It would probably be best if Democrats and the media would calm the fuck down

Probably be the best if the treasonous fat senile old orange clown quit lying from the bully pulpit.
That's EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Just calm the fuck down.

You lost the election.

You will have another chance in 2020.

That's our system, so learn to live with it.

We're over the election.

Are you?

It's been almost a year and you're still blaming everything on the election :dunno:
Opposition to Trump has nothing to do with ‘the election.’

It has to do with the fact that Trump is unfit to be president, and should be removed from office accordingly.

Exactly. The election is over. Trump is the legitimate president. Unless he commits a crime there isn't going to be an impeachment - that's just trash talking.

How quickly they forget their blanket opposition to Obama ("we're going to make him a one term president"), the crazy made up fake stories (birth certificate) and all that crap. Do you suppose it was because they were "snowflakes" and "sore losers" not once but twice? :dunno:
Speaking of BS quickly you forget the Birthers :lol:

Oh yes, I remember that. It was started during the primary process when Hil-Liar's people brought that up to try and defeat Obama.

And another fake news item :lol:

No, it wasn't started by Clinton - that's been debunked. Even if it WERE - you piled on, fluffed it, pumped it, legitimized it in the media and nourished it for eight years. Even the PRESIDENT you elected pushed it.

Does that mean for the past 8 years the right has been sore losers and sour grapes?
Probably be the best if the treasonous fat senile old orange clown quit lying from the bully pulpit.
That's EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Just calm the fuck down.

You lost the election.

You will have another chance in 2020.

That's our system, so learn to live with it.

We're over the election.

Are you?

It's been almost a year and you're still blaming everything on the election :dunno:

Here is a really numbskull response, if ever there was one.

I don't see him blaming anything at all on the Election. When one of you Bolsheviks have nothing at all to refute the message you are responding to....learn not to respond...and you won't make a fool of yourself.

Reading this board, I have come to believe it is impossible to carry on a mature conversation with a Demo-Bolshevik.---here is an example why.



And a brilliant example of a post that has little to do with the topic.

When are you going to quit blaming things on "sore losers" and holding Trump accountable? Ever?

A man should not bother himself with things over which he has no control (Epictetus). But, to the extent he does, he should be sure to judge these outside things from a just and reasonable perspective.

I believe that a good barometer of Trump's performance is how insanely mad...he makes really really fucked-up people like yourself.

I think he is the best president since Reagan....who you pompous assholes (and ugly bitches) assured us would get us into a nuclear war.

Yes, you are a "sore loser", but I don't blame you...its your nature. Its beyond my control...and obviously yours too.

Speaking of BS quickly you forget the Birthers :lol:

Oh yes, I remember that. It was started during the primary process when Hil-Liar's people brought that up to try and defeat Obama.

And another fake news item :lol:

No, it wasn't started by Clinton - that's been debunked. Even if it WERE - you piled on, fluffed it, pumped it, legitimized it in the media and nourished it for eight years. Even the PRESIDENT you elected pushed it.

Does that mean for the past 8 years the right has been sore losers and sour grapes?

No, because only a small fraction of the right made any kind of big deal out of it.

And yes, "anonymous" emails supporting Hillary promoted the birther movement. But of course it had nothing to do with her. No, no, no...........
Probably be the best if the treasonous fat senile old orange clown quit lying from the bully pulpit.
That's EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Just calm the fuck down.

You lost the election.

You will have another chance in 2020.

That's our system, so learn to live with it.

Why exactly do you think that an elected President should be exempt from criticism?
Lots of us hated Obama, but we didn't go out in the streets and beat people up and fight with the cops and break things.

This is nuts.

And most of us who believe Trump is a bad President aren't going out in the streets, or beating people up, or fighting with cops or breaking things.
Probably be the best if the treasonous fat senile old orange clown quit lying from the bully pulpit.
That's EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Just calm the fuck down.

You lost the election.

You will have another chance in 2020.

That's our system, so learn to live with it.

We're over the election.

Are you?

