It's a fact. Liberals are cowards.

View attachment 38959
The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.

The far right calls liberal cowards, yet they are the only ones who are afraid. They are afraid of Blacks, they are afraid of Hispanics, they are afraid of all Muslims. they are afraid of strong women, they are afraid of gays, they are afraid of the Pope, they are afraid of the Middle Class, they are afraid of moderates, they are afraid of what two hetrosexuals do behind closed doors, they are afraid of equal rights, they are afraid of peace and they are afraid of wimpy liberals. I sure I missed many other things they are afraid of.
And then they have the audacity to be claiming Christians. Real Christians believe in helping the poor, protecting the environment, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God" and "love your neighbor as yourself." and "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This is the same thing as claiming to be Christian but supporting abortion or homosexuality.

Nice anti-Christian/anti Republican rant.

But do you have a point?

Care to show me what's anti-Christian. I'll wait.

The whole thing is anti-Christian. From where you accused people who are Christian of not helping the poor (whu?) to where you accuse anyone with a different view point as a bad or not REAL Christian.

What's funny is the fact that #1, the pizzeria owners were not rich, and the leftist screechers pushed them out of they are now poor...and #2, obviously, conservatives and Christians are very happy to put their money where their mouth is, and support people who are in dire straits.

In this case, the pizzeria's family is in dire straits because a bunch of puke terrorist homonazis started flinging death threats at them. So fellow Christians have lined up to alleviate the financial burden the bigots have laid on them..and yet you're whining that we don't help the poor.

If it wasn't so creepy, it would be funny.

You guys constantly insist that if you don't steal our money, we'll not contribute to the less fortunate. It's a total lie and always has been. Conservatives give exponentially more to charity than progressives, and Christians give even more than that. We always have. It's just a lying meme that you adopt to justify the application of commie policies that penalize working families and business owners.

No, it wasn't anti-Christian, it was anti-fake Christian.
Now if you had reading comprehension, you'd note that I mentioned the right and the left views that are in defiance of the Word of God.
Conservatives for the most part are always accusing the left for a war of Christianity, which is of course BS. But doing this is the right's M.O. They do it constantly as they they are the perfect Christians. Yet, they consistently claim the poor or left are trying to take their money. They consistently go after folks who are acting out God's charge to be Stewards of the Earth in other words, environmentalist. Plus I swear, the right hates just about every living ethnic group that isn't white.
I like that stealing our money thing. I would guess that you aren't a wealthy person, based on your logic and posts. Would you like to go into depth about who is stealing our money? What does the correlation mean to you that as wages flattened out, the Middle Class has shrunk and weakened at the same time the upper-percentile's wealth has increased at levels not seen before. Who is stealing from who? See the Bible quotes below.
"Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts." James 5:4
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty. Proberbs 22:16
The Pope talks about the Bible's view about low wages and the poor and many, many righties on this board blast the Pope as a Socialist when in fact he is quoting God! Then these same people scream about the left attacking Christianity!
The same holds true to any posters who believe we should take care of the Earth, we get chastised by the right endlessly.
"I brought you into the fruitful land To eat its fruit and its good things But you came and defiled My land, And My inheritance you made an abomination. -Jeremiah 2:7
"I will first doubly repay their iniquity and their sin, because they have polluted My land; they have filled My inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable idols and with their abominations." -Jeremiah 16:18

What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?


Raised by 29,107 people in 2 days

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Christians are supporting their brethren when a believer is targeted and attacked and threatened by godless freaks. We're good.

"What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?"-Koshergrl
I'm certainly not a Christian hater, then I'd hate myself.
I was born and raised in a Christian home. My family consists of ministers and missionaries and of course other occupations. I attend church almost every Sunday.
We recently had a sermon about what I call "convenient Christians". The bottom-line, one can't be a true Christian if they choose only particular wishes of God to obey and then knowingly disobey the other charges of God, all because of a political ideology.
Also, no real Christian would ever attack the Pope for repeating what is exactly in the Bible. Don't they know the very basics of the Bible?
I'm not saying I'm the perfect Christian, but I have lived my life based on the Bible's direction. I take my faith, very, very seriously.
The libs are just mad this blew up in their faces and they didn't get any cash
Didn't cost Libs a cent....Did it?

