It's official

I am more free than you Yanks. I kinda already knew this, but it's nice to have a US libertarian outfit like the Cata Institute back it up. Both the country I was born in and lived for for 40 years (New Zealand - ranked 1) and the country I now live in (Australia - ranked 2) are higher up the freedom food chain than the US - ranked 23. Not bad for a subject....

Check Mises Institute for a more accurate portrayal of libertarianism.

Cato? Meh. Not so much.

Got a link? And why not the Cato Institute?

That's a deep discussion, man. Cato is a Rothbardian representation of libertarianism whereas Mises was a fundamental Classical Liberal. Classical Liberalism is what libertarianism is. Rothbard, though a brilliant man, one of the finest of our time, penned the anarcho-movement which is an off-shoot of libertarianism.

Here's a mises institute link - Mises Library
The CATO Institute and the Fraser Institute are about as Freedom as you get.

And they are almost certainly right.

I used to read this report annually when it came out. IIRC, America was in the top 5 a decade ago. Not anymore. It's ranked 23rd.

In America, it is now harder to start a business than most countries in Europe, if you can believe that. That comes from a JP Morgan report released at the beginning of the year.

America has become over-regulated. It's ridiculous.

One great thing Trump is doing is telling regulators that if they want any new regulations, they must strip two off the books. He is also deregulating by EO, usually by repealing regulations Obama imposed by EO.
"While aspects of liberty associated with democracy and political freedomā€”freedom of speech, assembly, public demonstrationā€”are included in this index, democracy or political freedom is not."

But it includes everything else.

Rule of Law
Security and Safety
Association, Assembly, and Civil Society
Size of Government
Legal System and Property Rights
Access to Sound Money
Freedom to Trade Internationally
Regulation of Credit, Labor, and Business​
"While aspects of liberty associated with democracy and political freedomā€”freedom of speech, assembly, public demonstrationā€”are included in this index, democracy or political freedom is not."

Couple of things:
1) Hey, you asked a question, I answered.
2) Now continue reading after the snippet you posted. There is a thing called context. You ought to try it some time.
FYI, The Fraser Institute was often used as a boogeyman by the Left politically in Canada as a way to advance the Left's agenda. This report used to be derided by the Canadian Left.
"While aspects of liberty associated with democracy and political freedomā€”freedom of speech, assembly, public demonstrationā€”are included in this index, democracy or political freedom is not."

But it includes everything else.

Rule of Law
Security and Safety
Association, Assembly, and Civil Society
Size of Government
Legal System and Property Rights
Access to Sound Money
Freedom to Trade Internationally
Regulation of Credit, Labor, and Business​

While aspects of liberty associated with democracy and political freedomā€”freedom of speech, assembly, public demonstrationā€”are included in this index, democracy or political freedom is not.

Then it goes on to say, ā€œThere is a strong correlation between freedom and democracy.ā€ why did you leave it out CATO?
While aspects of liberty associated with democracy and political freedomā€”freedom of speech, assembly, public demonstrationā€”are included in this index, democracy or political freedom is not.

Then it goes on to say, ā€œThere is a strong correlation between freedom and democracy.ā€ why did you leave it out CATO?

Why do you care? The US isn't a democracy anyway, right?
While aspects of liberty associated with democracy and political freedomā€”freedom of speech, assembly, public demonstrationā€”are included in this index, democracy or political freedom is not.

Then it goes on to say, ā€œThere is a strong correlation between freedom and democracy.ā€ why did you leave it out CATO?

Why do you care? The US isn't a democracy anyway, right?

Why are you excited about a report that claims you are more free than others, when the study is flawed.

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