Its all out now, Trump just asked for foreign interference in US elections

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the MOST corrupt and criminal and lawless traitor president in my lifetime.

And his followers have decided to give up American Sovereignty in our elections and as a Country.... for this lawless man.

Very very sad.
you must only be 3 yrs old,,,
what does the constitution and our founding fathers say about foreign involvement in our Nation?

since you must be older than 3 yrs old, please answer that question.
please enlighten me,,,
Its official, the whistleblower has been redeemed...the clown meat himself just announced on nation tv before the world, for both countries to investigate his rivel, Joe Biden and give Trump information on him. Something the informant has said all along.

Now, its time for the GOP to either put up or shut up. A sitting US president, not candidate Trump, but a sitting president is asking for foreign interference in a US election...anybody defending this man child, you will be shamed for all eternity. Trump is mentally unstable to be president and its time both houses, act to impeach this fool and get him the hell out of politics and in prison where he belongs.

To the house,....fuck the hearings, you now have it in his own words....act now or go the fuck home
Okay, let's investigate Democrats involved in child-sex trafficking, selling human organs and body parts for elitist gouls to dine on at their cocktail parties.

"OH look, let's sample some of that expensive Patte with that secret ingredient....!!!"
Its official, the whistleblower has been redeemed...the clown meat himself just announced on nation tv before the world, for both countries to investigate his rivel, Joe Biden and give Trump information on him. Something the informant has said all along.

Now, its time for the GOP to either put up or shut up. A sitting US president, not candidate Trump, but a sitting president is asking for foreign interference in a US election...anybody defending this man child, you will be shamed for all eternity. Trump is mentally unstable to be president and its time both houses, act to impeach this fool and get him the hell out of politics and in prison where he belongs.

To the house,....fuck the hearings, you now have it in his own words....act now or go the fuck home

Just because Mr. Biden has declared his candidacy for the Presidency doesn't exempt him from investigations and prosecutions.

Presidential candidates like Mike Avenatti and Eugene V Debs have been investigated and even imprisoned for their crimes.

If all anyone had to do was to declare their presidential candidacy to exempt them from prosecution, it would really change the landscape
the MOST corrupt and criminal and lawless traitor president in my lifetime.

And his followers have decided to give up American Sovereignty in our elections and as a Country.... for this lawless man.

Very very sad.
Right~lowest unemployment in histor . Highest AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN HISTORY, FINALLY WE ARE A NET ENERGY EXPORTER, STOPPING ILLEGAL INVADERS FROM STEALING BILLIONS OF OUR MONEY. HIGE TAX CUT but you can return your new found money back to the DemonRATS as a want about did NOT GIVE $150 BILLION to Iran that HE DIDN'T have to. You know C4A I used to think you were one of the very few liberals with a brain...I made a mistake!
It's all over all right. There never was any evidence of collusion and now phone-gate is a joke. It seems that lefties afflicted with TDS continue to have mental problems related to hatred and anger which prevents them from understanding that (former) democrat front runner Mr. Biden (and his junkie son) might be facing charges

Ah, the fake Marine chimes in...where were you a "police lieutenant" Mayberry?
Its official, the whistleblower has been redeemed...the clown meat himself just announced on nation tv before the world, for both countries to investigate his rivel, Joe Biden and give Trump information on him. Something the informant has said all along.

Now, its time for the GOP to either put up or shut up. A sitting US president, not candidate Trump, but a sitting president is asking for foreign interference in a US election...anybody defending this man child, you will be shamed for all eternity. Trump is mentally unstable to be president and its time both houses, act to impeach this fool and get him the hell out of politics and in prison where he belongs.

To the house,....fuck the hearings, you now have it in his own words....act now or go the fuck home

Soooooo you regret voting for Trump in 2016
I take it?

Now we see that the whistle blower went to Schiff first????? before he went to the IG?...this is falling apart faster than I predicted...LMAO....
Now we see that the whistle blower went to Schiff first????? before he went to the IG?...this is falling apart faster than I predicted...LMAO....