Shit, you all are broke jokes.

I don't see Liberals wasting our money on that bigoted shithole

We are laughing at you

No you're not, that's why you all are making a big fuss. You got stuffed and you know it. Yet another liberal fail, they just keep mounting and you're too damn stupid to recognize it

We got the law changed. We got the law gutted to the point where it's a pro-gay law.
So now religious people are required to have ghey sex?
View attachment 38959
I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.

Nice anti-Christian/anti Republican rant.

But do you have a point?

Care to show me what's anti-Christian. I'll wait.

The whole thing is anti-Christian. From where you accused people who are Christian of not helping the poor (whu?) to where you accuse anyone with a different view point as a bad or not REAL Christian.

What's funny is the fact that #1, the pizzeria owners were not rich, and the leftist screechers pushed them out of they are now poor...and #2, obviously, conservatives and Christians are very happy to put their money where their mouth is, and support people who are in dire straits.

In this case, the pizzeria's family is in dire straits because a bunch of puke terrorist homonazis started flinging death threats at them. So fellow Christians have lined up to alleviate the financial burden the bigots have laid on them..and yet you're whining that we don't help the poor.

If it wasn't so creepy, it would be funny.

You guys constantly insist that if you don't steal our money, we'll not contribute to the less fortunate. It's a total lie and always has been. Conservatives give exponentially more to charity than progressives, and Christians give even more than that. We always have. It's just a lying meme that you adopt to justify the application of commie policies that penalize working families and business owners.

No, it wasn't anti-Christian, it was anti-fake Christian.
Now if you had reading comprehension, you'd note that I mentioned the right and the left views that are in defiance of the Word of God.
Conservatives for the most part are always accusing the left for a war of Christianity, which is of course BS. But doing this is the right's M.O. They do it constantly as they they are the perfect Christians. Yet, they consistently claim the poor or left are trying to take their money. They consistently go after folks who are acting out God's charge to be Stewards of the Earth in other words, environmentalist. Plus I swear, the right hates just about every living ethnic group that isn't white.
I like that stealing our money thing. I would guess that you aren't a wealthy person, based on your logic and posts. Would you like to go into depth about who is stealing our money? What does the correlation mean to you that as wages flattened out, the Middle Class has shrunk and weakened at the same time the upper-percentile's wealth has increased at levels not seen before. Who is stealing from who? See the Bible quotes below.
"Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts." James 5:4
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty. Proberbs 22:16
The Pope talks about the Bible's view about low wages and the poor and many, many righties on this board blast the Pope as a Socialist when in fact he is quoting God! Then these same people scream about the left attacking Christianity!
The same holds true to any posters who believe we should take care of the Earth, we get chastised by the right endlessly.
"I brought you into the fruitful land To eat its fruit and its good things But you came and defiled My land, And My inheritance you made an abomination. -Jeremiah 2:7
"I will first doubly repay their iniquity and their sin, because they have polluted My land; they have filled My inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable idols and with their abominations." -Jeremiah 16:18

What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?


Raised by 29,107 people in 2 days

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Christians are supporting their brethren when a believer is targeted and attacked and threatened by godless freaks. We're good.

The libs are just mad this blew up in their faces and they didn't get any cash
Yes. getting the law changed in a week. My heart is broken.
View attachment 38959
I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.

Nice anti-Christian/anti Republican rant.

But do you have a point?

Care to show me what's anti-Christian. I'll wait.

The whole thing is anti-Christian. From where you accused people who are Christian of not helping the poor (whu?) to where you accuse anyone with a different view point as a bad or not REAL Christian.

