It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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Well I do enjoy flaunting in front of homophobes examples of gay Americans who can now legally marry.

They can't in Alabama. We don't do marriage licenses anymore... Now what, smart ass?

Americans can indeed get married in Alabama- no matter how much you object to it- you really are an idiot.

Alabama is issuing marriage licenses today and will be tomorrow.

Alabama Marriage License Vote
Alabama A proposal to get the state of Alabama out of the marriage business has failed within the state legislature. The Alabama House has not approved a proposal that was previously given the green light by the state senate. The bill would have done away with state issued marriage licenses. Wednesday's vote in the Alabama House was 53 to 36 in favor of the measure. However, two-third's approval was needed in that chamber for the bill to pass. That approval rating was needed because the item was not on Governor Robert Bentley's agenda for the special session.

Even if the bill had passed- Alabamans would still have been getting legally married-

If the measure would have passed it would have virtually taken the state of Alabama out of the marriage business. Instead, it would have required couples to take a signed marriage contract and file it with the probate office.

Today- tomorrow- Alabamans can still get married.

No matter how much that offends you.
Well I do enjoy flaunting in front of homophobes examples of gay Americans who can now legally marry.

They can't in Alabama. We don't do marriage licenses anymore... Now what, smart ass?

Got a link?

No I don't actually have a link. They approved a bill in the Senate and it passed the house 53-36 but since it wasn't on the governor's agenda it required a super-majority vote to pass. This is a minor technicality and eventually will be law of the land in Alabama. In the meantime, numerous counties have ceased issuing marriage licenses. And I predict others will follow suit. You cannot compel the State to issue marriage licenses.
Well not sure how that changes anything.

You started a thread saying that society should not accept homosexuality- giving the words you think society should have said- which are indeed your words- not societies.

No I didn't. I started a thread saying it would have been easier for society to condemn homosexuality. I never said society should not accept homosexuality. That's what you want to imply that I said because you're a dishonest person.

There is dishonesty in virtually every post you make. It's like a problem with you. It goes on in every thread about every topic and it has gone on for all the time I've been on USMB, and others can attest to this as well. You are basically a dishonest person who can't tell the truth even when you try to tell the truth... like here in this post. You've completely gotten what I stated wrong and it's even the title of the fucking thread.

Hah! You wrote all the things that Syriusly quoted, you started a thread in which you question whether society will reject tolerance of gays because they can't be appeased, because they are changing the laws, and whatever other unacceptable attempt at equality and tolerance you bemoan. You start off a post in this thread like this :
Again, you're not thinking past the head of your gay dick.
Yet still you want to proclaim your tolerance and acceptance of gays. Your OP was, I think, completely intentional in its implications. Whether they reflect your feelings or not I can't say, but I think you purposely wrote the OP to imply that you think society should stop tolerating gays. Maybe you were just trolling, maybe your claims of tolerance are lies, I don't know. If you don't see how someone reading your OP and your subsequent posts in this thread would get the impression that you think tolerance of gays should stop, you aren't paying attention to your own writing.
I think it's pointless tolerating you. Look where it's getting me? I've been called every name in the book here. You've kind of made my point for me. It's not possible to tolerate those who are bound to be intolerable. It would have been easier for society to have condemned homosexuality when they had the chance. Obviously, society thought it would be easier to tolerate it... look it where it leads us. We made it acceptable to be gay, struck down the sodomy laws, and society embraced the gay community... was that enough? No! Does anyone get any credit for that? No! Some of the very same people who stood up against homosexuals being locked up for their acts are now being called bigots and homophobes because they oppose gay marriage on religious or moral grounds. I know this to be true because I was one of those people.

YOU are responsible for me second-guessing my choices. YOU are the one who is pushing me to my limits of patience and tolerance. It's not ME doing it... it's YOU! I've accepted gay people, I have no problem with anyone's sexuality. I don't think the government should have the authority to define marriage for the people. I don't agree that marriage is a right. I don't agree that marriage can be anything other than the union of a man and woman, and I won't believe anything differently as long as I live. You're not ever going to force me to accept it. I also have no problem with gay people wanting to call their relationships marriage... I don't have to acknowledge it and I'm not going to. You're not ever going to force me to.
Well I do enjoy flaunting in front of homophobes examples of gay Americans who can now legally marry.

They can't in Alabama. We don't do marriage licenses anymore... Now what, smart ass?

