It’s all Trump’s fault!!!

  • Joe Biden was in government for 44 years
  • Nancy Pelosi has been in government for 33 years
  • Bernie Sanders has been in government for 29 years
  • Donald Trump has been in government for 3 years. Yet they blame HIM when the pandemic infrastructure they built isn't strong enough?
That is Five-Gold Stars worthy.

Joe Biden was in government for 44 years Nancy Pelosi has been in government for 33 years Bernie Sanders has been in government for 29 years Donald Trump has been in government for 3 years. Yet they blame HIM when the pandemic infrastructure they built isn't strong enough?

Love Leftists and their stupid views.
Hey idiot, no one is blaming Trump that the virus got onto American soil. They are blaming him for his pathetic response to it.
  • Joe Biden was in government for 44 years
  • Nancy Pelosi has been in government for 33 years
  • Bernie Sanders has been in government for 29 years
  • Donald Trump has been in government for 3 years. Yet they blame HIM when the pandemic infrastructure they built isn't strong enough?
That is Five-Gold Stars worthy.

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Lol you people are so ridiculous. Instead of being an adult and even trying to defend Trump you say “but....DEMOCRATS! Derp!”
Joe Biden was in government for 44 years Nancy Pelosi has been in government for 33 years Bernie Sanders has been in government for 29 years Donald Trump has been in government for 3 years. Yet they blame HIM when the pandemic infrastructure they built isn't strong enough?
The IMPOTUS invited them to do so. He claimed responsibility.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

edit...Admittedly that was before he disclaimed all responsibility...
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Joe Biden was in government for 44 years Nancy Pelosi has been in government for 33 years Bernie Sanders has been in government for 29 years Donald Trump has been in government for 3 years. Yet they blame HIM when the pandemic infrastructure they built isn't strong enough?

Love Leftists and their stupid views.

When he dismantled and cut funding for the Obama era implementation of the infrastructure that could have helped us avoid this tardy-to-the-party response, when just last week Trump and the lion share of right wing media were crying fake news and hoax.....well, yes, I blame him.

But you Trump supporters are a religious breed all on your own. I do admire your slavish devotion to this man who has essentially done nothing since he took office. I don't understand it, but I admire your loyalty.

Businessman Trumpybear couldn't stand (or understand why) to have those experts just sitting around with no pandemic to respond to. So he dissolved them and merged their duties into some other agency. He's was a little foggy on which agency had the duties or what their duties were or where those experts went.

Good reason not to hire a businessman like Trump as President ever again.
Now say that again without that stick in your mouth
Joe Biden was in government for 44 years Nancy Pelosi has been in government for 33 years Bernie Sanders has been in government for 29 years Donald Trump has been in government for 3 years. Yet they blame HIM when the pandemic infrastructure they built isn't strong enough?

Love Leftists and their stupid views.
Hey idiot, no one is blaming Trump that the virus got onto American soil. They are blaming him for his pathetic response to it.

Yeah, he hasn't declared martial law... yet. Other than that he has done everything he can.

It will come, give it time.
Joe Biden was in government for 44 years Nancy Pelosi has been in government for 33 years Bernie Sanders has been in government for 29 years Donald Trump has been in government for 3 years. Yet they blame HIM when the pandemic infrastructure they built isn't strong enough?

Love Leftists and their stupid views.

Hmm. 2 and 3 were accomplished by none other than Trump himself. As for 1, well, blame where blame is due. While he didn't engineer the virus, he did deny its existence, its capacity, and its impact for at least two weeks. 4-6 are just part of the ongoing alt-right wet dreams. :)

Keep lying Bozo. Trump allocated billions for the CDC, which Pisslosi sat on for a month. He restricted travel from hard hit areas and uneducated idiots like you screamed RACIST! You claimed he cut funding for the CDC. Another lie as Trump has given them more than DOUBLE what Obozo did. Trump denied nothing. Your reaction is the hoax. Your lies are the hoax. Your utter denial of reality isn’t surprising.

Nothing more amusing to me than a Trump supporter resorting to fifth grade playground insults because they have nothing. And no I didn't claim he cut funding for the CDC. Even though he did. Honestly, I have never seen in my lifetime a bigger group of low information supporters of a politician.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

So what can we conclude? Yeah, it's Trump's fault we're behind the curve on this virus response. No amount of rightwing hand wringing or shouting will change that.
Nothing more amusing than watching a liberal repeat lies spewed by CNN and MSNBC.
Joe Biden was in government for 44 years Nancy Pelosi has been in government for 33 years Bernie Sanders has been in government for 29 years Donald Trump has been in government for 3 years. Yet they blame HIM when the pandemic infrastructure they built isn't strong enough?

Love Leftists and their stupid views.
the arguments by Trump supporters are so consistently dumb, contradictory, and nonsensical, that i have to believe there's a secret Word Finder App for Conservatives who love Donald but arent smart and want to seem smart to other people who arent smart

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