it's happening! Texas is turning blue, GOP have only themselves to policies bring unexpected changes to the booming suburbs

big story just came out!

Myself and family members were in line today for Texas early voting. We didn't vote blue and neither did the other people standing in line immediately around us.

big story just came out!

Myself and family members were in line today for Texas early voting. We didn't vote blue and neither did the other people standing in line immediately around us.
Same here. Long lines and all Red.
Houston Chronicle is leftist? lol
All newspaper publications are leftist, all of them, even the Wall Street Journal.... See you on November 4th fucktard.... :auiqs.jpg:
It is amazing how all (or almost all) major city newspapers are left. Even conservative giant Drudge went 180 degrees in the past year or so. That is shocking. Yes, I believe in global, super wealthy or elitist elements that direct social and cultural “norms.” They want us to be first and foremost dismissive of God and the reality of what our actions or words are doing to us. They want society to turn inward and think of self, materialism, temporal pleasures, lust, perversions, void of morals or manners. They want us to be intolerant of conservative or religious voices sounding the alarm. The media (the press, TV news networks, govt edicts, and the entertainment world) are pure poison from another world.

big story just came out!

OMG Every Texan is a gun owner and you think the State will go blue??

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.
lol Texas was blue until the 1990's; it turned 'Red' after the Ann Richards Experience. True, Republicans are just as much to blame for shooting themselves in the foot, especially re their love for criminal illegal aliens. Coryn and Abbot are even now trying to dream up some scam re 'paths to citizenship' and other cognitively dissonant idiocy that nobody sane is going to buy. Too late, dumbasses, you flooded the state with dumb uneducated criminals just to drive wages down into the toilet for your own citizens and screwed us all.

I remember Ann Richards. I was living in Austin during that time. 6th St. was a fun place to hang out then, but now you'd get mugged or stabbed there.

Where's Charles Whitman when you really need him?

OK. Bad humor.

Don’t make me climb that clock tower, don’t!!!

( Yeah, bad humor! )

big story just came out!

Joe Biden is Toast.

Hunter's Crack pipe and Laptop did him in.


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