It's kind of amazing that RWs have been wrong about these issues all along and can't admit it

1) Massive Income inequality. When the Occupy Wall Street movement was going on, the right was in complete denial about just how wide in income there was between the poor/middle class and the very wealthy. Nowadays their answer is "well so what?" This is obviously them still being too immature to admit they were wrong, but the reality is that the income gap affects the entire economy. If the middle class continues to shrink and the poverty rate grows, the economy becomes destabilized because of a lack of adequate consumer spending. Recessions become inevitable. Thank god Bernie came along and drilled the message into the minds of Americans who are too stupid to believe anything Fox News doesn't tell them.

2) Man-made climate change. Republicans are by and large too stupid to realize that this isn't just simply an American political issue, it is a scientific issue with a GLOBAL CONSENSUS. Scientists and governments the world over know our planet is dying. You cons can't keep kidding yourselves into thinking this is "hippie, liberal paranoia". I know you like to parrot small scale studies funded by big oil that are NOT peer reviewed, but the reality is that the vast majority of peer reviewed studies from around the world show that this phenomenon is very real and that the human race's days are numbered. Oops.

3) Our crumbling infrastructure. Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world. This greatly affects the economy and to ignore it would be missing out on millions of middle class jobs.

4) Believing the private sector should do whatever the fuck it wants. A lack of regulations on our environment, Wall Street, and health care has resulted in suffering of our middle class and poor. Flint water crisis? The Great Recession? Enormous healthcare costs? All of that can be blamed on a lack of proper regulation on our economy.

I love the way leftwing douche nozzles just assume they are right without any need to prove it. The one about the Flint water crisis being caused by insufficient regulation has to be the whopper of all whoppers. City and state governments are in charge of providing the water, but somehow lack of regulation is responsible? You mean government isn't capable of doing the right thing, but government is supposed to enforce doing the right thing?

How idiotic can you possibly get?
You idiot. A lack of environmental standards is at the fault of law makers. Fixing the problem swiftly is a fault of the law makers. Get a clue.

So, in other words, government is entirely at fault because it was unable to do the right thing, but your solution is for more government. Brilliant!
4) Believing the private sector should do whatever the fuck it wants. A lack of regulations on our environment, Wall Street, and health care has resulted in suffering of our middle class and poor. Flint water crisis? The Great Recession? Enormous healthcare costs? All of that can be blamed on a lack of proper regulation on our economy.


Do Red States have state agencies designed to protect the environment.

To listen to this bulls**t, the answer would have to be no.

But they do.

Imagine that.

This one's killing me that the Flint Water crisis is some how Republican's fault when the EPA knew about the lead poisoning and did jack shit.
No it was the use of chloramine which the government ignored, hence a lack of government regulation.

You mean government was unable to control what it did, so the solution is more government?

Are you serious?
God you're so stupid. You think "government" is somehow this entity that only exists in the leftwing when in reality republicans control a lot of it.

In the states they control it, do they eliminate the state EPA's ?

Go ahead Billy, you gutless moron....tell us.
4) Believing the private sector should do whatever the fuck it wants. A lack of regulations on our environment, Wall Street, and health care has resulted in suffering of our middle class and poor. Flint water crisis? The Great Recession? Enormous healthcare costs? All of that can be blamed on a lack of proper regulation on our economy.


Do Red States have state agencies designed to protect the environment.

To listen to this bulls**t, the answer would have to be no.

But they do.

Imagine that.

This one's killing me that the Flint Water crisis is some how Republican's fault when the EPA knew about the lead poisoning and did jack shit.
No it was the use of chloramine which the government ignored, hence a lack of government regulation.

You mean government was unable to control what it did, so the solution is more government?

Are you serious?
God you're so stupid. You think "government" is somehow this entity that only exists in the leftwing when in reality republicans control a lot of it.

By it's very nature government is leftwing. Most of the people who work for the government are leftwing, and everything government does is a form of socialism.
1) Massive Income inequality. When the Occupy Wall Street movement was going on, the right was in complete denial about just how wide in income there was between the poor/middle class and the very wealthy. Nowadays their answer is "well so what?" This is obviously them still being too immature to admit they were wrong, but the reality is that the income gap affects the entire economy. If the middle class continues to shrink and the poverty rate grows, the economy becomes destabilized because of a lack of adequate consumer spending. Recessions become inevitable. Thank god Bernie came along and drilled the message into the minds of Americans who are too stupid to believe anything Fox News doesn't tell them.

