It's Nov 4, 2020 - Dems have taken the White House - Now what?

I wish the Dems would tone it down a few notches. America has come a LONG way.
There is opportunity for everyone (as long as we have borders)
More wealthy black people in the USA than the rest of the nations combined.

Why would blacks living very large hate the flag, the anthem and the nation so much?

All this radical stuff, and violence makes everyone nervous about having them take the reins.
I know most on the Right believe it's a forgone conclusion that Trump will win re-election. But that might be because they still have faith in the election system and honest elections. I think we need to have this discussion now because sooner or later, even if Trump wins, in 2020 it's still likely the far Left will have a good chance to regain power eventually regardless..

A few wild cards.....

* How many illegals will be voting ?

* Assuming Trump doesn't win the Popular vote by a few hundred thousand votes...numerous left wing states are passing bills that "allow" (note that it isn't mandatory, just allowed, hence a choice after the actual election results come in) whether or not to give the states electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote.
In other words, a win, by ANY means necessary.

* Will there be election fraud in California, New York and Colorado?

* The economy. If the economy is strong his re-election is more likely. Otherwise a bad economy could sway the results.

So, let's say it is Nov 4, 2020 and the left has won back the White House. Is there any doubt what comes next?

Now what? a lot depends on the senate and House of course. But lets say in 2022 they also get the way or the other.

My thinking is that their first move would be to do everything they can to limit your ability to buy guns and bullets one way or the other. Guns and ammo sales will climb significantly if the Left gets the WH. Perhaps sky high taxes on both? New laws to make ownership difficult or expensive?
New laws to "legally" go after every citizen they can such as deeming you a "risk" for simple things like traffic offenses? A terrorist if you've ever said certain things on forums?
We know all too well their position on the 2nd.

Next they will work swiftly to undo the things Trump set in place to benefit America. They will definitely raise taxes and re-implement the personal mandate for the ACA.

If they can "win" elections going forward the same way, it may be the last non far Left President and even Congress for a long time. Certainly long enough to move us into socialism and irreparably weaken the military.

Of course, it's a what if....and hopefully we won't get an anti-American president in 2020. But it's probably not a forgone conclusion to say it's not possible. Trump can only run twice after all...and 2024 is not all that far away.

What do you think will happen if and when the Left regains control over the WH and both houses of Congress?

I would prefer not to speculate in this venue, but examining the possibility through the lens of human nature and three decades of increasing tensions, it will be bad.

Very bad.
In what way bad? Are you suggesting that CRCs will not allow a peaceful transition of power?
I know most on the Right believe it's a forgone conclusion that Trump will win re-election. But that might be because they still have faith in the election system and honest elections. I think we need to have this discussion now because sooner or later, even if Trump wins, in 2020 it's still likely the far Left will have a good chance to regain power eventually regardless..

A few wild cards.....

* How many illegals will be voting ?

* Assuming Trump doesn't win the Popular vote by a few hundred thousand votes...numerous left wing states are passing bills that "allow" (note that it isn't mandatory, just allowed, hence a choice after the actual election results come in) whether or not to give the states electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote.
In other words, a win, by ANY means necessary.

* Will there be election fraud in California, New York and Colorado?

* The economy. If the economy is strong his re-election is more likely. Otherwise a bad economy could sway the results.

So, let's say it is Nov 4, 2020 and the left has won back the White House. Is there any doubt what comes next?

Now what? a lot depends on the senate and House of course. But lets say in 2022 they also get the way or the other.

My thinking is that their first move would be to do everything they can to limit your ability to buy guns and bullets one way or the other. Guns and ammo sales will climb significantly if the Left gets the WH. Perhaps sky high taxes on both? New laws to make ownership difficult or expensive?
New laws to "legally" go after every citizen they can such as deeming you a "risk" for simple things like traffic offenses? A terrorist if you've ever said certain things on forums?
We know all too well their position on the 2nd.

Next they will work swiftly to undo the things Trump set in place to benefit America. They will definitely raise taxes and re-implement the personal mandate for the ACA.

If they can "win" elections going forward the same way, it may be the last non far Left President and even Congress for a long time. Certainly long enough to move us into socialism and irreparably weaken the military.

Of course, it's a what if....and hopefully we won't get an anti-American president in 2020. But it's probably not a forgone conclusion to say it's not possible. Trump can only run twice after all...and 2024 is not all that far away.

What do you think will happen if and when the Left regains control over the WH and both houses of Congress?

