It's a cult: NBC "reporter" demands to know why some in Congress didn't clap for Zelensky

Why the fringe right is pro-Putin has been a valid question for quite some time now.

How the Democratic Party morphed from being peacenicks to the chickenhawk war mongers they were accusing the Republicans of being not even 20 years ago is also a valid question.
If I was sitting there thinking how the taxpayer is being bent-over by that little troll I'd not be in a clapping mood either.
Resistance to the Vietnam war began with a small whimper of protest too, and that was without any considerations of nuclear backlash!

Some understand: It's America's proxy war against Russia.

Calling it a war against Putin, Saddam, Khaddafi, Kim, Bashar, etc., etc., should be a hint on the truth.
The important question here is: did you clap along at home when Zelensky appeared on your screen? Because if you didn't, I want to know exactly why.
Nope didn’t watch it live. If I had I wouldn’t have either because applause is only meant to be from a live audience the presenter can see so they know their appreciation.
Nope didn’t watch it live. If I had I wouldn’t have either because applause is only meant to be from a live audience the presenter can see so they know their appreciation.

No clapping? So you're a Putin supporter. Got it, thanks.
How the Democratic Party morphed from being peacenicks to the chickenhawk war mongers they were accusing the Republicans of being not even 20 years ago is also a valid question.
But now the Republicans are called upon to demonstrate their opposition to America's war. Not just by a meager few dissenters who aren't clapping!

Only then will you have made a valid point.
See it doesn’t even matter what I do in the first place because if I was that reporter I wouldn’t have asked the question lol

Doesn't matter. He wants to know "exactly why" you didn't clap. I think you better confess...
Their comments and actions make them pro-Putin.
:icon_rolleyes: Of course your dumb ass is simply lying to the USMB forum again, as usual, you stupid moronic compulsive liar.

Can you provide a reasoned logical argument to support your stupid contentions, bitch?

Of course you cannot.
Doesn't matter. He wants to know "exactly why" you didn't clap. I think you better confess...
He knows why. I was not physically present lol. When you watch live sports, do you stand for the anthem and sing along EVERY time? The answer is no.

Most Republicans still support Putin

Sure they do, Ivan. :itsok: Here's a couple of Republicans you voted for:

In the most clear-cut case of freedom vs tyranny since WW2 some conservatives seem to be terribly conflicted. These people cannot be trusted to protect our freedom if they don't want to help anyone else protect theirs.
Take a look around the world. There are many countries that have been suffering under extended war, terrorism and corruption for decades. We need to solve our problems first. And we have HUGE problems.

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