It's Nov 4, 2020 - Dems have taken the White House - Now what?

I know most on the Right believe it's a forgone conclusion that Trump will win re-election. But that might be because they still have faith in the election system and honest elections. I think we need to have this discussion now because sooner or later, even if Trump wins, in 2020 it's still likely the far Left will have a good chance to regain power eventually regardless..

A few wild cards.....

* How many illegals will be voting ?

* Assuming Trump doesn't win the Popular vote by a few hundred thousand votes...numerous left wing states are passing bills that "allow" (note that it isn't mandatory, just allowed, hence a choice after the actual election results come in) whether or not to give the states electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote.
In other words, a win, by ANY means necessary.

* Will there be election fraud in California, New York and Colorado?

* The economy. If the economy is strong his re-election is more likely. Otherwise a bad economy could sway the results.

So, let's say it is Nov 4, 2020 and the left has won back the White House. Is there any doubt what comes next?

Now what? a lot depends on the senate and House of course. But lets say in 2022 they also get the way or the other.

My thinking is that their first move would be to do everything they can to limit your ability to buy guns and bullets one way or the other. Guns and ammo sales will climb significantly if the Left gets the WH. Perhaps sky high taxes on both? New laws to make ownership difficult or expensive?
New laws to "legally" go after every citizen they can such as deeming you a "risk" for simple things like traffic offenses? A terrorist if you've ever said certain things on forums?
We know all too well their position on the 2nd.

Next they will work swiftly to undo the things Trump set in place to benefit America. They will definitely raise taxes and re-implement the personal mandate for the ACA.

If they can "win" elections going forward the same way, it may be the last non far Left President and even Congress for a long time. Certainly long enough to move us into socialism and irreparably weaken the military.

Of course, it's a what if....and hopefully we won't get an anti-American president in 2020. But it's probably not a forgone conclusion to say it's not possible. Trump can only run twice after all...and 2024 is not all that far away.

What do you think will happen if and when the Left regains control over the WH and both houses of Congress?

If that were to happen, hide your money, hide your guns and hide your sanity....they're coming for all of those.
Made me think of this...
Paranoia. If trump loses it just has to be because the bad old democrats cheated and not because he is a terrible person and president.

Well, I kinda see your point......but.....

What do you personally think the reason is that the Dems are helping millions of illegal immigrants enter the US...AND....give them driver licenses?

Because they're so "nice" and humanitarian?

If that was the case, why then does LosAngeles and especially SanFrancisco, home of more billionaires than you can count, have such a terrible homeless situation?
With the interest alone off of any one of their accounts in one day they could buy every homeless person in both cities a nice little house.

Giving doesn't seem to be the left's forte. So, explain the massive immigration push given that?
Common sense points to voting fraud. Kinda. No?
No it does not. Understand something. The push is not to get more immigrants here, it's keeping the republicans from going full on fascist against another scapegoat. Every time they try to have another war on "the enemy within" we all lose.
So you admit you are using immigration to attack trump.

How noble.
The history of the last 70 years is littered with the wreckage of one social war after another where chicken-shit voters are scared into trading another piece of what makes America great for the illusion of security. Commies, hippies, drugs, terrorism and now immigrants. You already accept kids being treated worse than dogs at the animal shelter. What more are you willing to accept before you realize it's all a bait-and-switch?
Assumptions aside, not everything going on at the border is President Trump's fault. He has asked for and been denied for the funds to "do something" to make the border situation better for kids and their families. Who holds the power of the purse?
Whose in control of that lil ol branch of government? Who is the die hard "not one penny" bitch in control of the House?
President Trump's zero tolerance policy to control illegal immigration drew the ire of the left... Pictures showing those kids in cages came from his predecessor, President Obama... Where was the ire when President Obama was in charge?
Immigration does not scare me, legal immigrants that is. The illegal immigrant issue is getting worse and worse and if you don't believe it affects you in some manner than you're being untruthful to yourself. 116 Billion dollars are being siphoned off of tax payers such as you and I annually to address illegal immigrants issues. That money should go towards other things to improve the lives of our fellow citizens, the elderly, infrastructure, social security, teacher pay, or any number of things that should come before non citizens.
Paranoia. If trump loses it just has to be because the bad old democrats cheated and not because he is a terrible person and president.

