it's 6am, do you know where your President is?



your turn doc... dems were responsible huh ?
Demcrats call EVERYONE they don't like "Nazi's". Remove your head from your posterior.

Good read, I assume you can read?

"Democrats and the Nazi Card"

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the odds-on favorite to become the Democratic National Committee's chairman, had a long association with the anti-Semitic Nation of Islam. He compared then-President George W. Bush and 9/11 to Adolf Hitler and the destruction of the Reichstag, the German parliament building: "9/11 is the juggernaut in American history and it allows ... it's almost like, you know, the Reichstag fire," Ellison said. "After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it, and it put the leader of that country (Hitler) in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted."

Comparing Republicans to Nazis has long been a national pastime of the Democratic Party.

Democrats and the Nazi Card

During the 1964 Goldwater/Johnson presidential race, Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater accepted an invitation to visit an American military installation located in Bavaria, Germany. On "CBS Evening News," hosted by Walter Cronkite, correspondent Daniel Schorr said: "It is now clear that Sen. Goldwater's interview with Der Spiegel, with its hard line appealing to right-wing elements in Germany, was only the start of a move to link up with his opposite numbers in Germany." The reaction shot — when the cameras returned to Cronkite — showed the "most trusted man in America" gravely shaking his head. When Goldwater accepted the Republican nomination, Democratic California Gov. Pat Brown said, "The stench of fascism is in the air."

yeah, its the dems and their nazi innuendos ..

View attachment 106555

you were saying ?


As I said, and proved it's the Dems primary tactic, sorry son.

sure it is,thats why all the Obama/Hitler billboards were put up ... the dems did it!

slink away old man ...

I've already proven it's a primary DEm tactic, all one must do is look at these threads.
No need to slink anywhere, you aren't up to any real debate.


stop deflecting by blaming me ... prove the dems put up those billboards or stfu.

easy enough Mr debater ..


LOL, so you are trying to make the point that Dems don't do it?
Is that really your point?
Poor crybaby snowflakes can't stand Trump circumvents the lame stream media and goes straight to the citizenry.

They can't spin it and filter it.

Lieberals are always pissed off with the truth. Trump multitasks, snowflakes cry.

Snowflakes = faggoty Alt-Right code word.

Cowards hide behind anonymous internet and dumb code-speak.

"lame stream media" = Sarah Palin speak (and we know what an intellectual giant she was)
Poor crybaby snowflakes can't stand Trump circumvents the lame stream media and goes straight to the citizenry.

They can't spin it and filter it.

Lieberals are always pissed off with the truth. Trump multitasks, snowflakes cry.

Snowflakes = faggoty Alt-Right code word.

Cowards hide behind anonymous internet and dumb code-speak.

"lame stream media" = Sarah Palin speak (and we know what an intellectual giant she was)

faggoty Alt-Right code word."

Pricelessly ironical ain't it?
Yes we know where Obama is. In bed dreaming about the golf course he will be playing later. It has been said he wakes up around 10 a.m..

the golf course he will be playing later

well maybe

looks like the golf course he likes

may be kicking him out over his anti jewish stance
A new front has opened in the battle at a largely Jewish country club over whether to admit President Obama, with supporters arguing his policies toward Israel should not be a litmus test.

The effort is meant to counter a vocal movement within the Woodmont Country Club in Maryland to exclude the president from membership because so many members object to his administration’s treatment of Israel.

“We are . . . concerned that the admissions process threatens to become a forum for members to advocate their political beliefs, particularly as they relate to Israel, a topic of increasing polarization in our community,” says a letter from supporters that began circulating Jan. 4.

Obama’s Israel policies may not keep him out of golf club after all | New York Post
Oh boy, let's see if liberals stick to their beliefs on this one. They were all for refusing TRUMP supporters services.

yeah we will have to see what happens


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