What will come is trump declaring a broken govt and calling out the military to set up a new government

And the big change only people with some age and can pass a high logic ability test can vote
Would you support that move?
I know most on the Right believe it's a forgone conclusion that Trump will win re-election. But that might be because they still have faith in the election system and honest elections. I think we need to have this discussion now because sooner or later, even if Trump wins, in 2020 it's still likely the far Left will have a good chance to regain power eventually regardless..

A few wild cards.....

* How many illegals will be voting ?

* Assuming Trump doesn't win the Popular vote by a few hundred thousand votes...numerous left wing states are passing bills that "allow" (note that it isn't mandatory, just allowed, hence a choice after the actual election results come in) whether or not to give the states electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote.
In other words, a win, by ANY means necessary.

* Will there be election fraud in California, New York and Colorado?

* The economy. If the economy is strong his re-election is more likely. Otherwise a bad economy could sway the results.

So, let's say it is Nov 4, 2020 and the left has won back the White House. Is there any doubt what comes next?

Now what? a lot depends on the senate and House of course. But lets say in 2022 they also get the way or the other.

My thinking is that their first move would be to do everything they can to limit your ability to buy guns and bullets one way or the other. Guns and ammo sales will climb significantly if the Left gets the WH. Perhaps sky high taxes on both? New laws to make ownership difficult or expensive?
New laws to "legally" go after every citizen they can such as deeming you a "risk" for simple things like traffic offenses? A terrorist if you've ever said certain things on forums?
We know all too well their position on the 2nd.

Next they will work swiftly to undo the things Trump set in place to benefit America. They will definitely raise taxes and re-implement the personal mandate for the ACA.

If they can "win" elections going forward the same way, it may be the last non far Left President and even Congress for a long time. Certainly long enough to move us into socialism and irreparably weaken the military.

Of course, it's a what if....and hopefully we won't get an anti-American president in 2020. But it's probably not a forgone conclusion to say it's not possible. Trump can only run twice after all...and 2024 is not all that far away.

What do you think will happen if and when the Left regains control over the WH and both houses of Congress?
Immediately upon The Democrat Candidate taking up residence in The White House, they make an announcement that they are throwing their full support for The Anti-Christ and will Urge Congress to shred The Constitution and Dissolve The Republic.

The DemNazi Storm Troopers will confiscate guns and round up conservatives and place them in cattle cars. They will burn down churches and tear down monuments and statues in an ISIS like frenzy of destruction.
Is this the current Russian Troll stance to be put out, Comrade?
I know most on the Right believe it's a forgone conclusion that Trump will win re-election. But that might be because they still have faith in the election system and honest elections. I think we need to have this discussion now because sooner or later, even if Trump wins, in 2020 it's still likely the far Left will have a good chance to regain power eventually regardless..

A few wild cards.....

* How many illegals will be voting ?

* Assuming Trump doesn't win the Popular vote by a few hundred thousand votes...numerous left wing states are passing bills that "allow" (note that it isn't mandatory, just allowed, hence a choice after the actual election results come in) whether or not to give the states electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote.
In other words, a win, by ANY means necessary.

* Will there be election fraud in California, New York and Colorado?

* The economy. If the economy is strong his re-election is more likely. Otherwise a bad economy could sway the results.

So, let's say it is Nov 4, 2020 and the left has won back the White House. Is there any doubt what comes next?

Now what? a lot depends on the senate and House of course. But lets say in 2022 they also get the way or the other.

My thinking is that their first move would be to do everything they can to limit your ability to buy guns and bullets one way or the other. Guns and ammo sales will climb significantly if the Left gets the WH. Perhaps sky high taxes on both? New laws to make ownership difficult or expensive?
New laws to "legally" go after every citizen they can such as deeming you a "risk" for simple things like traffic offenses? A terrorist if you've ever said certain things on forums?
We know all too well their position on the 2nd.

Next they will work swiftly to undo the things Trump set in place to benefit America. They will definitely raise taxes and re-implement the personal mandate for the ACA.

If they can "win" elections going forward the same way, it may be the last non far Left President and even Congress for a long time. Certainly long enough to move us into socialism and irreparably weaken the military.

Of course, it's a what if....and hopefully we won't get an anti-American president in 2020. But it's probably not a forgone conclusion to say it's not possible. Trump can only run twice after all...and 2024 is not all that far away.

What do you think will happen if and when the Left regains control over the WH and both houses of Congress?

I would prefer not to speculate in this venue, but examining the possibility through the lens of human nature and three decades of increasing tensions, it will be bad.