Got a link?

No I don't actually have a link. They approved a bill in the Senate and it passed the house 53-36 but since it wasn't on the governor's agenda it required a super-majority vote to pass. This is a minor technicality and eventually will be law of the land in Alabama. In the meantime, numerous counties have ceased issuing marriage licenses. And I predict others will follow suit. You cannot compel the State to issue marriage licenses.

'minor technicality' as in you were completely wrong- the law has not passed.
Alabama is still issuing marriage licenses.
And even with the proposed change to marriage laws- Alabamans- whether gay or straight- will continue to be able to get married in Alabama.

Your post was 100% wrong.

You just aren't able to admit it.
I think it's pointless tolerating you. Look where it's getting me? I've been called every name in the book here. You've kind of made my point for me. It's not possible to tolerate those who are bound to be intolerable. It would have been easier for society to have condemned homosexuality when they had the chance. Obviously, society thought it would be easier to tolerate it... look it where it leads us. We made it acceptable to be gay, struck down the sodomy laws, and society embraced the gay community... was that enough? No! Does anyone get any credit for that? No! Some of the very same people who stood up against homosexuals being locked up for their acts are now being called bigots and homophobes because they oppose gay marriage on religious or moral grounds. I know this to be true because I was one of those people..

Why exactly do you imagine that I have to 'tolerate' you opinion any more than you have to tolerate my opinion? Far from being called 'every name under the book' you have been called a homophobe for starting an anti-gay thread. I have been called far, far worse simply for stating that I believe homosexuals should be able to legally marry exactly as my wife and I are married. If you don't have the stones to be criticized for your opinions- then don't start a thread that you know was an attack on homosexuals.

Why do you think you get a big attaboy because the Supreme Court struck down a law you approved of?
Society has largely been dragged kicking and screaming into treating homosexual Americans equally. Hell whole states went to the trouble to change their marriage laws to prevent homosexuals from marrying.

The people- meaning 1 person- who has been locked up- was locked up for disobeying a court order. Does she get called names for her stance? Yes she does. Do gays get called names for wanting to get married- yes they do.

I have seen nothing in this thread about tolerance of homosexuals- except you telling us you are tolerant- while telling us that America shouldn't be tolerant.

Doesn't sound very tolerant to me.
YOU are responsible for me second-guessing my choices. YOU are the one who is pushing me to my limits of patience and tolerance. It's not ME doing it... it's YOU! .

So you blame everyone else for your posts? For how you think?

Be a man- don't blame others for who you are.
I think it's pointless tolerating you. Look where it's getting me? I've been called every name in the book here. You've kind of made my point for me. It's not possible to tolerate those who are bound to be intolerable. It would have been easier for society to have condemned homosexuality when they had the chance. Obviously, society thought it would be easier to tolerate it... look it where it leads us. We made it acceptable to be gay, struck down the sodomy laws, and society embraced the gay community... was that enough? No! Does anyone get any credit for that? No! Some of the very same people who stood up against homosexuals being locked up for their acts are now being called bigots and homophobes because they oppose gay marriage on religious or moral grounds. I know this to be true because I was one of those people.

YOU are responsible for me second-guessing my choices. YOU are the one who is pushing me to my limits of patience and tolerance. It's not ME doing it... it's YOU! I've accepted gay people, I have no problem with anyone's sexuality. I don't think the government should have the authority to define marriage for the people. I don't agree that marriage is a right. I don't agree that marriage can be anything other than the union of a man and woman, and I won't believe anything differently as long as I live. You're not ever going to force me to accept it. I also have no problem with gay people wanting to call their relationships marriage... I don't have to acknowledge it and I'm not going to. You're not ever going to force me to.

Who is the 'we' that made it 'acceptable to be gay'? The 'we' that struck down the sodomy laws? I hate to inform you but for many, being gay is still not acceptable. A brief perusal of any thread on this site about gays will make that clear. Sodomy laws were struck down by the Supreme know, the court which you are railing against for striking down laws banning same sex marriage?

You want credit for making it acceptable to be gay? You want credit for striking down sodomy laws? Do you actually think you were responsible for either of those things?

I would be perfectly happy if all marriages were changed into civil unions insofar as the law is concerned. I've advocated that before on this site. I realize that, at least presently, it is an unrealistic hope. People are far too wedded (pun intended :p) to the word marriage to give it up.

