IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

Did she say she did, or is that what you’re thinking? So it is olde hickory, not old hickory? And it’s not impossible to memorialize a date and location...but it is odd to do it, and especially to do it for an aquantence/customer.

It just seems odd that in most cases he always talks to the parents about courting these other girls admittedly by the girls, like a good ole southern boy, and those relationships admittedly never go past kissing, also like a good ole southern boy...but when the stakes are much higher with illegal encounters, where could loose his entire career as an attorney and go to jail...he all of a sudden gets bolder... it’s just odd.
Yes, it was Olde Hickory House.
Correctamundo. Just ask tinydancer who surely knows how it’s spelled after she made a complete jackass of herself over that one.


I put up what was known at the time. So what? You detest me. I loathe you. Nothing changes.

What an idiot AND a liar you are.

No, you did not put up what was known at the time. What WAS known was that it was called, "Olde Hickory House" based on that was how

You, in utter desperation (just as I called) to find flaws with it, went looking for it to be wrong and falsely posted the wrong name, "Old Hickory House."

You have no shame, no scruples, no cred ... stop me if you've heard enough ... no character, no brain, no ethics ... etc., etc., etc.......

Fuck you. I went to map quest. And found the spelling that was there. No desperation.


ETA: This is what I put up. I didn't falsely put up jack shit wanker.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

This might be a surprise to you, but there was no MapQuest back then.
So she’s saying Moore didn’t write that? That kind of seemed implied. If he didn’t...that’s kind of weird that she or someone else would date it with a location (an oddity even if he did allegedly write an inscription, sign it, then add a date and an entirely different font, with different numerical characters than he usually writes with, while misspelling the name of the place he was at).
She most likely did, and it's not odd a person would memorialize the date and location of an inscription -- and there was no misspelling of the restaurant.

You were scammed again by the deplorables.
Did she say she did, or is that what you’re thinking? So it is olde hickory, not old hickory? And it’s not impossible to memorialize a date and location...but it is odd to do it, and especially to do it for an aquantence/customer.

It just seems odd that in most cases he always talks to the parents about courting these other girls admittedly by the girls, like a good ole southern boy, and those relationships admittedly never go past kissing, also like a good ole southern boy...but when the stakes are much higher with illegal encounters, where could loose his entire career as an attorney and go to jail...he all of a sudden gets bolder... it’s just odd.
Yes, it was Olde Hickory House.
Correctamundo. Just ask tinydancer who surely knows how it’s spelled after she made a complete jackass of herself over that one.


I put up what was known at the time. So what? You detest me. I loathe you. Nothing changes.
For the record, I don't detest you. I pity you. You're such an imbecile, you make a fool of yourself virtually every single time.
Yes, it was Olde Hickory House.
Correctamundo. Just ask tinydancer who surely knows how it’s spelled after she made a complete jackass of herself over that one.


I put up what was known at the time. So what? You detest me. I loathe you. Nothing changes.

What an idiot AND a liar you are.

No, you did not put up what was known at the time. What WAS known was that it was called, "Olde Hickory House" based on that was how

You, in utter desperation (just as I called) to find flaws with it, went looking for it to be wrong and falsely posted the wrong name, "Old Hickory House."

You have no shame, no scruples, no cred ... stop me if you've heard enough ... no character, no brain, no ethics ... etc., etc., etc.......

Fuck you. I went to map quest. And found the spelling that was there. No desperation.


ETA: This is what I put up. I didn't falsely put up jack shit wanker.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

This might be a surprise to you, but there was no MapQuest back then.

No guff.
What would you know about honor?
This is about Moore, remember?
Starskey changed the subject to honor.
During testimony you would have every right to establish if the witness for the other side understood what Honor is. Proceed
Honor is the heart of the matter, and Moore has shown he has none.
How would you know, I doubt your honor as well.
Since you have none, I am not very worried about your disapprobation. Remember that you are Alt Right
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

The Gateway Pundit? Really? Why do you keep posting conspiracy theories without any proof of authenticity?
The Gateway Pundit is the epitome of truthful journalism. That's Why they're a member of the White House Press Pool.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

The Gateway Pundit? Really? Why do you keep posting conspiracy theories without any proof of authenticity?
The Gateway Pundit is the epitome of truthful journalism. That's Why they're a member of the White House Press Pool.

The gatewaypundit article you posted falsely claims the Old Hickory House was never called the Olde Hickory House and even cites that misspelling as evidence the autograph is fake.

How can they be the “epitome of truthful journalism” when they post bullshit like that?
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

The Gateway Pundit? Really? Why do you keep posting conspiracy theories without any proof of authenticity?
The Gateway Pundit is the epitome of truthful journalism. That's Why they're a member of the White House Press Pool.

The gatewaypundit article you posted falsely claims the Old Hickory House was never called the Olde Hickory House and even cites that misspelling as evidence the autograph is fake.

How can they be the “epitome of truthful journalism” when they post bullshit like that?

“epitome of truthful journalism” :lol: :lol:

They (mostly Jim Hoft - Stupidest Man On the Internet, aka SMOTI) hardly ever get anything right.

But you wanna get a good laugh?

