It’s official. Trump skipping debate

The TDS in this thread is strong.

Those who will never vote for him, demand he be in the debate.

You people are sick in the head.

See, I dont think it would be smart for Biden to debate Kennedy, because Kennedy would embarass Biden. That doesnt make Biden a chicken. It means he is making a smart political move.

You dumb fucks cannot analyze anyting Trump does with any rational thought because you are communist cult fucks.
FOX turned off NOV04, 2020. I would only turn it on if the great President Trump was allowed back on w/o Deep State filter or Commee editing of his remarkable Ideas.
i dont care if he says low-energy Jeb or little Marco. I care about economic collaps from deep state $33T debt bomb.

i mostly care …. Can all propsper and afford to live? All was better under Trump America first policy. It lifted the entire planet.
^^^lol the TDS and abject fear is getting more intense every day among the deviants and commies. Post like these are all the poor mentally ill sociopaths have left. They smell 'Giant Failure' of all their efforts to intimidate Trump.
Trump is intimidated by Christie.
Scared to death of a fat man wearing a girdle.
Of course we'll have to figure which fat man wearing the girdle is scared.
But it won't be Trump.

Cause hes too scared to face the other fat man.

bullshit, with a 50 point lead he doesn't need to show up to debate those losers. Will senile joe debate RFK jr? Why don't you libs demand a dem debate?
Did trump debate during the primaries in 2020? With 2 governors facing him?

Hypocrisy much?
funny fact is, no world leader of GOP leader has claimed Biden is senile, after meeting with him in person
Imbeciles like:
can go on spamming the bards with a flood of thumbs down and other shit, but


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I've noticed this as well, EEF. If you're backing Trump, you must be a "lefty Democrat scumbag." They just don't understand how a person who leans anyway but left can't support Trump...

While I won't go so far as to say I'll vote for Biden, I sure as Hell won't vote for Trump. I've been quite content voting for the Libertarian candidates for the last three Presidential cycles. Will Hurd could get my vote, but he can't get any traction...

You’re a mixed up ignoramous. Your kind is a problem in America, therefore an enemy. If you, an adult? can’t see what has gone on to date? We cant afford to carry your kind. Woodchipper time.
The corrupt Dems will do whatever they need to do to screw Kennedy.

The DNC admitted in court they fucked Bernie Sanders, claiming it was their right as a public company…and the court agreed.

RFK will go nowhere. The DNC will make sure of it,
False narratives of things, yet again?

The registered Democratic voters did not go with Bernie

and the DNC claimed to be a public company with certain rights? wtf did you pull this from, your fat white lily arse?

RFK Jr. is no threat in elections.
The corrupt Dems will do whatever they need to do to screw Kennedy.

The DNC admitted in court they fucked Bernie Sanders, claiming it was their right as a public company…and the court agreed.

RFK will go nowhere. The DNC will make sure of it,

Hillary Clinton will officially become the Democratic nominee for president this week, at which point we’ll finally close the chapter on the 2016 primaries. But when we look back on the 2016 race, how should we think of it, as a close call or as a blowout? Could a few small changes have made Sanders the nominee — and could a higher-profile candidate such as Elizabeth Warren have beaten Clinton, when Sanders didn’t?

My view is that the race wasn’t really all that close and that Sanders never really had that much of a chance at winning. From a purely horse-race standpoint, in fact, the media probably exaggerated the competitiveness of the race. But that’s not to diminish Sanders’s accomplishments in terms of what they mean for the Democratic Party after 2016. It’s significant that Sanders in particular — and not Warren or Joe Biden or Martin O’Malley — finished in second place.

Quit posting your drivers license photo.

that poster is an extremely lowIQ child. There are some “right leaning” type posters in this thread that are not full-on TDS idiots, but they despise Trump? Therefore un-trustworthy. Beware. The only sharp ones posting on this site are the 110% Trump supporters. America is in trouble due to the “others”.
His behavior revolving around Jan 6 will inevitably come up in the debates. Trump will not be able to defend his actions.

He’s a pussy.
Yes, probably. He's a likable fellow, nice teeth.

Everything was better under Trump. The best economic and all other of my lifetime. I don’t need an unknown. Give Trump 4 yrs then his trained VP for 8 more.

i tuned out in 2020. I know what was good. I am not learning another one. Until Trump is no more….but the MSM is dead to me and should be to all here.
Who are you calling psychos and what does hate fuck mean? Are you capable of having a normal discussion and sticking to the actual topic of this thread? This thread is about Trump skipping the debate.

no. Im not. The Country is in deep trouble. No one has anymore time to deal with closeted deep state forkers.
You are totally misreading and misinterpreting what I am saying about Trump. Because the INSTANT you hear someone say anything other than praise for him - you think they hate him and therefore is a liberal.
That is ridiculous.
Trump was not a bad President at all. Certainly better than Biden, which is not saying anything, but also better than Obama. Trump being President again, policy wise, would be a good thing. But I am a realist. And as a realist, I do not believe Trump will win. Democrats have the electoral numbers.The states they have an absolute lock in - have FAR more electoral votes than Republican locked states.
So from day one, Democrats have an advantage no matter who runs. And because Trump is sooo hated by the TDS left - he will not win.
And THAT, is what I care about. 4 more years of Biden or, maybe even worse, 4 years of Newsom will bury this country.

mark down another closet deep stated problem person. No time for your BS. Country is being destroyed. Help out or get out. It was Election fraud. Trump support is 65-70% in reality. Only ANTFA BLM Deep-statist and commee union support DEM.
Did trump debate during the primaries in 2020? With 2 governors facing him?

Hypocrisy much?
I believe he was there for every debate except maybe one. And because he consistently led in the polls he always had center state with the 16 other also rans flanking him on either side.

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