It's hard to believe that Putin is being blamed for Hillary losing. Wow.

Beagle9 is a liar predestined before the foundations of the world.

No has said the Russian or Putin made Trump the winner.

The FBI and the CIA have said the Russians interfered in the elections.

Once the NeverTrumpers and the FreedomCaucus complete negotiations with the Dems, the impeachment proceedings will begin.
You bring new meaning to the term delusional fakey. The never trumpers have seen the writing on the wall and if they hope to ever be in positions of power again they will kowtow like the best of them.
Delusion describes you exceptionally well, wetwall. The opposition in the GOP continues to build.
Really? Provide links to that please.
Prove there is no oppostion and that it is not growing. I don't have to. I know it is, and, so do you.

Wrong asshat, YOU made the claim, the scientific method requires you to provide a link. Now hop to it.
I still haven't found any reputable reports of Russian agents stuffing ballot boxes or hacking voting machines. Until I do, there is no evidence that Russia cost Hillary Clinton the election.

I would suggest her lies, her emails, and her lack or relatability to the general population cost her the election.
The FBI and CIA say you are wrong. You are on silent ignore for this thread, because your ignorant opinion does not count.

Because we say so won't work Jake, where's their evidence. We don't want another yellowcake uranium Intel failure now, do we?
Beagle9 is a liar predestined before the foundations of the world.

No has said the Russian or Putin made Trump the winner.

The FBI and the CIA have said the Russians interfered in the elections.

Once the NeverTrumpers and the FreedomCaucus complete negotiations with the Dems, the impeachment proceedings will begin.
You bring new meaning to the term delusional fakey. The never trumpers have seen the writing on the wall and if they hope to ever be in positions of power again they will kowtow like the best of them.
Delusion describes you exceptionally well, wetwall. The opposition in the GOP continues to build.
Really? Provide links to that please.
Prove there is no oppostion and that it is not growing. I don't have to. I know it is, and, so do you.
Wrong asshat, YOU made the claim, the scientific method requires you to provide a link. Now hop to it.
wetwall, you are nobody. GOP opposition grows to Trump. The FBI and CIA condemnation of the Russian has the Freedom Caucus and the NeverTrumpers mad and pissed. You don't like it? I don't care. Run along.
The FBI and CIA say so: that counts.

Alt Right cucks: "we don't like it." That does not count.
There SAYING now that MILLIONS have signed a petition asking electors to change up. So now we have millions who are attempting to cast a vote again, except this time through a petition ??? I thought votes could only be counted once in an election ????? How many times does the nation have to have an election now ??? Until the libs get the outcome it wants ????? The crooked libs will try anything, and they should be a shamed of themselves. I guess one has to have a conscious to be shamed.
If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.
Putin has a history of trying to influence elections all across the world.

Whether he is successful or not is hard to say.

Hillary was her own worst enemy.

All her character flaws domino-ed on top of her.

Whether Putin mattered much is hard to guess. But he is trying.
. Give the voters of this country some small tiny bit of respect in making their own choices in an election, and to allow the electors to do their job just as they have been doing for decades now. To try and manipulate an outcome like what we are seeing is treasonous now. If Clinton had been a candidate that was qualified to be President, then the outcome would have been different. Clinton wasn't qualified because of her baggage & alledged criminal activity, and the people didn't want her. Period.
Beagle9 is a liar predestined before the foundations of the world.

No has said the Russian or Putin made Trump the winner.

The FBI and the CIA have said the Russians interfered in the elections.

Once the NeverTrumpers and the FreedomCaucus complete negotiations with the Dems, the impeachment proceedings will begin.
You bring new meaning to the term delusional fakey. The never trumpers have seen the writing on the wall and if they hope to ever be in positions of power again they will kowtow like the best of them.
Delusion describes you exceptionally well, wetwall. The opposition in the GOP continues to build.
Really? Provide links to that please.
Prove there is no oppostion and that it is not growing. I don't have to. Whether you believe is immaterial to me. I know it is, and, so do you.
. If you can't prove your assertions, then you are using talking points to manipulate an election to your liking ??
That is exactly what you are saying, dogshit9, in the OP. No one is blaming Putin for Hillary losing: the skank should have lost just as Donald should have lost.
Sorry to speak ill of McCain, but he is showing himself to be someone (along with his buddy Lindsey Ghram), to be two that the people may have been fooled by for many years now.. I apologise if wrong, but good grief they seem to be letting people down bad now & Lindsey is looking more like a kook daily. Both of their runs for the presidency opened up a new view of how the men think, and it let's alot of people down.
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That is exactly what you are saying, dogshit9, in the OP. No one is blaming Putin for Hillary losing: the skank should have lost just as Donald should have lost.
. Your liberal scumball mouth shows just how angry you are that you can't get your way now that the shoe is on another foot.
Keep up with the people who are trying to overthrow the election, because they need to be remembered for their political treason they are engaging in. We the American people were smart enough to never allow a foreign government to influence our election choice, but we did gain alot of needed information on things that we needed to know that helped us know that we did make the right decision. Thanks to all that went on, and that includes how they the left were trying to influence or how they actually corruptly tried to steal the election. Our eyes have been opened wide now.... The left is trying to set a precident with this action, and this I think they are doing in hopes to use it again in the future. It should be stopped, and it should be put down by Democrats and Republicans alike..
What, dogshit9, playing hard offends you? Tough. I voted for McMillan (Trump's McMuffin). Now we work against Trump even harder.
. That's what you call it "playing" ???? Grow the hell up.
dogshit9, the hard core is just starting. No one is saying Putin won the victory for Hillary.

That makes you a liar in the OP.

However, the fact that Putin did what he did and Trump did not denounce him will be the wedge to Donald's downfall.
Oh the nation is shaking in it's boots.
You bring new meaning to the term delusional fakey. The never trumpers have seen the writing on the wall and if they hope to ever be in positions of power again they will kowtow like the best of them.
Delusion describes you exceptionally well, wetwall. The opposition in the GOP continues to build.
Really? Provide links to that please.
Prove there is no oppostion and that it is not growing. I don't have to. I know it is, and, so do you.
Wrong asshat, YOU made the claim, the scientific method requires you to provide a link. Now hop to it.
wetwall, you are nobody. GOP opposition grows to Trump. The FBI and CIA condemnation of the Russian has the Freedom Caucus and the NeverTrumpers mad and pissed. You don't like it? I don't care. Run along.

I see no evidence of anyone being pissed at the so called russian meddling other than you progressive loons. So, once again, provide a link or admit you're a lying propagandist (as if we didn't already know that....just for the record)
No one doubts Trump will be inaugurated.

And the NeverTrumpers and Freedom Caucus in the GOP are now working with the FBI and CIA for the material needed for impeachment charges.

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