This is the guy who rec'd WH credentials - and who is best buds with the pedo-enabler & professional Troll, and pig-blood bather - Milo Yiannopoulos

Controversial 'Twinks4Trump' founder joins White House press corps

"Best known as the creator of Twinks4Trump — a salacious photo project featuring portraits of scantily clad young men in "Make America Great Again" hats — the openly gay artist and writer now occupies one of the coveted spots in the White House press briefing room.
Lucian Wintrich (left) on a "Twinks4Trump" photo shoot Lucian Wintrich

Wintrich's inroads into Washington were nontraditional, to say the least. In fact, the 28-year-old's career as a journalist only started two months ago.

Following a political art show he curated in December, which included "uncensored versions" of his Twinks4Trump photo series, Wintrich said he was approached by Jim Hoft, the founder of the conservative blog Gateway Pundit. It was that encounter that put Wintrich on the fast track to D.C. "

The gatewaypundit article you posted falsely claims the Old Hickory House was never called the Olde Hickory House and even cites that misspelling as evidence the autograph is fake.

How can they be the “epitome of truthful journalism” when they post bullshit like that?

McGarrett and his beloved go-to source for "news" are hilarious no? :lmao:

Don't discourage him - I'm all about political satire.
Allred won't give up the yearbook for forensic analysis by a handwriting expert. Too funny!!! What's she hiding.
Allred won't give up the yearbook for forensic analysis by a handwriting expert. Too funny!!! What's she hiding.

So finally you're admitting that this Wictor yahoo is a failed music journalist with no credentials whatsoever and that these "discrepancies" between the two signature images do not exist.

Speaking of, if these are the images of the two signatures---- what else would you need? You have the images, right?

Funny how you were all set to parrot the failed music journalist when all HE had to go on was the same images. Now suddenly you need the artifact? Wtf?
Time for a break. The image is from A. Jackson's table at The Hermitage. The partial pipe is from the ruins of The Alamo.

The allegations against him are very weak. One of the women even worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. Once you turn off the hysterical Fake News, you realize the allegations are very weak and way too well-timed.

You are delusional. The accusations are very strong, given the number of them coming from people who have never met one another, with his creepy behavior being corroborated by so many others. That's why he is being asked to step down. That's why he'll be thrown out of the Senate, if elected. You keep lying to yourself, see what difference it makes...hint:zero

Yeah you're right, we should just go ahead and do away with our due process judicial system, and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent' instead. Let's throw away what's worked for hundreds of years here. Sounds good.

One doesnt have to be guilty under the law to be shunned from a prominent position such as Senator. If that's your standard, I'll be watching for your OJ campaign donation. ;)

If something like this happened to you, i seriously doubt you'd be so gung-ho about throwing away due process. You would expect to be considered innocent till proven guilty.

5 unrelated women all accusing me of this behavior? You can bet that would never happen to me. And to what "due process" are you referring? That's not appropriate. Nobody is denying him due process. He can still stay in the race. And the Senate can engage due process and kick him out, if he wins the election. There's your due process.

It's a lynching. It's all about politics and power. But it's gonna come back to bite many who've joined the lynch-mob. Al Franken's only the tip of the iceberg.
Last edited:
What discrepancy? Do you mean the date and location at the bottom? Mrs. Nelson never attributed that to Moore.
So she’s saying Moore didn’t write that? That kind of seemed implied. If he didn’t...that’s kind of weird that she or someone else would date it with a location (an oddity even if he did allegedly write an inscription, sign it, then add a date and an entirely different font, with different numerical characters than he usually writes with, while misspelling the name of the place he was at).
She most likely did, and it's not odd a person would memorialize the date and location of an inscription -- and there was no misspelling of the restaurant.

You were scammed again by the deplorables.
Did she say she did, or is that what you’re thinking? So it is olde hickory, not old hickory? And it’s not impossible to memorialize a date and location...but it is odd to do it, and especially to do it for an aquantence/customer.

It just seems odd that in most cases he always talks to the parents about courting these other girls admittedly by the girls, like a good ole southern boy, and those relationships admittedly never go past kissing, also like a good ole southern boy...but when the stakes are much higher with illegal encounters, where could loose his entire career as an attorney and go to jail...he all of a sudden gets bolder... it’s just odd.
Yes, it was Olde Hickory House.

And I think you're odd.
Nice retort...and it’s odd that he’s careful and respectful to women when it’s legal, but he’s predatory when they’re illegal by only a year or 2, compared to the other girls, and the stakes are ridiculously higher. If you think he’s predatory in those cases because he’s a pedophile...14-15 girls compared to 16-17 year old girls are not much different in sexual maturation(body wise), and are still usually much more sexually matured (body wise) than the usual ages real pedophiles go after. If you wanna argue that he becomes way more aggressive because they’re younger and more naive and he think he can get away with it, ok I can see that. It’s atill odd that he acts respectful in one case, then sexually aggressive in another case...that’s also illegal.

Again I have zero love for Moore, or the GOP. The timing of all this is very very convenient (I mean the mothers knew about this is most cases), 40 years after the fact, and while we are on a “purge” of sexual predators, when this is really the only one of those o so rare senate seat up for grabs now . The fact there is a location and date in an alleged inscription is also convienient. I’m leaning that they found that he dated younger girls, but it wasn’t enough to sway voters, so you do a little embellishing. That’s a way more convincing motivation than, I like em young, and only get aggressive when it’s illegal.
convenience, the correct word.

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