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It's important for the rightwing to realize that the liberal outrage over Trump is unprecedented

It's important for the rightwing to realize that the liberal outrage over Trump is unprecedented

Baloney. Liberals are always obsessed with hating someone. Whether it's Buuush or Reagan Or John Bolton or Newt or, now, Trump, they just hate whoever is handiest. Nothing particularly "unprecedented" about it. If the person has had a hand in proving the liberals are miserable failures (which happens frequently), their hate might be a little more violent, but not materially different.

They have to hate. It's all a lot easier than actually evaluating the actual results of their policies, and comparing them to the results of conservative policies, and finding out that they have failed nearly every moment of their political lives. Examining the truth honestly is unbearable to these people, so they hate instead.

If liberals couldn't hate someone, they'd melt into a puddle of brown sugar and vanish, like the Wicked Witch.

Liberals have never reacted with this much disdain.
Liberals have never been ignored this completely.

They threw everything they had at Trump, outspent him 3-to-1 in the campaign, got massive advantage is favorable news coverage nationwide, and they still lost.

To make matters worse, then they published their usual lies about Trump and other Republicans, this time Trump simply pointed out how dishonest and disingenuous they were, and people believed Trump and voted him into office.

That scares leftists like nothing else could. They see themselves losing the entire structure of fibs and lies they have always weaved, both about themselves and about their opponents, they whole thing crashing down around them.

They have no idea how to fight this. Probably because there is no way. Once you blow your credibility with as many lies as the liberals have, there really isn't any road back. They'll have to start all over again, lying to people who aren't even born yet, to eventually build a new constituency.
They called Bush Hitler.
He could hardy have been Hilter, but Bush did employ identical treacherous tactics as Hitler did.
No he didn't. and you wonder why no one believes this crap is "unprecedented"

* Hitler fabricated imminent danger and "preemptively" invaded Poland illegally.
* Bush fabricated imminent danger and "preemptively" invaded Irak illegally.
And this is center to you?
The time has come to ignore you.
Guess who's laughing now???
The entire world is laughing at you idiots. How stupid can you be? You've elected an incompetent crook, who will bleed your country white. The rest of us will be watching all of you protest voters get fucked by Trump and the other elites he's putting into office.
Trump won because you ran Hillary Clinton.
Blame yourself.

Yup and his message was one the voters voted for.

His message was racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, and fear mongering at its very best. It was so filled with hate and fear, that it has raised the level of both in your country. None of this is going away because Trump has never disavowed the racist, Nazi supporters he has.

If he fails to deliver the infrastructure jobs he promised, and quickly, the non-racist element of working Americans will turn on him in a heartbeat, because they'll realize they've been conned.
If the Democrats had run a decent candidate, you would not have these problems.
Blame yourselves.
You're afraid trump won't appease, give in, give away, etc like the normal republican politician?
At least we'll never witness Trump going around the world sucking every dictators cock like BONOBO did.
BTW. How are the stock markets around the world doing after Trump won?????????
Nothing would have changed. When a Republican wins the presidency, democrats have a recount tantrum. Some democrats want to drag the party back to reality.
I read somewhere that it was the Greens who are calling for a recount.
The most wonderful hilarious thing that could ever of happened to finish off Hillary's political career is another person with a vagina popped up named Jill and literally stole Queen Hillary's coronation!!!!!!!
Democrats: 'The Party of fucking dummies!'.
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Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
I agree there's some denial there.

There's also a great deal of denial on the Left about their role in his rise.
I agree with that but I do think some liberals are aware of the democrats' failure to connect with working class voters. Of course, we are talking about low information, dumb voters for the most part. They don't even know what's in the Democratic Party platform.

Sure we do, spend more, give away more on all fronts.
EVERY sitting President has turned moderate when taken office. Trump is no exception.

