It's okay if a white guy does it

I realize you are not terribly bright, Ravi, but when you support one form of extremism because you oppose another, you are part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

since when is being anti-kkk and anti-nazi considered an EXTREME agenda? :itsok:

An elite paratrooper division of the U.S. Army that parachuted into Normandy on D-Day to thwart Nazi German troops publicly denounced a white supremacist protesting in Charlottesville who donned a hat bearing the unit's insignia.

82nd Airborne Division Issues Condemnation of White Supremacist

their tactics are to shut anyone down that they do not agree with by use of violence .

The targets do not need to be Nazi/KKK either.
Milo or Sargon of Akkad or maybe even Jordan Peterson are targets.
They are not Nazi or KKK.

and since when is violence legal?
Murders By U.S. White Supremacists More Than Doubled In 2017, New Report Shows

White supremacists in the United States killed more than twice as many people in 2017 as they did the year before, and were responsible for far more murders than domestic Islamic extremists, helping make 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence in America, a new report states.

The report, “Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017,” published Tuesday by the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, said extremists killed 34 people last year. Twenty of those victims — or 59 percent — were killed by right-wing extremists, a designation that includes white supremacists, members of the so-called “alt-right” and “alt-lite,” and members of the anti-government militia movement.

Your link finishes with a bullshit vile lie.

"And after the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville last August, the president defended the racists who gathered there, saying there were “very fine people on both sides” of that day’s demonstration. "

And thus has zero credibility.

anyone to the right of Stalin is a fascist in their estimation
Murders By U.S. White Supremacists More Than Doubled In 2017, New Report Shows

White supremacists in the United States killed more than twice as many people in 2017 as they did the year before, and were responsible for far more murders than domestic Islamic extremists, helping make 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence in America, a new report states.

The report, “Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017,” published Tuesday by the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, said extremists killed 34 people last year. Twenty of those victims — or 59 percent — were killed by right-wing extremists, a designation that includes white supremacists, members of the so-called “alt-right” and “alt-lite,” and members of the anti-government militia movement.

Your link finishes with a bullshit vile lie.

"And after the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville last August, the president defended the racists who gathered there, saying there were “very fine people on both sides” of that day’s demonstration. "

And thus has zero credibility.

anyone to the right of Stalin is a fascist in their estimation

Pretty much.

What kind of asshole equates NOT wanting to remove historical statues with being "racist"?

Answer: A liberal.



Everyone knows that there were some white supremacist there.

YOUR argument, where you dishonestly claimed that Trump was defending them, is based on the assumption that ALL the attendees were white supremacists.

Something you have done NOTHING to support.

Because you can't.

AND, because you know you are lying.
Everyone knows that there were some white supremacist there.

YOUR argument, where you dishonestly claimed that Trump was defending them, is based on the assumption that ALL the attendees were white supremacists.

Something you have done NOTHING to support.

Because you can't.

AND, because you know you are lying.

link to my claim then, liar.
Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

Everyone knows that there were some white supremacist there.

everyone decent knows that when white supremacists are "there" all good presidents should denounce them unequivocally...

...which your ignorant hero failed to do.

rather than lead honorably, teflon don chose to speak out of both sides of his mouth like a slippery apologist...

now the very same DISHONEST rethuglicans who claim that protecting innocent muslims equals coddling terrorists are *AGHAST*

unite the right was there to protest removal of a statue.

antifa and BLM showed up to shut them down

American citizens took up a redress of grievances and petitioned their government regarding those monuments, and by due process of law those statues were eventually removed...

then confused trumptard snowflakes took up torches and completely melted down over it.
Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

Everyone knows that there were some white supremacist there.

everyone decent knows that when white supremacists are "there" all good presidents should denounce them unequivocally...

...which your ignorant hero failed to do.

rather than lead honorably, teflon don chose to speak out of both sides of his mouth like a slippery apologist...

now the very same DISHONEST rethuglicans who claim that protecting innocent muslims equals coddling terrorists are *AGHAST*


He did.

But he was aware and did not lie, like you are, that they were NOT the only people there.

He did not denounce, nor should he have, people that were there in goof faith to just show support for the historical statues.

That you use that to claim that he was defending "racists" is making the claim that everyone who was there to defend the statues were racist.

Your whole complaint against him is based on that.

You don't to make that complaint, and then try to claim you are not making that assumption.

Not if I am here to call you out on your filthy lie.

You filthy liar.
Correll - your diminished comprehension skills are rearing their ugly head.

either that or you're just another dishonest forum hack... a dime a dozen. :eusa_clap:
in all fairness you have ANTIFA which is mostly, not all, white millennials LARPING as revolutionaries.

