It’s official. Trump skipping debate

Meh, let's not waste everyone's time.

I just want to see a three way debate. Let's put Joe, Trump, and RFKjr. on one stage.

Y’all love you some RFK.
Doesn’t matter that he was a junkie for most of his adult life.
But Hunter!…. Whoo boy. Watch out.
Imbeciles like:
can go on spamming the bards with a flood of thumbs down and other shit, but

I almost never use funny or thumbs down you lying arse. I 99% show support to good posters. I don’t waste time marking you down. Everyone knows up you are a TDS lowIQ anti-American problem. I hope you die soon, painfully, slowly. Thats all.
I believe he was there for every debate except maybe one. And because he consistently led in the polls he always had center state with the 16 other also rans flanking him on either side.

Try again.
He avoided debating either of the governors opposing him.

not 2016
Got History?
2020 Trump did zero debates prior to nomination.
Not 2016.

Got it now?

Try again.
He avoided debating either of the governors opposing him.

not 2016
Got History?
2020 Trump did zero debates prior to nomination.
Not 2016.

Got it now?
Okay I did miss the 2020 part. My apologies. However no incumbant GOP President has participated in primary debates other than Gerald Ford who served part of a term and was never elected as VP or President. The incumbant Democrat President never participates in primary debates. We can split hairs over whether Trump would be considered an incumbant as only Grover Cleveland has ever served two non consecutive terms as President and there was no television then.
Okay I did miss the 2020 part. My apologies. However no incumbant GOP President has participated in primary debates other than Gerald Ford who served part of a term and was never elected as VP or President. The incumbant Democrat President never participates in primary debates. We can split hairs over whether Trump would be considered an incumbant as only Grover Cleveland has ever served two non consecutive terms as President and there was no television then.
Seems you're still historically shortchanged.

Debates took place among candidates in the campaign for the Democratic Party's nomination for the president of the United States in the 2020 presidential election.

There were a total of 29 major Democratic candidates. Of these, 23 candidates participated in at least one debate. Only Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders participated in all the debates; Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and Elizabeth Warren participated in all but one debate."

There were 12 Democratic debates and Biden participate in all of them.
Seems you're still historically shortchanged.

Debates took place among candidates in the campaign for the Democratic Party's nomination for the president of the United States in the 2020 presidential election.

There were a total of 29 major Democratic candidates. Of these, 23 candidates participated in at least one debate. Only Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders participated in all the debates; Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and Elizabeth Warren participated in all but one debate."

There were 12 Democratic debates and Biden participate in all of them.
You do realize that neither Joe Biden nor Bernie Sanders or any of the other participants in those debates were incumbants. Yes? Please try to read my comments more carefully.
Rubbish. You misrepresented what I said, and nobody called you a Democrat liberal. lol you just go off the rails when somebody disagrees with you is all. Doesn't matter whether Jeb's house boy runs, doesn't matter who else runs, Trump will win hands down, just a fact. He deserves to win, he worked the hardest, carried the water, and sticks his ass in the DNC crime syndicate's face every breath he takes. The others just babble superficialities and pander, and we know DeSantis in particular would moderate his stance if he won the nomination and go back to being a globalist stooge and Bush Bot in the general election, also just a fact. He would never beat anybody.

We saw what happened when the GOP got offered a big tax cut for hedge fund managers, they peed themselves in joy and sucked Biden's ass and helped him push through the biggest corporate welfare Bill in American history. When they took Congress back, thier first vote was on jacking up taxes on the working class and middle class even higher while practically doing away with any taxes on Wall Street ponzi schemes and billionaires altogether. And that will never win a general election, and conservatives won't even vote for that rubbish.

Stay out of the echo chambers and loony bins and hack sites. Freepers are all just whiney sociopaths, not 'free marketers' or ' conservatives'. Town Hall is just an RNC mouthpiece. Talk radio just sells over-priced gold and crappy 'survivalist' junk to idiots. They're just the GOP's version of Democratic Underground. Look up the 'Good Cop Bad Cop' tactic cops use; the two 'Parties' use the same gimmick.
You said "your with the party of Social Darwinism"... so are you saying Republicans are socialist?
Think about it. These TDS cult fucks call Trump a chicken because they think it could hurt his campaign to participate in the debate.

They operate on emotion, not strategy,

By their own admission, it would be bad for Trump to participate in the debates.
Think about it. These TDS cult fucks call Trump a chicken because they think it could hurt his campaign to participate in the debate.

They operate on emotion, not strategy,

By their own admission, it would be bad for Trump to participate in the debates.
Not just bad but perhaps technically unprecedented.

Incumbent Presidents do not participate in primary debates. It just isn't done. Gerald Ford was the only one to debate in a primary in 1976 but he served only part of a presidential term and was never elected to be either VP or President so his incumbent status was rather strained. No incumbent President has ever participated in a primary debate.

Now President Trump won't be serving consecutive terms if elected, so that sort of muddles the issue of whether he is an incumbent. I'm quite sure he and most of his supporters see him as an incumbent.

Only Grover Cleveland has ever served non consecutive terms as President and there was no public media other than word of mouth and newspapers back then.

Try again.
He avoided debating either of the governors opposing him.

not 2016
Got History?
2020 Trump did zero debates prior to nomination.
Not 2016.