No they haven't.
Half of the country would have not been so upset with Obama if he would have moved more toward the center in 2010 or even 2012.
It was his far left polices that he is still doing right now, that you see the rejection of the Dems elections.
The party hasnt been this weak since the 1920's.
The LIBs have lost over 900 legislative offices since the first 'AA' president was elected by the 'OJ jury.
It's lucky Obama couldn't have a third term. After that term the LIBs would have two Senators, four members of Congress and be down by 1500 legislative offices.
But there's always hope for the DEMs.
After all now they will have a radical Islamofascist running the DNC.
So there's that.
They called Bush Hitler.
He could hardy have been Hilter, but Bush did employ identical treacherous tactics as Hitler did.
No he didn't. and you wonder why no one believes this crap is "unprecedented"

* Hitler fabricated imminent danger and "preemptively" invaded Poland illegally.
* Bush fabricated imminent danger and "preemptively" invaded Irak illegally.
And this is center to you?
The time has come to ignore you.

Well it's good of you to admit when you can't back up your nonsense.

Btw bush never claimed imminent danger. The argument was if we wait for it to be imminent then its too late. Disagree with it if you want but at least be honest about it.

Oh and bush didn't fabricate anything. Democrats got the same intelligence. The intelligence was just wrong.
Guess who's laughing now???
The entire world is laughing at you idiots. How stupid can you be? You've elected an incompetent crook, who will bleed your country white. The rest of us will be watching all of you protest voters get fucked by Trump and the other elites he's putting into office.
Trump won because you ran Hillary Clinton.
Blame yourself.

Yup and his message was one the voters voted for.

His message was racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, and fear mongering at its very best. It was so filled with hate and fear, that it has raised the level of both in your country. None of this is going away because Trump has never disavowed the racist, Nazi supporters he has.

If he fails to deliver the infrastructure jobs he promised, and quickly, the non-racist element of working Americans will turn on him in a heartbeat, because they'll realize they've been conned.

his message was branded as such by a milquetoast mainstream media. But keep calling people names, it worked so well during the general election.

And he has disavowed the racist assholes, you idiots just don't acknowledge it because it goes against your pithy narrative.
Never in the history of political endeavor have two practically indistinguishable parties as Democrat and Republican created such a fuss about supposed difference.

Its because Hillary was the chosen one and the democrats are upset because they wanted power

Trump totaly scamed the democrats and conservatives it was one hell of a thing to watch..

Trump was pure genius..
I dont think its so much the power that they wanted, its the safety net.
At this point, the ACA could be overturned and done away with, we are not so deep in it that doing so would be impossible. So if Trump actually does get rid of it, (big if) he can do it, considering that the republicans own the entire government right now, it should be fairly easy to get that done.
Hillary on the other hand would not have touched it, she would have tried to dig it even deeper in to the taxpayers pockets.
If Trump does nothing and it goes as it is for the next four years, it will still be almost impossible to get rid of at the end of the next four years.
The dems really needed someone that they could trust 100% to keep the ACA and screw the American taxpayer. What they fear is that Trump WILL get rid of it, and if he does, it will be another 50 years before it is tried again.
Do not forget that Trump promised to get rid of the ACA and replace it. Let's see if his replacement is so good and that he can carry the Republican Legislature with him.
Nothing would have changed. When a Republican wins the presidency, democrats have a recount tantrum. Some democrats want to drag the party back to reality.
I read somewhere that it was the Greens who are calling for a recount.
Yes, they were the original catalyst, but they are demanding recounts only in a few states that might benefit Hillary, and are raking in big bucks to do so. If they were really interested in making sure everything is above board, they would also want to audit illegal alien voting. They're not, because that would damage their fund raising.
The states chosen are test cases with close numbers and some funny stuff such as thousands who voted for other offices but with record numbers of no votes for either presidential candidates. It is no harm to audit them.
Never in the history of political endeavor have two practically indistinguishable parties as Democrat and Republican created such a fuss about supposed difference.