Well, I kinda see your point......but.....

What do you personally think the reason is that the Dems are helping millions of illegal immigrants enter the US...AND....give them driver licenses?

Because they're so "nice" and humanitarian?

If that was the case, why then does LosAngeles and especially SanFrancisco, home of more billionaires than you can count, have such a terrible homeless situation?
With the interest alone off of any one of their accounts in one day they could buy every homeless person in both cities a nice little house.

Giving doesn't seem to be the left's forte. So, explain the massive immigration push given that?
Common sense points to voting fraud. Kinda. No?
No it does not. Understand something. The push is not to get more immigrants here, it's keeping the republicans from going full on fascist against another scapegoat. Every time they try to have another war on "the enemy within" we all lose.
So you admit you are using immigration to attack trump.

How noble.
The history of the last 70 years is littered with the wreckage of one social war after another where chicken-shit voters are scared into trading another piece of what makes America great for the illusion of security. Commies, hippies, drugs, terrorism and now immigrants. You already accept kids being treated worse than dogs at the animal shelter. What more are you willing to accept before you realize it's all a bait-and-switch?
Assumptions aside, not everything going on at the border is President Trump's fault. He has asked for and been denied for the funds to "do something" to make the border situation better for kids and their families. Who holds the power of the purse?
Whose in control of that lil ol branch of government? Who is the die hard "not one penny" bitch in control of the House?
President Trump's zero tolerance policy to control illegal immigration drew the ire of the left... Pictures showing those kids in cages came from his predecessor, President Obama... Where was the ire when President Obama was in charge?
Immigration does not scare me, legal immigrants that is. The illegal immigrant issue is getting worse and worse and if you don't believe it affects you in some manner than you're being untruthful to yourself. 116 Billion dollars are being siphoned off of tax payers such as you and I annually to address illegal immigrants issues. That money should go towards other things to improve the lives of our fellow citizens, the elderly, infrastructure, social security, teacher pay, or any number of things that should come before non citizens.
To the Republican leadership there is no difference between you and the most desperate migrant trying to cross the border. You are both merely a means to an end.
To the Republican leadership there is no difference between you and the most desperate migrant trying to cross the border. You are both merely a means to an end.

It almost sounds as if you're excluding the Democrats from that statement.
But that would be absurd.
Well, I kinda see your point......but.....

What do you personally think the reason is that the Dems are helping millions of illegal immigrants enter the US...AND....give them driver licenses?

Because they're so "nice" and humanitarian?

If that was the case, why then does LosAngeles and especially SanFrancisco, home of more billionaires than you can count, have such a terrible homeless situation?
With the interest alone off of any one of their accounts in one day they could buy every homeless person in both cities a nice little house.

Giving doesn't seem to be the left's forte. So, explain the massive immigration push given that?
Common sense points to voting fraud. Kinda. No?
No it does not. Understand something. The push is not to get more immigrants here, it's keeping the republicans from going full on fascist against another scapegoat. Every time they try to have another war on "the enemy within" we all lose.
So you admit you are using immigration to attack trump.

