It’s official. Trump skipping debate

Trump makes the Democrat party strong.

lol name one GOP candidate running against Trump in the Primaries that would have won even against Shrillary in 2016.

This should be funny ...

Anybody need a reminder who opposed Trump in the PRimaries for 2016?

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He is going to interview with Tucker. You psychos can hate fuck your fist while watching that. Fucking weirdos
Who are you calling psychos and what does hate fuck mean? Are you capable of having a normal discussion and sticking to the actual topic of this thread? This thread is about Trump skipping the debate.
Personally I couldn’t care less. In some ways I might be more inclined to watch the debate now, to see what — if anything — the other Repub candidates have to say for themselves. I won’t miss Trump and would be happy to never hear from that liar, braggart and demagogue again.
TUCKS is one of gutless Trump's ass licker's, hence the interview. Gutless Trump never intended to debate or do you halfwits believe that this interview with Tuck The Ass Lickng Trump Lackey was set up in the spur of the moment?
And when gutless Trump does the interview with Tucks The Ass Licking Trump Ball Washer it will be nothing but gutless Trump wailing about "me me me"! Not only that but the motherfucker will spend the rest of his time trash talking this Country.
Hopefully, Trump will do an Epstein in the near future.
You’re a bit too much emotionally invested in this, son.
bullshit, with a 50 point lead he doesn't need to show up to debate those losers. Will senile joe debate RFK jr? Why don't you libs demand a dem debate?

No one complaining about Triumph skipping the debate is going to vote for him anyways, so fuck em.

They do not hold Biden to the same standards. They are full of crap. Like always.
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We will get more info from the interview with Tucker than from Trump at the debate.

It will give the other candidates more airtime.

Vivek and DeSantis are the only ones with a chance in hell.
DeSantis desperately needs airtime away from his terrible campaign. The man's accomplishments is his best resume, not the disaster of a campaign he allowed to happen.
I believe the Trump campaign knows debating DeSantis probably won't go well. Trump himself I am sure wants to, but his campaign knows there is nothing to gain.
I don't know that the Tucker interview is going to go that well. At the beginning it will likely go quite well for him till Tucker starts getting tough, and Trump notoriously does bad when under pressure... he just lobs insults. And insulting Tucker is not a route that will work. But that is highly likely what he will do anyway.
DeSantis desperately needs airtime away from his terrible campaign. The man's accomplishments is his best resume, not the disaster of a campaign he allowed to happen.
I believe the Trump campaign knows debating DeSantis probably won't go well. Trump himself I am sure wants to, but his campaign knows there is nothing to gain.
I don't know that the Tucker interview is going to go that well. At the beginning it will likely go quite well for him till Tucker starts getting tough, and Trump notoriously does bad when under pressure... he just lobs insults. And insulting Tucker is not a route that will work. But that is highly likely what he will do anyway.
Back in March he and Trump were tied.His campaign BLEW IT, and the Dems baselessly indicting Trump 4 times proved the deep state is in effect fully and the electorate has responded for Trump.
lol name one GOP candidate running against Trump in the Primaries that would have won even against Shrillary in 2016.

This should be funny ...

Anybody need a reminder who opposed Trump in the PRimaries for 2016?


You are totally misreading and misinterpreting what I am saying about Trump. Because the INSTANT you hear someone say anything other than praise for him - you think they hate him and therefore is a liberal.
That is ridiculous.
Trump was not a bad President at all. Certainly better than Biden, which is not saying anything, but also better than Obama. Trump being President again, policy wise, would be a good thing. But I am a realist. And as a realist, I do not believe Trump will win. Democrats have the electoral numbers.The states they have an absolute lock in - have FAR more electoral votes than Republican locked states.
So from day one, Democrats have an advantage no matter who runs. And because Trump is sooo hated by the TDS left - he will not win.
And THAT, is what I care about. 4 more years of Biden or, maybe even worse, 4 years of Newsom will bury this country.
The long form interview with Tucker will be much more informative than Trump getting 8 minutes in a debate among 7 or 8 candidates.

If you cult fucks want to see Trump on TV so badly, I arch the interview
Let me know when Biden debates Kennedy. I will be watching.

Unless Biden is a PUSSY

Skipping the debate is the smart move here. He has nothing to gain and lots to lose.

Let the bottom dwellers slug it
Out. We all know who Trump is. We don’t need him at the debate.
Trump is a coward!

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