You don't have to believe that marriage is a right or that marriage is anything but a man and a woman. You can believe what you want. It is still the law, whatever you believe. If you think that is 'forcing you' to believe.....well, that's a problem for you I suppose. It's unfortunate for you if you think what the law is determines your beliefs.

You certainly are showing a thin skin for someone who started a thread designed to cause controversy.
heh I say bring it on, let the "Christian Army" go forth and try to wreck havoc again; as they did with the crusades, the witch trials, even the Mormon's... I hope they find that in a connected world, in a truly "fair" America, they'll be met with resistance they /should/ have met in the beginning and finally be put in their place in our "free" country.

I have no issue with what one wishes to believe right up until, until it infringes upon the constitutional rights of another. I will stand against /anyone/ who does so, and if you morons want to bring it to violent arms, then so be it. Lets see just how many "faithful Christians" you can get to commit suicide in the "name of god" today (these days?) Lets just see how many atrocities against humans modern American's will allow you...

(Yes, my opinion is biased - I have a dislike for organized religion because it's not about "faith" but rather about control.)


Yes... we're the intolerant ones.

The war is coming Prog. We will not start it. But we will finish it and when it is finished, there will not be a Leftist alive anywhere in what was once the CONUS.

So the sooner you start it, the sooner you get your wish.

As far as I'm concerned, now works.
Far from being called 'every name under the book' you have been called a homophobe for starting an anti-gay thread.

Anti-gay-marriage is not anti-gay. The same as anti-illegal-immigration isn't anti-immigration.

That's the closed minded and bigoted view I am talking about. I realized the thread would be controversial and I would be called names. I stated that in paragraph one.

I am a reasonable person. I can meet just about anyone half way on just about anything. But this isn't something the left wants to meet half way on. You've got your banner to wave and you've picked your mountain to die on. No one can reason with you which is why I said, we would have been better off to have dismissed you from the outset.

I know people who are gay and opposed to gay marriage... So do you also consider them "anti-gay"?
Sodomy laws were struck down by the Supreme know, the court which you are railing against for striking down laws banning same sex marriage?

You want credit for making it acceptable to be gay? You want credit for striking down sodomy laws? Do you actually think you were responsible for either of those things?

Short answer, yes. SCOTUS does not make our laws. We, the collective People are who ultimately make the laws. I think most people are like me, when they struck down sodomy laws it was accepted. I don't think it's right to throw people in jail because they're homosexual. That's a far cry from being okay with them destroying the tradition of marriage to legitimize their sexual behavior.

So yes... collectively, WE made it acceptable to be gay. The result is, that wasn't enough and I don't think gay marriage will be enough. It's akin to trying to give an alcoholic enough to drink so that he is satisfied. The more you appease and enable, the worse they become.

I think homosexuals know what they are doing is fundamentally and morally wrong and no matter what measures are taken to accommodate them, it will never overcome that guilt. It's never going to be enough to make the homosexual feel society isn't prejudiced against them.

Well, guess what? NO ONE is 100% insulated from prejudice! At some point, this has to be accepted and lived with because you're not ever going to change it. Everyone is never going to approve of you completely. There will always be some who don't like you, have prejudice against you, don't agree with your lifestyle, don't want to change their lifestyle to accommodate you. That's just LIFE. Deal with it!
Sodomy laws were struck down by the Supreme know, the court which you are railing against for striking down laws banning same sex marriage?

You want credit for making it acceptable to be gay? You want credit for striking down sodomy laws? Do you actually think you were responsible for either of those things?

Short answer, yes. SCOTUS does not make our laws. We, the collective People are who ultimately make the laws. I think most people are like me, when they struck down sodomy laws it was accepted. I don't think it's right to throw people in jail because they're homosexual. That's a far cry from being okay with them destroying the tradition of marriage to legitimize their sexual behavior.

So yes... collectively, WE made it acceptable to be gay. The result is, that wasn't enough and I don't think gay marriage will be enough. It's akin to trying to give an alcoholic enough to drink so that he is satisfied. The more you appease and enable, the worse they become.

I think homosexuals know what they are doing is fundamentally and morally wrong and no matter what measures are taken to accommodate them, it will never overcome that guilt. It's never going to be enough to make the homosexual feel society isn't prejudiced against them.

