It's over dudes. Love it or hate it Joe Biden is going to be your next president.

the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.
Come on don’t be silly. You lose credibility when you just make up stuff. None of that is accurate. Here is what is accurate. Joe’s policies help you way more than Trumps. But because you think there is some culture war going on that’ll force you to not say Christmas nor will you able to ever eat apple pie again you vote scared. It’s a ruse. Unless you make $400k a year or have too 1% investments you’ll be much better off with Joe. Don’t be scared. I promise you can be an American still.
Biden’s policies will send our jobs overseas just like Obama’s did. And he will tax an already hurting economy into oblivion to pay the people who fraudulently shoved his sorry ass into office . Joe is a joke. Much like his idiot supporters.
Dis it occur to you that Liberals want this to happen?
The poor Liberals want everyone to be poor and the wealthy Liberals want the slaves to do the work.
You realize how nuts and paranoid you sound to those of us who actually get laid.. by women?
Meaningless Ad hominem indicating you have no reasonable retort to the truth of Liberal perversion.
You realize how disgusting it is to see fat-assed, naked Liberals?
You see, according to Liberals...everyone is beautiful.
still not good for freedom,,,
When did community and civilization become counter culture to Republicans? You guys generally talk about the sacrifice of the WW2 era but ask you to wear a mask or pay more if you’re rich and it’s suddenly a communist manifesto. Come. On. Now.
you keep mistakenly thinking I'm a republican,,,
sorry to break it to you but repubes are only slightly less offensive than dems,,,

and the rich already pay far more than the average person not to mention 50% pay NOTHING,,,
There’s a 99.5% chance you make less than me and if not then you are doing great. Having said that it wouldn’t impact my life paying $20k more in taxes a year to stabilize our economy. No I’m not going to donate it, but if everyone at my income pays it... I will.
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.
Come on don’t be silly. You lose credibility when you just make up stuff. None of that is accurate. Here is what is accurate. Joe’s policies help you way more than Trumps. But because you think there is some culture war going on that’ll force you to not say Christmas nor will you able to ever eat apple pie again you vote scared. It’s a ruse. Unless you make $400k a year or have too 1% investments you’ll be much better off with Joe. Don’t be scared. I promise you can be an American still.
Biden’s policies will send our jobs overseas just like Obama’s did. And he will tax an already hurting economy into oblivion to pay the people who fraudulently shoved his sorry ass into office . Joe is a joke. Much like his idiot supporters.
Dis it occur to you that Liberals want this to happen?
The poor Liberals want everyone to be poor and the wealthy Liberals want the slaves to do the work.
You realize how nuts and paranoid you sound to those of us who actually get laid.. by women?
Meaningless Ad hominem indicating you have no reasonable retort to the truth of Liberal perversion.
You realize how disgusting it is to see fat-assed, naked Liberals?
You see, according to Liberals...everyone is beautiful.
I was responding to nonsense with nonsense. His point was liberals want everyone to be poor. That’s not a point. It’s a religious prayer uttered in Republican church.
still not good for freedom,,,
When did community and civilization become counter culture to Republicans? You guys generally talk about the sacrifice of the WW2 era but ask you to wear a mask or pay more if you’re rich and it’s suddenly a communist manifesto. Come. On. Now.
you keep mistakenly thinking I'm a republican,,,
sorry to break it to you but repubes are only slightly less offensive than dems,,,

and the rich already pay far more than the average person not to mention 50% pay NOTHING,,,
There’s a 99.5% chance you make less than me and if not then you are doing great. Having said that it wouldn’t impact my life paying $20k more in taxes a year to stabilize our economy. No I’m not going to donate it, but if everyone at my income pays it... I will.
I have yet to make more than 40K in a single yr after 40 yrs of working for the man,,
and I think the idea that the rich are taxed more just because they make more is pure evil,,,

taxs are for paying the bills and debts of the governemnt not for punishing success,,,
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.
Come on don’t be silly. You lose credibility when you just make up stuff. None of that is accurate. Here is what is accurate. Joe’s policies help you way more than Trumps. But because you think there is some culture war going on that’ll force you to not say Christmas nor will you able to ever eat apple pie again you vote scared. It’s a ruse. Unless you make $400k a year or have too 1% investments you’ll be much better off with Joe. Don’t be scared. I promise you can be an American still.
Biden’s policies will send our jobs overseas just like Obama’s did. And he will tax an already hurting economy into oblivion to pay the people who fraudulently shoved his sorry ass into office . Joe is a joke. Much like his idiot supporters.
Dis it occur to you that Liberals want this to happen?
The poor Liberals want everyone to be poor and the wealthy Liberals want the slaves to do the work.
You realize how nuts and paranoid you sound to those of us who actually get laid.. by women?
Meaningless Ad hominem indicating you have no reasonable retort to the truth of Liberal perversion.
You realize how disgusting it is to see fat-assed, naked Liberals?
You see, according to Liberals...everyone is beautiful.
I was responding to nonsense with nonsense. His point was liberals want everyone to be poor. That’s not a point. It’s a religious prayer uttered in Republican church.
Poor Liberals want everybody to be poor out of resentment.
Wealthy Liberals love their slaves.
Most of my relatives are wealthy; I hear the disgusting crap that comes out of their mouths right in front of their help.
Most teachers believe Blacks and Hispanics are too stupid to make it in life without Affirmative Action.
You don't believe Biden won a free and fair election? Then they think you should be burned alive.:rolleyes:

Nah, we just think you're a delusional cult moron.