What's funny is the fact that #1, the pizzeria owners were not rich, and the leftist screechers pushed them out of they are now poor...and #2, obviously, conservatives and Christians are very happy to put their money where their mouth is, and support people who are in dire straits.

In this case, the pizzeria's family is in dire straits because a bunch of puke terrorist homonazis started flinging death threats at them. So fellow Christians have lined up to alleviate the financial burden the bigots have laid on them..and yet you're whining that we don't help the poor.

If it wasn't so creepy, it would be funny.

You guys constantly insist that if you don't steal our money, we'll not contribute to the less fortunate. It's a total lie and always has been. Conservatives give exponentially more to charity than progressives, and Christians give even more than that. We always have. It's just a lying meme that you adopt to justify the application of commie policies that penalize working families and business owners.

No, it wasn't anti-Christian, it was anti-fake Christian.
Now if you had reading comprehension, you'd note that I mentioned the right and the left views that are in defiance of the Word of God.
Conservatives for the most part are always accusing the left for a war of Christianity, which is of course BS. But doing this is the right's M.O. They do it constantly as they they are the perfect Christians. Yet, they consistently claim the poor or left are trying to take their money. They consistently go after folks who are acting out God's charge to be Stewards of the Earth in other words, environmentalist. Plus I swear, the right hates just about every living ethnic group that isn't white.
I like that stealing our money thing. I would guess that you aren't a wealthy person, based on your logic and posts. Would you like to go into depth about who is stealing our money? What does the correlation mean to you that as wages flattened out, the Middle Class has shrunk and weakened at the same time the upper-percentile's wealth has increased at levels not seen before. Who is stealing from who? See the Bible quotes below.
"Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts." James 5:4
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty. Proberbs 22:16
The Pope talks about the Bible's view about low wages and the poor and many, many righties on this board blast the Pope as a Socialist when in fact he is quoting God! Then these same people scream about the left attacking Christianity!
The same holds true to any posters who believe we should take care of the Earth, we get chastised by the right endlessly.
"I brought you into the fruitful land To eat its fruit and its good things But you came and defiled My land, And My inheritance you made an abomination. -Jeremiah 2:7
"I will first doubly repay their iniquity and their sin, because they have polluted My land; they have filled My inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable idols and with their abominations." -Jeremiah 16:18

What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?


Raised by 29,107 people in 2 days

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Christians are supporting their brethren when a believer is targeted and attacked and threatened by godless freaks. We're good.

"What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?"-Koshergrl
I'm certainly not a Christian hater, then I'd hate myself.
I was born and raised in a Christian home. My family consists of ministers and missionaries and of course other occupations. I attend church almost every Sunday.
We recently had a sermon about what I call "convenient Christians". The bottom-line, one can't be a true Christian if they choose only particular wishes of God to obey and then knowingly disobey the other charges of God, all because of a political ideology.
Also, no real Christian would ever attack the Pope for repeating what is exactly in the Bible. Don't they know the very basics of the Bible?
I'm not saying I'm the perfect Christian, but I have lived my life based on the Bible's direction. I take my faith, very, very seriously.

Yeah, whatever.
View attachment 38959
I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.

Nice anti-Christian/anti Republican rant.

But do you have a point?

Care to show me what's anti-Christian. I'll wait.

The whole thing is anti-Christian. From where you accused people who are Christian of not helping the poor (whu?) to where you accuse anyone with a different view point as a bad or not REAL Christian.

What's funny is the fact that #1, the pizzeria owners were not rich, and the leftist screechers pushed them out of they are now poor...and #2, obviously, conservatives and Christians are very happy to put their money where their mouth is, and support people who are in dire straits.

In this case, the pizzeria's family is in dire straits because a bunch of puke terrorist homonazis started flinging death threats at them. So fellow Christians have lined up to alleviate the financial burden the bigots have laid on them..and yet you're whining that we don't help the poor.

If it wasn't so creepy, it would be funny.