2) Man-made climate change. Republicans are by and large too stupid to realize that this isn't just simply an American political issue, it is a scientific issue with a GLOBAL CONSENSUS. Scientists and governments the world over know our planet is dying. You cons can't keep kidding yourselves into thinking this is "hippie, liberal paranoia". I know you like to parrot small scale studies funded by big oil that are NOT peer reviewed, but the reality is that the vast majority of peer reviewed studies from around the world show that this phenomenon is very real and that the human race's days are numbered. Oops.

3) Our crumbling infrastructure. Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world. This greatly affects the economy and to ignore it would be missing out on millions of middle class jobs.

4) Believing the private sector should do whatever the fuck it wants. A lack of regulations on our environment, Wall Street, and health care has resulted in suffering of our middle class and poor. Flint water crisis? The Great Recession? Enormous healthcare costs? All of that can be blamed on a lack of proper regulation on our economy.

I love the way leftwing douche nozzles just assume they are right without any need to prove it. The one about the Flint water crisis being caused by insufficient regulation has to be the whopper of all whoppers. City and state governments are in charge of providing the water, but somehow lack of regulation is responsible? You mean government isn't capable of doing the right thing, but government is supposed to enforce doing the right thing?

How idiotic can you possibly get?
You idiot. A lack of environmental standards is at the fault of law makers. Fixing the problem swiftly is a fault of the law makers. Get a clue.

So, in other words, government is entirely at fault because it was unable to do the right thing, but your solution is for more government. Brilliant!

You've got it figured out.

After all...Obama is the greatest......:blsmile::blsmile::blsmile:
1) Massive Income inequality. When the Occupy Wall Street movement was going on, the right was in complete denial about just how wide in income there was between the poor/middle class and the very wealthy. Nowadays their answer is "well so what?" This is obviously them still being too immature to admit they were wrong, but the reality is that the income gap affects the entire economy. If the middle class continues to shrink and the poverty rate grows, the economy becomes destabilized because of a lack of adequate consumer spending. Recessions become inevitable. Thank god Bernie came along and drilled the message into the minds of Americans who are too stupid to believe anything Fox News doesn't tell them.

2) Man-made climate change. Republicans are by and large too stupid to realize that this isn't just simply an American political issue, it is a scientific issue with a GLOBAL CONSENSUS. Scientists and governments the world over know our planet is dying. You cons can't keep kidding yourselves into thinking this is "hippie, liberal paranoia". I know you like to parrot small scale studies funded by big oil that are NOT peer reviewed, but the reality is that the vast majority of peer reviewed studies from around the world show that this phenomenon is very real and that the human race's days are numbered. Oops.

3) Our crumbling infrastructure. Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world. This greatly affects the economy and to ignore it would be missing out on millions of middle class jobs.

4) Believing the private sector should do whatever the fuck it wants. A lack of regulations on our environment, Wall Street, and health care has resulted in suffering of our middle class and poor. Flint water crisis? The Great Recession? Enormous healthcare costs? All of that can be blamed on a lack of proper regulation on our economy.

I love the way leftwing douche nozzles just assume they are right without any need to prove it. The one about the Flint water crisis being caused by insufficient regulation has to be the whopper of all whoppers. City and state governments are in charge of providing the water, but somehow lack of regulation is responsible? You mean government isn't capable of doing the right thing, but government is supposed to enforce doing the right thing?

How idiotic can you possibly get?
You idiot. A lack of environmental standards is at the fault of law makers. Fixing the problem swiftly is a fault of the law makers. Get a clue.

So, in other words, government is entirely at fault because it was unable to do the right thing, but your solution is for more government. Brilliant!
It's amazing how you think that just because an aspect of government falls to fix a problem that means the very idea of government is useless. Are you that stupid? it's amazing to me you could be that stupid. The right otticials in office get this done moron. AKA not republicans.

Do Red States have state agencies designed to protect the environment.

To listen to this bulls**t, the answer would have to be no.

But they do.

Imagine that.

This one's killing me that the Flint Water crisis is some how Republican's fault when the EPA knew about the lead poisoning and did jack shit.
No it was the use of chloramine which the government ignored, hence a lack of government regulation.

You mean government was unable to control what it did, so the solution is more government?