Very bad.
In what way bad? Are you suggesting that CRCs will not allow a peaceful transition of power?
Brave American patriots will never allow a Marxist central government to rule them like the Politburo did in former Soviet Union.
Gallup poll: Democrats have a more positive view of socialism than capitalism, poll finds
  • 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016
  • 57% of Democrats now view socialism positively, little changed from 2010
Nobody wants socialism any more than in 2010. It looks like capitalism is getting a bad name from increasing near-monopolies, pharmaceutical prices running rampant, etc. Socialism isn't going to happen. There have been dems in the white house before and the US didn't crash.
What's more, 92 percent of Americans have a positive view of small businesses, 86 percent have a positive view of entrepreneurs, 79 percent have a positive view of free enterprise and 53 percent have a positive view of "big business."

Democrats used to deny they were socialists. Now they embrace marxism.
I know most on the Right believe it's a forgone conclusion that Trump will win re-election. But that might be because they still have faith in the election system and honest elections. I think we need to have this discussion now because sooner or later, even if Trump wins, in 2020 it's still likely the far Left will have a good chance to regain power eventually regardless..

A few wild cards.....

* How many illegals will be voting ?

* Assuming Trump doesn't win the Popular vote by a few hundred thousand votes...numerous left wing states are passing bills that "allow" (note that it isn't mandatory, just allowed, hence a choice after the actual election results come in) whether or not to give the states electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote.
In other words, a win, by ANY means necessary.

* Will there be election fraud in California, New York and Colorado?

* The economy. If the economy is strong his re-election is more likely. Otherwise a bad economy could sway the results.

So, let's say it is Nov 4, 2020 and the left has won back the White House. Is there any doubt what comes next?

Now what? a lot depends on the senate and House of course. But lets say in 2022 they also get the way or the other.

My thinking is that their first move would be to do everything they can to limit your ability to buy guns and bullets one way or the other. Guns and ammo sales will climb significantly if the Left gets the WH. Perhaps sky high taxes on both? New laws to make ownership difficult or expensive?
New laws to "legally" go after every citizen they can such as deeming you a "risk" for simple things like traffic offenses? A terrorist if you've ever said certain things on forums?
We know all too well their position on the 2nd.

Next they will work swiftly to undo the things Trump set in place to benefit America. They will definitely raise taxes and re-implement the personal mandate for the ACA.

If they can "win" elections going forward the same way, it may be the last non far Left President and even Congress for a long time. Certainly long enough to move us into socialism and irreparably weaken the military.

Of course, it's a what if....and hopefully we won't get an anti-American president in 2020. But it's probably not a forgone conclusion to say it's not possible. Trump can only run twice after all...and 2024 is not all that far away.

What do you think will happen if and when the Left regains control over the WH and both houses of Congress?
Immediately upon The Democrat Candidate taking up residence in The White House, they make an announcement that they are throwing their full support for The Anti-Christ and will Urge Congress to shred The Constitution and Dissolve The Republic.

The DemNazi Storm Troopers will confiscate guns and round up conservatives and place them in cattle cars. They will burn down churches and tear down monuments and statues in an ISIS like frenzy of destruction.

Well not too far off. Remember Obama had a transvestite and a homosexual greet the Pope?
Gallup poll: Democrats have a more positive view of socialism than capitalism, poll finds
  • 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016
  • 57% of Democrats now view socialism positively, little changed from 2010
Nobody wants socialism any more than in 2010. It looks like capitalism is getting a bad name from increasing near-monopolies, pharmaceutical prices running rampant, etc. Socialism isn't going to happen. There have been dems in the white house before and the US didn't crash.
What's more, 92 percent of Americans have a positive view of small businesses, 86 percent have a positive view of entrepreneurs, 79 percent have a positive view of free enterprise and 53 percent have a positive view of "big business."

Democrats used to deny they were socialists. Now they embrace marxism.
They want Washington DC to subjugate the states and the people of those respective states.
Gallup poll: Democrats have a more positive view of socialism than capitalism, poll finds
  • 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016
  • 57% of Democrats now view socialism positively, little changed from 2010
Nobody wants socialism any more than in 2010. It looks like capitalism is getting a bad name from increasing near-monopolies, pharmaceutical prices running rampant, etc. Socialism isn't going to happen. There have been dems in the white house before and the US didn't crash.
What's more, 92 percent of Americans have a positive view of small businesses, 86 percent have a positive view of entrepreneurs, 79 percent have a positive view of free enterprise and 53 percent have a positive view of "big business."

Democrats used to deny they were socialists. Now they embrace marxism.
They want Washington DC to subjugate the states and the people of those respective states.