You guys constantly insist that if you don't steal our money, we'll not contribute to the less fortunate. It's a total lie and always has been. Conservatives give exponentially more to charity than progressives, and Christians give even more than that. We always have. It's just a lying meme that you adopt to justify the application of commie policies that penalize working families and business owners.

No, it wasn't anti-Christian, it was anti-fake Christian.
Now if you had reading comprehension, you'd note that I mentioned the right and the left views that are in defiance of the Word of God.
Conservatives for the most part are always accusing the left for a war of Christianity, which is of course BS. But doing this is the right's M.O. They do it constantly as they they are the perfect Christians. Yet, they consistently claim the poor or left are trying to take their money. They consistently go after folks who are acting out God's charge to be Stewards of the Earth in other words, environmentalist. Plus I swear, the right hates just about every living ethnic group that isn't white.
I like that stealing our money thing. I would guess that you aren't a wealthy person, based on your logic and posts. Would you like to go into depth about who is stealing our money? What does the correlation mean to you that as wages flattened out, the Middle Class has shrunk and weakened at the same time the upper-percentile's wealth has increased at levels not seen before. Who is stealing from who? See the Bible quotes below.
"Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts." James 5:4
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty. Proberbs 22:16
The Pope talks about the Bible's view about low wages and the poor and many, many righties on this board blast the Pope as a Socialist when in fact he is quoting God! Then these same people scream about the left attacking Christianity!
The same holds true to any posters who believe we should take care of the Earth, we get chastised by the right endlessly.
"I brought you into the fruitful land To eat its fruit and its good things But you came and defiled My land, And My inheritance you made an abomination. -Jeremiah 2:7
"I will first doubly repay their iniquity and their sin, because they have polluted My land; they have filled My inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable idols and with their abominations." -Jeremiah 16:18

What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?


Raised by 29,107 people in 2 days

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Christians are supporting their brethren when a believer is targeted and attacked and threatened by godless freaks. We're good.
Shoot. They can afford to retire now. They could live comfortably on the interest alone.
Not a financial guy eh? Good luck even finding 5%, which is 40K after taxes and not out there.
What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?


Raised by 29,107 people in 2 days

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Christians are supporting their brethren when a believer is targeted and attacked and threatened by godless freaks. We're good.

The libs are just mad this blew up in their faces and they didn't get any cash
Didn't cost Libs a cent....Did it?

Shit, you all are broke jokes.

I don't see Liberals wasting our money on that bigoted shithole

We are laughing at you

No you're not, that's why you all are making a big fuss. You got stuffed and you know it. Yet another liberal fail, they just keep mounting and you're too damn stupid to recognize it

Seems strange liberals have not wasted a cent on that bigoted shithole

Could you imagine if Conservatives did things to actually help people?
The libs are just mad this blew up in their faces and they didn't get any cash
Didn't cost Libs a cent....Did it?

Shit, you all are broke jokes.

I don't see Liberals wasting our money on that bigoted shithole

We are laughing at you

Shit, you all are broke jokes.

I don't see Liberals wasting our money on that bigoted shithole

We are laughing at you

No you're not, that's why you all are making a big fuss. You got stuffed and you know it. Yet another liberal fail, they just keep mounting and you're too damn stupid to recognize it[/QUOTE]

Seems strange liberals have not wasted a cent on that bigoted shithole

Could you imagine if Conservatives did things to actually help people?[/QUOTE]

Where are all the conservative protests and riots over Muslim attacks on Christians? Guess they must be cowards.

Riot and attack is the calling card of leftist pukes, not us. See Ferguson, Chick fil A and Memories pizzeria closure.
If you conservatives aren't willing to go out and make yourselves heard regarding Muslim attacks on Christians, why do you expect us to? Why should we carry your water for you? Get off your asses and do something about it yourselves.
So you admin the main stream media are a bunch of liberals and therefore don't need to be reporting the news from a more centrist, unbiased point of view.
No, I'm saying that conservatives are a bunch of whiny cowards who aren't willing to go out and publicly protest what they consider to be attacks on Christians. Liberals are willing to stand up for their beliefs and go out and be heard. Conservatives sit on the sidelines or attack liberals over things they won't go out and defend themselves. Keyboard warrior wannabes. If the big bad "LSM" isn't reporting Conservative protests, it's probably because they aren't occurring.

