"It's not theirs, Its mine"

Trump signed it into law in 2018. It went from being a misdemeanor to being a felony.

Oddly enough, one of the multiple laws covering the mishandling of government information is one that Trump himself amended during his tenure in the Oval Office, as pointed out by Tennessee state Sen. Jeff Yarbro (D) on Twitter.

Tucked into a bill Trump signed into law in January 2018 was a provision increasing the punishment for knowingly removing classified materials with the intent to retain them at an “unauthorized location.”

Again, what shithouse did you get your law degree from? You have not shown that ANYONE has mishandled any documents. Kind of getting the cart in front of the horse aren't you?
Nope. It's not whimsical no matter what Trump says. All the documents belong to the National Archives.
You know absolutely NOTHING of the case. You don't know what Trump declassified and what he didn't. You are a bunch of partisan hacks. How's Piglosi's shit taste because that is what you all are eating up.
You know absolutely NOTHING of the case. You don't know what Trump declassified and what he didn't. You are a bunch of partisan hacks. How's Piglosi's shit taste because that is what you all are eating up.

There are protocols that Trump has to follow to declassify the documents and didn't. All documents belong to the National Archives.
There's a difference between taking records for research or for information.
Nixon knowingly did what he against the office and against the people, which was a criminal act, regardless of classification of documents. Trump didn't do anything with them, except have them at his residence.
he stole them, he was advised by whitehouse counsel that the records legally had to go to the National archives and NOT his home, before he left office, and again, after he refused to return them all.

He also had above TOP SECRET files, that by law, he can NOT reclassify alone, at his insecure Mara Lago resort home. Those crucial national security risk files, were never his files or presidential records, for him to take.

This is what he is in big trouble for....
There are protocols that Trump has to follow to declassify the documents and didn't.
You know that eh? You and Adam Schiff have evidence too, huh? You don't have the slightest idea about any of this except for the bullshit the msm has fed you. You've hung Trump multiple times in the last five and a half years on evidence that you didn't have.
Prosecutors also added in another court filing unsealed Friday that the ongoing criminal probe into government records stashed at Trump’s Florida home has involved “a significant number of civilian witnesses” whose safety could be jeopardized if their identities were revealed.

The partial release of the heavily-redacted affidavit and related court documents is the latest development in a fast-moving legal saga that poses an acute threat to the former president. Experts say it is unprecedented in nature. One classified information expert who oversaw such issues across the government said Friday that the scenario laid out was extraordinary and suggested that significant national secrets are at stake.

“To my knowledge, this has never become an issue. Most former presidents have played this pretty straight and narrow,” said William Leonard, who headed up the National Archives’ Information Security and Oversight Office. “If it was just the infamous personal note from the North Korean leader to Trump and he refused to part with that, that’s something that obviously could be handled administratively… But I have to think in this instance the information was so sensitive and the potential damage to national security could be so significant that the government felt they had no other choice other than to proceed down this route.”

The court filings unsealed Friday revealed that the magistrate judge who issued the warrant for the search of Trump’s residence received legal arguments from Trump’s attorneys before doing so.

Those arguments came in the form of a three-page, May 25 letter from Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran. In the letter, Corcoran sought to discourage the Justice Department from proceeding with a criminal investigation or potential criminal charges over the presence of classified records at Mar-a-Lago.

(full article online)


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