They need to be stopped.


escalated anti fascist sentiment aka "ANTIFA" will stop just as soon as rethuglicans stops coddling hateful fascists.

it is those hateful fascists who "need to be stopped" and that is ANTIFA's entire point. :itsok:

I see Ravi felt she needed backup, so provided some.

^ i see maid marion's commentary is completely bereft without sock charades :itsok:

I see Ravi's point here is completely bereft, yet a futile effort was made to include Valerie to support it.

White Christian man killed a cop in central Florida last week. Not one hyperventilating thread on USMB about it, or any thread at all. What a surprise, not.
Could you bother to actually specify who, when, where and how, please? I don't want to sound like Perry Mason. Why didn't you actually state that specific incident on your original post? Is that too much to ask? Facts and stuff?
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Justice Department Statistics: Blacks commit more than 50 times the number of violent interracial crimes as Whites commit. According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks. Sydney Morning Herald, Australia (20/5/1995)
So the U.S. Department of Justice obtains it's crime statistical data from the FBI

The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program has been the starting place for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation. The program was conceived in 1929 by the International Association of Chiefs of Police to meet the need for reliable uniform crime statistics for the nation. In 1930, the FBI was tasked with collecting, publishing, and archiving those statistics.

Today, four annual publications, Crime in the United States, National Incident-Based Reporting System, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, and Hate Crime Statistics are produced from data received from over 18,000 city, university/college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies ***voluntarily participating*** in the program. The crime data are submitted either through a state UCR Program or directly to the FBI’s UCR Program.
So these stats have always intrigued me because I'm very curious as to what specific information they're compiling and how it translates to "Blacks commit more than 50 times the number of violent interracial crimes as Whites commit". I've sent them an email asking for their database schema and a sample set of data but don't know if they'll provide it without me a formal FOIA request, if then. One thing I did note though is that the FBI excludes arson data, I have research what else they exclude.
unite the right was there to protest removal of a statue.

antifa and BLM showed up to shut them down

American citizens took up a redress of grievances and petitioned their government regarding those monuments, and by due process of law those statues were eventually removed...

then confused trumptard snowflakes took up torches and completely melted down over it.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984
Correll - your diminished comprehension skills are rearing their ugly head.

either that or you're just another dishonest forum hack... a dime a dozen. :eusa_clap:


I just called you on the fundamental lie that is the basis of your vile and false accusation at the President.

I explained the problem with your position carefully, clearly, seriously and honestly.

Your vague and illogical post was obviously a dodge to avoid a point that you cannot refute honestly.

Your being insulting on top of that, was just you being an ass.

My point, which you did not reply to, to avoid having visible in your stupid "response" stands.

He did denounce the violent racists.

But he was aware and did not lie, like you are, that they were the only people there.

He did not denounce, nor should he have, people that were there in goof faith to just show support for the historical statues.

That you use that to claim that he was defending "racists" is making the claim that everyone who was there to defend the statues were racist.

Your whole complaint against him is based on that.

You don't to make that complaint, and then try to claim you are not making that assumption.

Not if I am here to call you out on your filthy lie.

You filthy liar.
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Sarah Braasch needs to be punished to point where SHE is too scared of the ramification of wasting cops' time & tax payer money to do this again. By laying into her more than the folks she calls the police on, her racism hurts her more. Or blacks should call cops daily on her

It had nothing to do with race. She called the cops because somebody was sleeping there, that's all. And I'm sure you're really worried about the cops time. :21:

She called the cops once, and from what I read, she was not a constant complainer like police do get all the time. If she becomes one, the police and city know how to handle it. Where I live, cops were constantly being called to single parent black homes because the mother couldn't handle the children. So we created a three strikes law. If the police have to come to your house more than three times a year, they charge the homeowner for each additional visit.

White supremacists don't get fired. They get transferred.

So which one of these people got transferred? There are only two places you can work in a police department: inside or outside.

Translation = "When I'm not watching. Black people can speak out"

Yep, that would be appropriate. I turn on the television or go to a football game to watch football. If I want politics, I know what channels to turn to.

When is then ? It's the perfect time

Anytime not during the game.

What have white football players got to complain about ? No one is mass systematically sh*tting on white people. You have Trump political office. A white man who is pro-white. So what have white football players got to make a political stance about ?

No mass system is shitting on black people either. You fight with a cop or don't listen to orders, you can get shot or killed. What these braindead jocks should realize is how the media is manipulating them. They highlight unarmed blacks getting shot by cops, and never air unarmed whites getting shot by cops. Therefore they have you believe it only happens to black people and these dopes buy it.

So why are you worried about Colin Kap if your not trying to stifle black opinions ?

I don't worry about him. I don't watch football anymore. Until the NFL has the balls to tell their players to keep politics out of the stadium, I won't watch them either.

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