It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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The below exchange was read by the would-be 'contributor' and was ignored... .

In ignoring the responses, the would-be 'contributor', has now conceded to the standing points advanced in the exchange.

I re-post it below to note and accept the would-be 'contributor's concession.

Monogamy is 'the' sustainable behavior? I wonder how humanity has managed to maintain viability considering monogamy has never been anything like a universal condition?

What evidence are you using to conclude that humanity is presently operating on a sustainable course?

Has every human who has ever had sexual relations outside a single monogamous relationship been breaking a law of nature? Not a particularly compelling law, is it? :lol:

Yes... and yes.

I'd submit the kids who find themselves knocked up and married scuttling their would-be plans to become something other than what they've become... married and ignorant, in low paying jobs, living in squaller with little hope of escaping... because they violated that law.

I'd also submit the little girl who sits in shame, a paper gown, alone... waiting for some pathetic wretch to come disembowel her first child and scrape it from her womb; from which she leaves, still immersed in shame, forced to bear her secret that she murdered her first child... over a life of irretrievable regret.

Pretty steep price for a little sweaty wigglin'.

I still consider your 'laws of nature' to be little more than your own belief about the optimal human relationship.

Of course ya do... you're animated largely by evil... having lost kinship with your own soul.

The good news is that it's there... you just need to find the strength of courage to reason objectively and it will come to you.

The bad news is that absent the means to do so, you'll be less likely to adhere to those laws and subsequently be subjected to the heavy price of a lifetime of experiences, subject to that failure.

Edit: Your failure to sustain a viable contest has resulted in your concession and that concession is hereby Duly noted and summarily accepted
... MY state is taking the initiative to change the laws so that the State doesn't issue marriage licenses anymore. Done... we're out of the marriage business, as all government should be! ...

Oh I wholly disagree with this point. I understand how it makes sense to some, but the simple fact is that we, governs ourselves... the notion that 'the government' is some entity unto itself is a sign that 'the government' no longer represents US... . And as a consequence, the government should be disbanded and a new government that does represent us, set in it's place.

The problem with that, is that there are those who claim the government does represent them... you're half-wit opponent is one of them.

That individual represents 2% of the human population. Add to that the Left which is using the degenerates as a political constituency and they enjoy perhaps 20% of the population.

This changes nothing, because a government that represents their interests, cannot represent mine.

Thus we're down to the inevitable... wherein the US will soon be shoved into a bloody civil war, where that minority will be destroyed, entirely. And with them, the government that represents them.

At that point the Americans will rebuild a new government, established upon the principles that originally founded the US and the Old US Constitution that limited the scope and power of the Federal Government... or perhaps we will not have a Federal Government and merely operate as the respective states within the frame work of the new boundaries formed up, when the Leftist States are eviscerated and burned, their inhabitant enslaved, their holdings captured and stripped from them as the spoils of war.

I understand that this is distasteful to some and that's fine... but their distaste for what is inevitable and otherwise wholly unavoidable... is quite irrelevant. Unless and until they find the means to help the degenerates and their proponents to find the strength of character to respect the rights of others and not force their debauchery into places and upon person where such is not welcome.

And as you have witnessed for some 20 pages... there is no chance of that happening, thus there is no means to avoid such, rendering back to quite inevitable.
But the majority of Supreme Court justices said that marriage is a right- and that right cannot be denied to same gender couples.

All I've said is it can't be denied to other couples.

So far, I have not seen any sufficient explanation given as to why it can be.

Marriage can't be denied to any couples who are allowed to marry according to the law. The Supreme Court overturned laws banning mixed race marriages and 'gay marriages'- so those couples legally allowed to marry.

Incestuous marriage is still illegal- and can and are denied to those couples- unless someone can either persuade States to change their laws or convince a court that States have no compelling interest in denying them their right to marriage.
However there is no Supreme Court justice which has said that they agree with you.

It's because the case hasn't come before them yet, idiot.

LOL.....and again- there is no Supreme Court justice which agrees with you.