Are you serious?
God you're so stupid. You think "government" is somehow this entity that only exists in the leftwing when in reality republicans control a lot of it.

By it's very nature government is leftwing. Most of the people who work for the government are leftwing, and everything government does is a form of socialism.
How can you be this retarded? Do I even need to explain to you why this statement is so dumb when we both know what party controls the legislative branch?
It's probably why a self-identifying democratic socialist consistently beats their front-runner in national polls.

Do Red States have state agencies designed to protect the environment.

To listen to this bulls**t, the answer would have to be no.

But they do.

Imagine that.

This one's killing me that the Flint Water crisis is some how Republican's fault when the EPA knew about the lead poisoning and did jack shit.
No it was the use of chloramine which the government ignored, hence a lack of government regulation.

You mean government was unable to control what it did, so the solution is more government?

Are you serious?
God you're so stupid. You think "government" is somehow this entity that only exists in the leftwing when in reality republicans control a lot of it.

By it's very nature government is leftwing. Most of the people who work for the government are leftwing, and everything government does is a form of socialism.

John Jay in Federalist 2 pointed out that we cede some rights to protect the others.

Obama wants us to cede all our rights so he can protect Europe.
1) Massive Income inequality. When the Occupy Wall Street movement was going on, the right was in complete denial about just how wide in income there was between the poor/middle class and the very wealthy. Nowadays their answer is "well so what?" This is obviously them still being too immature to admit they were wrong, but the reality is that the income gap affects the entire economy. If the middle class continues to shrink and the poverty rate grows, the economy becomes destabilized because of a lack of adequate consumer spending. Recessions become inevitable. Thank god Bernie came along and drilled the message into the minds of Americans who are too stupid to believe anything Fox News doesn't tell them.

2) Man-made climate change. Republicans are by and large too stupid to realize that this isn't just simply an American political issue, it is a scientific issue with a GLOBAL CONSENSUS. Scientists and governments the world over know our planet is dying. You cons can't keep kidding yourselves into thinking this is "hippie, liberal paranoia". I know you like to parrot small scale studies funded by big oil that are NOT peer reviewed, but the reality is that the vast majority of peer reviewed studies from around the world show that this phenomenon is very real and that the human race's days are numbered. Oops.

3) Our crumbling infrastructure. Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world. This greatly affects the economy and to ignore it would be missing out on millions of middle class jobs.

4) Believing the private sector should do whatever the fuck it wants. A lack of regulations on our environment, Wall Street, and health care has resulted in suffering of our middle class and poor. Flint water crisis? The Great Recession? Enormous healthcare costs? All of that can be blamed on a lack of proper regulation on our economy.

I love the way leftwing douche nozzles just assume they are right without any need to prove it. The one about the Flint water crisis being caused by insufficient regulation has to be the whopper of all whoppers. City and state governments are in charge of providing the water, but somehow lack of regulation is responsible? You mean government isn't capable of doing the right thing, but government is supposed to enforce doing the right thing?

How idiotic can you possibly get?
You idiot. A lack of environmental standards is at the fault of law makers. Fixing the problem swiftly is a fault of the law makers. Get a clue.

So, in other words, government is entirely at fault because it was unable to do the right thing, but your solution is for more government. Brilliant!
It's amazing how you think that just because an aspect of government falls to fix a problem that means the very idea of government is useless. Are you that stupid? it's amazing to me you could be that stupid. The right otticials in office get this done moron. AKA not republicans.

What I think that is if government totally fucks up it's not because of "lack of regulation." Government creates regulations, but you're admitting it can't even regulate itself. Government is incompetence materialized. It's a major miracle whenever government gets anything right.
1) Massive Income inequality. When the Occupy Wall Street movement was going on, the right was in complete denial about just how wide in income there was between the poor/middle class and the very wealthy. Nowadays their answer is "well so what?" This is obviously them still being too immature to admit they were wrong, but the reality is that the income gap affects the entire economy. If the middle class continues to shrink and the poverty rate grows, the economy becomes destabilized because of a lack of adequate consumer spending. Recessions become inevitable. Thank god Bernie came along and drilled the message into the minds of Americans who are too stupid to believe anything Fox News doesn't tell them.