How noble.
The history of the last 70 years is littered with the wreckage of one social war after another where chicken-shit voters are scared into trading another piece of what makes America great for the illusion of security. Commies, hippies, drugs, terrorism and now immigrants. You already accept kids being treated worse than dogs at the animal shelter. What more are you willing to accept before you realize it's all a bait-and-switch?
Assumptions aside, not everything going on at the border is President Trump's fault. He has asked for and been denied for the funds to "do something" to make the border situation better for kids and their families. Who holds the power of the purse?
Whose in control of that lil ol branch of government? Who is the die hard "not one penny" bitch in control of the House?
President Trump's zero tolerance policy to control illegal immigration drew the ire of the left... Pictures showing those kids in cages came from his predecessor, President Obama... Where was the ire when President Obama was in charge?
Immigration does not scare me, legal immigrants that is. The illegal immigrant issue is getting worse and worse and if you don't believe it affects you in some manner than you're being untruthful to yourself. 116 Billion dollars are being siphoned off of tax payers such as you and I annually to address illegal immigrants issues. That money should go towards other things to improve the lives of our fellow citizens, the elderly, infrastructure, social security, teacher pay, or any number of things that should come before non citizens.
To the Republican leadership there is no difference between you and the most desperate migrant trying to cross the border. You are both merely a means to an end.
Says the one pandering for illegal voters.
Well, I kinda see your point......but.....

What do you personally think the reason is that the Dems are helping millions of illegal immigrants enter the US...AND....give them driver licenses?

Because they're so "nice" and humanitarian?

If that was the case, why then does LosAngeles and especially SanFrancisco, home of more billionaires than you can count, have such a terrible homeless situation?
With the interest alone off of any one of their accounts in one day they could buy every homeless person in both cities a nice little house.

Giving doesn't seem to be the left's forte. So, explain the massive immigration push given that?
Common sense points to voting fraud. Kinda. No?
No it does not. Understand something. The push is not to get more immigrants here, it's keeping the republicans from going full on fascist against another scapegoat. Every time they try to have another war on "the enemy within" we all lose.
So you admit you are using immigration to attack trump.

How noble.
The history of the last 70 years is littered with the wreckage of one social war after another where chicken-shit voters are scared into trading another piece of what makes America great for the illusion of security. Commies, hippies, drugs, terrorism and now immigrants. You already accept kids being treated worse than dogs at the animal shelter. What more are you willing to accept before you realize it's all a bait-and-switch?
Assumptions aside, not everything going on at the border is President Trump's fault. He has asked for and been denied for the funds to "do something" to make the border situation better for kids and their families. Who holds the power of the purse?
Whose in control of that lil ol branch of government? Who is the die hard "not one penny" bitch in control of the House?
President Trump's zero tolerance policy to control illegal immigration drew the ire of the left... Pictures showing those kids in cages came from his predecessor, President Obama... Where was the ire when President Obama was in charge?
Immigration does not scare me, legal immigrants that is. The illegal immigrant issue is getting worse and worse and if you don't believe it affects you in some manner than you're being untruthful to yourself. 116 Billion dollars are being siphoned off of tax payers such as you and I annually to address illegal immigrants issues. That money should go towards other things to improve the lives of our fellow citizens, the elderly, infrastructure, social security, teacher pay, or any number of things that should come before non citizens.
To the Republican leadership there is no difference between you and the most desperate migrant trying to cross the border. You are both merely a means to an end.
Republican party? Probably so... But at least in the Republican Party's eyes, I'm not lower than whale shit, just because I was born here as a white male.

I've been to countries where coming into it illegally can and often times ends up being the most heinous thing you can do... Check out Thailand for example... They don't even differeniate between refugees and illegals... Just stuff them in a detention center and send them back, regardless of where they came from. No Fucks given by the Thai government.

The big difference between a migrant and myself.... Not a lot of difference... But your weak sauce wordplay and trying to say I'm no different than an illegal immigrant is false at best and and outright lie to yourself. What makes it worse is you think coming into the country illegally is okay... I don't accept that in any way, shape, form nor fashion. If someone wants to come here, do it the right way and I will say absolutely nothing negative and will even welcome them with open arms. Illegals, on the other hand, do not draw one iota of sympathy from me....ESPECIALLY when its contrived bullshit asylum claims.
To the Republican leadership there is no difference between you and the most desperate migrant trying to cross the border. You are both merely a means to an end.

