It's Not Us...It's Him

I'm well aware of it. And liberals don't vote for the illiberal. That doesn't make one a partisan.

What a moron.

Tell that to the photographers who don't care to participate in a gay wedding, or the bakers who were fined $135,000 and had a gag order placed on them

One bends the neck and the knee to Democrats/Liberals or suffers.

Did you mention the Founders?????
If they are paying then you are selling. That's business not religion.

Spoken like a true Liberal: no rights to conscience nor liberty.
The liberty to hate fags, blacks, Beaners or anyone else you have at home and at church. That's more than enough liberty. At work do your job. If you can't do your job because you have moral objections, get another job.

Where is government's compelling interest in telling one how to think?

Actually....when one doesn't think at in your might be necessary.

Liberty means making up your own mind....acting on it could be a government prerogative.
I recognize that you don't see the difference.
Think? The government isn't telling you to think. You'd never be able to meet said demand. It's telling you to do for money what you already do for money.
I think Trump gets a ton of support from real men just like Trump...

The liberty to hate fags, blacks, Beaners or anyone else you have at home and at church. That's more than enough liberty. At work do your job. If you can't do your job because you have moral objections, get another job.

So a business owner would be what? An employee of the government (crown)? Our ruler (king) states what each must do and we must obey without question?

Perhaps I should remind of the import of the OP....

....He's throwing away a golden opportunity to get out from under these Leftists.

Why is it someone else's responsibility to keep you out from under "leftists"? Don't crawl under them and allow them to mount.

If they are paying then you are selling. That's business not religion.

I will pay you $7.25 per hour to put a new roof on my house.


You must, because I demand it!


Fucking Communist morons. If one is compelled to labor against their will, then one is a slave.

All the left is, or ever has been, is a return to Feudalism.
Wait, what! We're gonna start filling vacancies again?
Well, maybe.

It depends.

On who wins.

Just like the Founders would have wanted. Oh wait, they wanted a government that functioned. Never mid.

And another post with the depth of wall paper.
Do you think the Founders wanted a do-nothing Congress and Supreme Court?
Nine Power-Hungry Legal Vultures

They didn't want judicial review, obviously, because SCROTUS didn't do anything about that until after 12 years of legislation that they could have interfered with if that power had been given to them in the Constitution. Taking the Preamble at its word, only we, the people, can interpret the Constitution.

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