Well, guess what? NO ONE is 100% insulated from prejudice! At some point, this has to be accepted and lived with because you're not ever going to change it. Everyone is never going to approve of you completely. There will always be some who don't like you, have prejudice against you, don't agree with your lifestyle, don't want to change their lifestyle to accommodate you. That's just LIFE. Deal with it!

Well if you are talking about the collective we, who exactly would be giving credit? Are you looking for gays to stand up and say, "Thanks for not treating us quite as much like second class citizens anymore"? This even though we've already established that some of the things were made acceptable through court decision, such as the striking down of sodomy laws a mere 12 years ago?

Of course no one is insulated from prejudice. That doesn't mean all prejudice should be accepted. And it certainly is not up to you what is an appropriate level of acceptance.

You have compared homosexuals to alcoholics, pedophiles, bestiality, and necrophilia. You started a thread about how it would be easier for society to reject gays. You are looking for credit for gays being granted equality in various ways. You think gays 'know what they are doing is fundamentally and morally wrong'. Is this your idea of being such a tolerant person?
Far from being called 'every name under the book' you have been called a homophobe for starting an anti-gay thread.

Anti-gay-marriage is not anti-gay. The same as anti-illegal-immigration isn't anti-immigration.

That's the closed minded and bigoted view I am talking about. I realized the thread would be controversial and I would be called names. I stated that in paragraph one.

I am a reasonable person. I can meet just about anyone half way on just about anything. But this isn't something the left wants to meet half way on. You've got your banner to wave and you've picked your mountain to die on. No one can reason with you which is why I said, we would have been better off to have dismissed you from the outset.

I know people who are gay and opposed to gay marriage... So do you also consider them "anti-gay"?

But you didn't start a thread that said gay marriage is wrong. You started a thread saying it would be easier for society to condemn homosexuality, that perhaps homosexuality is wrong, a theme you've continued. Yet here you are trying to go back and make this just about same sex marriage.

And you have the gall to say Syriusly is being dishonest?
You started a thread about how it would be easier for society to reject gays.

Do you not understand the difference between present and past tense?

I didn't say it would be easier for society to reject gays. I said: It would have been easier to condemned homosexuality.

Lying dipshit!
You have compared homosexuals to alcoholics, pedophiles, bestiality, and necrophilia.

No, I did not compare them to anything. I've given examples of some other sexual proclivities (and that's what homosexuality is) which can now lobby for their rights, come out of the closet, demand that they be given the same legitimacy under the law... and we have no choice but to allow it, if we are going to remain true to the Constitution.

I compared the gay lobby to alcoholics being given more to drink in hopes of satisfying them. That has nothing to do with homosexuality.

Again... you'r being a lying PUNK!
You started a thread about how it would be easier for society to reject gays.

Do you not understand the difference between present and past tense?

I didn't say it would be easier for society to reject gays. I said: It would have been easier to condemned homosexuality.

Lying dipshit!

Let's look at your OP :
I fully understand this thread will catch a lot of flack from the left but I don't care. I also want to say, I have several dear and sweet homosexual friends and family members who I love very much and it makes what I am about to say very difficult for me personally.

I am starting to think it would be easier for us to condemn homosexuality than to tolerate it. Clearly to me, we (society) are trying to accept homosexuality in our culture without passing judgement but it's simply impossible because it won't be allowed. They continue to push harder for more and more special conditions to be established in order to accommodate their gayness. If there is the least bit of opposition, that is immediately turned into "homophobia" and the objector is vilified as a hater and bigot.

We've bent over backwards to try and please them but they won't be satisfied. We've taught our kids to accept them, our pastors and ministers preach about being tolerant, love the sinner and hate the sin. We've allowed them the dignity of coming out of the closet but it seems no matter what efforts are made to try and accept their behavior, it's simply not enough. We're pushed and pushed even further. There is no end... it's becoming sheer madness.

One of these days, I look for some gay lobby to push for a law which allows gay men to openly shove their penis in your mouth or ass when in public, so as to accommodate their sexual urges... and IF you deny them that "right" you are a homophobic bigot! Don't laugh, it's where this kind of shit always ends because there is no giving them what they want. It will never be enough.