From what I hear, the report had more pages of footnotes than CIA analyst comes up with something like that. Got to wonder if he/she ever saw the final copy after the lawyers got done with it?
Its official, the whistleblower has been redeemed...the clown meat himself just announced on nation tv before the world, for both countries to investigate his rivel, Joe Biden and give Trump information on him. Something the informant has said all along.

Now, its time for the GOP to either put up or shut up. A sitting US president, not candidate Trump, but a sitting president is asking for foreign interference in a US election...anybody defending this man child, you will be shamed for all eternity. Trump is mentally unstable to be president and its time both houses, act to impeach this fool and get him the hell out of politics and in prison where he belongs.

To the house,....fuck the hearings, you now have it in his own words....act now or go the fuck home
lol So bringing corrupt politician, Joe Biden, to justice is asking for foreign interference? It is appropriate to ask Ukraine and China to help expose Biden's corruption because those are the places where he betrayed his country for personal profit.
This whole thing is a scam and a set up just like the Russian collusion hoax...just a little more sloppy....the people are tired of it and Trump voters are ready to vote in numbers that will rattle the dems and their media hacks....
the MOST corrupt and criminal and lawless traitor president in my lifetime.

And his followers have decided to give up American Sovereignty in our elections and as a Country.... for this lawless man.

Very very sad.

You are an absolute idiot.
the MOST corrupt and criminal and lawless traitor president in my lifetime.

And his followers have decided to give up American Sovereignty in our elections and as a Country.... for this lawless man.

Very very sad.
you must only be 3 yrs old,,,
what does the constitution and our founding fathers say about foreign involvement in our Nation?

since you must be older than 3 yrs old, please answer that question.

Bears repeating:
The president of the United States swears to uphold the constitution and seeking out and exposing corruption is part of upholding our constitution...just because the dems are so often afoul of the constitution and our laws doesn't mean the president has to ignore their wrong doing....
Bears repeating -

It is appropriate to ask Ukraine and China to help expose Biden's corruption because those are the places where he betrayed his country for personal profit.
the MOST corrupt and criminal and lawless traitor president in my lifetime.

And his followers have decided to give up American Sovereignty in our elections and as a Country.... for this lawless man.

Very very sad.
you must only be 3 yrs old,,,
what does the constitution and our founding fathers say about foreign involvement in our Nation?

since you must be older than 3 yrs old, please answer that question.
It's good that you are asking that question since you clearly have no idea at all.

Schiff is helping Trump get reelected

Obama works with Ukraine beginning in roughly 2014 to insure his political legacy.
Trump blows that to smithereens - Impeach Trump for that.

The Clinton campaign works with Ukraine to be the beneficiary of the Obama legacy.
Trump blows that to smithereens - Impeach Trump for that.

Ukraine prosecutes and convicts at least 2 Ukrainians for US election interference.
Trump admin finds that out - Impeach Trump for that.

Biden who is probably the most corrupt politician in US history (sorry Clinton crime family) uses his VP status to enrich his sons.
Trump admin finds that out - Impeach Trump for that.

Trump has done/is doing a lot
It is all for the benefit of the country - just not the Democrat party.
They are determined to - Impeach Trump for that.
Its official, the whistleblower has been redeemed...the clown meat himself just announced on nation tv before the world, for both countries to investigate his rivel, Joe Biden and give Trump information on him. Something the informant has said all along.

Now, its time for the GOP to either put up or shut up. A sitting US president, not candidate Trump, but a sitting president is asking for foreign interference in a US election...anybody defending this man child, you will be shamed for all eternity. Trump is mentally unstable to be president and its time both houses, act to impeach this fool and get him the hell out of politics and in prison where he belongs.

To the house,....fuck the hearings, you now have it in his own words....act now or go the fuck home

Our sitting President is asking for assistance from another friendly country as well as others for assistance in a possible international crime on our elections.
He has that right to do so as our president.
It's the left who has turned it into partisan politics.
Biden's defense: "I'm not going anywhere". It doesn't sound too good. for America's weird old uncle.

I guess the DNC will have to drag him away from the platform kicking and screaming.

Thank you Uncle Donald for exposing that crooked bastard. next up: One fake commie Indian.
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