Got it now?
when you are leading by a huge margin, there is no reason to debate the losers. Will Joe debate RFK jr.? duh, no, but mostly because joe is senile and cannot put a cogent sentence together.

speaking of hypocrisy, what do you call running a campaign from a basement? Trump gets 50.000 to a rally, senile joe is lucky to get 25, and most of them are media.
Skipping this debate is going to be Trump's biggest blunder yet.
His lead in the polls is an illusion that will begin evaporating as soon as his opponents start speaking to voters.
Looking forward to watching Christie roast him and he's not there to rebut in real time.
While I won't go so far as to say I'll vote for Biden, I sure as Hell won't vote for Trump. I've been quite content voting for the Libertarian candidates for the last three Presidential cycles. Will Hurd could get my vote, but he can't get any traction...
Thanks for the shout out of Will Hurd’s name. I was not familiar with him at all before, but your comment made me research him. I will be very happy if he makes it to the Fox and future debates. I’m certainly not in agreement with him on everything, but he strikes me as a genuine uniter (far more real than that smooth-talking Vivek). He seems to be a man of principle and integrity who has thought deeply about the nation’s problems.

A really competent three term Republican Congressman until 2021 whose Texas district covered some 800 miles of border with Mexico, he has an excellent take on — and solutions for —immigration problems. Because his district was half Dem and half Republican he learned how to speak on difficult issues to all sides. He is strongly anti-Trump but voted overwhelmingly Republican on most issues. A man of principle, he ought to be given a careful hearing by Republicans and ought to be getting traction. Not a “flamer” or asshole.
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when you are leading by a huge margin, there is no reason to debate the losers. Will Joe debate RFK jr.? duh, no, but mostly because joe is senile and cannot put a cogent sentence together.
I have little respect, affection, and zero appreciation for Joe Biden but I have to defend him here. No incumbant President has ever participated in a primary debate. The Presidential debates yes, but not the primaries.

The only exception was Gerald Ford who it can be said wasn't really an incumbant since he finished the remainder of Nixon's second term and was never elected either VP or President. And he was eligible for election to two more terms.

And now we have another outlier, Donald Trump, who would not be serving consecutive terms so is he technically an incumbant? Or not? As I posted previously I'm sure he sees himself as an incumbant as do most of his supporters. So if he skips the primary debates he can likely be forgiven just based on precedent.

speaking of hypocrisy, what do you call running a campaign from a basement? Trump gets 50.000 to a rally, senile joe is lucky to get 25, and most of them are media.
Thanks for the shout out of Will Hurd’s name. I was not familiar with him at all before, but your comment made me research him. I will be very happy if he makes it to the Fox and future debates. I’m certainly not in agreement with him on everything, but he strikes me as a genuine uniter (far more real that that smooth-talking Vivek). He seems to be a man of principle and integrity who has thought deeply about the nation’s problems.

A really competent three term Republican Congressman until 2021 whose Texas district covered some 800 miles of border with Mexico, he has an excellent take on — and solutions for —immigration problems. Because his district was half Dem and half Republican he learned how to speak on difficult issues to all sides. He is strongly anti-Trump but voted overwhelmingly Republican on most issues. A man of principle, he ought to be given a careful hearing by Republicans and ought to be getting traction. Not a “flamer” or asshole.

My mother, who lives in Texas and is a hardcore lifelong Democrat, told me when I mentioned is name during our weekly phone call that he is the first Republican she has ever donated money to. I liked him before she told me that, and her new found fondness for him gave him an extra boost for me (mom is not a stupid woman).

It also told me that she has become disillusioned with Biden.
You do realize that neither Joe Biden nor Bernie Sanders or any of the other participants in those debates were incumbants. Yes? Please try to read my comments more carefully.
I realize you're harping on Biden not debating while defending Trump's doing the same.


Trump isn't the incumbent.

So his only excuse for not debating is fear of having his butt handed to him by Christie.

Allow me to clarify.
They're both NE punks. You see them from Maine to Baltimore. Mentally the same. Low vocabulary but very high insult instinct. Christie is a street type thug and Trump is a Fordham thug. Christie has nothing to lose by taking Trump to the mat with any dirty nasty dig he can make. Trump, on the other hand has everyone outside MAGA to lose by appearing weak before Christie's barrage.

Trump won't debate because he's afraid of losing.
Biden, even if not the incumbent, wouldn't debate Kennedy because Kennedy is not a serious person and look what happened to the world in 2015 when the GOP handed the debate stage to an unserious person.
I realize you're harping on Biden not debating while defending Trump's doing the same.


Trump isn't the incumbent.

So his only excuse for not debating is fear of having his butt handed to him by Christie.

Allow me to clarify.
They're both NE punks. You see them from Maine to Baltimore. Mentally the same. Low vocabulary but very high insult instinct. Christie is a street type thug and Trump is a Fordham thug. Christie has nothing to lose by taking Trump to the mat with any dirty nasty dig he can make. Trump, on the other hand has everyone outside MAGA to lose by appearing weak before Christie's barrage.

Trump won't debate because he's afraid of losing.
Biden, even if not the incumbent, wouldn't debate Kennedy because Kennedy is not a serious person and look what happened to the world in 2015 when the GOP handed the debate stage to an unserious person.
Okay I'll just chalk up your non sequitur snarky response to a typical reading dysfunction and wish you a pleasant evening.

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