It's NEVER the republicans fault!

Ahh, so deleting all those emails wasn't Hillary's fault?

What about this?

Abedin Implicated Clinton In Foundation Trade-Off With Morocco Amid $12 Million Commitment

What about Benghazi?

So when does it start becoming her fault?

Again wh the emails ! How can she delete sec dept emails . They can just get them from the people who sent her the emails . They still exist from the other side.

Cover for her all you like, Timmy. Neither she, nor you, are fooling anyone.

Again . Never the GOPs fault .

Remember when Romney lost? Conservatives said it was cause he's "not conservative enough ". Lol, now you've moved on to trump ! Biggest Rino ever !
And the Republicans keep calling Bill Clinton a rapist while they embrace your man form Wiki Leaks who is hiding in a foreign embassy because he is accused of............hold on........just wait........RAPE.
Because republicans are infallible! At least that's what they think . And that's why they are falling apart . They can't look at what they do wrong and then fix it .

Trumps losing . It's the media!

Shitty numbers wh women. Stupid whores believe media lies.

Shitty numbers wh minorities . Those (insert racial slur here) are all on Dems welfare.

Candidates lose . Dems cheated the vote !

It's sad really . Like a losing team blaming the refs after a 35-0 loss . Psssst. It's not's YOU!
Lassie wants you back in the well.
Ahh, so deleting all those emails wasn't Hillary's fault?

What about this?

Abedin Implicated Clinton In Foundation Trade-Off With Morocco Amid $12 Million Commitment

What about Benghazi?

So when does it start becoming her fault?

Again wh the emails ! How can she delete sec dept emails . They can just get them from the people who sent her the emails . They still exist from the other side.

Cover for her all you like, Timmy. Neither she, nor you, are fooling anyone.

Again . Never the GOPs fault .

Remember when Romney lost? Conservatives said it was cause he's "not conservative enough ". Lol, now you've moved on to trump ! Biggest Rino ever !

Donald John Trump is not the ultimate Conservative since Chaos created the Universe Six Thousand Years Ago!?!


( Grabbing the Tar and Feathers )

I wonder has America ever had a true Fiscal Conservative President since Andrew Jackson!?!

But back to the suggestion Republicans can never take the blame and that is utterly untrue!

They blamed Romney not being Conservative enough of Immigration, Homosexuality, and Abortion... Also Romeny healthcare plan from when he was governo
Again . Never the GOPs fault .

Remember when Romney lost? Conservatives said it was cause he's "not conservative enough ". Lol, now you've moved on to trump ! Biggest Rino ever !

Remember when Gore lost? I guess not, so let me remind you.......

After Gore lost, the liberals blamed it on the Supreme Court. Afterwards, they blamed it on hanging chads because Democrats don't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card......public school victims you know.....

Then the liberals pressured their representatives to remove punch card ballots and replace them with computers which cost many millions of dollars for taxpayers across the country. When Bush won again, the liberals blamed Diebold, and again petitioned their representatives to get rid of those machines and replace them with other machines which again, costs taxpayers around the country millions more.

DumBama spent more than all other Presidents combined before him-- Bush's fault.
DumBama pulled all our troops out of Iraq which turned into the nightmare it is today--Bush's fault.
Commie Care is a total failure--Republicans fault for stopping single-payer.
911--Bush's fault.

I remember BUSH v Gore . Bush was the plaintiff .

Yeah, when Bush won the Dems learned . They put up a more moderate candidate .

Kerry and Obama are moderate?

Damn that one was really funny as hell!

Jim Webb is moderate and not Kerry or Obama!
Ahh, so deleting all those emails wasn't Hillary's fault?

What about this?

Abedin Implicated Clinton In Foundation Trade-Off With Morocco Amid $12 Million Commitment

What about Benghazi?

So when does it start becoming her fault?

Again wh the emails ! How can she delete sec dept emails . They can just get them from the people who sent her the emails . They still exist from the other side.

Cover for her all you like, Timmy. Neither she, nor you, are fooling anyone.

Again . Never the GOPs fault .

Remember when Romney lost? Conservatives said it was cause he's "not conservative enough ". Lol, now you've moved on to trump ! Biggest Rino ever !

Romney lost because he ran a lousy campaign. Even a RINO like Mitt could have won but he sat back and coasted the last month and Obozo won fair and square.

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