It's NEVER the republicans fault!

Again . Never the GOPs fault .

Remember when Romney lost? Conservatives said it was cause he's "not conservative enough ". Lol, now you've moved on to trump ! Biggest Rino ever !

Remember when Gore lost? I guess not, so let me remind you.......

After Gore lost, the liberals blamed it on the Supreme Court. Afterwards, they blamed it on hanging chads because Democrats don't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card......public school victims you know.....

Then the liberals pressured their representatives to remove punch card ballots and replace them with computers which cost many millions of dollars for taxpayers across the country. When Bush won again, the liberals blamed Diebold, and again petitioned their representatives to get rid of those machines and replace them with other machines which again, costs taxpayers around the country millions more.

DumBama spent more than all other Presidents combined before him-- Bush's fault.
DumBama pulled all our troops out of Iraq which turned into the nightmare it is today--Bush's fault.
Commie Care is a total failure--Republicans fault for stopping single-payer.
911--Bush's fault.
Hold on . You are making a big leap to say that using ones personal email for a work purpose means ALL your personal email is now government property.

If that's true, then you can get to every politicians personal phones and emails cause they have all talked shop at least once . That's an overreach .

And don't forget , this was all just a spin off of the Benghazi witch hunt against Hillary . She was right to stonewall their 2nd attempt to screw her over after Benghazhi was a major fail.

Benghazi, another good one--Republicans fault for not allocating enough money for security.
Again . Never the GOPs fault .

Remember when Romney lost? Conservatives said it was cause he's "not conservative enough ". Lol, now you've moved on to trump ! Biggest Rino ever !

Remember when Gore lost? I guess not, so let me remind you.......

After Gore lost, the liberals blamed it on the Supreme Court. Afterwards, they blamed it on hanging chads because Democrats don't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card......public school victims you know.....

Then the liberals pressured their representatives to remove punch card ballots and replace them with computers which cost many millions of dollars for taxpayers across the country. When Bush won again, the liberals blamed Diebold, and again petitioned their representatives to get rid of those machines and replace them with other machines which again, costs taxpayers around the country millions more.

DumBama spent more than all other Presidents combined before him-- Bush's fault.
DumBama pulled all our troops out of Iraq which turned into the nightmare it is today--Bush's fault.
Commie Care is a total failure--Republicans fault for stopping single-payer.
911--Bush's fault.

I remember BUSH v Gore . Bush was the plaintiff .

Yeah, when Bush won the Dems learned . They put up a more moderate candidate .
I remember BUSH v Gore . Bush was the plaintiff .

Yeah, when Bush won the Dems learned . They put up a more moderate candidate .

The subject you started is blame transference. You clearly did so with blinders on. We just went through 8 years of blame transference. You know.....DumBama could have created all those good jobs if the Republicans in Congress didn't stop him??????
Again . Never the GOPs fault .

Remember when Romney lost? Conservatives said it was cause he's "not conservative enough ". Lol, now you've moved on to trump ! Biggest Rino ever !

Remember when Gore lost? I guess not, so let me remind you.......

After Gore lost, the liberals blamed it on the Supreme Court. Afterwards, they blamed it on hanging chads because Democrats don't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card......public school victims you know.....

Then the liberals pressured their representatives to remove punch card ballots and replace them with computers which cost many millions of dollars for taxpayers across the country. When Bush won again, the liberals blamed Diebold, and again petitioned their representatives to get rid of those machines and replace them with other machines which again, costs taxpayers around the country millions more.

DumBama spent more than all other Presidents combined before him-- Bush's fault.
DumBama pulled all our troops out of Iraq which turned into the nightmare it is today--Bush's fault.
Commie Care is a total failure--Republicans fault for stopping single-payer.
911--Bush's fault.

I remember BUSH v Gore . Bush was the plaintiff .

Yeah, when Bush won the Dems learned . They put up a more moderate candidate .

and Kerry lost
I remember BUSH v Gore . Bush was the plaintiff .

Yeah, when Bush won the Dems learned . They put up a more moderate candidate .

I thought I read today that the state of FLA law demanded a recount? GWB may have been listed as plaintiff as you say.........but I don't think either one of them filed? I thought I read it was automatic? oh well.......thats over now.
I thought I read today that the state of FLA law demanded a recount? GWB may have been listed as plaintiff as you say.........but I don't think either one of them filed? I thought I read it was automatic? oh well.......thats over now.

In Florida, the law is all ballots have to be certified in five days. No if's, ands, or buts about it.

The Florida liberal judges decided that they didn't like that law, and allowed Gore to recount ballots as long as it took him to do so. More than that, they decided to let him do recounts in Democrat districts only which was also a violation of Florida laws. Districts had to be recounted evenly.

