It's a fact. Liberals are cowards.

Yes, they did, but had the owner done, that day, what he said he would do, then he could have used the new law as a defense. Now he cannot. That works just fine for me, he lost.

He never denied anyone service, he broke no laws. There is no law against what he said, there is a law against the threats he received. He won a million for not doing anything except voice an opinion. He never catered a wedding and he never will, that wasn't in his scope of business. He now cannot do what you and I cannot do, which neither of us would every do to begin with.

So, he didn't break a law and the lefty nutters did, so you don't even have the law.
I do have the law in the only way that it matters in this case, the ability regulate businesses. What his opinion is, I couldn't give a fucking damn, as long as he follows the law.

He has followed the law, even before it was law. However, those that threatened violence against him broke the law, why not condemn them and their hatred and bigotry?
I wasn't asked to. Obey the law, and if you shoot your mouth off in this day and age, don't cry to me when all hell breaks loose.

BTW, it's perfectly okay to hate hatred, and tolerance stops at intolerance.

So you were asked to chime in on this matter?
The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.
Your reply is proof that you do not have a clue what Conservatism is all about.
He never denied anyone service, he broke no laws. There is no law against what he said, there is a law against the threats he received. He won a million for not doing anything except voice an opinion. He never catered a wedding and he never will, that wasn't in his scope of business. He now cannot do what you and I cannot do, which neither of us would every do to begin with.

So, he didn't break a law and the lefty nutters did, so you don't even have the law.
I do have the law in the only way that it matters in this case, the ability regulate businesses. What his opinion is, I couldn't give a fucking damn, as long as he follows the law.

He has followed the law, even before it was law. However, those that threatened violence against him broke the law, why not condemn them and their hatred and bigotry?
I wasn't asked to. Obey the law, and if you shoot your mouth off in this day and age, don't cry to me when all hell breaks loose.

BTW, it's perfectly okay to hate hatred, and tolerance stops at intolerance.

So you were asked to chime in on this matter?
The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.
Your reply is proof that you do not have a clue what Conservatism is all about.

Really? Care to point out my errors? Conservative actions speak much louder than their words.
I don't know why I bother but okay.

See the overwhelming majority in this country is Christian to the point that I got handed an easter egg out on the street today. luckily it had candy and no religious message in there but this country is overwhelmingly Christian.

It is true that in OTHER COUNTRIES, Muslims do despicable things to women and gay people. The keywords are other countries. I am not a citizen of Saudi Arabia or Iran and change the laws there. But I am a citizen of the US, I can change what others using religion in this country are doing to hurt unpopular groups.

Saying that Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays because Muslims in other countries do much worse is a ridculous argument.

Wow! You got handed a an Easter egg, how frightening! Man, glad there wasn't anything in the egg to offend you, that would have been terrible! You never know where those evil people will pop up. Such a terrifying life you have.

I wouldn't have taken the egg, I would have said no thank you, went on with my day and never have given a second thought about it. However, some of us aren't bigoted, we tolerate others and their rights and opinions.

So if a Muslim tried to hand you a Koran, you would tolerate it and take it?

Just as I would with an Easter egg, I would politely say no thank you and never have given a second thought about it.

You must live a tortured life, never go to Las Vegas, otherwise you would be offended all day long walking on the strip. They try to hand you stuff for strip clubs and crap like that. I say no thank you and keep walking.

You need to try doing that, instead of being a poor victim that is constantly in fear by others exercising their freedoms.
The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.
The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.

Why expect someone here to defend whoever those nuts were?

I hate to break it to you but being a liberal does not require one to sign a contract to defend every stupid thing some other liberal might do.

That is how the Right operates, not the Left.
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The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.

Why expect someone here to defend whoever those nuts were?

I hate to break it to you but being a liberal does not require one to sign a contract to defend every stupid thing some other liberal might do.

That is how the Right operates, not the Left.

I didn't ask for anyone to defend them, did I? Try getting your moms help and have her explain my post to you.

Maybe she will give you some milk and cookies if you say please.
I hate to break it to you but being a liberal does not require one to sign a contract to defend every stupid thing some other liberal might do.

That is how the Right operates, not the Left.

This shows in the way the voters and lawmakers of each party designate their personal ideology.

Republican voters and lawmakers will overwhelmingly label themselves as 'conservatives', where as Democratic voters and lawmakers are pretty evenly split percentage-wise between the ones that label themselves 'liberal' and 'moderate'.

Heck, a good number of conservatives enjoy 'RINO hunting'. Rarely will you ever hear of a Democratic equivalent.

You can easily see which party the majority of America's political group-think is home to..
I don't know why I bother but okay.

See the overwhelming majority in this country is Christian to the point that I got handed an easter egg out on the street today. luckily it had candy and no religious message in there but this country is overwhelmingly Christian.

It is true that in OTHER COUNTRIES, Muslims do despicable things to women and gay people. The keywords are other countries. I am not a citizen of Saudi Arabia or Iran and change the laws there. But I am a citizen of the US, I can change what others using religion in this country are doing to hurt unpopular groups.

Saying that Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays because Muslims in other countries do much worse is a ridculous argument.
Letting gays violate Christians rights is despicable also, but idiots on the left support that.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
When we can get the Christians and Jews to start behaving like adults, we'll work on the Muslims. What part of Jesus teaching you to remove the speck from your eye first did you miss?

So you are a Christian or are you a Jew?

I'm neither. Secular Humanist. Fuck the non-existent god.

I actually was posting the question for PaintMyHouse, but he never answered.
I am the only rational type, an agnostic.
You are an idiot.
I hate to break it to you but being a liberal does not require one to sign a contract to defend every stupid thing some other liberal might do.

That is how the Right operates, not the Left.