Remember, don't project your side's fanatical lust for violence on to normal people. Just because you want to kill the opposition doesn't mean we think that way. We are not like you. Trumpism is a violent death cult, but liberals reject violence.
"Trumpism is a violent death cult"; and so it's perfectly fine to do whatever you want to them, right? After all, it's a "violent death cult"...... (smh)

Why do you folks always think you're being clever when you're so obvious? You can see the groundwork being laid from orbit, just like we saw you prepping for the election fraud.

You aren't fooling anyone...... you're a jihadi, hoping to get a chance to murder the infidels who reject your religion of government as god.

still not good for freedom,,,
When did community and civilization become counter culture to Republicans? You guys generally talk about the sacrifice of the WW2 era but ask you to wear a mask or pay more if you’re rich and it’s suddenly a communist manifesto. Come. On. Now.
you keep mistakenly thinking I'm a republican,,,
sorry to break it to you but repubes are only slightly less offensive than dems,,,

and the rich already pay far more than the average person not to mention 50% pay NOTHING,,,
There’s a 99.5% chance you make less than me and if not then you are doing great. Having said that it wouldn’t impact my life paying $20k more in taxes a year to stabilize our economy. No I’m not going to donate it, but if everyone at my income pays it... I will.
I have yet to make more than 40K in a single yr after 40 yrs of working for the man,,
and I think the idea that the rich are taxed more just because they make more is pure evil,,,

taxs are for paying the bills and debts of the government not for punishing success,,,
Well then have at it. At $40k your effective tax rate is about 4% for federal. Mine is 27% (although ill deduct and defer it down to about 22%). How you gonna feel about paying 23% more of your income to taxes which is now $10,700 in federal vs $1,700 you are paying since it’s theft to pay less? Let’s all pay the same. It makes no sense. Either you are not ok paying less than me, or you are and we are just arguing about how much.

Federal Income Tax Calculator - Estimate Your Tax Liability With This Calculator
still not good for freedom,,,
When did community and civilization become counter culture to Republicans? You guys generally talk about the sacrifice of the WW2 era but ask you to wear a mask or pay more if you’re rich and it’s suddenly a communist manifesto. Come. On. Now.
you keep mistakenly thinking I'm a republican,,,
sorry to break it to you but repubes are only slightly less offensive than dems,,,

and the rich already pay far more than the average person not to mention 50% pay NOTHING,,,
There’s a 99.5% chance you make less than me and if not then you are doing great. Having said that it wouldn’t impact my life paying $20k more in taxes a year to stabilize our economy. No I’m not going to donate it, but if everyone at my income pays it... I will.
I have yet to make more than 40K in a single yr after 40 yrs of working for the man,,
and I think the idea that the rich are taxed more just because they make more is pure evil,,,

taxs are for paying the bills and debts of the government not for punishing success,,,
Well then have at it. At $40k your effective tax rate is about 4% for federal. Mine is 27% (although ill deduct and defer it down to about 22%). How you gonna feel about paying 23% more of your income to taxes which is now $10,700 in federal vs $1,700 you are paying since it’s theft to pay less? Let’s all pay the same. It makes no sense. Either you are not ok paying less than me, or you are and we are just arguing about how much.

Federal Income Tax Calculator - Estimate Your Tax Liability With This Calculator
you shouldnt pay more than me by rate,,

the fact you make more than i do means you pay more by volume not rate
This is the man who is going to be President for another term!!!!!! May GOD Bless him! :clap:

View attachment 434485
So take the bet then loudmouth
Jan 21...if Biden is never post again

If Trump is Prez on Jan...I'm gone


See ya later mate.

For 19 days in January, Trump is the president.

I'll help you pack.
Jan 21 would be after 19 days...true? WTF are you talking about...mate...

Give or take 12 hours, yes.

I can see that passed you by in both directions on a four lane highway....
The point was...Trump will NOT be prez on January 21.

That seems to have passed YOU by
I am not trolling, I believe with all my heart that Trump will be President for four more years.:thup:
Bullshit. You aren't that stupid or you'd be betting on it.

You're just a garden variety Trump troll
Check back in two weeks...but Biden will never be the President....he may move into the white house but he will merely be a resident not a president...and over 100 million Americans know it....
They know what?
Bush and Biden’s gaffes are harmless. Compare to Trump’s devastation of the English language and decency.

/-----/ "Biden’s gaffes are harmless."
Oh really????
“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Mr. Biden declared, a comment that two White House officials said was not included in the president’s prepared speech.

Even as top administration officials spent Sunday walking back Mr. Biden’s remarks, the statement had already sent ripple effects throughout the world, highlighting just how powerful nine unprompted words from the president can be, particularly during a foreign policy crisis. After Biden’s Fiery Speech, Nine Unscripted Words Reverberate
/-----/ "Biden’s gaffes are harmless."
Oh really????
“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Mr. Biden declared, a comment that two White House officials said was not included in the president’s prepared speech.

Even as top administration officials spent Sunday walking back Mr. Biden’s remarks, the statement had already sent ripple effects throughout the world, highlighting just how powerful nine unprompted words from the president can be, particularly during a foreign policy crisis. After Biden’s Fiery Speech, Nine Unscripted Words Reverberate
Not walking it back maga fuckup.

Deal with it.

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