it's 6am, do you know where your President is?

whining about Clinton
calling our intel Nazis


is about as far from Presidential as it gets.
This country is fucked

No, you mean the Country as YOU would like it to be is "fucked"
Free and functioning?

Which is never what happens with a Far Lefty.
For people like you it's all about "controlling" anyone you perceive as an enemy, politically or otherwise.
Don't deny it, you'd LOVE to shut down talk radio. You'd LOVE the power to call any News Source you want to "fake news" and shut them down too.
^ dumb fucking rube doesn't realize that conservatives have labelled the majority of our news media as fake news and threatened to jail people they percieve as enemies politically or otherwise
This country is fucked

No, you mean the Country as YOU would like it to be is "fucked"
Free and functioning?

Which is never what happens with a Far Lefty.
For people like you it's all about "controlling" anyone you perceive as an enemy, politically or otherwise.
Don't deny it, you'd LOVE to shut down talk radio. You'd LOVE the power to call any News Source you want to "fake news" and shut them down too.
^ dumb fucking rube doesn't realize that conservatives have labelled the majority of our news media as fake news and threatened to jail people they percieve as enemies politically or otherwise

LOL, all that estrogen is ruining your reputation :)
Nobody who is anybody has called for that. Nice try at dodging the accusations though. Now deal with this truth and admit it's what you want.

"Don't deny it, you'd LOVE to shut down talk radio. You'd LOVE the power to call any News Source you want to "fake news" and shut them down. "
Poor crybaby snowflakes can't stand Trump circumvents the lame stream media and goes straight to the citizenry.

They can't spin it and filter it.

Lieberals are always pissed off with the truth. Trump multitasks, snowflakes cry.

1.) multitasking is impossible ... humans can only do one "task" at a time
2.) a 70 year old man playing teenager ? seriously
3.) fuck trump

"The Simpsons" about Donald Trump last summer.... "3:00 AM"

This country is fucked

No, you mean the Country as YOU would like it to be is "fucked"
Free and functioning?

Which is never what happens with a Far Lefty.
For people like you it's all about "controlling" anyone you perceive as an enemy, politically or otherwise.
Don't deny it, you'd LOVE to shut down talk radio. You'd LOVE the power to call any News Source you want to "fake news" and shut them down too.
^ dumb fucking rube doesn't realize that conservatives have labelled the majority of our news media as fake news and threatened to jail people they percieve as enemies politically or otherwise

LOL, all that estrogen is ruining your reputation :)
Nobody who is anybody has called for that. Nice try at dodging the accusations though. Now deal with this truth and admit it's what you want.

"Don't deny it, you'd LOVE to shut down talk radio. You'd LOVE the power to call any News Source you want to "fake news" and shut them down. "

You're really using Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday image for your avatar? Bwahahahahahaha.....You're a real 1990s sort of macho stupid.
This country is fucked

No, you mean the Country as YOU would like it to be is "fucked"
Free and functioning?

Which is never what happens with a Far Lefty.
For people like you it's all about "controlling" anyone you perceive as an enemy, politically or otherwise.
Don't deny it, you'd LOVE to shut down talk radio. You'd LOVE the power to call any News Source you want to "fake news" and shut them down too.
^ dumb fucking rube doesn't realize that conservatives have labelled the majority of our news media as fake news and threatened to jail people they percieve as enemies politically or otherwise

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