It's just to bad the republicans and trump

did his rallies. I find this is all to blame on the republicans and tramp. One can't wear a mask, its interfering with my freedom,

heck with your freedoms, you have so many, and we are in a pandemic,

I have been doing everything and I wear a mask from the start of it, but Tramp didn't tell us when it started.

Too bad if you want to go to church, want to go to a bar, or go out to eat. It too bad. If republicans and tramp would of taken this seriously from the beginning it wouldn't of got so bad.
Yes. To heck with everybody else's freedom. It's all about Penelope's freedom. :rolleyes:

You're freedom ENDS when you endanger me or my family. Wear the damn mask.
did his rallies. I find this is all to blame on the republicans and tramp. One can't wear a mask, its interfering with my freedom,

heck with your freedoms, you have so many, and we are in a pandemic,

I have been doing everything and I wear a mask from the start of it, but Tramp didn't tell us when it started.

Too bad if you want to go to church, want to go to a bar, or go out to eat. It too bad. If republicans and tramp would of taken this seriously from the beginning it wouldn't of got so bad.
Yes. To heck with everybody else's freedom. It's all about Penelope's freedom. :rolleyes:

You're freedom ENDS when you endanger me or my family. Wear the damn mask.
Wrong. If you have a mask on and am staying six feet away from me, you are safe!
I hope they leave the Whitehouse in time so they can debug it.

Yep, a bunch of them came down with the COVIDS (including Sleepy Ben) at the last White House Super-Spreader -
Indoors, maskless and packed in like sardines.
One would think they'd have learned from the Rose Garden event.
Pizza Guy sends his regards.

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did his rallies. I find this is all to blame on the republicans and tramp. One can't wear a mask, its interfering with my freedom,

heck with your freedoms, you have so many, and we are in a pandemic,

I have been doing everything and I wear a mask from the start of it, but Tramp didn't tell us when it started.

Too bad if you want to go to church, want to go to a bar, or go out to eat. It too bad. If republicans and tramp would of taken this seriously from the beginning it wouldn't of got so bad.
Yes. To heck with everybody else's freedom. It's all about Penelope's freedom. :rolleyes:

It isn't true that it's the same as the flu.
In many ways it is. Both being infectious viruses, for example.
You don't cover your face. I dismiss you. You spreading it then.
People who don't have it and aren't wearing a face-diaper are spreading what, exactly?

Spreading covid.
did his rallies. I find this is all to blame on the republicans and tramp. One can't wear a mask, its interfering with my freedom,

heck with your freedoms, you have so many, and we are in a pandemic,

I have been doing everything and I wear a mask from the start of it, but Tramp didn't tell us when it started.

Too bad if you want to go to church, want to go to a bar, or go out to eat. It too bad. If republicans and tramp would of taken this seriously from the beginning it wouldn't of got so bad.
Yes. To heck with everybody else's freedom. It's all about Penelope's freedom. :rolleyes:

You're freedom ENDS when you endanger me or my family. Wear the damn mask.
Wrong. If you have a mask on and am staying six feet away from me, you are safe!

Nonsense, masks are to protect me from YOU.
Don't come to Oregon or around 30 other states without one.
Keep yer damn droplets to YOUSELF!!
Most churches are volunteering to have their services online in order to keep their parishioners safe, so no one is stopping anyone from worshiping.
Don't speak of Churches. You are not on their side.
did his rallies. I find this is all to blame on the republicans and tramp. One can't wear a mask, its interfering with my freedom,

heck with your freedoms, you have so many, and we are in a pandemic,

I have been doing everything and I wear a mask from the start of it, but Tramp didn't tell us when it started.

Too bad if you want to go to church, want to go to a bar, or go out to eat. It too bad. If republicans and tramp would of taken this seriously from the beginning it wouldn't of got so bad.
Yes. To heck with everybody else's freedom. It's all about Penelope's freedom. :rolleyes:

You're freedom ENDS when you endanger me or my family. Wear the damn mask.
Wrong. If you have a mask on and am staying six feet away from me, you are safe!
did his rallies. I find this is all to blame on the republicans and tramp. One can't wear a mask, its interfering with my freedom,

heck with your freedoms, you have so many, and we are in a pandemic,

I have been doing everything and I wear a mask from the start of it, but Tramp didn't tell us when it started.