At what point does society STOP being tolerant and PC? When do we reach that tipping point where we say... ya know what, maybe it was a mistake to accept you people and tolerate this? Perhaps your behavior is inappropriate and wrong, and we have been foolish trying to condone it for all this time? Could we ever reach such a 'backlash' point? I think we can because inevitably it's where they are going to push us. They are bound and determined to turn America against them or die trying. Change your laws! Make marriage be about your sexual behaviors and not what it has traditionally meant for 5,000 years! Tolerate it in your face every day 24/7 or face being castigated as a bigot.

No... You can't enjoy your favorite TV show anymore, we're going to make you watch two men kissing because you are a bigot who needs it shoved in your face. No, you can't hold your own personal religious beliefs anymore, it violates our rights! We gay people demand you accept our sexually deviant behavior as "normal" and not compare us with other deviants because we're fucking special! You got that, bigot?

When does society stand up and say, you know what? We're done being nice! Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU... YOU have to tolerate US! --WE don't have to accept you being gay... you need to abandon that behavior or get help, but don't ask for special treatment anymore... we're done!

What will it take? Anthony Kennedy legislating from the bench to "find a right" for homos to publicly molest heterosexuals without fear of reprisal? Eventually, this is where this all leads because we can't ever give them what they want. They seek legitimacy for an abnormal sexual behavior which they know and realize is abnormal. What we are doing is encouraging and enabling their condition.... it's like offering kiddie porn to pedophiles. It's NEVER going to be enough!

Now, patiently we've tried for the past 30 years or so, to accept gay people and be tolerant of their lifestyles. We're no closer to appeasing them now than we've ever been and I don't know that we can ever appease them enough. It might just be easier to roll all this back and start over with the mindset that something is wrong with you gay people and we're not going to accept it into our culture anymore. If you don't like it, move to France or somewhere homosexuality is normal.

...Let the flames begin!

I put a few examples of present or future tense from your OP in bold. The first one is particularly funny as it says exactly the opposite of what you just claimed.

Who is the 'lying dipshit'? :rofl:
I stand by my OP and you are missing the context.
Good job on nit picking the grammar though.

You're still a dishonest dipshit.
You have compared homosexuals to alcoholics, pedophiles, bestiality, and necrophilia.

No, I did not compare them to anything. I've given examples of some other sexual proclivities (and that's what homosexuality is) which can now lobby for their rights, come out of the closet, demand that they be given the same legitimacy under the law... and we have no choice but to allow it, if we are going to remain true to the Constitution.

I compared the gay lobby to alcoholics being given more to drink in hopes of satisfying them. That has nothing to do with homosexuality.

Again... you'r being a lying PUNK!

You have compared, whether you are comfortable admitting it or not. I didn't say that you equated homosexuality to those other things, but that you compared it to them. You did.

As to your claim that you compared the 'gay lobby' to alcoholics, let's quote the post that came from, shall we?

Short answer, yes. SCOTUS does not make our laws. We, the collective People are who ultimately make the laws. I think most people are like me, when they struck down sodomy laws it was accepted. I don't think it's right to throw people in jail because they're homosexual. That's a far cry from being okay with them destroying the tradition of marriage to legitimize their sexual behavior.

So yes... collectively, WE made it acceptable to be gay. The result is, that wasn't enough and I don't think gay marriage will be enough. It's akin to trying to give an alcoholic enough to drink so that he is satisfied. The more you appease and enable, the worse they become.

I think homosexuals know what they are doing is fundamentally and morally wrong and no matter what measures are taken to accommodate them, it will never overcome that guilt. It's never going to be enough to make the homosexual feel society isn't prejudiced against them.

Well, guess what? NO ONE is 100% insulated from prejudice! At some point, this has to be accepted and lived with because you're not ever going to change it. Everyone is never going to approve of you completely. There will always be some who don't like you, have prejudice against you, don't agree with your lifestyle, don't want to change their lifestyle to accommodate you. That's just LIFE. Deal with it!

I've taken the liberty of once again putting the relevant section in bold. Care to show where you said anything about the gay lobby rather than just gays as a whole?

Again...who's being a lying PUNK! :lmao:
I stand by my OP and you are missing the context.
Good job on nit picking the grammar though.

You're still a dishonest dipshit.

Ha! You get your panties in a wad about the tense of your statements in the OP and tell me I am lying. I show you that you are completely in the wrong and suddenly I am 'nit picking the grammar'?

You haven't been 'called every name in the book' in this thread, but wow, do you invite it! You dishonest, whiney, paranoid, arrogant nitwit. ;)
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