It’s official. Trump skipping debate

No way. I detest that kind of behavior. I also detest people throwing stones and pretending their candidate has no flaws. I am voting for Vivek Ramaswamy unless they let RFK jr in.

Trump going to jail or Trump getting free does not change my own peasant daily life at all.

If I were going to criticize Trump it would be over something else which did upset me but it had nothing to do with the sex scandals or the files he took home.
How about not firing Fauci?
How about not firing Fauci?

Fauci? Dude, you're going deep into the bench of MAGA whataboutry to avoid Trump's chickenshit move to flee from Chris Christie because he's too scared to debate him.

Trump isn't any less a certified loser or a verified coward because you try and change the topic to Fauci.
He is going to interview with Tucker. You psychos can hate fuck your fist while watching that. Fucking weirdos
I wanted to watch the debate if Trump was on it but now that he isn't going to be there, not sure I will still watch it. I don't have Fox so I am sure it will be on youtube or RSBN. I can watch it that way if I decide.
Are you really that incapable of following the conversation?!?

As usual, the obvious point went over your head. Don’t worry, the world still needs ditch diggers and fry cooks.
trump is what he likes to grab.

While I agree that I wish in a perfect world he attended. One needs to be strategic. Katie Hobbs won by not debating. Joe Biden hid in his basement and never answered extemperaneous questions from the press and minimized his public exposure because he is senile.

They both won.

Yes, no need for Trump to promote his rivals; they need him to draw a big crowd, while he doesn't need them at all. We all already know they can't out debate him, so they should really be grateful.
So cowardice is the core of MAGATRY
Like we didn't already know that.

^^^lol the TDS and abject fear is getting more intense every day among the deviants and commies. Post like these are all the poor mentally ill sociopaths have left. They smell 'Giant Failure' of all their efforts to intimidate Trump.

Skipping the debate is the smart move here. He has nothing to gain and lots to lose.

Let the bottom dwellers slug it
Out. We all know who Trump is. We don’t need him at the debate.

Yeah well, hopefully, this is going to put a final rift between the GOP and Trump. What I think could happen is that the GOP plays footsie with him just long enough to ensure that he is too late to run as an Independent in most states.

And then, sorry, we put up a candidate who can actually win.

The Left has done him dirty and I don't have sufficient words to describe how bad it is.

But he is yet back to his old games of ostracizing people and making poor decisions. Time for someone new.

Skipping the debate is the smart move here. He has nothing to gain and lots to lose.

Let the bottom dwellers slug it
Out. We all know who Trump is. We don’t need him at the debate.
Trump not being there might make the debate actually about the real issues. Put Trump on stage, and every question will be about Trump, and nothing on the real issues.
Of course he's skipping the debate. Like all bullies, the Naked Emperor has always been a coward. He only wants venues where the conversation is one way and no one dares to question him.
No one at his ever-shrinking cult rallies ever asks him questions. Like, "Where's that Obamacare replacement you said you had?"
Trump is better off skipping the debate and letting DeSantis and Vivek beat up on each other.
Trump not being there might make the debate actually about the real issues. Put Trump on stage, and every question will be about Trump, and nothing on the real issues.

In most years, yep. What you'll end up with (more than likely) is a debate that looks more and more like a Star Trek convention to where people with nothing better to do stand around and argue about who would be a better commander , Picard of if there really was a Picard or Kirk who actually saw battle.

I'm in no danger of actually seeing the spectacle so perhaps they will have a substantive dialogue without schoolyard taunts (remember when our politics didn't have those????). But that isn't what the FOX audience wants to see. They want to be entertained and have their bigotry confirmed. So you're more than likely to see that than substance.
In most years, yep. What you'll end up with (more than likely) is a debate that looks more and more like a Star Trek convention to where people with nothing better to do stand around and argue about who would be a better commander , Picard of if there really was a Picard or Kirk who actually saw battle.

I'm in no danger of actually seeing the spectacle so perhaps they will have a substantive dialogue without schoolyard taunts (remember when our politics didn't have those????). But that isn't what the FOX audience wants to see. They want to be entertained and have their bigotry confirmed. So you're more than likely to see that than substance.
Humanity got it down good with the traditional family scenario that peaked in the 1960's. We had many options from there. We chose total individuality. With it though came personal selfishness. And the rise of massive social programs. With that massive corruption and abusing of them. Today we see a fractured nation. A high tax fractured nation. There are areas not as affected as others. The taxes though are more and more spread out to pay for the areas that are in traditional family tatters. I am saying to you. If America keeps going globalists, we will be neutered and poorer. And that means much of the population will be the same. The pursuit of happiness can have warts in it. There are Republicans who believe what I typed. They are skewed at every turn. And if they were married and divorced it's a gotcha moment for the Prog defenders of their realm. Life is hard for many. We have agendas that makes it harder as we act more like selfish individuals than responsible men and women rearing children to the next generation.
Cowardly move and couldn't be more anti democracy of a decision.

Makes the odds really high that we won't see ANY presidential debates this time around seeing as both candidates want to hide in their prospective corners.


Skipping the debate is the smart move here. He has nothing to gain and lots to lose.

Let the bottom dwellers slug it
Out. We all know who Trump is. We don’t need him at the debate.
Couldn't disagree more.
Refusing to debate is the realization that your large support is weak and could easily be shaken.
Exact same reason the Democrats are not even hosting a debate. They know 100% that if they even thought of putting Biden in a debate, he would fail miserably.
Trumps camp is copping out because, even you said it - they have nothing to gain and lots to lose.
Wow. What a weak position.
Trump not being there might make the debate actually about the real issues. Put Trump on stage, and every question will be about Trump, and nothing on the real issues.

I completely agree. Trump being there would have made it a circus. Now perhaps they can talk issues.
Yeah well, hopefully, this is going to put a final rift between the GOP and Trump. What I think could happen is that the GOP plays footsie with him just long enough to ensure that he is too late to run as an Independent in most states.

And then, sorry, we put up a candidate who can actually win.

The Left has done him dirty and I don't have sufficient words to describe how bad it is.

But he is yet back to his old games of ostracizing people and making poor decisions. Time for someone new.

The GOP is a dead party without Trump. He brings in the Indies and the pro-American moderates. They've been sand-bagging him all along, helping their Democrat schoolmates while trying not to be blatant about it. He leaves, they're dead in the water as a national Party.

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