It’s official: Trump agrees there was an insurrection - Video from today

And you're left trying to justify voting for bad candidates on purpose. Say the words out loud, and try to swallow.
Yes, using mathematics of a binary choice. Compare this to your emotions and mathematical errors, in casting your vote for the major candidate you least prefer.

Not even close. Your error is egregious. You harm yourself, whereas I am the victim of circumstance.
Does Trump saying it was an insurrection actually make it an insurrection?

Think hard. Hint: It wasn't an insurrection, duh. (and this thread won't make senile Biden any less unqualified to be president)
Donald Trump calling Victor Orban the leader of Turkey doesn’t make Orban the leader of Turkey.

But admitting an insurrection occurred when one occurred just means that not even Donald can deny the obvious.

Donald Trump calling Victor Orban the leader of Turkey doesn’t make Orban the leader of Turkey.

But admitting an insurrection occurred when one occurred just means that not even Donald can deny the obvious.
LOL!! If it was obviously an insurrection, who was charged with sedition or insurrection? Hint: no one

If it was an "insurrection" it was the worst "insurrection" in history.

Sure it is. Dumbass keeps incriminating himself publicly. This is about the 100th time. What a shit for brains.

And the fact that he thought he could overthrow US democracy with a few thousand hillbillies.

And 100 times, it's always the same leftist response. "We got him this time."
Fear mongering is all they know. They can't nominate good candidates, so all they have left is scaring people away from the opposition with screeching nonsense. Both parties are stuck in this rut.

I remember when Obama's "You didn't do that" statement came out. I understood what he meant. But the right took it way out of context. Same as Pelosi's "Wait to see what's in it" statement.
This is the kind of BS that keeps the American voter stuck on stupid.
Like you said, it's fearmongering. And a few other things like childish politics. Revenge politics. Gotcha's.

It's almost like the vast majority of voters just stopped thinking for themselves.

The left doesn't think about the consequences of keeping Biden on the ballot. Knowing Trump's going to probably have an actual landslide this time.
The right doesn't think about how left leaning Trump is, and will continue to be after the election.

Some times I envy my expat friends in Mexico.
LOL!! If it was obviously an insurrection, who was charged with sedition or insurrection? Hint: no one

If it was an "insurrection" it was the worst "insurrection" in history.

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Yes, using mathematics of a binary choice.
It's not a binary choice.
Compare this to your emotions ..
Nothing "emotional" about it. Voting for a bad candidate on purpose is simply stupid. The fact that you fuckers have sold that con to hapless voters is why we are on a downward spiral. Does that make you proud? Does it make you feel "logical"
Not even close. Your error is egregious. You harm yourself, whereas I am the victim of circumstance.
I have friends who went that route. It's a mixed bag. Definitely not a clear "win". If we want to save the things we love about our country, we've got to stick around and make it happen.

I get that. But it's like 160 million against 100,000. The odds are against us.

One thing is for sure though, if the USD collapses and/or BRICS comes up with a worlds currency, these people will finally understand how important fiscal conservatism is.
That goes for the left as well as the right.
Anything about the obvious perjury that helped convict those people?
Its always something sinister and conspiratorial with you nuts. It's exhausting. I think you fuckers are just plain stupid or willfully ignorant.
I get that. But it's like 160 million against 100,000. The odds are against us.
Depends on how you define "us". I've lost most interest in trying to change the government to suit my ideology. I just want stable government that isn't frantically thrashing back and forth. I want boring government. Government that doesn't do much unless there's broad agreement on the matter.
Yes, four criminal trials, any day now.

This talking point loses it teeth (and lots of IQ points) when talking about a guy who was criminally immune for 4 of the last 7 years. But hey, knock yourselves out.
I don't give a shit about talking points. Let me know when he's convicted.
Its always something sinister and conspiratorial with you nuts. It's exhausting. I think you fuckers are just plain stupid or willfully ignorant.

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