It's official Biden started the war

All of the sudden liberals are totally fine being the world's military and going in to places that are not ours. AMAZING
What are you talking about?! Worlds military?! Stop making things up and try just sticking to the discussion
Your words don't dispute what I am saying...not in the least...which means as usual you have zero to offer.....
What you say is half-baked bullshit.

There is no serious evidence that if Trump would be in office Putin would not attack Ukraine. None.

It's just convinient for a partisan like you to imagine that and so you do.
What you say is half-baked bullshit.

There is no serious evidence that if Trump would be in office Putin would not attack Ukraine. None.

It's just convinient for a partisan like you to imagine that and so you do.
Putin didn't attack until Biden took over...oh he talked about it but he knew Trump would have given Ukraine anything they needed....including air cover and logistics... remember Joe removed the nordstreem 2 sanctions that Trump placed on now Putin has the money to fund his little invasion.....your problem is you have very selective memory and politically frozen based beliefs...
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He told China that Ukraine was entering into NATO knowing that China would immediately tell Putin.

All those deaths, destruction, are his fault.
A truly Putin-like lie – Vlad the Tyrant is proud of you, comrade.
Not even close. What we see happening is the same thing that happened with Covid a couple of years ago--this is all GOOD, and this is all BAD. Wear the mask GOOD, stay home GOOD, not wear a mask BAD.

Eastern Europe is a hot mess and has been a hot mess for generations. That doesn't mean Putin is a "good guy" (he's not) and that doesn't mean I'm a defender of Putin (I'm not). But there are plenty of people now making Ukraine to be this slice of Utopia where sunflowers burst out spontaneously and people all live in peace, because that's what we have to do now I guess. It's all so exhausting and stupid.

Putin was an evil actor to begin with and this seems to have escalated. HE WAS AND IS WRONG to have done what he did to attack Ukraine. But let's not pretend that Ukraine has a pure-as-the-driven-snow government that is not just Eastern European to the core. And that the Bidens didn't dip their hands into that honeypot, cause they did.
Another rightwing apologist for Putin.
He told China that Ukraine was entering into NATO knowing that China would immediately tell Putin.

All those deaths, destruction, are his fault.
25th Amendment
Ukraine is being aggressively attacked. Of course NATO should defend them. If there is money owed or corruption in government then that gets dealt with diplomatically, not via a military invasion. What’s wrong with you making excuses for russias actions. People are dying. And for what?!

NATO is not the world's police. They should defend only NATO countries.
Putin didn't attack until Biden took over...oh he talked about it but he knew Trump would have given Ukraine anything they needed....including air cover and logistics... remember Joe removed the nordstreem 2 sanctions that Trump placed on now Putin has the money to fund his little invasion.....your problem is you have very selective memory and politically frozen based beliefs...

He would have taken us into WWIII?? Thanks for admitting yet another reason this country is better off without him.
If you take a walk and you see your neighbor beating their child in their front yard do you keep walking?
That's not a fair analogy as my neighbor doesn't have a finger on a button to launch nuclear weapons and kick start WWIII.

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