2) Man-made climate change. Republicans are by and large too stupid to realize that this isn't just simply an American political issue, it is a scientific issue with a GLOBAL CONSENSUS. Scientists and governments the world over know our planet is dying. You cons can't keep kidding yourselves into thinking this is "hippie, liberal paranoia". I know you like to parrot small scale studies funded by big oil that are NOT peer reviewed, but the reality is that the vast majority of peer reviewed studies from around the world show that this phenomenon is very real and that the human race's days are numbered. Oops.

3) Our crumbling infrastructure. Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world. This greatly affects the economy and to ignore it would be missing out on millions of middle class jobs.

4) Believing the private sector should do whatever the fuck it wants. A lack of regulations on our environment, Wall Street, and health care has resulted in suffering of our middle class and poor. Flint water crisis? The Great Recession? Enormous healthcare costs? All of that can be blamed on a lack of proper regulation on our economy.

I love the way leftwing douche nozzles just assume they are right without any need to prove it. The one about the Flint water crisis being caused by insufficient regulation has to be the whopper of all whoppers. City and state governments are in charge of providing the water, but somehow lack of regulation is responsible? You mean government isn't capable of doing the right thing, but government is supposed to enforce doing the right thing?

How idiotic can you possibly get?
You idiot. A lack of environmental standards is at the fault of law makers. Fixing the problem swiftly is a fault of the law makers. Get a clue.

So, in other words, government is entirely at fault because it was unable to do the right thing, but your solution is for more government. Brilliant!
It's amazing how you think that just because an aspect of government falls to fix a problem that means the very idea of government is useless. Are you that stupid? it's amazing to me you could be that stupid. The right otticials in office get this done moron. AKA not republicans.

What I think that is if government totally fucks up it's not because of "lack of regulation." Government creates regulations, but you're admitting it can't even regulate itself. Government is incompetence materialized. It's a major miracle whenever government gets anything right.

I think it's important that we say "federal government". They are the real screw ups.

That is on both sides.
When is BillyFail going to put out some evidence to back his 2nd grade rant of an OP.

About the same time he put out evidence to support his last 20 rants.....never.
This one's killing me that the Flint Water crisis is some how Republican's fault when the EPA knew about the lead poisoning and did jack shit.
No it was the use of chloramine which the government ignored, hence a lack of government regulation.

You mean government was unable to control what it did, so the solution is more government?

Are you serious?
God you're so stupid. You think "government" is somehow this entity that only exists in the leftwing when in reality republicans control a lot of it.

By it's very nature government is leftwing. Most of the people who work for the government are leftwing, and everything government does is a form of socialism.
How can you be this retarded? Do I even need to explain to you why this statement is so dumb when we both know what party controls the legislative branch?

How do the few politicians in the legislative branch equate to the millions of subversive leftwing douche nozzles that populate the federal bureaucracies?
Or maybe you don't have an actual response to it?
Your OP was all over the place.

Why don't you stick to one opening topic. What are you trying to say? What is your thesis, that the Republican party is wrong on a bunch of issues?

Then, rather than try to PROVE that they have been wrong on a bunch of issues, which, of all these issue you have brought up, none have ever been fully and conclusively been proven to be a partisan issue of either party.

Why not link to a thread of each issue that shows that Democrat posters have conclusively been shown right? Or that Democrats have made more compelling arguments than conservatives?

Or perhaps you could post an article that sums up your point of view offers some links to PROOF?

It just seems like the topic you picked was just a huge whopper of a topic that can't be proved. It is a school yard brawl to boost your weak and sagging ego.

In the abstract, it is a sorry attempt by a lame poster to make himself feel like he is part of something larger by bashing on others. . .

No critical thought is involved on your part. Well, if no critical thought is going to be involved, I can do that to. So there you go. I rolled out a troll. How did it make you feel? Probably the way your un-sourced, unoriginal, unimaginative, juvenile OP made the forum feel.

Quit literally, it is a pathetic attempt to join in the chorus of the MSM bashing the partisans. It is a game of "they're wrong, we're right." With nothing to back it up.

I didn't write anything, because that is usually the nature of your posts. Highly partisan, with nothing interesting or original to them. You are like that fellow HWFranco. A ditto head of MSM liberals. If the forum wants to know your opinion, we can surf away and go read Salon, MotherJones, or watch the View. It's trite.

