It's gonna get worse, before it gets better....................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
In today's COVID 19 briefing, Trump has backtracked on many things.

Remember when he made fun of people wearing masks just a couple of months ago? Well, now he's saying it is our patriotic duty to wear one.

Remember when he said that it would "go away like a miracle" or that when summer came, it would subside? Summer came, and now, we are having spikes all over the place from people getting together over Memorial Day and beyond. Trump then said that the spikes were simply "embers and small flames that will be quickly put out", but today at his presser, he said that it is going to get worse before it gets better.

My question is, why did it take Trump so long to come to a realistic assessment of the virus? I'm just confused.
Does that now mean that wearing a mask is a patriotic MAGA thing?
My question is, why did it take Trump so long to come to a realistic assessment of the virus?

He didn't have a choice. He was on the outside looking in, we all could see what was going on, the GOP senators could see what was going on. It was only him and a few GOP governors denying reality...

Now maybe those shitstain governors will get off of their knees, climb on the bandwagon and do what's right instead of sucking Trump.
My question is, why did it take Trump so long to come to a realistic assessment of the virus?
Seriously? Um, because he's exactly the incompetent clown depicted in The Apprentice? Yet idiots still voted for him because Hillary appeared even worse?
Who decided it was a good idea to send him out alone today? Is this like pushing the pirate out to walk the plank?
This was a disaster. He backtracks on everything he's been preaching for the last three months. His base must be scratching their heads right now.
It will be interesting to see what effect this has on DeSantis, Kemp, and Abbott. They've been his ardent supporters.
In today's COVID 19 briefing, Trump has backtracked on many things.

Remember when he made fun of people wearing masks just a couple of months ago? Well, now he's saying it is our patriotic duty to wear one.

Remember when he said that it would "go away like a miracle" or that when summer came, it would subside? Summer came, and now, we are having spikes all over the place from people getting together over Memorial Day and beyond. Trump then said that the spikes were simply "embers and small flames that will be quickly put out", but today at his presser, he said that it is going to get worse before it gets better.

My question is, why did it take Trump so long to come to a realistic assessment of the virus?

Probably, they said. It's always the same. I'm just confused.
Does that now mean that wearing a mask is a patriotic MAGA thing?

If he hasn't already, I'm sure he'll be hawking "MAGA" masks very soon.
They'll obviously be made in Jina.
As essential PPE will they be exempt from tariffs?

They'll be on Ivanka's label, so of course they'll be made in China. And exempt from tariffs because... Ivanka.
Who decided it was a good idea to send him out alone today? Is this like pushing the pirate out to walk the plank?
This was a disaster. He backtracks on everything he's been preaching for the last three months. His base must be scratching their heads right now.
It will be interesting to see what effect this has on DeSantis, Kemp, and Abbott. They've been his ardent supporters.

Don't forget McMaster, he's been on his knees for Trump as much as the rest of them.
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In today's COVID 19 briefing, Trump has backtracked on many things.

Remember when he made fun of people wearing masks just a couple of months ago? Well, now he's saying it is our patriotic duty to wear one.

Remember when he said that it would "go away like a miracle" or that when summer came, it would subside? Summer came, and now, we are having spikes all over the place from people getting together over Memorial Day and beyond. Trump then said that the spikes were simply "embers and small flames that will be quickly put out", but today at his presser, he said that it is going to get worse before it gets better.

My question is, why did it take Trump so long to come to a realistic assessment of the virus?

Q. Why did it take Trump so long to come to a realistic assessment of the virus?

A. When he realized he was going to lose, and lose big if he continued to put his feet in his mouth each time he contradicted Dr. Fauci, and now that the good Doctor's words and his prediction have come true, Trump will once again try to blame others for the deaths and mounting infections. I can't wait for the second season of Trump's Dog and Pony Show. No doubt he will get off the teleprompter and continue to dig the hole he's in deeper and deeper.
The title is completely shutting down we only moved the inevitable a little down the road................This virus WILL RUN IT'S COURSE...........It was brought to us by CHINA from eating utter BS.................or from selling lab bats to Wet Markets.

And here it is ......IT'S TRUMP FLU.........LOL

Politics of TDS and nothing more..........Buckle the fuck up and if you are a Coward go hide back under your bed.............the death rate is low unless you live in a DNC Run state where they are killing off the Nursing home patients.
In today's COVID 19 briefing, Trump has backtracked on many things.

Remember when he made fun of people wearing masks just a couple of months ago? Well, now he's saying it is our patriotic duty to wear one.

Remember when he said that it would "go away like a miracle" or that when summer came, it would subside? Summer came, and now, we are having spikes all over the place from people getting together over Memorial Day and beyond. Trump then said that the spikes were simply "embers and small flames that will be quickly put out", but today at his presser, he said that it is going to get worse before it gets better.

My question is, why did it take Trump so long to come to a realistic assessment of the virus?

His poll numbers had to drop.
I don't know what all this bitching is about.
Trump gave state's their state rights to handle the Wuhanvirus as they see fit.
Hell, he even sent NYC a naval hospital ship that was under and mis-used along with Graham's organization set up in Central Park that was barely used at all.
Besides, plenty of respirators came on line in a timely manner with PPE rushed to the fronts.
Don't these states have effective Governor's? I guess not!
In today's COVID 19 briefing, Trump has backtracked on many things.

Remember when he made fun of people wearing masks just a couple of months ago? Well, now he's saying it is our patriotic duty to wear one.

Remember when he said that it would "go away like a miracle" or that when summer came, it would subside? Summer came, and now, we are having spikes all over the place from people getting together over Memorial Day and beyond. Trump then said that the spikes were simply "embers and small flames that will be quickly put out", but today at his presser, he said that it is going to get worse before it gets better.

My question is, why did it take Trump so long to come to a realistic assessment of the virus?

First you were saying he was taking it too lightly.
Now you're saying he's backtracking.
Your TDS is really out of control.

You cocksuckers never want to be honest about anything.

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