It’s official. Trump skipping debate

you are thoroughly indoctrinated in left wing bullshit and lies, you are a waste of time here, not worth trying to debate with a brain dead libtardian whose only skill is repeating lying talking points given to you by your masters.
Thus another MAGAT slinks off in defeat.
False. Trump realizes it's to his advantage to have DeSantis and Vivek beating up on each other.
Please. Trump isn't worried about Ronda and RasMass is running for VP.
No, he's worried that Christie will punk him and he's good reason to worry.

Still, being afraid to debate this clownhow say much about Trump behind the makeup.
With no desire to be disrespectful, but.......but folks like the two prolific posters above seemingly believe that their language, decorum and social awareness is what will Make America Great Again.

I'm not so sure.
Using social media as therapy and/or as an enema for their dissatisfactions with their lot in life.....well, if that is their idea of greatness, I think most all of America will politely take a pass.

^^^ Here we have an arrogant, uneducated, retard who thinks that throwing around a lot of words covers for his total lack of understanding and blatant hypocrisy (as this asshole ignores his butt buddy Clipper’s much more disgusting language). ALL of America takes a pass on associating with morally bankrupt peons like you.
^^^ Here we have an arrogant, uneducated, retard who thinks that throwing around a lot of words covers for his total lack of understanding and blatant hypocrisy (as this asshole ignores his butt buddy Clipper’s much more disgusting language). ALL of America takes a pass on associating with morally bankrupt peons like you.
How's the outlook for next Friday's court appearence by your assbuddy, reprobate Trump asseater?

You'll never remove the brown from Trump's ass off your face, retard.
How's the outlook for next Friday's court appearence by your assbuddy, reprobate Trump asseater?

You'll never remove the brown from Trump's ass off your face, retard.
And here’s the obvious homo defending his white knight. When is Xiden debating Kennedy assface? You’ll never leave mommy’s basement you cowardly POS. Go fuck yourself. Or your white knight.
And here’s the obvious homo defending his white knight. When is Xiden debating Kennedy assface? You’ll never leave mommy’s basement you cowardly POS. Go fuck yourself. Or your white knight.
When is your assbuddy Trump going to debate Ronny & the rest of them, stinkface? Are you going to Atlanta next week to provide moral support for your boy & a possible whiff of his ass?

JFK is going nowhere & will drop our soon, mouth breather.
When is your assbuddy Trump going to debate Ronny & the rest of them, stinkface? Are you going to Atlanta next week to provide moral support for your boy & a possible whiff of his ass?

JFK is going nowhere & will drop our soon, mouth breather.
More obsession with Trump’s ass from a known homo. Deflection and pure idiocy. JFK has been dead since 1963 fucktard. So he is not running. Keep showing your stupidity. It’s mildly entertaining watching you melt down.
More obsession with Trump’s ass from a known homo. Deflection and pure idiocy. JFK has been dead since 1963 fucktard. So he is not running. Keep showing your stupidity. It’s mildly entertaining watching you melt down.
RFK, Trump asseater. How's next Friday looking in the crying dept? All geared up?
That's it folks.

That's the ball game.

Now on to November '24.

Former President Donald Trump announced on Sunday that he will not participate in the Republican Party presidential primary debates.

Trump cited a CBS News poll that showed him at 62%, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at 16%, and everyone else in the low single digits to explain why he did not plan to make a showing at the debates.

He added that he believes that voters already know who he is and concluded by stating: “I WILL THEREFORE NOT BE DOING THE DEBATES!”

Your move Democrats.

My humble prediction?

No way in hell Biden is the nominee.

They'll bring in someone else by the end of the year - their only contingency obstacle is the Kackling Queen o' Diversity Hire.
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DO us a favor and shove a serrated dildo up your ass. You typed JFK retard. Watching you drop dead when your latest heroes fail will be glorious.
Not before your assbuddy has to show up in court to face the music in the ongoing saga of the Trump Gang Who Couldn't Think Straight, starring the former reality star The Don.

Will The Don have to remove his makeup for the mugshot, mouth breather?
All candidates should debate, even incumbents. Trunp and Biden should stand in front of the American people and sell what they achieved while taking criticism from other candidates.
That's it folks.

That's the ball game.

Now on to November '24.

Your move Democrats.

My humble prediction?

No way in hell Biden is the nominee.

They'll bring in someone else by the end of the year - their only contingency obstacle is the Kackling Queen o' Diversity Hire.
Your orange loser is too scared to participate in his own party's debate? Tut..tut. How sad.
All candidates should debate, even incumbents.


If you're up a minimum of 40 points, and you just had the previous election stolen from you due to CIA antics (Hunter's laptop) and a total upheaval of electoral mechanics (COVID mail in BS) - you have every right to take the ring and go into full frontal attack against the main enemy.

The Globalists.

And Trump is on full frontal assault starting tonight.

Enjoy ;)
That's it folks.

That's the ball game.

Now on to November '24.

Your move Democrats.

My humble prediction?

No way in hell Biden is the nominee.

They'll bring in someone else by the end of the year - their only contingency obstacle is the Kackling Queen o' Diversity Hire.
We already knew that Trump was a gutless coward with a big mouth but we didn't figure him to be a candy ass for the likes of Ronny, Nikki & Mikey. Christie will continue to rattle his cage at campaign stops.
I guess doing a podcast with Tucker Carlson is more important to Trump than facing his opponents in a debate. Pretty much typical of the Orange Man. And why is still doing the spray on tan look?

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