Muslim bakers refusing to serve homos isn't an attack on Christians.

Try, try again, loon.
I didn't say they were, dumbass. I was referring to Muslim attacks on Christians - Like Boko Haram occurring overseas. This idiotic thread is accusing liberals of cowardice for not attacking Muslims because of actions of Muslim groups against gays overseas. My response is that conservatives aren't doing shit about Boko Haram or Al Qaeda or Iran or Saudi Arabia actions against Christians overseas. Where is all the conservative outrage, the protests, the boycotts? The OP has a lot of fucking nerve accusing anyone of cowardice.
Didn't cost Libs a cent....Did it?

Shit, you all are broke jokes.

I don't see Liberals wasting our money on that bigoted shithole

We are laughing at you

Shit, you all are broke jokes.

I don't see Liberals wasting our money on that bigoted shithole

We are laughing at you

No you're not, that's why you all are making a big fuss. You got stuffed and you know it. Yet another liberal fail, they just keep mounting and you're too damn stupid to recognize it

Seems strange liberals have not wasted a cent on that bigoted shithole

Could you imagine if Conservatives did things to actually help people?[/QUOTE]


You're misquoting me, breeder.

I'm laughing because the Indiana law got gutted.
Shit, you all are broke jokes.

I don't see Liberals wasting our money on that bigoted shithole

We are laughing at you

Shit, you all are broke jokes.

I don't see Liberals wasting our money on that bigoted shithole

We are laughing at you

No you're not, that's why you all are making a big fuss. You got stuffed and you know it. Yet another liberal fail, they just keep mounting and you're too damn stupid to recognize it

Seems strange liberals have not wasted a cent on that bigoted shithole

Could you imagine if Conservatives did things to actually help people?


You're misquoting me, breeder.

I'm laughing because the Indiana law got gutted.[/QUOTE]

Watch your mouth, fag
View attachment 38959
I'm not afraid of any of those people. Some left wing nutters are afraid of differing opinions to the point of threatening violence on a single restaurant in the state of Indiana where a worker voiced a single opinion. Why is that? Why are they afraid of a different opinion to the point of threatening this one restaurant?

Since that is the threads topic, I thought you might be able to shed your light on this issue.

Nice anti-Christian/anti Republican rant.

But do you have a point?

Care to show me what's anti-Christian. I'll wait.

The whole thing is anti-Christian. From where you accused people who are Christian of not helping the poor (whu?) to where you accuse anyone with a different view point as a bad or not REAL Christian.

What's funny is the fact that #1, the pizzeria owners were not rich, and the leftist screechers pushed them out of they are now poor...and #2, obviously, conservatives and Christians are very happy to put their money where their mouth is, and support people who are in dire straits.

In this case, the pizzeria's family is in dire straits because a bunch of puke terrorist homonazis started flinging death threats at them. So fellow Christians have lined up to alleviate the financial burden the bigots have laid on them..and yet you're whining that we don't help the poor.

If it wasn't so creepy, it would be funny.

You guys constantly insist that if you don't steal our money, we'll not contribute to the less fortunate. It's a total lie and always has been. Conservatives give exponentially more to charity than progressives, and Christians give even more than that. We always have. It's just a lying meme that you adopt to justify the application of commie policies that penalize working families and business owners.

