It's GOP ignorance and racism that makes America "less" safe.



The Iran negotiations involve the largest countries in Europe and Russia and China. But if you watched the news, especially Fox, you would think it's the US negotiating directly with Iran. Other countries, like Japan and South Korea and Brazil are respecting the sanctions and that's not even being reported.

But Republicans are doing their best to scuttle that because they are so damn ignorant and hate Obama that much and want to punish America for voting a black guy into office.

Republicans will say Obama wants a nuclear Iran even with so many other countries are involved. Republicans, in their tarded ignorance, act as if the rest of the world doesn't matter.

This goes way beyond just Iran. Republicans are announcing to the rest of the world America can't be believed and isn't acting in good faith. After the Iraq invasion and the lies that led up to it, what they are doing now is way more blatant. They are poking the rest of the world in the eye with a stick and saying "fuck you".

Would you believe this country after what Republicans have done?

After the GOP said they could void any agreement if they felt like it. And they feel like it, that we know.
From what I've seen, quite a few Democrats are stepping in too, and demanding that Obama clear any deal with Congress.

Looks like the Liar in Chief is becoming irrelevant....
Americans don't necessarily hate Obama, they just happen to love America.

America- the country that Obama loves to hate.

Suck on that, you simple-minded cretin. :slap:
Well at least one of the other countries involved thinks the negotiations need a bit more work, it's not just congress. But in case you haven't been paying attention, there are democrats that are saying congress must be included.

France says more work needed for Iran nuclear deal - Yahoo News

Bipartisan group Congress should vote on Iran deal - The Washington Post

In separate interviews with Right Turn, Coleman and Bayh stressed that the effort must be bipartisan. Coleman makes the case that a congressional vote should not be a “heavy lift.” He says that any deal with Iran should give the chance “for the people’s representatives — just as we have done for 25 other nuclear arms deals” the opportunity to review and vote on it.
The right-wing is un-American. They don't care if people can vote, they don't care if Israel spies on us, they don't care if a foreign nation tries to ruin American foreign policy, and they don't care if our soldiers die for nothing more than making them feel like big strong tough guys who watch the fight on You Tube.
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The Iran negotiations involve the largest countries in Europe and Russia and China. But if you watched the news, especially Fox, you would think it's the US negotiating directly with Iran. Other countries, like Japan and South Korea and Brazil are respecting the sanctions and that's not even being reported.

But Republicans are doing their best to scuttle that because they are so damn ignorant and hate Obama that much and want to punish America for voting a black guy into office.

Republicans will say Obama wants a nuclear Iran even with so many other countries are involved. Republicans, in their tarded ignorance, act as if the rest of the world doesn't matter.

This goes way beyond just Iran. Republicans are announcing to the rest of the world America can't be believed and isn't acting in good faith. After the Iraq invasion and the lies that led up to it, what they are doing now is way more blatant. They are poking the rest of the world in the eye with a stick and saying "fuck you".

Would you believe this country after what Republicans have done?

After the GOP said they could void any agreement if they felt like it. And they feel like it, that we know.
I'm not exactly sure with what your mind has been poisoned, but I'm pretty sure it has to do with just about everything I can find under my kitchen and bathroom sinks.
I don't look on it as poking the world in the eye. I look on it as putting a boot to Obama's Iranian buddy's ass for saying "Death to America".....

Too bad Obama doesn't care enough about this country to do the same.
And this is why blacks are the ones that are killing twice as many whites.

Blacks are the real racist.
I always think it is funny that you nutters accuse the Republicans of being racists.....the democrat party is openly racist....all the time...obama sat in a racist church for 20 years, the openly racist pastor married him and michelle and baptized their children....the democrat party is made up of racist groups from all colors of people...from La Raza.....a latino racist group, to the Nation of Islam...a black racist group, to the NAACP a black racist group, to the congressional black caucus...a black racist group of democrat politicians....and then you have the white racists in the party....

and yet with all these openly racist accuse the GOP, which has no race agenda whatsoever of being racist...."projection" thy name is democrat........
Americans don't necessarily hate Obama, they just happen to love America.

America- the country that Obama loves to hate.

Suck on that, you simple-minded cretin. :slap:
True that Americans don't hate Obama. I and everyone else would have accepted him if he had kept promises, but as many politicians do, he ignored his promises and catered to his donors and worshippers.
In 2010, Biden Predicted Iraq Would Be "One Of The Great Achievements Of This Administration"

Video: White House still claims Yemen is a success story

Video White House still claims Yemen is a success story no matter what the reports say Hot Air

In a nation that the president claimed represented a model of the success of his approach to counterterrorism as recently as September, the collapse of the security situation has been a startling blow to geological stability and to Barack Obama’s domestic political standing.

But the administration seems to think that the rapidly deteriorating conditions in Yemen will go away if they’re ignored. According to White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest, Yemen remains a feather in the White House’s distinctly featherless cap..."