If you want to do a recount, fine, do the recount and have the ballots certified in five days. But what the Florida Supreme Court did was judicial legislation. They decided to change laws on the bench, and that's why the SC sent the ruling back and asked them to explain their actions.
Again . Never the GOPs fault .

Remember when Romney lost? Conservatives said it was cause he's "not conservative enough ". Lol, now you've moved on to trump ! Biggest Rino ever !

Remember when Gore lost? I guess not, so let me remind you.......

After Gore lost, the liberals blamed it on the Supreme Court. Afterwards, they blamed it on hanging chads because Democrats don't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card......public school victims you know.....

Then the liberals pressured their representatives to remove punch card ballots and replace them with computers which cost many millions of dollars for taxpayers across the country. When Bush won again, the liberals blamed Diebold, and again petitioned their representatives to get rid of those machines and replace them with other machines which again, costs taxpayers around the country millions more.

DumBama spent more than all other Presidents combined before him-- Bush's fault.
DumBama pulled all our troops out of Iraq which turned into the nightmare it is today--Bush's fault.
Commie Care is a total failure--Republicans fault for stopping single-payer.
911--Bush's fault.

I remember BUSH v Gore . Bush was the plaintiff .

Yeah, when Bush won the Dems learned . They put up a more moderate candidate .

and Kerry lost

Lol! I totally forgot about him.
Because republicans are infallible! At least that's what they think . And that's why they are falling apart . They can't look at what they do wrong and then fix it .

Trumps losing . It's the media!

Shitty numbers wh women. Stupid whores believe media lies.

Shitty numbers wh minorities . Those (insert racial slur here) are all on Dems welfare.

Candidates lose . Dems cheated the vote !

It's sad really . Like a losing team blaming the refs after a 35-0 loss . Psssst. It's not's YOU!

You are correct.

It is the republican system and an unwillingness to acknowledge the deep flaws in the system that created a place for "The Donald".
Again wh the emails ! How can she delete sec dept emails

It's called Bleach Bit. Nobody deletes their emails with this process because they have Yoga lessons and wedding invitations they wish to hide.

Why that is not viewed as an admission of guilt is beyond me. There would have to be something incriminating in those emails to have them destroyed that way.

How anyone cannot see that is just amazing. It just shows how corrupt our media and government truly is. Not to mention the useful idiots who will be forgotten about until the next election.
Ahh, so deleting all those emails wasn't Hillary's fault?

What about this?

Abedin Implicated Clinton In Foundation Trade-Off With Morocco Amid $12 Million Commitment

What about Benghazi?

So when does it start becoming her fault?

Again wh the emails ! How can she delete sec dept emails . They can just get them from the people who sent her the emails . They still exist from the other side.
you do know you can delete sent emails from the senders computer too don't you ?
Why that is not viewed as an admission of guilt is beyond me. There would have to be something incriminating in those emails to have them destroyed that way.

It's worse than that. She had them bleach bitted after those emails were subpoenaed by the US Congress.

If you were using or selling recreational narcotics, and the cops came pounding on your door with a search warrant, and you denied them entrance because you were trying to flush the drugs down the toilet, they would break down your door, throw you to the ground and put the cuffs on you before anything. If they had evidence that you did in fact flush some of those drugs down the toilet, you would be charged with destroying evidence and interfering with a police investigation.
Ahh, so deleting all those emails wasn't Hillary's fault?

What about this?

Abedin Implicated Clinton In Foundation Trade-Off With Morocco Amid $12 Million Commitment

What about Benghazi?

So when does it start becoming her fault?

Again wh the emails ! How can she delete sec dept emails . They can just get them from the people who sent her the emails . They still exist from the other side.

Cover for her all you like, Timmy. Neither she, nor you, are fooling anyone.

Again . Never the GOPs fault .

Remember when Romney lost? Conservatives said it was cause he's "not conservative enough ". Lol, now you've moved on to trump ! Biggest Rino ever !
No, because millions stayed home and didn't vote. Won't happen this time.
Because republicans are infallible! At least that's what they think . And that's why they are falling apart . They can't look at what they do wrong and then fix it .

Trumps losing . It's the media!

Shitty numbers wh women. Stupid whores believe media lies.

Shitty numbers wh minorities . Those (insert racial slur here) are all on Dems welfare.
You're full of shit and it's a clear as day. Nothing you said was accurate. You can't figure out why because you are what you project onto others.

The media is very biased, no one can understand it for you.
Why are republiczns to blame for Hillary's record and her and Obama's horrible foreign policy which has brought us to the brink of world war?

Russia is challenging Great Britain today sending warships to the English channel

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