Its because Hillary was the chosen one and the democrats are upset because they wanted power

Trump totaly scamed the democrats and conservatives it was one hell of a thing to watch..

Trump was pure genius..
I dont think its so much the power that they wanted, its the safety net.
At this point, the ACA could be overturned and done away with, we are not so deep in it that doing so would be impossible. So if Trump actually does get rid of it, (big if) he can do it, considering that the republicans own the entire government right now, it should be fairly easy to get that done.
Hillary on the other hand would not have touched it, she would have tried to dig it even deeper in to the taxpayers pockets.
If Trump does nothing and it goes as it is for the next four years, it will still be almost impossible to get rid of at the end of the next four years.
The dems really needed someone that they could trust 100% to keep the ACA and screw the American taxpayer. What they fear is that Trump WILL get rid of it, and if he does, it will be another 50 years before it is tried again.
Do not forget that Trump promised to get rid of the ACA and replace it. Let's see if his replacement is so good and that he can carry the Republican Legislature with him.
How could it be worse?
Nothing would have changed. When a Republican wins the presidency, democrats have a recount tantrum. Some democrats want to drag the party back to reality.
I read somewhere that it was the Greens who are calling for a recount.
Yes, they were the original catalyst, but they are demanding recounts only in a few states that might benefit Hillary, and are raking in big bucks to do so. If they were really interested in making sure everything is above board, they would also want to audit illegal alien voting. They're not, because that would damage their fund raising.
The states chosen are test cases with close numbers and some funny stuff such as thousands who voted for other offices but with record numbers of no votes for either presidential candidates. It is no harm to audit them.
Of course not. Trump will still be president, Stein will be sitting on a big pile of cash, and Hillary will still be out of the White House. What could possibly be bad about that?
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.

Except you're missing the part where liberals are historically pussified. You hate him because he doesn't meet the mark for liberal PC. For folks like myself, that's exactly why we like him. You declare critical thought, but all I see is emotion. The irony.
One of the positives of having Trump as my next president is the conniption the libero-socialists Bolsheiks are having.

Fuck them all---they have damn near ruined this country. Fuck the Clintons, Fuck Obama, Fuck Pocahontas, Fuck Reid and Pelosi. Fuck Schumer. Fuck Black Lives Matter. Fuck Middle-Easterners who refuse to assimilate into this great country on which they now are parasites. Fuck Illegal Immigrants. Fuck New York. Fuck California. Fuck Chicago.
One of the positives of having Trump as my next president is the conniption the libero-socialists Bolsheiks are having.

Fuck them all---they have damn near ruined this country. Fuck the Clintons, Fuck Obama, Fuck Pocahontas, Fuck Reid and Pelosi. Fuck Schumer. Fuck Black Lives Matter. Fuck Middle-Easterners who refuse to assimilate into this great country on which they now are parasites. Fuck Illegal Immigrants. Fuck New York. Fuck California. Fuck Chicago.

You forgot to fuck Sharpton, the liberal media, Hollywood, and men are chicks.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
Who are you trying to kid?

You left wing moonbats would be whining no matter what conservative candidate won.
No, and that would be easy to see if you actually tried to remember how liberals reacted to past republican presidents.
I do remember. And you always act the same. Like a bunch of diaper wearing babies.
I'm curious. How do you think conservatives react when democrats win? You are the same people who were whining about the election being rigged. Of course now that Trump has won you don't say word about it unless you make the retarded and baseless claim that illegals were the reason Hillary won the popular vote. That's what diaper wearing whining looks like. I on the other hand accept the results of the election as legitimate despite Trump getting lucky winning key states for an electoral college win.
STFU you loons still cry about how you believe bush stole the election in 2000 and 2004.
Yes and don't forget they boasted about purple and red States turning blue.
They got so arrogant they actually thought that red State AZ was gonna turn blue.
Delusional loons.
Uh and Texas. A state all democrats hate.

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