All you have is your opinion based upon your lack of understanding of Obergefell and Lawrence v. Texas.
heh I say bring it on, let the "Christian Army" go forth and try to wreck havoc again; as they did with the crusades, the witch trials, even the Mormon's... I hope they find that in a connected world, in a truly "fair" America, they'll be met with resistance they /should/ have met in the beginning and finally be put in their place in our "free" country.

I have no issue with what one wishes to believe right up until, until it infringes upon the constitutional rights of another. I will stand against /anyone/ who does so, and if you morons want to bring it to violent arms, then so be it. Lets see just how many "faithful Christians" you can get to commit suicide in the "name of god" today (these days?) Lets just see how many atrocities against humans modern American's will allow you...

(Yes, my opinion is biased - I have a dislike for organized religion because it's not about "faith" but rather about control.)
This whole thread is nothing more than you projecting your anti-homosexual paranoia.

Actually it's not and it offends me that this keeps being implied. I have patiently gone out of my way to explain that I have no problem with gay people and some of my dearest friends are gay. It hurts my heart that people are so closed-minded on this that they don't understand my position is not homophobia. But I can't do anything about your bigotry toward me personally. That is something YOU have to answer for, not me..

You say that- yet at the same time you keep making statements attacking gay people- based upon nothing but your own personal feelings. Frankly if any friend of mine was as disgusted with me as you seem to be with your gay friends, I would have nothing to do with that 'friend'.

Your quotes- this is what you are telling your 'friends'

Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU...

start over with the mindset that something is wrong with you gay people and we're not going to accept it into our culture

Well, I am tired of placating you and pandering to your needs. Grow the fuck up and accept that some people don't approve of your sexual deviant behavior.

One of these days, I can see them cheering a law making it acceptable for gay people to molest heterosexuals

At what point will homosexuals be satisfied? I don't think there IS a point. I think this is a futile effort and maybe we need to reconsider our positions?

And of course my favorite of yours- where you compare homosexuals to pedophiles

Shouldn't pedophiles be afforded the same rights as homosexuals?

as you do again here:

The same as not allowing a pedophile to "marry" children because he wants to have sex with children.

Do you 'friends' enjoy it when you tell them that you think of them just like you think of pedophiles?

You claim to be 'tolerant' of homosexuals yet this entire thread is a butt hurt rant by you against homosexuals- and your butt hurt that they now have something close to equal rights with heterosexuals.

You have made idiotic predictions of dire consequences for the future with nothing more than your idiotic interpretation of what the Supreme Court said to base it upon.

You say thats not homophobia?

What do your 'friends' say?

This whole thread is nothing more than you projecting your anti-homosexual paranoia.

You and Montro along with the rest of your Merry Band, are political hacks who are exploiting this issue in order to bash Christians and Conservatives and generate buzz among your voting base. That's really ALL it's about for you... none of you give two shits about gay people.

LOL.....oh shall we compare.

You show me my quotes in this thread bashing Christians.

Here is a quote from you bashing homosexuals.

Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU... YOU have to tolerate US!

Unlike yourself- I have actual gay friends. I celebrate their weddings- and I celebrated with them when the Supreme Court made their marriages legal across the United States.

Unlike yourself- I am not starting a thread about how we should not tolerate homosexuals- how we should be condemning homosexuals.

That is all you.
This whole thread is nothing more than you projecting your anti-homosexual paranoia.

You and Montro along with the rest of your Merry Band, are political hacks who are exploiting this issue in order to bash Christians and Conservatives and generate buzz among your voting base. That's really ALL it's about for you... none of you give two shits about gay people.

LOL.....oh shall we compare.

You show me my quotes in this thread bashing Christians.

Here is a quote from you bashing homosexuals.

Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU... YOU have to tolerate US!

Unlike yourself- I have actual gay friends. I celebrate their weddings- and I celebrated with them when the Supreme Court made their marriages legal across the United States.

Unlike yourself- I am not starting a thread about how we should not tolerate homosexuals- how we should be condemning homosexuals.

That is all you.