Last edited:
I love the way leftwing douche nozzles just assume they are right without any need to prove it. The one about the Flint water crisis being caused by insufficient regulation has to be the whopper of all whoppers. City and state governments are in charge of providing the water, but somehow lack of regulation is responsible? You mean government isn't capable of doing the right thing, but government is supposed to enforce doing the right thing?

How idiotic can you possibly get?
You idiot. A lack of environmental standards is at the fault of law makers. Fixing the problem swiftly is a fault of the law makers. Get a clue.

So, in other words, government is entirely at fault because it was unable to do the right thing, but your solution is for more government. Brilliant!
It's amazing how you think that just because an aspect of government falls to fix a problem that means the very idea of government is useless. Are you that stupid? it's amazing to me you could be that stupid. The right otticials in office get this done moron. AKA not republicans.

What I think that is if government totally fucks up it's not because of "lack of regulation." Government creates regulations, but you're admitting it can't even regulate itself. Government is incompetence materialized. It's a major miracle whenever government gets anything right.

I think it's important that we say "federal government". They are the real screw ups.

That is on both sides.

In this case it's also state and local governments who fucked up the worst. There's nothing inherently better about state and local government aside from the fact that you can move to escape from the really bad ones.
You idiot. A lack of environmental standards is at the fault of law makers. Fixing the problem swiftly is a fault of the law makers. Get a clue.

So, in other words, government is entirely at fault because it was unable to do the right thing, but your solution is for more government. Brilliant!
It's amazing how you think that just because an aspect of government falls to fix a problem that means the very idea of government is useless. Are you that stupid? it's amazing to me you could be that stupid. The right otticials in office get this done moron. AKA not republicans.

What I think that is if government totally fucks up it's not because of "lack of regulation." Government creates regulations, but you're admitting it can't even regulate itself. Government is incompetence materialized. It's a major miracle whenever government gets anything right.

I think it's important that we say "federal government". They are the real screw ups.

That is on both sides.

In this case it's also state and local governments who fucked up the worst. There's nothing inherently better about state and local government aside from the fact that you can move to escape from the really bad ones.

I've seem some pretty well run states.

We have examples of some pretty sad ones too.

As you least with get a choice.
1) Massive Income inequality. When the Occupy Wall Street movement was going on, the right was in complete denial about just how wide in income there was between the poor/middle class and the very wealthy. Nowadays their answer is "well so what?" This is obviously them still being too immature to admit they were wrong, but the reality is that the income gap affects the entire economy. If the middle class continues to shrink and the poverty rate grows, the economy becomes destabilized because of a lack of adequate consumer spending. Recessions become inevitable. Thank god Bernie came along and drilled the message into the minds of Americans who are too stupid to believe anything Fox News doesn't tell them.

2) Man-made climate change. Republicans are by and large too stupid to realize that this isn't just simply an American political issue, it is a scientific issue with a GLOBAL CONSENSUS. Scientists and governments the world over know our planet is dying. You cons can't keep kidding yourselves into thinking this is "hippie, liberal paranoia". I know you like to parrot small scale studies funded by big oil that are NOT peer reviewed, but the reality is that the vast majority of peer reviewed studies from around the world show that this phenomenon is very real and that the human race's days are numbered. Oops.

3) Our crumbling infrastructure. Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world. This greatly affects the economy and to ignore it would be missing out on millions of middle class jobs.

4) Believing the private sector should do whatever the fuck it wants. A lack of regulations on our environment, Wall Street, and health care has resulted in suffering of our middle class and poor. Flint water crisis? The Great Recession? Enormous healthcare costs? All of that can be blamed on a lack of proper regulation on our economy.

I love the way leftwing douche nozzles just assume they are right without any need to prove it. The one about the Flint water crisis being caused by insufficient regulation has to be the whopper of all whoppers. City and state governments are in charge of providing the water, but somehow lack of regulation is responsible? You mean government isn't capable of doing the right thing, but government is supposed to enforce doing the right thing?

How idiotic can you possibly get?
You idiot. A lack of environmental standards is at the fault of law makers. Fixing the problem swiftly is a fault of the law makers. Get a clue.

So, in other words, government is entirely at fault because it was unable to do the right thing, but your solution is for more government. Brilliant!
It's amazing how you think that just because an aspect of government falls to fix a problem that means the very idea of government is useless. Are you that stupid? it's amazing to me you could be that stupid. The right otticials in office get this done moron. AKA not republicans.

