It's hard to believe that Putin is being blamed for Hillary losing. Wow.

Beagle9 is a liar predestined before the foundations of the world.

No has said the Russian or Putin made Trump the winner.

The FBI and the CIA have said the Russians interfered in the elections.

Once the NeverTrumpers and the FreedomCaucus complete negotiations with the Dems, the impeachment proceedings will begin.

If anyone had a serious impact in "interfering in the elections" it was the odious and dishonest press and mainstream media in the USA. If if were a level playing field in dissemination of information, pro and con, on both sides --- Trump would have won by a world record margin.
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Roger Stone, had Assange drop on wikileaks the Podesta emails stolen by the Russians or Trump campaign if you don't believe it was the Russians and Roger Stone had it done on behalf of Trump, the same DAY the Access Hollywood tape of Trump claiming he could grab any beautiful woman's pussy and get away with it, because he was a Star...

the next 25 rallies that Trump had, he mentioned the wikileaks over and over and over again, which made all the main stream media coverage. ALONG with every single day Briebart and Drudge and FOX with a new wilileaks article that would metastasize in all of the thousands of right wing media sites and facebook placements.

IT CERTAINLY could have affected the election, or the felony theft would never had been done.
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The FBI and the CIA will help the GOP NeverTrumpers and Freedom get the material they will use for impeachment charges next year.
The FBI and the CIA will help the GOP NeverTrumpers and Freedom get the material they will use for impeachment charges next year.
. So now it's going from (I lost count how many excuses there are now), to the last ditch effort to deligitimize Trump's presidency by way of "The toothless impeachment" ?? Just ask Bill Clinton how affective that tool was.. lol.
In your silly mind, perhaps, shitdog9. No one has said Putin caused Clinton's loss. Everyone now knows that Putin interfered and Trump defended him. Trump will be inaugurated, as his opponents in intel and on the right prepared for his impeachment. Trump has far more enemies than even Bill.
No one has said Putin caused Clinton's loss.

Then why does the repugnant MSM keep harping on it day after day? Not to mention Hillary, Podesta and the ZERO of the Century, Obama?
Because Trump did not call it out, and may have even defended it. He did not act like a worthy candidate for President on this issue.
. How about Obama interfering in the Egyptian election, and this once they ousted Morsi ??? You calling him out on that one ?? He tried to influence that election by supporting Morsi, and then calling for the people of Egypt to put him back in power as he was freely elected by the Egyptian people he claimed, and this once Morsi was removed from power ??? Uh ohhh.
Roger Stone, had Assange drop on wikileaks the Podesta emails stolen by the Russians or Trump campaign if you don't believe it was the Russians and Roger Stone had it done on behalf of Trump, the same DAY the Access Hollywood tape of Trump claiming he could grab any beautiful woman's pussy and get away with it, because he was a Star...

the next 25 rallies that Trump had, he mentioned the wikileaks over and over and over again, which made all the main stream media coverage. ALONG with every single day Briebart and Drudge and FOX with a new wilileaks article that would metastasize in all of the thousands of right wing media sites and facebook placements.

IT CERTAINLY could have affected the election, or the felony theft would never had been done.

Roger Stone, had Assange drop on wikileaks the Podesta emails stolen by the Russians or Trump campaign if you don't believe it was the Russians

What damaging info was released by the hackers?
The left need to lie.
No one has said Putin caused Clinton's loss.

Then why does the repugnant MSM keep harping on it day after day? Not to mention Hillary, Podesta and the ZERO of the Century, Obama?
Because Trump did not call it out, and may have even defended it. He did not act like a worthy candidate for President on this issue.

Oh, get serious. You are reaching for straws trying to defend the bastards on the left. Why should Trump be expected to investigate the Russians during the campaign? You think maybe he has more important matters of the day? But you are saying this is a serious issue because Trump had the gall not to investigate it himself? Hell, you had 17 federal agencies allegedly doing it for him. :0 You think maybe they could have come up with some concrete proof by now. Even Russia is tiring of this.
Russia to US: Prove campaign hacking claims or shut up -
If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.

Ah, the old "there are problems and they're all caused by the left" argument.......
No one has said Putin caused Clinton's loss.

