It's a medical fact. Life begins at conception.

It is so funny that now..............Science has validity ..................when you want it to have validity.
If abortion is such an evil thing, why does God abort so many babies every year? Approximately 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage; some estimates are as high as 1 in 3. If you include loss that occurs before a positive pregnancy test, some estimate that 40% of all conceptions result in loss. A miscarriage is just a natural abortion. God's a pretty bad guy, killing all those babies. If life begins at conception, God kills 40% of all the babies that are conceived. That's awful!

Clearly God hates babies :wink:

RWNJ's favorite tune:

I'm fine with that, the semantics are irrelevant to me.

And our fetal HOMICIDE laws.

You are fine with those too?
Yes. Is there a point here?
I'm trying to see how comfortable you are with the government playing it both ways.
Well, unlike politicians, I don't need to play games.

Are you personally fine with playing it both ways? Or not?
I'm perfectly comfy with my position, thanks.
So, once you people got your way, and abortion was made the crime of murder, and we started imprisoning women for life who got caught having abortions,

how would that make America a better place?
Fertilized eggs are not children.

The human ones are.

What if they are frozen?

Chilled Children?

A child frozen in a state of suspended animation is still a child who is frozen in a state of suspended animation. . . Yes.

Water is water.... even when it is frozen in an ice cube tray.

Isn't it?

No, I have to disagree. A child can only develop from the fertilized egg after the egg gets implanted in the womb. A water molecule will never develop in to a child, although a developing child will have many water molecules.

Human children are created in test tubes (Petri dishes) all the time and are only implanted in the womb after they have already been alive (and developing) for a while.

Developments begins at conception. Not implantation.

Actually it's a bit more complicated. But if you believe they are little frozen children, doesn't bother me a bit.
And our fetal HOMICIDE laws.

You are fine with those too?
Yes. Is there a point here?
I'm trying to see how comfortable you are with the government playing it both ways.
Well, unlike politicians, I don't need to play games.

Are you personally fine with playing it both ways? Or not?
I'm perfectly comfy with my position, thanks.

That's fine, as long as you can accept the fact that some of us find the contradictions unacceptable.
Yes. Is there a point here?
I'm trying to see how comfortable you are with the government playing it both ways.
Well, unlike politicians, I don't need to play games.

Are you personally fine with playing it both ways? Or not?
I'm perfectly comfy with my position, thanks.

That's fine, as long as you can accept the fact that some of us find the contradictions unacceptable.
Well, this is a tough issue, probably the toughest of all, to find any kind of cooperation or middle ground.
So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?

No, because most young women who have abortions simply do not realize what they're doing. People have been brainwashed their whole lives to believe the lies that it's nothing but a lifeless "blob of cells" etc. etc. Abortionists however, do know better.
I love this site. 20 times a day I am accused of being a liberal due to my dislike of Trump and now it is just the opposite due to my view on this one issue. And then the irony of you calling me binary when you cannot see past the Con/Lib battle. What a joke.

But I am glad we do agree that there is no difference in the baby in the womb, the only difference lies in the mood of the mother. So, taking a life or not is based upon mood and not science.

Also, your post is wrong. If a mother who does not want the baby on the way to get an abortion was killed the person would still be charged with two murders, even if the mother did not want the baby.

Excellent post, I'm glad to see there are some people like you here, who are awake and understand the D vs R false dichotomy. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity, ha ha.
If abortion is such an evil thing, why does God abort so many babies every year? Approximately 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage; some estimates are as high as 1 in 3. If you include loss that occurs before a positive pregnancy test, some estimate that 40% of all conceptions result in loss. A miscarriage is just a natural abortion. God's a pretty bad guy, killing all those babies. If life begins at conception, God kills 40% of all the babies that are conceived. That's awful!

From a biblical perspective, this is a fallen world. The way the world is now is certainly not the way it was at the beginning. There could be numerous reasons why a miscarriage happens. But it all boils down to the reality that we live in an imperfect world. Sometimes things happen for reasons we don't understand at the time. Unlike the Creator, we only have a tiny part of the picture, not the bigger picture.

As for what you said in your last two sentences, God is the source of life itself and the highest power of all. God is the ONLY being in the universe who can take life as He sees fit. We are not God, and we cannot play God by thinking we have the authority to decide someone else should die.
So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?

No, because most young women who have abortions simply do not realize what they're doing. People have been brainwashed their whole lives to believe the lies that it's nothing but a lifeless "blob of cells" etc. etc. Abortionists however, do know better.

So abortion is murder but women who have abortions are not murderers.

Fuck that is goddam retarded.
Well. I'm out of here.

As if there was any doubt that a snowflake coward like you as going to pull the "declare victory and retreat" routine after getting humilated over and over.

Don't worry. If we need to find your bitch ass, we can just follow the trail of piddle you left behind.

If you ever find your balls, you can try to discuss all the way we ripped apart your stupid. claims. But you won;'t. In 271 posts, all you managed to do was weep about how everyone was laughing at you.
The most common strategy is to change the term from "human life" to "person" or "human being" or "individual" or "baby" or "child".

Just be honest, for fuck's sake. It's human life.

So by your kook standards, sperm are babies, because they are indisputably human life.

Your kook standards lead to really stupid results, hence your standards are stupid.
So abortion is murder but women who have abortions are not murderers.

Do you think that most women who have abortions believe they are murdering an innocent person? Yes or no?

That's irrelevant. If you believe the fetus is no different than a born person, then killing either is the same crime.

You people always struggle with this. It proves to me you don't even believe your own propaganda.
I'm trying to see how comfortable you are with the government playing it both ways.
Well, unlike politicians, I don't need to play games.

Are you personally fine with playing it both ways? Or not?
I'm perfectly comfy with my position, thanks.

That's fine, as long as you can accept the fact that some of us find the contradictions unacceptable.
Well, this is a tough issue, probably the toughest of all, to find any kind of cooperation or middle ground.

Roe v Wade found a middle ground.
So by your kook standards, sperm are babies, because they are indisputably human life.

Your kook standards lead to really stupid results, hence your standards are stupid.


Please, just stop. This has been explained to you numerous times. If you cannot understand the difference between a part of a human being and an actual human being, then it's no wonder you are wrong on the issue of abortion. Maybe go back to school and take Biology 101.
That's irrelevant. If you believe the fetus is no different than a born person, then killing either is the same crime.

You people always struggle with this. It proves to me you don't even believe your own propaganda.

I knew you wouldn't answer the question. No one is struggling but you. I asked you a very simple question.

Definition of murder
1: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

Intent does matter. Contrary to what you seem to believe, many of us feel sorry for these young women who have been brainwashed to believe that they're doing nothing wrong when they kill their own baby. Again, the abortionist is the one who knows exactly what he's doing.
The most common strategy is to change the term from "human life" to "person" or "human being" or "individual" or "baby" or "child". Just be honest, for fuck's sake. It's human life.
So by your kook standards, sperm are babies, because they are indisputably human life. Your kook standards lead to really stupid results, hence your standards are stupid.
Perfect Regressive response, thanks.

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