It almost sounds as if you're excluding the Democrats from that statement.
But that would be absurd.
it's quite funny to watch either side bitch at the other side using the very same manner their usually bitching at other people for using.
No it does not. Understand something. The push is not to get more immigrants here, it's keeping the republicans from going full on fascist against another scapegoat. Every time they try to have another war on "the enemy within" we all lose.
So you admit you are using immigration to attack trump.

How noble.
The history of the last 70 years is littered with the wreckage of one social war after another where chicken-shit voters are scared into trading another piece of what makes America great for the illusion of security. Commies, hippies, drugs, terrorism and now immigrants. You already accept kids being treated worse than dogs at the animal shelter. What more are you willing to accept before you realize it's all a bait-and-switch?
Assumptions aside, not everything going on at the border is President Trump's fault. He has asked for and been denied for the funds to "do something" to make the border situation better for kids and their families. Who holds the power of the purse?
Whose in control of that lil ol branch of government? Who is the die hard "not one penny" bitch in control of the House?
President Trump's zero tolerance policy to control illegal immigration drew the ire of the left... Pictures showing those kids in cages came from his predecessor, President Obama... Where was the ire when President Obama was in charge?
Immigration does not scare me, legal immigrants that is. The illegal immigrant issue is getting worse and worse and if you don't believe it affects you in some manner than you're being untruthful to yourself. 116 Billion dollars are being siphoned off of tax payers such as you and I annually to address illegal immigrants issues. That money should go towards other things to improve the lives of our fellow citizens, the elderly, infrastructure, social security, teacher pay, or any number of things that should come before non citizens.
To the Republican leadership there is no difference between you and the most desperate migrant trying to cross the border. You are both merely a means to an end.
Republican party? Probably so... But at least in the Republican Party's eyes, I'm not lower than whale shit, just because I was born here as a white male.

I've been to countries where coming into it illegally can and often times ends up being the most heinous thing you can do... Check out Thailand for example... They don't even differeniate between refugees and illegals... Just stuff them in a detention center and send them back, regardless of where they came from. No Fucks given by the Thai government.

The big difference between a migrant and myself.... Not a lot of difference... But your weak sauce wordplay and trying to say I'm no different than an illegal immigrant is false at best and and outright lie to yourself. What makes it worse is you think coming into the country illegally is okay... I don't accept that in any way, shape, form nor fashion. If someone wants to come here, do it the right way and I will say absolutely nothing negative and will even welcome them with open arms. Illegals, on the other hand, do not draw one iota of sympathy from me....ESPECIALLY when its contrived bullshit asylum claims.
You, Trump and the rest of the republicans think seem to think a refugee crisis can be stopped at the destination. The people are going to come no matter what.

We are faced with a choice here, are we good people or are we heartless assholes? It is clear what choice Trump has made but does that mean we just have accept that our government is cruel? Not me. I am a firm believer that what the government does to "them" they will eventually do it to you.

Remember when we had to accept domestic spying for the sake of fighting terror? Well now we are forced to accept squalid concentration camps for the sake of fighting illegal immigration. This shit just never ends, constantly having to compromise decency for security. Not me. I firmly believe we can deal with this situation without being monsters and without having to once again give away part of what makes America great.
So you admit you are using immigration to attack trump.