No, it wasn't anti-Christian, it was anti-fake Christian.
Now if you had reading comprehension, you'd note that I mentioned the right and the left views that are in defiance of the Word of God.
Conservatives for the most part are always accusing the left for a war of Christianity, which is of course BS. But doing this is the right's M.O. They do it constantly as they they are the perfect Christians. Yet, they consistently claim the poor or left are trying to take their money. They consistently go after folks who are acting out God's charge to be Stewards of the Earth in other words, environmentalist. Plus I swear, the right hates just about every living ethnic group that isn't white.
I like that stealing our money thing. I would guess that you aren't a wealthy person, based on your logic and posts. Would you like to go into depth about who is stealing our money? What does the correlation mean to you that as wages flattened out, the Middle Class has shrunk and weakened at the same time the upper-percentile's wealth has increased at levels not seen before. Who is stealing from who? See the Bible quotes below.
"Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts." James 5:4
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty. Proberbs 22:16
The Pope talks about the Bible's view about low wages and the poor and many, many righties on this board blast the Pope as a Socialist when in fact he is quoting God! Then these same people scream about the left attacking Christianity!
The same holds true to any posters who believe we should take care of the Earth, we get chastised by the right endlessly.
"I brought you into the fruitful land To eat its fruit and its good things But you came and defiled My land, And My inheritance you made an abomination. -Jeremiah 2:7
"I will first doubly repay their iniquity and their sin, because they have polluted My land; they have filled My inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable idols and with their abominations." -Jeremiah 16:18

What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?


Raised by 29,107 people in 2 days

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Christians are supporting their brethren when a believer is targeted and attacked and threatened by godless freaks. We're good.

"What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?"-Koshergrl
I'm certainly not a Christian hater, then I'd hate myself.
I was born and raised in a Christian home. My family consists of ministers and missionaries and of course other occupations. I attend church almost every Sunday.
We recently had a sermon about what I call "convenient Christians". The bottom-line, one can't be a true Christian if they choose only particular wishes of God to obey and then knowingly disobey the other charges of God, all because of a political ideology.
Also, no real Christian would ever attack the Pope for repeating what is exactly in the Bible. Don't they know the very basics of the Bible?
I'm not saying I'm the perfect Christian, but I have lived my life based on the Bible's direction. I take my faith, very, very seriously.

Glad you do, these people who did nothing wrong but state their beliefs seem to be serious Christians. The serve gays, there is nothing that says they are fake, they believe that marriage is as the first marriage is in the Bible.

Now, those that disagree with them may be Christians, however those that threatened violence against them certainly didn't act Christian. Now the motives of those giving money are unknown. I don't put any weight in the Pope, he is just another religious leader. I don't know or care what he says.

Before deciding..... ask yourself, "Is anyone really going to care in 100 years?" :eusa_whistle:

What authority does a Christian hater have to decide who's a fake Christian, and who isn't?


Raised by 29,107 people in 2 days

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Christians are supporting their brethren when a believer is targeted and attacked and threatened by godless freaks. We're good.

The libs are just mad this blew up in their faces and they didn't get any cash
Didn't cost Libs a cent....Did it?

Shit, you all are broke jokes.

I don't see Liberals wasting our money on that bigoted shithole

We are laughing at you

No you're not, that's why you all are making a big fuss. You got stuffed and you know it. Yet another liberal fail, they just keep mounting and you're too damn stupid to recognize it

I confess. I really don't recognize how you giving your money away can be counted as a liberal fail. Care to explain it?
I confess. I really don't recognize how you giving your money away can be counted as a liberal fail. Care to explain it?

You don't understand. Because social conservatives are giving away money to other like-minded social conservatives, common sense moderates and social liberals have lost.

Truth is, only they understand it. It's not based on thought/logic, just feelings/dogma. Let them have their moment. They (quite literally) paid for it, after all ;)
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.
You mean like the Sharia court in Texas?

You believe way too much of what you read on those crazy conservative sights. Wake up man.
CBS is conservative? North Texas Home To First Islamic Tribunal In U.S. CBS Dallas Fort Worth

As the article states, everything they do is non-binding, therefore meaningless. It only works if all parties agree. SMH
I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.