Leftism always wants to centralize. Forgetting politics for the moment..why do you think that is? Where does this worship of being ruled by DC come from?
Gallup poll: Democrats have a more positive view of socialism than capitalism, poll finds
  • 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016
  • 57% of Democrats now view socialism positively, little changed from 2010
Nobody wants socialism any more than in 2010. It looks like capitalism is getting a bad name from increasing near-monopolies, pharmaceutical prices running rampant, etc. Socialism isn't going to happen. There have been dems in the white house before and the US didn't crash.
What's more, 92 percent of Americans have a positive view of small businesses, 86 percent have a positive view of entrepreneurs, 79 percent have a positive view of free enterprise and 53 percent have a positive view of "big business."

Democrats used to deny they were socialists. Now they embrace marxism.
They want Washington DC to subjugate the states and the people of those respective states.

Leftism always wants to centralize. Forgetting politics for the moment..why do you think that is? Where does this worship of being ruled by DC come from?
This is what liberals want...
Brave American patriots will never allow a Marxist central government to rule them like the Politburo did in former Soviet Union.

The problem is, there are only 100 or so Brave American Patriots remaining in the entire country. The rest are armchair warriors / internet Tuff guys.

If we judge by the lack of action thus far, it seems safe to say we're on the slow road to socialism....then worse.

Want to see what's important to future voters in the USA?
Just go to YouTube and look at TRENDING videos.

That's all today's youth care about. And it's all presented by guess who? The entertaining LEFT.

Did you see Netflix's 'Designated Survivor" ?
The left owns the Media, Hollywood and the entertainment industry. The Right doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell.
Last edited:
So, let's say it is Nov 4, 2020 and the left has won back the White House. Is there any doubt what comes next?

Now what? a lot depends on the senate and House of course. But lets say in 2022 they also get the way or the other.

Right. Sex-for-money is available at every U.S. military base in the world, and the bros cover a guy’s butt. Dream on, dude.
Brave American patriots will never allow a Marxist central government to rule them like the Politburo did in former Soviet Union.

The problem is, there are only 100 or so Brave American Patriots remaining in the entire country. The rest are armchair warriors / internet Tuff guys.

If we judge by the lack of action thus far, it seems safe to say we're on the slow road to socialism....then worse.

Want to see what's important to future voters in the USA?
Just go to YouTube and look at TRENDING videos.

That's all today's youth care about. And it's all presented by guess who? The entertaining LEFT.

Did you see Netflix's 'Designated Survivor" ?
The left owns the Media, Hollywood and the entertainment industry. The Right doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell.
I own assault rifles and have a copy of The Constitution in my pocket.
BasicHumanUnit said:
.... their first move would be to do everything they can to limit your ability to...
Move Them Out Of Power Ever Again

What do you think will happen if and when the Left regains control over the WH and both houses of Congress?
There's Nothing To Think And No Guesswork
They Are Authoritarian By Nature
Do What We've Always Done
Extrapolate Every Policy To It's Worst Possible Conclusion
And That Is The Future Reality
Always Has Been, Always Will Be....

If There Ever Will Be A Dictator
It Will Come From The Left
That's What The Left Does, Everywhere
Brave American patriots will never allow a Marxist central government to rule them like the Politburo did in former Soviet Union.

The problem is, there are only 100 or so Brave American Patriots remaining in the entire country. The rest are armchair warriors / internet Tuff guys.

If we judge by the lack of action thus far, it seems safe to say we're on the slow road to socialism....then worse.

Want to see what's important to future voters in the USA?
Just go to YouTube and look at TRENDING videos.

That's all today's youth care about. And it's all presented by guess who? The entertaining LEFT.

Did you see Netflix's 'Designated Survivor" ?
The left owns the Media, Hollywood and the entertainment industry. The Right doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell.
I own assault rifles and have a copy of The Constitution in my pocket.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Paranoia. If trump loses it just has to be because the bad old democrats cheated and not because he is a terrible person and president.
Gallup poll: Democrats have a more positive view of socialism than capitalism, poll finds
  • 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016
  • 57% of Democrats now view socialism positively, little changed from 2010
Nobody wants socialism any more than in 2010. It looks like capitalism is getting a bad name from increasing near-monopolies, pharmaceutical prices running rampant, etc. Socialism isn't going to happen. There have been dems in the white house before and the US didn't crash.
What's more, 92 percent of Americans have a positive view of small businesses, 86 percent have a positive view of entrepreneurs, 79 percent have a positive view of free enterprise and 53 percent have a positive view of "big business."

Democrats used to deny they were socialists. Now they embrace marxism.

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