It's official Biden started the war

If you walk down your street and see your neighbor beating their child do you keep walking or do you stop the assault?
If you are asking someone on the Right....they would think about what's in it for them first. (transactional)
No shit he doesn’t. Hence why it’s an analogy. He also isn’t a world superpower. Is this going over your head?

It's still a piss poor analogy. NATO serves a purpose. That purpose is not being the world's police.

Should we also send NATO into Afghanistan, North Korea & Iran? How about China too if they invade Taiwan?
He would have taken us into WWIII?? Thanks for admitting yet another reason this country is better off without him.
How are we better off?....Biden gave Putin a green light and a welcome mat.....Trump told Putin that if you try and take the Ukraine by force we will bomb Moscow...and obviously Putin believed him and stayed out until the Afghanistan surrenderer Biden took over....
How are we better off?....Biden gave Putin a green light and a welcome mat.....Trump told Putin that if you try and take the Ukraine by force we will bomb Moscow...and obviously Putin believed him and stayed out until the Afghanistan surrenderer Biden took over....
Trump says a lot of things after the fact.
Trump says a lot of things after the fact.
Trump told Putin he would bomb Moscow if he attacked the Ukraine in his first year in office and it worked is the point...Biden removed Trump's pipeline sanctions and so now Putin has the money and power to invade....Biden should go back to Trump's energy policies today and bury Putin and Russia for good...we can supply Europe with liquid gas and also oil and be energy independent again....

When you rely on despots for energy war will always follow...every time....
It's still a piss poor analogy. NATO serves a purpose. That purpose is not being the world's police.

Should we also send NATO into Afghanistan, North Korea & Iran? How about China too if they invade Taiwan?
I haven’t even suggested sending NATO in anywhere. But yes, we should absolutely utilize the power of our alliances to fight injustices where we see them. That involves a variety of options… funding, training, inclusion/exclusion from world markets, sending resources, sanctions etc etc
Trump told Putin he would bomb Moscow if he attacked the Ukraine in his first year in office and it worked is the point...Biden removed Trump's pipeline sanctions and so now Putin has the money and power to invade....Biden should go back to Trump's energy policies today and bury Putin and Russia for good...we can supply Europe with liquid gas and also oil and be energy independent again....

When you rely on despots for energy war will always follow...every time....
You don't know anything about nordstream2 or why it's important to our European allies and Russia and the Stans. The curious thing is why Putin would sabotage an important revenue stream for Russia and the Stans.
Trump told Putin he would bomb Moscow if he attacked the Ukraine in his first year in office and it worked is the point...Biden removed Trump's pipeline sanctions and so now Putin has the money and power to invade....Biden should go back to Trump's energy policies today and bury Putin and Russia for good...we can supply Europe with liquid gas and also oil and be energy independent again....

When you rely on despots for energy war will always follow...every time....
US natural gas is twice as expensive. Look how much oil Russia produces.
How are we better off?....Biden gave Putin a green light and a welcome mat.....Trump told Putin that if you try and take the Ukraine by force we will bomb Moscow...and obviously Putin believed him and stayed out until the Afghanistan surrenderer Biden took over....

YOU said Trump would have sent our Air Force in, under these circumstances, to provide "air cover." That would lead to WWIII.

We are better off not having that happen. Thanks for admitting Biden is a better Commander-in-Chief than Trump.
You don't know anything about nordstream2 or why it's important to our European allies and Russia and the Stans. The curious thing is why Putin would sabotage an important revenue stream for Russia and the Stans.
Its only important to them if we don't supply their energy needs...that pipeline was closed for 3.5 years and their energy needs were covered by us...we were exporting for the first time since the 60's....and no one was spilling blood for oil....I thought you libs wanted that....but I guess you don't think that deep when you suffer from TDS.....
Trump told Putin he would bomb Moscow if he attacked the Ukraine in his first year in office and it worked is the point...Biden removed Trump's pipeline sanctions and so now Putin has the money and power to invade....Biden should go back to Trump's energy policies today and bury Putin and Russia for good...we can supply Europe with liquid gas and also oil and be energy independent again....

When you rely on despots for energy war will always follow...every time....

There's no evidence Trump ever said that to Putin. The claim that Trump said that is only recently being made.
You don't know anything about nordstream2 or why it's important to our European allies and Russia and the Stans. The curious thing is why Putin would sabotage an important revenue stream for Russia and the Stans.
Putin has more money and power than he knows what to do with. He isnt invading to make more money he is doing it for the long run and for his legacy. He is willing to sacrifice the lives of his countrymen and a recession in their economy that may take decades to crawl out of so that in the long run he can be known as the tough guy that took back the motherland. In otherwords… he is a selfish douche
Putin has more money and power than he knows what to do with. He isnt invading to make more money he is doing it for the long run and for his legacy. He is willing to sacrifice the lives of his countrymen and a recession in their economy that may take decades to crawl out of so that in the long run he can be known as the tough guy that took back the motherland. In otherwords… he is a selfish douche
You said it well.
There's no evidence Trump ever said that to Putin. The claim that Trump said that is only recently being made.
Well if you were here last week you would have seen an MSNBC link from 2016 that was chastising Trump for saying it...calling him a crazy war monger and WW3 starter....too bad you too have a very selective memory....

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