Yes, you are taking the OP out of context as I predicted would happen in the first paragraph. No surprise. The quote you are citing is me paraphrasing what society perhaps should have said when homosexuality was legalized. I did not present it as a statement of my personal beliefs and to quote it as if I did is completely dishonest. But... you're a dishonest person... I don't believe you have gay friends or know very many gay people. You probably wouldn't associate with someone if you found out they were gay. Liberals like you are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. You stereotype entire groups and form an opinion based on your bigoted view and the same is certainly true when it comes to gay people.

The ONLY thing you celebrated was an activist liberal SCOTUS making a ruling that allows you to flaunt it in the face of Christians and Conservatives for political advantage. The thing you need to know is, you're not the only ones who are going to use it for political advantage.
This whole thread is nothing more than you projecting your anti-homosexual paranoia.

You and Montro along with the rest of your Merry Band, are political hacks who are exploiting this issue in order to bash Christians and Conservatives and generate buzz among your voting base. That's really ALL it's about for you... none of you give two shits about gay people.

LOL.....oh shall we compare.

You show me my quotes in this thread bashing Christians.

Here is a quote from you bashing homosexuals.

Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU... YOU have to tolerate US!

Unlike yourself- I have actual gay friends. I celebrate their weddings- and I celebrated with them when the Supreme Court made their marriages legal across the United States.

Unlike yourself- I am not starting a thread about how we should not tolerate homosexuals- how we should be condemning homosexuals.

That is all you.

Yes, you are taking the OP out of context as I predicted would happen in the first paragraph. No surprise. The quote you are citing is me paraphrasing what society perhaps should have said when homosexuality was legalized..

Well not sure how that changes anything.

You started a thread saying that society should not accept homosexuality- giving the words you think society should have said- which are indeed your words- not societies.
So we are in agreement- you have no basis of support from the Supreme Court.

No.. There has not been a case brought to the Supreme Court. We are not in agreement on basis of support because that is an unknown until a case is heard. You've presented your opinion and I've presented mine. Your opinion basically refutes mine on the basis of your opinion and my opinion is based on what the Constitution says.
This whole thread is nothing more than you projecting your anti-homosexual paranoia.

You and Montro along with the rest of your Merry Band, are political hacks who are exploiting this issue in order to bash Christians and Conservatives and generate buzz among your voting base. That's really ALL it's about for you... none of you give two shits about gay people.

LOL.....oh shall we compare.

You show me my quotes in this thread bashing Christians.

Here is a quote from you bashing homosexuals.

Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU... YOU have to tolerate US!

Unlike yourself- I have actual gay friends. I celebrate their weddings- and I celebrated with them when the Supreme Court made their marriages legal across the United States.

Unlike yourself- I am not starting a thread about how we should not tolerate homosexuals- how we should be condemning homosexuals.

That is all you.
. But... you're a dishonest person... I don't believe you have gay friends or know very many gay people. You probably wouldn't associate with someone if you found out they were gay..

Well we are both anonymous here so everything you say can be- and is probably bullshit- and you can decide to believe that anything I say is probably bullshit- and that is fine with me- I know what is fact and fiction.

My best man was/is gay. I have been friends with him for over 30 years. My best friend(other than my wife) is gay. I have celebrated my friend's weddings, marched in the SF Pride Parade, mourned gay friends who passed away from AIDs.

Believe what you want.

However- I am the one celebrating that Americans are now allowed to legally marry- regardless of whether they are gay or not.

You think that they should not be allowed to legally marry.

I am the one celebrating that Americans who are gay have achieved almost legal parity with straight Americans- you deny that they ever were discriminated against.

I am the one who doesn't equate homosexuals with pedophiles. You are the one who does.

Yeah- either you or I can be bullshitting about our gay friends.

But I argue on behalf of Americans who happen to be gay- you argue that Americans should have said

Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU..
So we are in agreement- you have no basis of support from the Supreme Court.

