It's funny how republicans think

We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.

Same with Democrats and their fighting for equality. 200 years of fighting, yet according to them blacks are still slaves and woman are still barefoot and pregnant doing laundry.

That's just dems failing to recognize that their efforts to keep blacks and women subjugated failed...

Enter government funded abortion and open borders...the world is their oyster again!

This doesn't seem be the case.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.

Same with Democrats and their fighting for equality. 200 years of fighting, yet according to them blacks are still slaves and woman are still barefoot and pregnant doing laundry.

That's just dems failing to recognize that their efforts to keep blacks and women subjugated failed...

Enter government funded abortion and open borders...the world is their oyster again!

This doesn't seem be the case.

Really? Is there an abortion mill in beaverly hill? Na, they do more business in black peoples neighborhoods.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
Hey Bro, I am less than 1% African according to 23 And Me. So we brothers now nigga.

You were not really dumb enough to give your DNA to 23 and Me...were you?
No but my wife and son did.

Well, I have no desire to insult anyone family and did not mean to do so...

but I do not trust those places and the government already has my DNA thanks to the Military's short-lived DNA collection phase.
I don't think it means anything any more. We lost our privacy protections under the Constitution long ago. If Uncle Sam wants you taken out, there is not a damn thing you can do about it.
US budget deficit hits highest level in 6 years

The federal budget deficit has surged to $779 billion in fiscal 2018, its highest level in six years as President Donald Trump's tax cuts caused the government to borrow more heavily in order to cover its spending.

The Treasury Department said Monday that the deficit climbed $113 billion from fiscal 2017. Debt will likely worsen in the coming years with the Trump administration expecting the deficit to top $1 trillion in 2019, nearly matching the $1.1 trillion imbalance from 2012.

The deficit worsened because tax revenues are not keeping pace with government spending. The government's fiscal year runs from October to September, unlike calendar years that begin in January. Tax revenues were essentially flat in fiscal 2018, while spending increased 3.2 percent as Congress gave more funds for military and domestic programs.

Revenues generally tumbled after December when Trump signed into law $1.5 trillion of tax cuts over the next decade. The tax cuts have caused economic growth to accelerate this year with Federal Reserve officials anticipating gains of 3.1 percent. But the Trump administration initially promised that the tax cuts would pay for themselves through stronger growth — and there is no sign so far of that happening.

US budget deficit hits highest level in 6 years

The government has some fucked up math.

According to this site...Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The debt increased (i.e. the deficit) 1.27 trillion in FY-18

Yet this from the same agency Monthly Treasury Statement

Only shows the deficit as 779 billion.

Some where money is being spent that is not showing up on the Treasure Statement.

The other fact that the Treasury statement gives us is that since the tax cut became law, revenues have decreased by $14,889,000,000 as compared to 2017 with 7 of the 9 months coming in with less revenue than in 2017.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
Hey Bro, I am less than 1% African according to 23 And Me. So we brothers now nigga.

You were not really dumb enough to give your DNA to 23 and Me...were you?
No but my wife and son did.

Well, I have no desire to insult anyone family and did not mean to do so...

but I do not trust those places and the government already has my DNA thanks to the Military's short-lived DNA collection phase.
I don't think it means anything any more. We lost our privacy protections under the Constitution long ago. If Uncle Sam wants you taken out, there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

That I cannot argue with.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.

You're funny. You think Republicans have controlled Congress 16 of the past 18 years. You think republicans want you to vote for them because DC is broke. Yet the Republicans are the ones giving you money and it is the Democrats always trying to raise your taxes. You really didn't think that one through, did you?

Since 2000, who has controlled congress for the most years? And republicans are not giving me money back nor are democrats trying to raise my taxes. I am considered middle class in income. Democrats proposed a middle class tax cut, meaning they are for cutting my taxes. You need to quit listening to dropouts telling you how to think.
Republicans keep pushing the trickle-down myth.

And the Democrats keep pushing the trickle up poor fact and somehow it's a crisis if we get to keep more of our money and they have to spend less.


But you aren't keeping more of your money.
Oh yes we are.

I'm keeping $75 per month that was previously being illegally taken from me to pay union dues when I never wanted to belong to the union.

I'm earning about $1000 per month more than I was before Trump took office.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.

