fraud down at the polls than try and correct it later. The scum are very serious about their agenda of ethnic cleansing' make no mistake about it. Letting them steal elections is a death sentence for this country.
Already making excuses for why Donald is going to lose?
How touching.
Has joe figured out he is running for President yet?
Has Trump figured out he is president yet?
Yes he has and he has beat you people at your own game.
Folks are simply fed up with chaos and incompetence, ego and lying from Trump. At three or four years old even toddlers begin to mature and to begin controlling unpleasant and harmful habits.
Lol, you haven't stopped crying in the past 3 years. I find it amusing.
I doubt it.
If any one approached being as good as President Trump the media would crush him.
Not being Trump, they would say - sawry- and wilt away.

Some people just don't have enough name recognition. As an example just to illustrate my point, you could be considered an irrelevant alternative. Nobody knows who the hell you are though, so you'll never win an election. We have 330 million people in this country. I highly doubt Trump is the pinnacle of conservative thinking.

And yet,
He has been spectacular, against all odds, against all resistance, against 3 years of a coordinated and vicous coup attempt.
Happy to stick with him.
Make sure the polls are watched carefully. Democrats are going to be rushing literally millions of ineligible voters and repeaters from poll to poll by the van loads this time for sure. It will cost less money to shut their criminal fraud down at the polls than try and correct it later. The scum are very serious about their agenda of ethnic cleansing' make no mistake about it. Letting them steal elections is a death sentence for this country.
Already making excuses for why Donald is going to lose?
How touching.
Has joe figured out he is running for President yet?
Has Trump figured out he is president yet?
Trump isnt the one on the way to stage 3 Alzheimer's, dumbfuck
Listen Trumpist tool, your man after three years in office still hasn’t figured out what his role as president is. That is why he is completely fucking up the coronavirus response. Trumpist lemmings like yourself can’t see it because of your blind adoration for this fraud.

Be that as it may, all you have is lies on Biden. No one shows more signs of dementia and mental illness than Trump, ya moron.
You do know that over 50 people have survived the virus? I bet not, because you are hoping for the worst. Trump will be YOUR president for five more years. Grow up and stop your whining.
Not really. Don’t worry. Very little difference between sniffy Joe and lying Donald.
Joe is a socialist Prog in disguise of playing the moderate Democrat. Fooled to many times. His potential cabinet and the way those ever elected have voted as politicians tells you that.
So you're saying you can't have a conversation unless your chosen candidate's faults are minimized and sugar coated, and somehow it's my problem?

tRump lies. If you cannot deal.with it maybe you should think about supporting someone else.

People that are adept at conversation and debate understand and are considerate of the fact that different people have different perspectives and opinions. That's the best way to have a conversation with somebody that disagrees with you. She knows how to show a little bit of respect and consideration towards somebody with a different opinion. She's obviously a lot more mature than you are.
So, that's a roundabout way of saying "yes"?
Four more years of lunatic tweets and overspending?

How is that a "relevant alternative"?

Calling Trump the only relevant alternative simply means that nobody else stands a chance of beating the candidate put forth by the Democrats. He is relevant and he is the alternative to Biden.
No one else is running against him.

You could say he's the only available alternative, but to say he's the only relevant one implies there is more than just him.
Well, there is Bill Weld. LOL
Except that with most states not holding a republican primary he's guaranteed not to get far.
Not really. Don’t worry. Very little difference between sniffy Joe and lying Donald.
Joe is a socialist Prog in disguise of playing the moderate Democrat. Fooled to many times. His potential cabinet and the way those ever elected have voted as politicians tells you that.
No way. You haven’t done any research into his record. He’s a warmongering corporatist elitist just like Ears and the bitch.

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