It's been almost a year and you're still blaming everything on the election :dunno:

Perhaps YOU are over the election, but many on your side of the fence are not. Constant stories about the phony Russia thing, Trump not happy with the job and quitting, impeachment by the Democrats, the media are constantly selling BS stories and some people are buying them--and it ain't us on the right.

LOL- speaking of not over the election- when is Trump going to stop tweeting about it? And the 'Russia thing'

When it Trump going to stop spreading fake news?
Speaking of BS quickly you forget the Birthers :lol:

Oh yes, I remember that. It was started during the primary process when Hil-Liar's people brought that up to try and defeat Obama.

And another fake news item :lol:

No, it wasn't started by Clinton - that's been debunked. Even if it WERE - you piled on, fluffed it, pumped it, legitimized it in the media and nourished it for eight years. Even the PRESIDENT you elected pushed it.

Does that mean for the past 8 years the right has been sore losers and sour grapes?

No, because only a small fraction of the right made any kind of big deal out of it.

And yes, "anonymous" emails supporting Hillary promoted the birther movement. But of course it had nothing to do with her. No, no, no...........

Only a small fraction? Seriously?

Seventy-two percent of registered Republican voters still doubt President Obama’s citizenship, according to a recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll conducted in late June and early July (2016) of more than 1,700 registered voters. And this skepticism even exists among Republicans high in political knowledge.
Speaking of BS quickly you forget the Birthers :lol:

Oh yes, I remember that. It was started during the primary process when Hil-Liar's people brought that up to try and defeat Obama.

And another fake news item :lol:

No, it wasn't started by Clinton - that's been debunked. Even if it WERE - you piled on, fluffed it, pumped it, legitimized it in the media and nourished it for eight years. Even the PRESIDENT you elected pushed it.

Does that mean for the past 8 years the right has been sore losers and sour grapes?

No, because only a small fraction of the right made any kind of big deal out of it.

And yes, "anonymous" emails supporting Hillary promoted the birther movement. But of course it had nothing to do with her. No, no, no...........

Only a small fraction? Seriously?

Seventy-two percent of registered Republican voters still doubt President Obama’s citizenship, according to a recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll conducted in late June and early July (2016) of more than 1,700 registered voters. And this skepticism even exists among Republicans high in political knowledge.

For one, 1,700 is not that large of a sample. Two, those are people with opinions, not activists.
There are plenty of legitimate reasons to blame Trump:

Not putting congress in session through a declaration of legislative emergency.

Staying aloof from the Green Party proving that Ds never saw a ballot box they didn't want to stuff.

Not going along with congress to get an investigation of D collusion with Russians.

Not bringing everyone in court who has had anything to provide sanctuary to illegal alien felons, a very long laundry list of felonies.
Can you do that?

No. And neither should you.

If any of you would turn off your alternative facts, as well as fake news and just simply read what he really does.

By law, it is published on the .gov website.


Read other factual website. Such as the SCOTUS blog and the Congressional Record.

Quit swallowing this shit whole.
Probably be the best if the treasonous fat senile old orange clown quit lying from the bully pulpit.
That's EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Just calm the fuck down.

You lost the election.

You will have another chance in 2020.

That's our system, so learn to live with it.
Don't talk bad about The Don.....Blackroot can't take it, it's not when he showed Oblama all that respect he wants the democrats to observe...
Probably be the best if the treasonous fat senile old orange clown quit lying from the bully pulpit.
That's EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Just calm the fuck down.

You lost the election.

You will have another chance in 2020.

That's our system, so learn to live with it.

We're over the election.

Are you?

It's been almost a year and you're still blaming everything on the election :dunno:

Here is a really numbskull response, if ever there was one.

I don't see him blaming anything at all on the Election. When one of you Bolsheviks have nothing at all to refute the message you are responding to....learn not to respond...and you won't make a fool of yourself.

Reading this board, I have come to believe it is impossible to carry on a mature conversation with a Demo-Bolshevik.---here is an example why.


Useful idiots. They're brainwashed and dishonest. You can't do much with that.

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