Then why does the repugnant MSM keep harping on it day after day? Not to mention Hillary, Podesta and the ZERO of the Century, Obama?
Because Trump did not call it out, and may have even defended it. He did not act like a worthy candidate for President on this issue.

Oh, get serious. You are reaching for straws trying to defend the bastards on the left. Why should Trump be expected to investigate the Russians during the campaign? You think maybe he has more important matters of the day? But you are saying this is a serious issue because Trump had the gall not to investigate it himself? Hell, you had 17 federal agencies allegedly doing it for him. :0 You think maybe they could have come up with some concrete proof by now. Even Russia is tiring of this.
Russia to US: Prove campaign hacking claims or shut up -

They are general Russian tactics. Don't say you didn't do it, but put enough doubt into the minds of people. They didn't say they didn't shoot down that plane over the Ukraine, they merely said there wasn't 100% proof they did it. And they're doing the same again.
No one has said Putin caused Clinton's loss.

Then why does the repugnant MSM keep harping on it day after day? Not to mention Hillary, Podesta and the ZERO of the Century, Obama?
Because Trump did not call it out, and may have even defended it. He did not act like a worthy candidate for President on this issue.

Oh, get serious. You are reaching for straws trying to defend the bastards on the left. Why should Trump be expected to investigate the Russians during the campaign? You think maybe he has more important matters of the day? But you are saying this is a serious issue because Trump had the gall not to investigate it himself? Hell, you had 17 federal agencies allegedly doing it for him. :0 You think maybe they could have come up with some concrete proof by now. Even Russia is tiring of this.
Russia to US: Prove campaign hacking claims or shut up -
You far right Catholic fascists try a reasonable man's patience, and no one cares what the Russians think. They don't count at all.

You are ignoring that the intel agencies are saying that Russia and Putin interfered.

You are ignoring that Trump refused to condemn that interference.

You are ignoring that the intel agencies are now in cahoots with the GOP nevertrumpers and freedom caucus in Congress in finding charges for impeachment after the inauguration.
If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.

Ah, the old "there are problems and they're all caused by the left" argument.......
. At this time in history you dang straight it's the left being malicious and traitorous towards our system and our new president. I heard someone say Obama still has 19 days left, and I thought so what are they saying that for, otherwise in the context in which they were using it in right ??? Then it hit me... Otherwise they were basically saying that he had 19 more days of disrupting, scheming, lying, manipulating, and thinking about how him and Hillary can still save face in all this. It really shows how corrupt Washington really is, and the bad people who have occupied Washington for quite sometime now, and for whom are within it still.
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If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.

Ah, the old "there are problems and they're all caused by the left" argument.......
Ah, the old "there are problems and they're all caused by the left" argument.......
Funny it works for everything.
Roger Stone, had Assange drop on wikileaks the Podesta emails stolen by the Russians or Trump campaign if you don't believe it was the Russians and Roger Stone had it done on behalf of Trump, the same DAY the Access Hollywood tape of Trump claiming he could grab any beautiful woman's pussy and get away with it, because he was a Star...

the next 25 rallies that Trump had, he mentioned the wikileaks over and over and over again, which made all the main stream media coverage. ALONG with every single day Briebart and Drudge and FOX with a new wilileaks article that would metastasize in all of the thousands of right wing media sites and facebook placements.

IT CERTAINLY could have affected the election, or the felony theft would never had been done.

Roger Stone, had Assange drop on wikileaks the Podesta emails stolen by the Russians or Trump campaign if you don't believe it was the Russians

What damaging info was released by the hackers?
It didn't matter nothing was truly damaging or even real....the blogosphere and right wing media such as FOX, Briebart, Drudge, the New York Post, the Guardian made it ALL out to be.... and Trump Primarily USED IT Daily in all of his rally rants and tweets and distorted what was actually found and made it in to another "Lock Her Up" situation....

It was dumped on to the net, the precise time that was needed for Trump, to draw the talk away from donald trump's access hollywood video or at least deter from the story of Trump's tape....that he could use in his rallies and on every talk show with his surrogates when they brought up Trump's grabbing pussy comment they went on and changed the subject to talk about the wikileaks of Podesta emails....

And spun out of the Podesta emails were all of these made up conspiracy theories like Pizzagate and pedophilia....and Clinton cash etc...

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