It’s official. Trump skipping debate

Couldn't disagree more.
Refusing to debate is the realization that your large support is weak and could easily be shaken.
Exact same reason the Democrats are not even hosting a debate. They know 100% that if they even thought of putting Biden in a debate, he would fail miserably.
Trumps camp is copping out because, even you said it - they have nothing to gain and lots to lose.
Wow. What a weak position.

lol a bunch of losers hoping to ride on his coattails. Too bad many voters will frown on a pack of attention whores only running because they're narcissists and splitting the votes into tiny little lots while contributing less than nothing to beating the commies and deviants in 2024.
He is going to interview with Tucker. You psychos can hate fuck your fist while watching that. Fucking weirdos
TUCKS is one of gutless Trump's ass licker's, hence the interview. Gutless Trump never intended to debate or do you halfwits believe that this interview with Tuck The Ass Lickng Trump Lackey was set up in the spur of the moment?
TUCKS is one of gutless Trump's ass licker's, hence the interview. Gutless Trump never intended to debate or do you halfwits believe that this interview with Tuck The Ass Lickng Trump Lackey was set up in the spur of the moment?

When is the Biden/Kennedy debate? That one will be good.
Trump not being there might make the debate actually about the real issues. Put Trump on stage, and every question will be about Trump, and nothing on the real issues.
And when gutless Trump does the interview with Tucks The Ass Licking Trump Ball Washer it will be nothing but gutless Trump wailing about "me me me"! Not only that but the motherfucker will spend the rest of his time trash talking this Country.

Hopefully, Trump will do an Epstein in the near future.
lol a bunch of losers hoping to ride on his coattails. Too bad many voters will frown on a pack of attention whores only running because they're narcissists and splitting the votes into tiny little lots while contributing less than nothing to beating the commies and deviants in 2024.
Sorry, you couldn't be more wrong.
Trump makes the Democrat party strong.
Trump is why we have an old, decrepit mentally handicapped man as President now.
Now, the reason for this is mostly not his fault, some is, but mostly a rabid anti-Trump media.
But nevertheless, Trump makes the Democrat Party as unified as they are. Before Trump, the Democrat Party was falling apart. By Obama's 2nd term his temporary bask was over. They were teetering along without any focus. Trump provided a brilliant focus for them, and the party solidified into "anything but Trump".
If Trump is the Republican candidate - a Democrat will be President again. 100%.
There are simply more people who will walk over broken glass barefoot to vote for "anything but Trump" than there are that will vote for him.
Sorry, you couldn't be more wrong.
Trump makes the Democrat party strong.
Trump is why we have an old, decrepit mentally handicapped man as President now.
Now, the reason for this is mostly not his fault, some is, but mostly a rabid anti-Trump media.
But nevertheless, Trump makes the Democrat Party as unified as they are. Before Trump, the Democrat Party was falling apart. By Obama's 2nd term his temporary bask was over. They were teetering along without any focus. Trump provided a brilliant focus for them, and the party solidified into "anything but Trump".
If Trump is the Republican candidate - a Democrat will be President again. 100%.
There are simply more people who will walk over broken glass barefoot to vote for "anything but Trump" than there are that will vote for him.

lol rubbish; Trump beat that Party, TWICE. The GOP LOST to Obama, and Biden, THREE TIMES. Your Party's idiotic ;Social Darwinism' fraud isn't a big seller any more, and neither are Pity Parties over tax breaks for billionaires who routinely sell the country out.
lol rubbish; Trump beat that Party, TWICE. The GOP LOST to Obama, and Biden, THREE TIMES. Your Party's idiotic ;Social Darwinism' fraud isn't a big seller any more, and neither are Pity Parties over tax breaks for billionaires who routinely sell the country out.
The fact you think I am a Democrat because I don't blindly follow one man is telling.
There it is. Cult fuck double standard.

Which of the Republican canndidates are serious candidates and not idiots.

You are kinda full of shit, huh?

Trump is a coward, but Biden should not debate Kennedy.

Trump's opposition has spoken for the most part to the issues. When has that mango tinted traiterous ape Trump spoken about anything other then "me me me"!? Either that or he's trash talking this Country & the main reason the bastard is running is to stay out of prison.

So eat shit along with your talk of "serious candidates", because Trump sure as hell ain't, despite fools like you who still support that motherfucker.
The fact you think I am a Democrat because I don't blindly follow one man is telling.

We will get more info from the interview with Tucker than from Trump at the debate.

It will give the other candidates more airtime.

Vivek and DeSantis are the only ones with a chance in hell.
Trump's opposition has spoken for the most part to the issues. When has that mango tinted traiterous ape Trump spoken about anything other then "me me me"!? Either that or he's trash talking this Country & the main reason the bastard is running is to stay out of prison.

So eat shit along with your talk of "serious candidates", because Trump sure as hell ain't, despite fools like you who still support that motherfucker.

However you want to justify your double standard.

You are so blinded by tribalism maybe you do not even see it.

Everyhing you say about Trump not attanding the debate I say for Biden not debating Kennedy, who is polling at around 20%.

You know why you dont want Biden to debate Kennedy. You refuse to admit it because you are disingenuous.
Just amazing. Trump is a coward for not debating people 40 points or more behind him in the polls….yet he is doing a long form interview.

Biden wont debate Kennedy, who is polling around 20 points, and wont do a long form intervie…..and those calling Trump a coward defend Biden.

I cannot figure out if they know they are lying hypocrites, or are they just brainwashed cult fucks?
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Yup...who needs all those pesky questions about his legal issues, anyway?
Nobody sane and without a severe case of TDS believes he has “legal issues”…..He simply has manufactured allegations looming…you know, like Russia Collusion.
He’s the Dem appointed start in a never-ending dog and pony show.
Of course he's skipping the debate. Like all bullies, the Naked Emperor has always been a coward. He only wants venues where the conversation is one way and no one dares to question him.

No one at his ever-shrinking cult rallies ever asks him questions. Like, "Where's that Obamacare replacement you said you had?"
Look at the sniveling worm cry because big bad Trump took his ball and went home.

The fact you think I am a Democrat because I don't blindly follow one man is telling.

Ah, so now you're reaching for straw men. Nobody called you a Democrat; you must feel guilty about something. Another reason the GOP can't win, they aren't really a pro American Party, they're just another group of parasites competing with the other pirates over plunder and loot. They have about the same credibility as Democrats, which is why they run neck and neck. lol

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