Too bad if you want to go to church, want to go to a bar, or go out to eat. It too bad. If republicans and tramp would of taken this seriously from the beginning it wouldn't of got so bad.
Yes. To heck with everybody else's freedom. It's all about Penelope's freedom. :rolleyes:

You're freedom ENDS when you endanger me or my family. Wear the damn mask.
Wrong. If you have a mask on and am staying six feet away from me, you are safe!

Nonsense, masks are to protect me from YOU.
Don't come to Oregon or around 30 other states without one.
Keep yer damn droplets to YOUSELF!!
I am not ill with the flu. I am no danger to you. Your fear is not my problem.
How about those election results bub? Pretty good, huh?

We keep the senate.

We are up six maybe more in the house.

We flipped two statehouses.

We flipped two legislatures.

We strengthened several others (so we can gerrymander your asses away).

That, along with 3 SCOTUS judges in the last four years.

I'd say.....damn good.

You almost got 2 insider trading almost in your senate and look who you got in the house.

Did they make it illegal for Congress to make insider trades? Link?

FYI, you don't even know what insider trading is, do you?

Be honest......for once.
I hope they leave the Whitehouse in time so they can debug it.

Yep, a bunch of them came down with the COVIDS at the last White House Super-Spreader - Indoors, maskless and packed in like sardines.
One would think they'd have learned from the Rose Garden event.
Pizza Guy sends his regards.

I believe there are people purposely infected. A prog is a Prog you know.
did his rallies. I find this is all to blame on the republicans and tramp. One can't wear a mask, its interfering with my freedom,

heck with your freedoms, you have so many, and we are in a pandemic,

I have been doing everything and I wear a mask from the start of it, but Tramp didn't tell us when it started.

Too bad if you want to go to church, want to go to a bar, or go out to eat. It too bad. If republicans and tramp would of taken this seriously from the beginning it wouldn't of got so bad.
You can tell this person was a product of the public education system..
"It's just to bad the republicans and tramp"

Now for the proper way to make that statement...
"It's just too bad the republicans and tramp" Notice the word too?

To, too and two are homophones that often confuse people. ‘To’ is used to show motion, eg "I’m going to the shop." ‘Too’ means ‘also’ or ‘extremely’, eg "I would like to come too but I'm too tired." ‘Two’ means the number 2, eg "Let’s buy two apples."
How to use to, too and two - BBC Bitesize
View attachment 415616

Maybe next time you might post more intelligently...I doubt it, but we will see....

She has never been able to post intelligently.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301: She honestly thinks that the clintons and Obama’s are not mass murderers and are not in bed with the bush’s who she HAS said are evil only because they are republicans of course.:uhoh3:

The public education system did indeed fail penny. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: Love how the troll keeps blaming all our freedoms being lost on the republicans,that it’s all their fault blatantly ignoring all the mountains of evidence that it’s the dem leaders like her hero facist whitmere of Michigan and gruesome newsome of California behind it all.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301: Dems like them making STATE laws that violate our civil,libertys and the constitution.

This troll also can’t accept reality there are MILLIONS fleeing the democrat party left and right same as people are leaving california in droves,unlike her,they are not idiots and don’t ignore the facts their party has betrayed them,that it’s nothing like it was when the great Jfk was president who is rolling over in his grave is how corrupt the dem party has become sense then. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
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I am not ill with the flu. I am no danger to you. Your fear is not my problem.

And you know that HOW - Been tested and/or quarantined for 14 days??
If not, stay away from Granny's house for Thanksgiving.
:auiqs.jpg: Have you? Can you prove you aren't infecting me and everyone else even through your mask? Are you SURE it's safe?! You better stay home for another several months just in case. You know. Save lives.
Don't you know the "Golden Rule".

I guess you forgot it.

I being an atheist need to remind the Christians. I guess you need to read the bible again, or at the very least reread the NT.
Don't you know the "Golden Rule".

I guess you forgot it.

I being an atheist need to remind the Christians. I guess you need to read the bible again, or at the very least reread the NT.
You being an atheist need to remind the Christians on what you think they believe?

Do you read what you type before you hit the Post reply button?
I am not ill with the flu. I am no danger to you. Your fear is not my problem.

And you know that HOW - Been tested and/or quarantined for 14 days??
If not, stay away from Granny's house for Thanksgiving.
:auiqs.jpg: Have you? Can you prove you aren't infecting me and everyone else even through your mask? Are you SURE it's safe?! You better stay home for another several months just in case. You know. Save lives.

You - Are - A - Fucking - Idiot.

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