It's About Time Somebody Said It

While very religious people may tend to be conservative, conservatives do not have to at all be religious.
Conservatives mean they take a literal interpretation of the Constitution, where the federal government is very limited in jurisdiction.
The problem is that conservatives tend to not really be conservative these days, but just are the wealthy elite who want to prevent change that would make the US more fair. They would go back to slavery if they could.

I never claimed they had to be religious. I said they CAN'T be anti religious.

Learn to read.
She's right. MAGA republicans need to stop calling themselves "conservatives." But since she's a left wing loony, anything she says about the republicans or conservatives has about as much credibility as me advising pregnant women was they're going to feel when their contractions start.
She's no left winger but since you say she is right...
Are there any left; and of those who might be left, do they have the courage.

The sad fact is that there’s little difference between ‘MAGA’ and conservative.

Trump is merely the product of the GOP and conservativism; ‘MAGA’ is but a variation on the conservative theme.

For decades conservativism has been illiberal, neo-fascist, and authoritarian, the Christo-fascist right in particular.

Conservativism has long embraced racism, bigotry, and anti-immigrant nativism.

Conservatives were practicing white grievance politics and racist replacement theory long before Trump.

And long after Trump is gone, conservativism will remain just as illiberal, just as authoritarian, and just as neo-fascist.

So tell the class, which party keeps harping that red States will die due to changing demographics from uncontrolled illegal immigration? I don't know any conservative that objects to controlled, merit based, legal immigration. The rest of your tripe is just that, tripe.

Does it matter? At least he isn’t a narcissistic demagogue with delusions of grandeur and an envy of Putin.

Really, he's constantly lying. Hell he lied again about being a full professor at the Univ. of Pen just this weekend. The school said he has never been a professor in any status. He did give a speech there once, and the school paid him 900K for it. So I guess xiden does have delusions of grandeur.

Really, he's constantly lying. Hell he lied again about being a full professor at the Univ. of Pen just this weekend. The school said he has never been a professor in any status. He did give a speech there once, and the school paid him 900K for it. So I guess xiden does have delusions of grandeur.
Isn’t it cute how, since it’s not Trump, lies matter!
You mean like controlling women's reproductive rights or suing Pulitzer?

Women do control their reproductive rights, you seem to confuse that with the reality of killing a child. If women are incapable of deciding on whether they should be engaging in activities that could impregnate them, or not, perhaps it's time to bring back the chastity belt.

Women do control their reproductive rights, you seem to confuse that with the reality of killing a child. If women are incapable of deciding on whether they should be engaging in activities that could impregnate them, or not, perhaps it's time to bring back the chastity belt.


Make sure you tell the women you know your beliefs.

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