More liberal ignorance. Muslims don't make new laws. They have their koran and sharia law, which was written ages ago and hasn't changed. They believe everything they do, including killing Christians, gays and any other 'infidels' is completely justified through their 'religion.' They cannot and will not distinguish between their so-called religion and government. They are one and the same and there will be no changes in their beliefs to include others or treat people equally. They don't even treat their own women as equals, so expect no mercy for anyone else. And, have no doubt, radical Muslims are a huge problem. Even if the percent of Muslims who believe in murdering in the name of religion is as small as the left claims, it still means roughly 300 million radicals willing to kill.

Some Americans want to stick to practices consistent with their religions. Muslims continue to brutally torture and murder people, yet the only liberal outrage is over cakes.

Well then by all means, go out and kill every Muslim in the entire world. Go for it.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.

You seriously want to go there?

No. He's quibbling. Thinks he's a regular F Lee Baileywick or something.

Thinks he's cute with his words. Re-read it

dimocraps are dirtbags. They are treacherous, they are unreliable and most of all, they are dishonest

IOW, the scum of the earth

Cons will lead us to the end of democracy as we know it.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.

You seriously want to go there?

No. He's quibbling. Thinks he's a regular F Lee Baileywick or something.

Thinks he's cute with his words. Re-read it

dimocraps are dirtbags. They are treacherous, they are unreliable and most of all, they are dishonest

IOW, the scum of the earth

Cons will lead us to the end of democracy as we know it.

Yes, democracy can only work when people are dependent on government for their needs
Play coy or stupid! Both fit you. But the latter one fits the best for you.

Hey! you are the one throwing down the gauntlet of cowardice. Cannot take the heat now can you. Re-up. Go grab your rifle and kill some one.

Hey! Grab your holy sacred rifle and go over to kill the muslims. Got a hook in your ass or something.
Show us your courage. Or is only courage when you sit in front of a monitor. Like all the rest of you tough boys.
Get grip on life.

In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
I've already served my country. I've already risked my life and lost friends to enemy action. What have YOU done?

What heat?

Hey! you are the one throwing down the gauntlet of cowardice. Cannot take the heat now can you. Re-up. Go grab your rifle and kill some one.

Hey! Grab your holy sacred rifle and go over to kill the muslims. Got a hook in your ass or something.
Show us your courage. Or is only courage when you sit in front of a monitor. Like all the rest of you tough boys.
Get grip on life.

In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
I've already served my country. I've already risked my life and lost friends to enemy action. What have YOU done?

What heat?
You mean also like how some blacks are hanged for any reason still in some regions of the US.
News to you!

I don't know why I bother but okay.

See the overwhelming majority in this country is Christian to the point that I got handed an easter egg out on the street today. luckily it had candy and no religious message in there but this country is overwhelmingly Christian.

It is true that in OTHER COUNTRIES, Muslims do despicable things to women and gay people. The keywords are other countries. I am not a citizen of Saudi Arabia or Iran and change the laws there. But I am a citizen of the US, I can change what others using religion in this country are doing to hurt unpopular groups.

Saying that Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays because Muslims in other countries do much worse is a ridculous argument.

Obeying ones religion is not discrimination. I'm not aware of any Christians discriminating against anyone. There is not one example of a Christian refusing to serve someone because they are gay. The problem is militant gays who intentionally target Christian owned businesses and demand services they they don't even advertize. Those bakers did not advertise that they make GAY wedding cakes. They would have made them a normal cake, but those perverts wanted a GAY wedding cake. The whole gay rights issue is much ado about nothing.

Okay, if you are "Obeying" your religion, then will bakers deny wedding cakes to a divorcee because it is an abomination to break your vows? Or what about having sex outside their marriage? Will Bakers be required to check the hymen of the female? I mean you are obeying your religion, why the selective enforcement?

Why stop there?

Why should they bake anything for an atheist? they are going to hell
Would they make a birthday cake for a wife beater?
Why sell bread to Jews? They are Christ killers after all

If a white person takes a walk in some areas of the USA they stand a good chance of being beaten or killed simply for being white, now that's a problem. This cake issue, its a joke and not a priority.

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