On a day when what the White House calls the “legitimate government” of Yemen dissolves and its president flees the country out of fear for his personal safety, it takes a galling level of chutzpah to insist that the administration’s counterterror approach in Yemen – one centered on building up “the central government” – remains a noteworthy achievement.

Yeah, they have a great track record. Did I forget? Thanks for getting Bowe Bergdal back assholes.
The Iran negotiations involve the largest countries in Europe and Russia and China. But if you watched the news, especially Fox, you would think it's the US negotiating directly with Iran. Other countries, like Japan and South Korea and Brazil are respecting the sanctions and that's not even being reported.

But Republicans are doing their best to scuttle that because they are so damn ignorant and hate Obama that much and want to punish America for voting a black guy into office.

Republicans will say Obama wants a nuclear Iran even with so many other countries are involved. Republicans, in their tarded ignorance, act as if the rest of the world doesn't matter.

This goes way beyond just Iran. Republicans are announcing to the rest of the world America can't be believed and isn't acting in good faith. After the Iraq invasion and the lies that led up to it, what they are doing now is way more blatant. They are poking the rest of the world in the eye with a stick and saying "fuck you".

Would you believe this country after what Republicans have done?

After the GOP said they could void any agreement if they felt like it. And they feel like it, that we know.

Republicans will say Obama wants a nuclear Iran even with so many other countries are involved.

How does one negate the other...obama wants Iran to have the bomb......he is an ignorant fool...and the rest of the World sat by and let hitler come to power and invade country after country...and did nothing to stop him.....

soooooo...I think the world has a pretty bad track record when it comes to confronting genocidal madmen.....and today is no different....
The Iran negotiations involve the largest countries in Europe and Russia and China. But if you watched the news, especially Fox, you would think it's the US negotiating directly with Iran. Other countries, like Japan and South Korea and Brazil are respecting the sanctions and that's not even being reported.

But Republicans are doing their best to scuttle that because they are so damn ignorant and hate Obama that much and want to punish America for voting a black guy into office.

Republicans will say Obama wants a nuclear Iran even with so many other countries are involved. Republicans, in their tarded ignorance, act as if the rest of the world doesn't matter.

This goes way beyond just Iran. Republicans are announcing to the rest of the world America can't be believed and isn't acting in good faith. After the Iraq invasion and the lies that led up to it, what they are doing now is way more blatant. They are poking the rest of the world in the eye with a stick and saying "fuck you".

Would you believe this country after what Republicans have done?

After the GOP said they could void any agreement if they felt like it. And they feel like it, that we know.

Gee, you think Congress (both Republicans and Democrats) might be getting a little tired of Barry doing whatever the fuck he feels like and telling them later? (Beau Bergdahl anyone?)

There is a reason why we have different branches of our government. What the Congress is announcing to the world is that they will have to sign off on any deals that Obama makes.
But according to obama, susan rice, john kerry and the other borg drones...bergdahl served with honor and distinction....Mark Levin played all of them saying that and how they savaged the members of his unit who said he deserted....when they lost men killed and injured looking for him.....
Does anyone remember Barry's 2014 State of the Union address where he declared that Yemen and Somalia were shining examples of how his anti-terror policies were degrading Al Queda?

This stuff would be laughable if people weren't dying because of the clown show we now have running our Executive Branch.
The Iran negotiations involve the largest countries in Europe and Russia and China. But if you watched the news, especially Fox, you would think it's the US negotiating directly with Iran. Other countries, like Japan and South Korea and Brazil are respecting the sanctions and that's not even being reported.

But Republicans are doing their best to scuttle that because they are so damn ignorant and hate Obama that much and want to punish America for voting a black guy into office.

Republicans will say Obama wants a nuclear Iran even with so many other countries are involved. Republicans, in their tarded ignorance, act as if the rest of the world doesn't matter.

This goes way beyond just Iran. Republicans are announcing to the rest of the world America can't be believed and isn't acting in good faith. After the Iraq invasion and the lies that led up to it, what they are doing now is way more blatant. They are poking the rest of the world in the eye with a stick and saying "fuck you".

Would you believe this country after what Republicans have done?

After the GOP said they could void any agreement if they felt like it. And they feel like it, that we know.

Republicans will say Obama wants a nuclear Iran even with so many other countries are involved.

How does one negate the other...obama wants Iran to have the bomb......he is an ignorant fool...and the rest of the World sat by and let hitler come to power and invade country after country...and did nothing to stop him.....

soooooo...I think the world has a pretty bad track record when it comes to confronting genocidal madmen.....and today is no different....

Good point. Europe would not even clean up their own back yard when the Balkins were blowing up. Took Clinton, American air power and the Dayton accords to clean it up.

Same Clinton who kept us in Iraq his whole eight years for fear of Saddam's WMD!

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