It’s official. Trump skipping debate

Bottom line only Donald J Trump has the tools for the Quick fix that is needed to tear the deep state to pieces and try to rebuild it. Americas in deep deep trouble and in order to save it for the innocent Children in America, there can be no more namby-pamby George Bush, Romney, McCain, McCarthy turtle all has to be blown up and common sense put in place. It’s been long enough with these 90 year old has beens running up to $33 trillion in debt with no Change to the poor or the ghettos.

I seriously don’t know how you people could walk by the children playing near the mailbox down the street to pick up your mail and see the innocent little six year olds and what you’re pushing on them. it’s sickens me, What you’ve done And you have no decency to admit your wrongs and change course Ever. Like an old stubborn, Brahma bull, you won’t move even if everyone and everything around you dies and collapses that’s why your labeled libstain lunatics.

speaking of hypocrisy, what do you call running a campaign from a basement? Trump gets 50.000 to a rally, senile joe is lucky to get 25, and most of them are media.
STUPID is what I'd call Trump's clownshow.

You do understand his travelling circus killed enough of his voters to swing GA, AZ, PA, MI, and WI.
What else can you call that but STUUUUUUUUUPID to the infinite degree?

Biden stayed home, protected his voters, protected himself. Kicked Trump's ass in the debates and won. SMAAAAAAAART

If "rally" attendance by MAGAT groupies is the standard Jerry Garcia and Billy Graham would have been president.
when you are leading by a huge margin, there is no reason to debate the losers. Will Joe debate RFK jr.? duh, no, but mostly because joe is senile and cannot put a cogent sentence together.
No reason because??????
C'mon you can say it...
OK I'll tell you.

Trump has nothing to gain and everything to lose
Trump is afraid to debate.

UH, listen up. Fear is a good thing. It keeps us alive. It helps us avoid stupid mistakes.
In 2024 fear will guarantee the end of Trump's political career, his time outside prison, and the evaporation of MAGADUMIA.
Trump is still brilliant. He recently created the Trump seal of approval so that the Filthy are in DC Congress cannot piggyback upon his supporters by launching a bill or Candidate and saying it’s MAGA…..uh not so fast. Does It Have the official Trump seal of approval.

I gotta hand it to the old genius he doesn’t miss a trick. I’m only hoping he truly has some Georgia voter fraud evidence to spring on them. It’s like a wolverine.
And when gutless Trump does the interview with Tucks The Ass Licking Trump Ball Washer it will be nothing but gutless Trump wailing about "me me me"! Not only that but the motherfucker will spend the rest of his time trash talking this Country.

Hopefully, Trump will do an Epstein in the near future.
Got anything realistic to say you TDS suffering homo? Stick your head back in the toilet. By the way asshole, when is Xiden going to debate Kennedy or Newsom or anybody else?
While I agree, it still makes him look like a pussy.


I can't stand the mango fucker, but what he's doing is smart. It's a total waste of his time to show up at a debate.

Frankly, most people watch debates for entertainment. Nobody learns shit from debates. They should be scrapped and replaced with town halls and panel interviews.
I will vote for one of those who choose to show up. No show means you cannot get my vote.
I almost never use funny or thumbs down you lying arse. I 99% show support to good posters. I don’t waste time marking you down. Everyone knows up you are a TDS lowIQ anti-American problem. I hope you die soon, painfully, slowly. Thats all.
okie dokie you phony bastard
Got anything realistic to say you TDS suffering homo? Stick your head back in the toilet. By the way asshole, when is Xiden going to debate Kennedy or Newsom or anybody else?
Hey shitface, now that gutless Trump is facing multiple felony indictments does the look of his overfed big ass still enticing to you, CLOWN?

Who's ass lands in who's face first, Tuck's or the albino ape Trump's? The Ape knew weeks ago he'd skip the debate when Christie started rattling his cage, you asswipe.
Hey shitface, now that gutless Trump is facing multiple felony indictments does the look of his overfed big ass still enticing to you, CLOWN?

Who's ass lands in who's face first, Tuck's or the albino ape Trump's? The Ape knew weeks ago he'd skip the debate when Christie started rattling his cage, you asswipe.
STFU you mommy’s basement dwelling, homosexual loon. Keep your homo fantasies to yourself. Now asshole, why isn’t your hero Joe “Pedo Peter” Xiden debating Kennedy you asswipe? Go play in traffic.
STFU you mommy’s basement dwelling, homosexual loon. Keep your homo fantasies to yourself. Now asshole, why isn’t your hero Joe “Pedo Peter” Xiden debating Kennedy you asswipe? Go play in traffic.
Is there a debate between Biden & JFK scheduled, mouth breather?

Will you be in Atlanta next week for the mango ape's arraignment hoping for a whiff of his huge overfed ass, dipshit?
Is there a debate between Biden & JFK scheduled, mouth breather?

Will you be in Atlanta next week for the mango ape's arraignment hoping for a whiff of his huge overfed ass, dipshit?
So Xiden is a coward you fucking piece of shit homo. GFY and don’t come back. Unless you want to be bitch slapped some more.
So Xiden is a coward you fucking piece of shit homo. GFY and don’t come back. Unless you want to be bitch slapped some more.
Remember how Biden wiped the floor & sent your lap buddy Trump packing in 2020, you horse's ass?

Pack plenty of kleenex next Friday, Trumptard.
  • Everyone knows up you are a TDS lowIQ anti-American problem. I hope you die soon, painfully, slowly.
  • Got anything realistic to say you TDS suffering homo? Stick your head back in the toilet. ...... asshole....
  • STFU you mommy’s basement dwelling, homosexual loon........Now asshole, why isn’t fucking piece of shit homo........GFY and don’t come back. Unless you want to be bitch slapped
With no desire to be disrespectful, but.......but folks like the two prolific posters above seemingly believe that their language, decorum and social awareness is what will Make America Great Again.

I'm not so sure.
Using social media as therapy and/or as an enema for their dissatisfactions with their lot in life.....well, if that is their idea of greatness, I think most all of America will politely take a pass.

Thanks for the shout out of Will Hurd’s name. I was not familiar with him at all before, but your comment made me research him. I will be very happy if he makes it to the Fox and future debates. I’m certainly not in agreement with him on everything, but he strikes me as a genuine uniter (far more real than that smooth-talking Vivek). He seems to be a man of principle and integrity who has thought deeply about the nation’s problems.

A really competent three term Republican Congressman until 2021 whose Texas district covered some 800 miles of border with Mexico, he has an excellent take on — and solutions for —immigration problems. Because his district was half Dem and half Republican he learned how to speak on difficult issues to all sides. He is strongly anti-Trump but voted overwhelmingly Republican on most issues. A man of principle, he ought to be given a careful hearing by Republicans and ought to be getting traction. Not a “flamer” or asshole.
waste you vote, no one cares. The Trump years were the best this country has ever seen. What is it about success that you hate?
STUPID is what I'd call Trump's clownshow.

You do understand his travelling circus killed enough of his voters to swing GA, AZ, PA, MI, and WI.
What else can you call that but STUUUUUUUUUPID to the infinite degree?

Biden stayed home, protected his voters, protected himself. Kicked Trump's ass in the debates and won. SMAAAAAAAART

If "rally" attendance by MAGAT groupies is the standard Jerry Garcia and Billy Graham would have been president.
you are thoroughly indoctrinated in left wing bullshit and lies, you are a waste of time here, not worth trying to debate with a brain dead libtardian whose only skill is repeating lying talking points given to you by your masters.

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