It's official Biden started the war

Who is pretending Ukraine is a Utopia, I don’t see that at all. They are in FACT being tormented, attacked and victimized by a nuclear power and a dictator who is trying to kill their leader and take over their land. I don’t really care what corruption was going on in the Ukraine government, nothing justifies this type of an aggression by Russia. It should be condemned, stopped and punished

The citizens aren't being tormented. And wasn't being attacked by Russia. NATO is pushing Russia back against the wall. All Russia wanted was for Ukraine to start paying them back some of the hundreds of billions in money and aid Russia has given them over the last decade or more. Ukraine government officials tends to put Russia's money in their personal bank accounts, instead of what it's for. They did the same thing with the money that Obama and Trump gave them.
And so Russia starts demanding their money back, Ukraine begs NATO for help because they've squandered the money. Ukraine allows weapon systems on their border with Russia, as a big "F U, I don't have to pay you back now."
Of course NATO is going to help Ukraine, because the MIC will make a shit ton of money. And Russia's threat to stop trading their oil in USD's scares the shit out of our Federal Reserve. Remember why we invaded Iraq? The real reason? It wasn't WMD. It was because the sanctions on Iraq were about to be lifted and Saddam had promised to stop trading his oil in USD.

It's the same thing. All this propaganda about how bad Russia is, is a lie riddled with just enough truth to make it all seem true.
The citizens aren't being tormented. And wasn't being attacked by Russia. NATO is pushing Russia back against the wall. All Russia wanted was for Ukraine to start paying them back some of the hundreds of billions in money and aid Russia has given them over the last decade or more. Ukraine government officials tends to put Russia's money in their personal bank accounts, instead of what it's for. They did the same thing with the money that Obama and Trump gave them.
And so Russia starts demanding their money back, Ukraine begs NATO for help because they've squandered the money. Ukraine allows weapon systems on their border with Russia, as a big "F U, I don't have to pay you back now."
Of course NATO is going to help Ukraine, because the MIC will make a shit ton of money. And Russia's threat to stop trading their oil in USD's scares the shit out of our Federal Reserve. Remember why we invaded Iraq? The real reason? It wasn't WMD. It was because the sanctions on Iraq were about to be lifted and Saddam had promised to stop trading his oil in USD.

It's the same thing. All this propaganda about how bad Russia is, is a lie riddled with just enough truth to make it all seem true.
Ukraine is being aggressively attacked. Of course NATO should defend them. If there is money owed or corruption in government then that gets dealt with diplomatically, not via a military invasion. What’s wrong with you making excuses for russias actions. People are dying. And for what?!
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This has been going on since before Biden was in office. Although, Biden is 100% guilty of escalating this at this moment.

1. Ukraine owes Russia a TON of money. Hundreds of billions. They've been free loading off of Russia since Ukraine was created. They're reneging on their promise to pay.
2. They're also sucking up tons of money and weaponry from Russia's enemies. (Like the US, Obama, Trump and Biden)
3. NATO is surrounding them.
4. Ukraine's government is corrupted by far right wing nationalist.
5. Instead of repaying their debt to Russia, they run to their big brothers in NATO and plead innocent.

And since the US always has to have a boogey man, (that always being Russia). Our leadership has never really wanted Russia as an ally. The threat of Russia helps to keep our military industrial complex in business. Notice the lack of aggression in the middle east lately? I didn't notice either, because of the war drums beating for Russia.

With NATO on Russia's door. Ukraine screwing Russia over. This has left Russia on the defense.
How does Ukraine owe Russia any money?
Ukraine is being aggressively attacked. Of course NATO should defend them. If there is money owed or corruption in government then that gets felt with diplomatically, not via a military invasion. What’s wrong with you making excuses for russias actions. People are dying. And for what?!
No way can NATO get involved militarily.
Fantastic way to escalate this thing to the moon overnight.
He told China that Ukraine was entering into NATO knowing that China would immediately tell Putin.

All those deaths, destruction, are his fault.
No way can NATO get involved militarily.
Fantastic way to escalate this thing to the moon overnight.
If you walk down your street and see your neighbor beating their child do you keep walking or do you stop the assault?
if you look at Biden's Background, he's Always Appeased dictators, he's never stood up to dictators despite his so-called "extensive foreign policy experience"
By the rest of the world… if you’re walking down the street and you see your neighbor kicking their barely conscious child in their front yard do you keep walking or do you go stop them?

The "rest of the world" means "America". How has that worked out for us? Korea, Vietnam, the entire Middle East. Going well?
NATO is deliberately pushing Russia's back to the wall. There's too much money at stake here. The MIC is already getting filthy rich on this. Oil companies are drooling over this. All the things the left hates about massive corporations, is about to make twice as wealthy as they are now. And the left (voters) don't even realize it. They still believe Russia is the enemy because that's what they've been told for so long by Hillary and people like her. (including many on the right, who have their hands in the MIC and oil lobbyist pockets.)
This is something that stretches way across party lines here. This is part of a corruption at the highest levels of our government and NATO.

And it's also an issue that voters on both sides should come together and protest. But that's not likely to happen. We are too divided to see the truths.

"Every time we tell a lie, and debt is incurred to the truth. And someday, that debt will be paid."

Pearl Harbor:
The lie: We were attacked without provocation.
The Truth: Our government wanted to enter the war, so they cut off Japan's oil supply trying to provoke them.

Gulf of Tonkin
WMD's in Iraq
And probably a 1000 other lies so the very few can profit beyond our wildest dreams.
Oh those poor Russians......NATO was picking on them.
The "rest of the world" means "America". How has that worked out for us? Korea, Vietnam, the entire Middle East. Going well?
No it means the rest of the world. Any moral country with the ability to help. America should absolutely be a leader in that effort with our allies
No it means the rest of the world. Any moral country with the ability to help. America should absolutely be a leader in that effort with our allies

What allies? All our allies hate us because we elected Trump. Remember?

Screw them.
Its laughable how you think everything in the word revolves around R or D being in the WH
Your words don't dispute what I am saying...not in the least...which means as usual you have zero to offer.....
NATO for starters

When NATO countries pour as much $$$ into their defense budgets as we do, and stop expecting us to be THEIR defacto military while they deride and defame us, I might care what they think. Until then...absolutely not.
When NATO countries pour as much $$$ into their defense budgets as we do, and stop expecting us to be THEIR defacto military while they deride and defame us, I might care what they think. Until then...absolutely not.
Whose talking about caring about what they think?! Come back to the conversation Susie you’re getting off track
Whose talking about caring about what they think?! Come back to the conversation Susie you’re getting off track

All of the sudden liberals are totally fine being the world's military and going in to places that are not ours. AMAZING

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