How noble.
The history of the last 70 years is littered with the wreckage of one social war after another where chicken-shit voters are scared into trading another piece of what makes America great for the illusion of security. Commies, hippies, drugs, terrorism and now immigrants. You already accept kids being treated worse than dogs at the animal shelter. What more are you willing to accept before you realize it's all a bait-and-switch?
Assumptions aside, not everything going on at the border is President Trump's fault. He has asked for and been denied for the funds to "do something" to make the border situation better for kids and their families. Who holds the power of the purse?
Whose in control of that lil ol branch of government? Who is the die hard "not one penny" bitch in control of the House?
President Trump's zero tolerance policy to control illegal immigration drew the ire of the left... Pictures showing those kids in cages came from his predecessor, President Obama... Where was the ire when President Obama was in charge?
Immigration does not scare me, legal immigrants that is. The illegal immigrant issue is getting worse and worse and if you don't believe it affects you in some manner than you're being untruthful to yourself. 116 Billion dollars are being siphoned off of tax payers such as you and I annually to address illegal immigrants issues. That money should go towards other things to improve the lives of our fellow citizens, the elderly, infrastructure, social security, teacher pay, or any number of things that should come before non citizens.
To the Republican leadership there is no difference between you and the most desperate migrant trying to cross the border. You are both merely a means to an end.
Republican party? Probably so... But at least in the Republican Party's eyes, I'm not lower than whale shit, just because I was born here as a white male.

I've been to countries where coming into it illegally can and often times ends up being the most heinous thing you can do... Check out Thailand for example... They don't even differeniate between refugees and illegals... Just stuff them in a detention center and send them back, regardless of where they came from. No Fucks given by the Thai government.

The big difference between a migrant and myself.... Not a lot of difference... But your weak sauce wordplay and trying to say I'm no different than an illegal immigrant is false at best and and outright lie to yourself. What makes it worse is you think coming into the country illegally is okay... I don't accept that in any way, shape, form nor fashion. If someone wants to come here, do it the right way and I will say absolutely nothing negative and will even welcome them with open arms. Illegals, on the other hand, do not draw one iota of sympathy from me....ESPECIALLY when its contrived bullshit asylum claims.
You, Trump and the rest of the republicans think seem to think a refugee crisis can be stopped at the destination. The people are going to come no matter what.

We are faced with a choice here, are we good people or are we heartless assholes? It is clear what choice Trump has made but does that mean we just have accept that our government is cruel? Not me. I am a firm believer that what the government does to "them" they will eventually do it to you.

Remember when we had to accept domestic spying for the sake of fighting terror? Well now we are forced to accept squalid concentration camps for the sake of fighting illegal immigration. This shit just never ends, constantly having to compromise decency for security. Not me. I firmly believe we can deal with this situation without being monsters and without having to once again give away part of what makes America great.

You, Trump and the rest of the republicans think seem to think a refugee crisis can be stopped at the destination. The people are going to come no matter what.
No, it shouldn't be stopped at the destination, it should be controlled. And it isn't. There is very little to no control at our southern border. A chainlink fence is only a marker to verify for illegals that they are indeed in the United States once they get over/through/around it.

We are faced with a choice here, are we good people or are we heartless assholes? It is clear what choice Trump has made but does that mean we just have accept that our government is cruel? Not me. I am a firm believer that what the government does to "them" they will eventually do it to you.

So, if I may ask, where was your faux outrage when President Obama was in charge? Kids in cages during his term, yet the actions are attributed to President Trump. Kids in cages is a particularly cruel thing to do. I'll refer back to my post earlier about immigrants coming here legally are more than welcome, those that cheat the system are the ones I'm more than dubious about. To sit there and blame President Trump for all the ills against the illegal immigrants is disingenuous. Put the blame on lax and/or ambiguous policies, rules and laws square on the shoulders of the legislative branch, not the executive. I personally don't believe our government is intentionally trying to be cruel, but the loopholes and unintended consequences of doing bullshit legislation just to be doing something instead of researching and deep diving into possible negative consequences have been and will continue to plague our great nation as long as we knee jerk and react to situations and "rule by feelz."

Remember when we had to accept domestic spying for the sake of fighting terror? Well now we are forced to accept squalid concentration camps for the sake of fighting illegal immigration. This shit just never ends, constantly having to compromise decency for security. Not me. I firmly believe we can deal with this situation without being monsters and without having to once again give away part of what makes America great.