This shows in the way the voters and lawmakers of each party designate their personal ideology.

Republican voters and lawmakers will overwhelmingly label themselves as 'conservatives', where as Democratic voters and lawmakers are pretty evenly split percentage-wise between the ones that label themselves 'liberal' and 'moderate'.

Heck, a good number of conservatives enjoy 'RINO hunting'. Rarely will you ever hear of a Democratic equivalent.

You can easily see which party the majority of America's political group-think is home to..

Again where in the hell did I ask anyone to defend the bigots that threatened the shop owners with violence?
You misapplied removing the speck from your eye first, since you are neither a Christian or a Jew, you can remove nothing before you work on Muslims. Not your place.

I prefer to work on my faults and not worry about others faults.
Good boy. Tell mommy to give you a cookie, and I'll go back to denouncing religious assholes denouncing other religious assholes.

Oh did I hurt your poor whittle feelings? You only denounce certain religious assholes, that is why you are a hypocrite and a bigot.
I denounce all of them, little man, when and if it's called for.

Sure you do, you lie to yourself a lot don't you boy.
Nope, my little man, I do not. All religions and all religious people are morons. The fact that I focus mainly on the Christian is because they are the ones who are fucking up my liberal nation.
Lying again. It is libtards that have screwed this nation.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Libs cowards? LOL, looks like you fundy con christers are the weak sisters that caved like a stack of church bulletins in Indiana and Arkansas
I don't know why I bother but okay.

See the overwhelming majority in this country is Christian to the point that I got handed an easter egg out on the street today. luckily it had candy and no religious message in there but this country is overwhelmingly Christian.

It is true that in OTHER COUNTRIES, Muslims do despicable things to women and gay people. The keywords are other countries. I am not a citizen of Saudi Arabia or Iran and change the laws there. But I am a citizen of the US, I can change what others using religion in this country are doing to hurt unpopular groups.

Saying that Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays because Muslims in other countries do much worse is a ridculous argument.

Obeying ones religion is not discrimination. I'm not aware of any Christians discriminating against anyone. There is not one example of a Christian refusing to serve someone because they are gay. The problem is militant gays who intentionally target Christian owned businesses and demand services they they don't even advertize. Those bakers did not advertise that they make GAY wedding cakes. They would have made them a normal cake, but those perverts wanted a GAY wedding cake. The whole gay rights issue is much ado about nothing.

Okay, if you are "Obeying" your religion, then will bakers deny wedding cakes to a divorcee because it is an abomination to break your vows? Or what about having sex outside their marriage? Will Bakers be required to check the hymen of the female? I mean you are obeying your religion, why the selective enforcement?

Why stop there?

Why should they bake anything for an atheist? they are going to hell
Would they make a birthday cake for a wife beater?
Why sell bread to Jews? They are Christ killers after all

If a white person takes a walk in some areas of the USA they stand a good chance of being beaten or killed simply for being white, now that's a problem. This cake issue, its a joke and not a priority.
Has nothing to do with the OP

Our jails are filled with those who have victimized whites....don't see many bakers in jail
So, the OP paints a with a very wide brush an entire group based on the actions of a very few people (probably less than a 100th of percent), who overacted shamefully and you're fine with that? Also, the left wasn't an attack on Christianity as a whole. Not many businesses owned by Christians exclude people they deem immoral. It says in the Bible that only God can judges man (woman) and true Christian live by those words.
The OP is indefensible and is hyper judgmental to the point of exaggeration.
In reality, my initial response to the OP itself, was exaggerated and also painted a small group with a broad brush. So I'd like to apologize to those who don't fall into my characterization of conservatives.
On a side note, I believe it's their right to refuse to cater a gay wedding or any wedding actually. But in the same breath, it's wrong not to serve gay folks. But that isn't the issue.
But I do have issues with fake Christians, when they are really just convenient Christians.
Your liberal nation?

Please post a link to your warranty or quitclaim deed.
My people founded it, for my kind, not yours. And the deed, which we wrote, is known as the Constitution. Perhaps you've heard of it?

News flash those less intellectually endowed.


I fought for my country, I bled for my country and I fucking damn neared died for my do not in any way lay claim to fucking thing.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
Where are all the conservative protests and riots over Muslim attacks on Christians? Guess they must be cowards.
The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

Nice anti-Christian/anti Republican rant.

But do you have a point?
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
Where are all the conservative protests and riots over Muslim attacks on Christians? Guess they must be cowards.

Riot and attack is the calling card of leftist pukes, not us. See Ferguson, Chick fil A and Memories pizzeria closure.
The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.

The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

Nice anti-Christian/anti Republican rant.

But do you have a point?

Care to show me what's anti-Christian. I'll wait.
View attachment 38959
The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.

The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

Nice anti-Christian/anti Republican rant.

But do you have a point?

Care to show me what's anti-Christian. I'll wait.

The whole thing is anti-Christian. From where you accused people who are Christian of not helping the poor (whu?) to where you accuse anyone with a different view point as a bad or not REAL Christian.

What's funny is the fact that #1, the pizzeria owners were not rich, and the leftist screechers pushed them out of they are now poor...and #2, obviously, conservatives and Christians are very happy to put their money where their mouth is, and support people who are in dire straits.

In this case, the pizzeria's family is in dire straits because a bunch of puke terrorist homonazis started flinging death threats at them. So fellow Christians have lined up to alleviate the financial burden the bigots have laid on them..and yet you're whining that we don't help the poor.

If it wasn't so creepy, it would be funny.

You guys constantly insist that if you don't steal our money, we'll not contribute to the less fortunate. It's a total lie and always has been. Conservatives give exponentially more to charity than progressives, and Christians give even more than that. We always have. It's just a lying meme that you adopt to justify the application of commie policies that penalize working families and business owners.

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