It's January 2013, Morning In America

But under our system, we govern ourselves thru a representative government.

No. Under all systems of government, we govern ourselves through the choices we make. If we want to get corruption out of government we need to get corruption out of ourselves. If we want the government out of "charity" (an oxymoron if anything is), we need to be charitible in our own lives.

The problem we have is we expect those we vote for to do things for us instead of getting off our asses and doing it ourselves. And we, of course, elect people who reflect who we are and they are people who want other people to do the heavy lifting.

The problem we have with our government comes because we the people are flawed. Until we fix the fundamental problem, the bad government will continue.
I doubt the soviets are in any mood for another cold war.

I should have been more specific.

There are many ports and bases that we maintian overseas that were put there b/c or WW2 or the Cold War.

We need a review, to determine the useless ones [like the one in Spain] and either close them or charge the country they are in the cost of having them there.

Oh, when war comes it wont be cold.

And quite frankly if we don't change ourselves soon, we won't be in a position to fight any war, cold or otherwise.

It's still not a good reason to have so many ports and bases overseas.

The EU needs to learn to protect itslef again and not rely so much on us.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. What is on the agenda for the next two years?
The exact same shit that's going on now.

That will depend on the president we elect and the American peoples ability to stay focused on ensuring these elected officials do what we sent them there to do.

If we elect a BHO or a GWB, I agree, we'll continue the cycle.

If we elect a candidate who is more interested in saving the future than being re-elect, we have a chance.

I haven't found that candidate yet, but I'm still hopeful.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

You are a wimp, why so timid?

Here is what Republicans will do:

Repeal Obamacare
Kill Medicare
End Social Security
Stop the Student Loan program
Repeal all Environmental protections
Outlaw Labor Unions
Ban Gay Marriage
Reinstate check that.....Ban all gays from military service
Cut Taxes on the Wealthy
Pull out of the START treaty
Reinstate torture

gee this is fun....can anyone else think of what the Republicans will do?
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

You are a wimp, why so timid?

Here is what Republicans will do:

Repeal Obamacare
Kill Medicare
End Social Security
Stop the Student Loan program
Repeal all Environmental protections
Outlaw Labor Unions
Ban Gay Marriage
Reinstate check that.....Ban all gays from military service
Cut Taxes on the Wealthy
Pull out of the START treaty
Reinstate torture

gee this is fun....can anyone else think of what the Republicans will do?

Good grief man... isn't it a little early in the day to be drinking?
But under our system, we govern ourselves thru a representative government.

No. Under all systems of government, we govern ourselves through the choices we make. If we want to get corruption out of government we need to get corruption out of ourselves. If we want the government out of "charity" (an oxymoron if anything is), we need to be charitible in our own lives.

The problem we have is we expect those we vote for to do things for us instead of getting off our asses and doing it ourselves. And we, of course, elect people who reflect who we are and they are people who want other people to do the heavy lifting.

The problem we have with our government comes because we the people are flawed. Until we fix the fundamental problem, the bad government will continue.

Oh, I don't disagree with you. I'm a Boy Scout leader. I live by the Oath and Law. I believe in personal responsibility and sulf sufficiency. I govern my daily life and therefore don't need or expect the government to do it for me. That being said, we do elect representatives to handle the responsibilities of our government that we individually can't do based on the constitution. We listen to what the candidates say they will do and vote for those who most closely align with our own principles and ethics. Many of those people pay lip service to get elected. They should lose their jobs next election cycle. If I do vote for someone, I do expect them to govern and lead based on what they said they will do. But you can be sure that I'll use the government the very least I can and exercise my own governance of my life.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

LOL. As long as it's not a black man in charge everything will start to get better, right?

Why is everything about race for you lefties? And what if we elect Herman Cain?

You just showed that race is the only reason you would elect Herman Cain, as a "see we are not racist" ploy. Priceless.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

You are a wimp, why so timid?

Here is what Republicans will do:

Repeal Obamacare
Kill Medicare
End Social Security
Stop the Student Loan program
Repeal all Environmental protections
Outlaw Labor Unions
Ban Gay Marriage
Reinstate check that.....Ban all gays from military service
Cut Taxes on the Wealthy
Pull out of the START treaty
Reinstate torture

gee this is fun....can anyone else think of what the Republicans will do?

Darn that sounds like a start, Nutwinger! Thanks!
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

You are a wimp, why so timid?