No.. There has not been a case brought to the Supreme Court. We are not in agreement on basis of support because that is an unknown until a case is heard. You've presented your opinion and I've presented mine. Your opinion basically refutes mine on the basis of your opinion and my opinion is based on what the Constitution says.

Your opinion is based upon your prejudice against homosexuals and your butt hurt that they can marry. It has no basis in the Constitution.
This whole thread is nothing more than you projecting your anti-homosexual paranoia.

You and Montro along with the rest of your Merry Band, are political hacks who are exploiting this issue in order to bash Christians and Conservatives and generate buzz among your voting base. That's really ALL it's about for you... none of you give two shits about gay people.

LOL.....oh shall we compare.

You show me my quotes in this thread bashing Christians.

Here is a quote from you bashing homosexuals.

Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU... YOU have to tolerate US!

Unlike yourself- I have actual gay friends. I celebrate their weddings- and I celebrated with them when the Supreme Court made their marriages legal across the United States.

Unlike yourself- I am not starting a thread about how we should not tolerate homosexuals- how we should be condemning homosexuals.

That is all you.

The ONLY thing you celebrated was an activist liberal SCOTUS making a ruling that allows you to flaunt it in the face of Christians and Conservatives for political advantage..

Well I do enjoy flaunting in front of homophobes examples of gay Americans who can now legally marry.

But what I have celebrated is gay Americans being allowed to legally marry in all 50 states exactly as my wife and I were legally entitled to.
Well not sure how that changes anything.

You started a thread saying that society should not accept homosexuality- giving the words you think society should have said- which are indeed your words- not societies.

No I didn't. I started a thread saying it would have been easier for society to condemn homosexuality. I never said society should not accept homosexuality. That's what you want to imply that I said because you're a dishonest person.

There is dishonesty in virtually every post you make. It's like a problem with you. It goes on in every thread about every topic and it has gone on for all the time I've been on USMB, and others can attest to this as well. You are basically a dishonest person who can't tell the truth even when you try to tell the truth... like here in this post. You've completely gotten what I stated wrong and it's even the title of the fucking thread.
So we are in agreement- you have no basis of support from the Supreme Court.

No.. There has not been a case brought to the Supreme Court. We are not in agreement on basis of support because that is an unknown until a case is heard. You've presented your opinion and I've presented mine. Your opinion basically refutes mine on the basis of your opinion and my opinion is based on what the Constitution says.

Your opinion is based upon your prejudice against homosexuals and your butt hurt that they can marry. It has no basis in the Constitution.

No, it's based on the Equal Protection clause as I thoroughly explained and you couldn't refute.

Now, you are trying to win the argument by denigration. That won't work with me.
Well not sure how that changes anything.

You started a thread saying that society should not accept homosexuality- giving the words you think society should have said- which are indeed your words- not societies.

No I didn't. I started a thread saying it would have been easier for society to condemn homosexuality. I never said society should not accept homosexuality. That's what you want to imply that I said because you're a dishonest person.

There is dishonesty in virtually every post you make. It's like a problem with you. It goes on in every thread about every topic and it has gone on for all the time I've been on USMB, and others can attest to this as well. You are basically a dishonest person who can't tell the truth even when you try to tell the truth... like here in this post. You've completely gotten what I stated wrong and it's even the title of the fucking thread.

Yeah- you really did say society should not accept homosexuality. You just can't be honest enough to admit that you think your 'friends' are perverts and that society should say that something is wrong with gay people.

When does society stand up and say, you know what? We're done being nice! Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU... YOU have to tolerate US! --WE don't have to accept you being gay... you need to abandon that behavior or get help, but don't ask for special treatment anymore... we're done!


Now, patiently we've tried for the past 30 years or so, to accept gay people and be tolerant of their lifestyles. We're no closer to appeasing them now than we've ever been and I don't know that we can ever appease them enough. It might just be easier to roll all this back and start over with the mindset that something is wrong with you gay people and we're not going to accept it into our culture anymore. If you don't like it, move to France or somewhere homosexuality is normal.

Your words- not mine.

Your whole thread is a call to action for Americans to no longer tolerate homosexuals.

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