Nice Strawman you’ve built.
US budget deficit hits highest level in 6 years

The federal budget deficit has surged to $779 billion in fiscal 2018, its highest level in six years as President Donald Trump's tax cuts caused the government to borrow more heavily in order to cover its spending.

The Treasury Department said Monday that the deficit climbed $113 billion from fiscal 2017. Debt will likely worsen in the coming years with the Trump administration expecting the deficit to top $1 trillion in 2019, nearly matching the $1.1 trillion imbalance from 2012.

The deficit worsened because tax revenues are not keeping pace with government spending. The government's fiscal year runs from October to September, unlike calendar years that begin in January. Tax revenues were essentially flat in fiscal 2018, while spending increased 3.2 percent as Congress gave more funds for military and domestic programs.

Revenues generally tumbled after December when Trump signed into law $1.5 trillion of tax cuts over the next decade. The tax cuts have caused economic growth to accelerate this year with Federal Reserve officials anticipating gains of 3.1 percent. But the Trump administration initially promised that the tax cuts would pay for themselves through stronger growth — and there is no sign so far of that happening.

US budget deficit hits highest level in 6 years

The government has some fucked up math.

According to this site...Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The debt increased (i.e. the deficit) 1.27 trillion in FY-18

Yet this from the same agency Monthly Treasury Statement

Only shows the deficit as 779 billion.

Some where money is being spent that is not showing up on the Treasure Statement.

The other fact that the Treasury statement gives us is that since the tax cut became law, revenues have decreased by $14,889,000,000 as compared to 2017 with 7 of the 9 months coming in with less revenue than in 2017.

The math isn't fucked up, the accounting system is.

The "official" deficit reported by the Treasury doesn't include so called "off budget" items which is primarily composed of intragovernmental borrowing (like for example when money was borrowed from SS revenues to fund other agency operations.)

So when the Federal Government takes money out of one pocket and puts it in another then issues Debt Instruments to record it (Bonds) and puts those back in the original pocket it isn't counted as part of the budget deficit, which doesn't really matter since all you're doing is changing from one fiat debt instrument (US Dollars) to another fiat debt instrument (Treasury Bonds denominated in dollars), the net result of which is an expansion of the currency supply over time (interest payments).

The "official" deficit is just a statement of (receipts - outlays) and doesn't account for intragovernmental debt nor does it account for amortization of future liabilities (aka "unfunded liabilities").
Since 2000, who has controlled congress for the most years? And republicans are not giving me money back nor are democrats trying to raise my taxes. I am considered middle class in income. Democrats proposed a middle class tax cut, meaning they are for cutting my taxes. You need to quit listening to dropouts telling you how to think.
What state you live in? Do you work or retired?
Exactly, because you know I would burn the hell out of your lies.
No you won't, because you can't. Unless you make shit up.
I don't make shit up, I use facts, links and personal experience all the places I lived and been to in America, I never moved to a blue state I ran from one due to high taxes
More LIES!
You left for a JOB & warm weather, not just because of taxes.
What state you live in? Do you work or retired?
Exactly, because you know I would burn the hell out of your lies.
No you won't, because you can't. Unless you make shit up.
I don't make shit up, I use facts, links and personal experience all the places I lived and been to in America, I never moved to a blue state I ran from one due to high taxes
More LIES!
You left for a JOB & warm weather, not just because of taxes.

It was all because of taxes and a high cost of living, do you really think I wanted to work with a bunch of dumb ass rednecks that it takes 4 of them to screw in a light bulb and the nearest place to get a good Italian beef sandwich is 800 miles away?
US budget deficit hits highest level in 6 years

The federal budget deficit has surged to $779 billion in fiscal 2018, its highest level in six years as President Donald Trump's tax cuts caused the government to borrow more heavily in order to cover its spending.

The Treasury Department said Monday that the deficit climbed $113 billion from fiscal 2017. Debt will likely worsen in the coming years with the Trump administration expecting the deficit to top $1 trillion in 2019, nearly matching the $1.1 trillion imbalance from 2012.

The deficit worsened because tax revenues are not keeping pace with government spending. The government's fiscal year runs from October to September, unlike calendar years that begin in January. Tax revenues were essentially flat in fiscal 2018, while spending increased 3.2 percent as Congress gave more funds for military and domestic programs.

Revenues generally tumbled after December when Trump signed into law $1.5 trillion of tax cuts over the next decade. The tax cuts have caused economic growth to accelerate this year with Federal Reserve officials anticipating gains of 3.1 percent. But the Trump administration initially promised that the tax cuts would pay for themselves through stronger growth — and there is no sign so far of that happening.