What I think that is if government totally fucks up it's not because of "lack of regulation." Government creates regulations, but you're admitting it can't even regulate itself. Government is incompetence materialized. It's a major miracle whenever government gets anything right.
Oh really? Our military is a failure? SS was a success before Teabaggers came along. The FBI and CIA are failures? How about law enforcement In general? How about our highway system? How about government success in other counties? Our public school system is a joke compared to other developed nations like those in Europe and Australia. How about infrastructure systems that fair better in other countries.
Or maybe you don't have an actual response to it?
Your OP was all over the place.

Why don't you stick to one opening topic. What are you trying to say? What is your thesis, that the Republican party is wrong on a bunch of issues?

Then, rather than try to PROVE that they have been wrong on a bunch of issues, which, of all these issue you have brought up, none have ever been fully and conclusively been proven to be a partisan issue of either party.

Why not link to a thread of each issue that shows that Democrat posters have conclusively been shown right? Or that Democrats have made more compelling arguments than conservatives?

Or perhaps you could post an article that sums up your point of view offers some links to PROOF?

I just seems like the topic you picked was just a huge whopper of a topic that can't be proved. It is a school yard brawl to boost your weak and sagging ego.

In the abstract, it is a sorry attempt by a lame poster to make himself feel like he is part of something larger by bashing on others. . .

No critical thought is involved on your part. Well, if no critical thought is going to be involved, I can do that to. So there you go. I rolled out a troll. How did it make you feel? Probably the way your un-sourced, unoriginal, unimaginative, juvenile OP made the forum feel.

Quit literally, it is a pathetic attempt to join in the chorus of the MSM bashing the partisans. It is a game of "they're wrong, we're right." With nothing to back it up.

I didn't write anything, because that is usually the nature of your posts. Highly partisan, with nothing interesting or original to them. You are like that fellow HWFranco. A ditto head of MSM liberals. If the forum wants to know your opinion, we can surf away and go read Salon, MotherJones, or watch the View. It's trite.

I can provide you proof of independent verification on any topic I raised. Where would you like to start?
Or maybe you don't have an actual response to it?
Your OP was all over the place.

Why don't you stick to one opening topic. What are you trying to say? What is your thesis, that the Republican party is wrong on a bunch of issues?

Then, rather than try to PROVE that they have been wrong on a bunch of issues, which, of all these issue you have brought up, none have ever been fully and conclusively been proven to be a partisan issue of either party.

Why not link to a thread of each issue that shows that Democrat posters have conclusively been shown right? Or that Democrats have made more compelling arguments than conservatives?

Or perhaps you could post an article that sums up your point of view offers some links to PROOF?

I just seems like the topic you picked was just a huge whopper of a topic that can't be proved. It is a school yard brawl to boost your weak and sagging ego.

In the abstract, it is a sorry attempt by a lame poster to make himself feel like he is part of something larger by bashing on others. . .

No critical thought is involved on your part. Well, if no critical thought is going to be involved, I can do that to. So there you go. I rolled out a troll. How did it make you feel? Probably the way your un-sourced, unoriginal, unimaginative, juvenile OP made the forum feel.

Quit literally, it is a pathetic attempt to join in the chorus of the MSM bashing the partisans. It is a game of "they're wrong, we're right." With nothing to back it up.

I didn't write anything, because that is usually the nature of your posts. Highly partisan, with nothing interesting or original to them. You are like that fellow HWFranco. A ditto head of MSM liberals. If the forum wants to know your opinion, we can surf away and go read Salon, MotherJones, or watch the View. It's trite.

I can provide you proof of independent verification on any topic I raised. Where would you like to start?
If we have to "start" somewhere, than we have already proved my point.
No it was the use of chloramine which the government ignored, hence a lack of government regulation.

You mean government was unable to control what it did, so the solution is more government?

Are you serious?
God you're so stupid. You think "government" is somehow this entity that only exists in the leftwing when in reality republicans control a lot of it.

By it's very nature government is leftwing. Most of the people who work for the government are leftwing, and everything government does is a form of socialism.
How can you be this retarded? Do I even need to explain to you why this statement is so dumb when we both know what party controls the legislative branch?

How do the few politicians in the legislative branch equate to the millions of subversive leftwing douche nozzles that populate the federal bureaucracies?
Are you kidding me? Do you not actually understand the amount of departments that the legislative branch controls?

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