Here is what Republicans will do:

Repeal Obamacare
Kill Medicare
End Social Security
Stop the Student Loan program
Repeal all Environmental protections
Outlaw Labor Unions
Ban Gay Marriage
Reinstate check that.....Ban all gays from military service
Cut Taxes on the Wealthy
Pull out of the START treaty
Reinstate torture

gee this is fun....can anyone else think of what the Republicans will do?

If the Republican party did these from your list;

Repeal Obamacare
Kill Medicare
End Social Security
Stop the Student Loan program
Cut Taxes on the Wealthy
Pull out of the START treaty

I would have a renewed faith in our government, democracy and humankind in general. However republicans (the bureacrats, not the voters) favor those big gov't programs as much as you do, just the rhetoric is different
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Rabbi is a racist and deserves to be called such everywhere he goes because that is his legacy.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

Hopefully it would be the defunding of the following:

US Dept of Education
US Dept of Energy

etc., etc., etc.

Now we're getting somewhere.
The issue is we cannot just cut funding for, e.g. farm subsidies. The next Congress will reinstate them. And raise them, no doubt.
No, programs and departments must be eliminated wholesale, their useful functions transferred elsewhere. We do not need a Dept of Education. The Fed Gov should not be in the education business. If they want to maintain statistics that function can be transferred to Commerce.
We do not need an Energy Dept. What ahve they accomplished since being made a cabinet level office? Nothing. Their proper regulatory functions ought to be transferred to, e.g. Commerce, and the rest of the staff eliminated.
Bureaus grow and assume more and more responsibility as a way to generate bigger budgets. There is no shrinking them. They must be eliminated.
Rabbi is a racist and deserves to be called such everywhere he goes because that is his legacy.

Sure as hell beats trying to argue points. Especially when you have the intellectual capacity of a doughnut.
LOL. As long as it's not a black man in charge everything will start to get better, right?

Why is everything about race for you lefties? And what if we elect Herman Cain?

He'll be our token darky, that we elected only to prove we were not racist, which only proves we all actually are racist, since he's nothing more than an Uncle Tom

Bingo, we have a winner. Except I would never call someone an "Uncle Tom" as an insult. The vast majority of people who use the derogatory term "Uncle Tom" have never even read "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

P.S. That plan backfired with Michael Steele.
LOL. As long as it's not a black man in charge everything will start to get better, right?

Why is everything about race for you lefties? And what if we elect Herman Cain?

You just showed that race is the only reason you would elect Herman Cain, as a "see we are not racist" ploy. Priceless.

How on earth did I show that by pointing out that we could elect him?

Do you guys think before you post?
Rabbi is a racist and deserves to be called such everywhere he goes because that is his legacy.

Sure as hell beats trying to argue points. Especially when you have the intellectual capacity of a doughnut.

Being a racist ios akin to having the intellectual capacity of a dung beetle. There's no point in discussions with scumbags like you, you're a waste of bandwidth and you deserve to be called on your racism at every turn lest anyone forget who you are.
Rabbi is a racist and deserves to be called such everywhere he goes because that is his legacy.

It's the unpardonable sin to you. I understand.

Personally, i think you guys just use it as an excuse to be lazy and not talk about the issues.
Why is everything about race for you lefties? And what if we elect Herman Cain?

He'll be our token darky, that we elected only to prove we were not racist, which only proves we all actually are racist, since he's nothing more than an Uncle Tom

Bingo, we have a winner. Except I would never call someone an "Uncle Tom" as an insult. The vast majority of people who use the derogatory term "Uncle Tom" have never even read "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

P.S. That plan backfired with Michael Steele.

I think the way you treat blacks is incredibly sickening SJ
Rabbi is a racist and deserves to be called such everywhere he goes because that is his legacy.

It's the unpardonable sin to you. I understand.

Personally, i think you guys just use it as an excuse to be lazy and not talk about the issues.

I use it to show who you're actually bothering to have a discussion with. A person who has said that black people are not fit to lead anything.
Rabbi is a racist and deserves to be called such everywhere he goes because that is his legacy.

Sure as hell beats trying to argue points. Especially when you have the intellectual capacity of a doughnut.

Being a racist ios akin to having the intellectual capacity of a dung beetle. There's no point in discussions with scumbags like you, you're a waste of bandwidth and you deserve to be called on your racism at every turn lest anyone forget who you are.

Being a progressive is akin to being dumber. Doesnt mean we arent going to argue you and defeat you on the merits.

like I said, I think its just an excuse for you to be lazy.

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