US budget deficit hits highest level in 6 years

The government has some fucked up math.

According to this site...Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The debt increased (i.e. the deficit) 1.27 trillion in FY-18

Yet this from the same agency Monthly Treasury Statement

Only shows the deficit as 779 billion.

Some where money is being spent that is not showing up on the Treasure Statement.

The other fact that the Treasury statement gives us is that since the tax cut became law, revenues have decreased by $14,889,000,000 as compared to 2017 with 7 of the 9 months coming in with less revenue than in 2017.

The math isn't fucked up, the accounting system is.

The "official" deficit reported by the Treasury doesn't include so called "off budget" items which is primarily composed of intragovernmental borrowing (like for example when money was borrowed from SS revenues to fund other agency operations.)

So when the Federal Government takes money out of one pocket and puts it in another then issues Debt Instruments to record it (Bonds) and puts those back in the original pocket it isn't counted as part of the budget deficit, which doesn't really matter since all you're doing is changing from one fiat debt instrument (US Dollars) to another fiat debt instrument (Treasury Bonds denominated in dollars), the net result of which is an expansion of the currency supply over time (interest payments).

The "official" deficit is just a statement of (receipts - outlays) and doesn't account for intragovernmental debt nor does it account for amortization of future liabilities (aka "unfunded liabilities").

Thanks, that is sort of what I was getting at. When I was on recruiting duty we called it "recruiter math"!
Actually it's the angry incoherent left that keep whining about the "national debit". Lefties never have a good day. They continue to whine when the DOW jumps a thousand points and they whine when unemployment is at a record low.

For 8 years you angry incoherent right that keep whining about the "national debt" (not debit) while Obama was in office.

Why does it not matter now?
Because we have more immediate problems right now.

Do you not think the caravans of asylum seekers and border crossers increase the debt?

After 2020 Trump can spend his whole 2nd term crushing the debt.

You actually just said we have a trillion dollar deficit "because Mexicans".

Oh, wow...

I'm going to be laughing my ass off all week over that one. :lol:
Actually it's the angry incoherent left that keep whining about the "national debit". Lefties never have a good day. They continue to whine when the DOW jumps a thousand points and they whine when unemployment is at a record low.

For 8 years you angry incoherent right that keep whining about the "national debt" (not debit) while Obama was in office.

Why does it not matter now?
Because we have more immediate problems right now.

Do you not think the caravans of asylum seekers and border crossers increase the debt?

After 2020 Trump can spend his whole 2nd term crushing the debt.

You actually just said we have a trillion dollar deficit "because Mexicans".

Oh, wow...

I'm going to be laughing my ass off all week over that one. :lol:
I didn't say that at all.

I am just giving an immediate example.
Actually it's the angry incoherent left that keep whining about the "national debit". Lefties never have a good day. They continue to whine when the DOW jumps a thousand points and they whine when unemployment is at a record low.

For 8 years you angry incoherent right that keep whining about the "national debt" (not debit) while Obama was in office.

Why does it not matter now?
Because we have more immediate problems right now.

Do you not think the caravans of asylum seekers and border crossers increase the debt?

After 2020 Trump can spend his whole 2nd term crushing the debt.

You actually just said we have a trillion dollar deficit "because Mexicans".

Oh, wow...

I'm going to be laughing my ass off all week over that one. :lol:
I didn't say that at all.

I am just giving an immediate example.
Yes, you did say that.

Man, this topic title is right on! :lol:
After 2020 Trump can spend his whole 2nd term crushing the debt.
Man, that's even funnier than "because Mexicans".

After 2020, Trump will shatter Obama's debt record. If the morbidly obese fuck is still alive.
After 2020 Trump can spend his whole 2nd term crushing the debt.
Man, that's even funnier than "because Mexicans".

After 2020, Trump will shatter Obama's debt record. If the morbidly obese fuck is still alive.
If Republicans win in November you will see Trump do health care and infrastructure with the start of a debt reduction plan.

Trump wants to be the best president ever, and he will do absolutely everything he can to make sure that happens.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.

Washington isn't broke. It's taking in record amounts of tax revenue. Republicans and Democrats spend too much money.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
Truth is republicans don't think and they do not want citizens to think hence the heavy propaganda of fux entertainment news.

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