Squalid concentration camps? Really? Parroted leftists talking points aside, the conditions are far from squalid, nor are they concentration camps. I cannot believe for a micromillisecond anyone can and would compare what happened during World War II to our current housing situation at the southern border. GTFO of here with that crap. Only a few times in my life have I ever "felt" the history of a historic site. One was the Arizona Memorial, and the other was when I was part of a tour to Auschwitz. If you haven't been, I suggest you try to go... If you're as empathetic as you say, then you would understand the revulsion many feel about this mis-characterisation of our holding facilities.
I retired from the Army... I've done some deployments I wouldn't wish on anyone I truely didn't care for.. The security you speak of, to me, is over-reaching in many aspects of our daily lives. What I used to be able to do 18 years ago has been taken away in the name of security. So, I will assume we agree in that aspect. It doesn't make it right or wrong, it just is. The fact that you feel illegal immigrants are being treated unfairly (and I will assume should be released into our country pending their hearing,) I'd like to know why you feel its necessary to and okay to put their burdens they come here with on the citizens of the United States? Especially since the money spent on illegal aliens annually could be better spent on natural/naturalized citizens of our great country.
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So you admit you are using immigration to attack trump.

How noble.
The history of the last 70 years is littered with the wreckage of one social war after another where chicken-shit voters are scared into trading another piece of what makes America great for the illusion of security. Commies, hippies, drugs, terrorism and now immigrants. You already accept kids being treated worse than dogs at the animal shelter. What more are you willing to accept before you realize it's all a bait-and-switch?
Assumptions aside, not everything going on at the border is President Trump's fault. He has asked for and been denied for the funds to "do something" to make the border situation better for kids and their families. Who holds the power of the purse?
Whose in control of that lil ol branch of government? Who is the die hard "not one penny" bitch in control of the House?
President Trump's zero tolerance policy to control illegal immigration drew the ire of the left... Pictures showing those kids in cages came from his predecessor, President Obama... Where was the ire when President Obama was in charge?
Immigration does not scare me, legal immigrants that is. The illegal immigrant issue is getting worse and worse and if you don't believe it affects you in some manner than you're being untruthful to yourself. 116 Billion dollars are being siphoned off of tax payers such as you and I annually to address illegal immigrants issues. That money should go towards other things to improve the lives of our fellow citizens, the elderly, infrastructure, social security, teacher pay, or any number of things that should come before non citizens.
To the Republican leadership there is no difference between you and the most desperate migrant trying to cross the border. You are both merely a means to an end.
Republican party? Probably so... But at least in the Republican Party's eyes, I'm not lower than whale shit, just because I was born here as a white male.

I've been to countries where coming into it illegally can and often times ends up being the most heinous thing you can do... Check out Thailand for example... They don't even differeniate between refugees and illegals... Just stuff them in a detention center and send them back, regardless of where they came from. No Fucks given by the Thai government.

The big difference between a migrant and myself.... Not a lot of difference... But your weak sauce wordplay and trying to say I'm no different than an illegal immigrant is false at best and and outright lie to yourself. What makes it worse is you think coming into the country illegally is okay... I don't accept that in any way, shape, form nor fashion. If someone wants to come here, do it the right way and I will say absolutely nothing negative and will even welcome them with open arms. Illegals, on the other hand, do not draw one iota of sympathy from me....ESPECIALLY when its contrived bullshit asylum claims.
You, Trump and the rest of the republicans think seem to think a refugee crisis can be stopped at the destination. The people are going to come no matter what.

We are faced with a choice here, are we good people or are we heartless assholes? It is clear what choice Trump has made but does that mean we just have accept that our government is cruel? Not me. I am a firm believer that what the government does to "them" they will eventually do it to you.

Remember when we had to accept domestic spying for the sake of fighting terror? Well now we are forced to accept squalid concentration camps for the sake of fighting illegal immigration. This shit just never ends, constantly having to compromise decency for security. Not me. I firmly believe we can deal with this situation without being monsters and without having to once again give away part of what makes America great.
Good people can still follow laws.

And fuck off with this concentration drama fairy camp crap.

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