It's over dudes. Love it or hate it Joe Biden is going to be your next president.

Hunter aint going anywhere near the white house.

by contrast, Trump has an entire wikipedia page for his sexual miscontuct.

you are against compulsive lying, but Trump has more false statements than anybody.
I'm sure "square shooters" like Politifact would never lie about something like that.

Of all the many cherished myths and memes leftists love to recite this claim is probably the most stupid of all.
though they are really all very dumb.
you dont have to guess about politifact.
You can look at what they think are lies, read it and decide yourself it its a lie.
Same thing with what they say is true of what trump said.

If you think something is incorrectly labeled as a lie, you can inform them and correct it.
People are treating politics the way they used to treat religion, and everyone is pointing at folks and calling them blasphemers for not believing what they're told to believe.

You don't believe Biden won a free and fair election? Then they think you should be burned alive.:rolleyes:

SMH....... I thought I was done with holy wars.
It is going to be fun watching Biden make huge gaffs every time he opens his mouth.
Biden is already on the road to impeachment for his Ukraine and China scandals.
Bush and Biden’s gaffes are harmless. Compare to Trump’s devastation of the English language and decency.

You're right; we need more transvestites and queers walking naked in NYC.
His theft cost him the good will of more than half of the American people.

For the most part he was always disliked by the people that think he cheated.
I didn't dislike Biden before he was filmed bragging about getting all that he wanted in less than 6 hours when Air Force II was scheduled to leave the Ukraine he bragged not only taking all the money he could get for personal use, he (1) diminished the stature of the United States of America with the crime of blatant extortion. (2) Disrespected every taxpayer who has taxes deducted against their will of supporting a criminal extortion ring known and accepted by Democrat congresscritters not one of whom called Biden out for his thievery, and (3) Biden used government property to transport his billions across state and inter ational boundaries to commit a monstrous felony
I don't bet.
Because you know know you'd lose

You're just trolling as usual
She's a member in good standing.
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.
Come on don’t be silly. You lose credibility when you just make up stuff. None of that is accurate. Here is what is accurate. Joe’s policies help you way more than Trumps. But because you think there is some culture war going on that’ll force you to not say Christmas nor will you able to ever eat apple pie again you vote scared. It’s a ruse. Unless you make $400k a year or have too 1% investments you’ll be much better off with Joe. Don’t be scared. I promise you can be an American still.
You don't believe Biden won a free and fair election? Then they think you should be burned alive.:rolleyes:

Nah, we just think you're a delusional cult moron.

Remember, don't project your side's fanatical lust for violence on to normal people. Just because you want to kill the opposition doesn't mean we think that way. We are not like you. Trumpism is a violent death cult, but liberals reject violence.
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.
Come on don’t be silly. You lose credibility when you just make up stuff. None of that is accurate. Here is what is accurate. Joe’s policies help you way more than Trumps. But because you think there is some culture war going on that’ll force you to not say Christmas nor will you able to ever eat apple pie again you vote scared. It’s a ruse. Unless you make $400k a year or have too 1% investments you’ll be much better off with Joe. Don’t be scared. I promise you can be an American still.
List 5 policies of each.
And don't take an hour to do it.
I want to see if you know what you're talking about without going for talking points from DailKOS.
You're right; we need more transvestites and queers walking naked in NYC.
Like I just said. It all comes down to perceived culture wars. No one is gonna make you kiss a guy if you don’t want to. Don’t be a tool. Bigotry is so 1970’s.
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.
Come on don’t be silly. You lose credibility when you just make up stuff. None of that is accurate. Here is what is accurate. Joe’s policies help you way more than Trumps. But because you think there is some culture war going on that’ll force you to not say Christmas nor will you able to ever eat apple pie again you vote scared. It’s a ruse. Unless you make $400k a year or have too 1% investments you’ll be much better off with Joe. Don’t be scared. I promise you can be an American still.
Biden’s policies will send our jobs overseas just like Obama’s did. And he will tax an already hurting economy into oblivion to pay the people who fraudulently shoved his sorry ass into office . Joe is a joke. Much like his idiot supporters.
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.
Come on don’t be silly. You lose credibility when you just make up stuff. None of that is accurate. Here is what is accurate. Joe’s policies help you way more than Trumps. But because you think there is some culture war going on that’ll force you to not say Christmas nor will you able to ever eat apple pie again you vote scared. It’s a ruse. Unless you make $400k a year or have too 1% investments you’ll be much better off with Joe. Don’t be scared. I promise you can be an American still.
You say that. But I believe in what could be. Energy policies could see a rise of two to three times for gasoline. And a good increase in heating and cooling the dwellings we live in. Extra costs in upfront or hidden taxes and fees to everything we purchase to live and survive on also. I know. Joe and the Progs will give us all in the working class level massive tax cuts to relieve the general population of the burden. Progs have not done that since they were Democrats with JFK.
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.
Come on don’t be silly. You lose credibility when you just make up stuff. None of that is accurate. Here is what is accurate. Joe’s policies help you way more than Trumps. But because you think there is some culture war going on that’ll force you to not say Christmas nor will you able to ever eat apple pie again you vote scared. It’s a ruse. Unless you make $400k a year or have too 1% investments you’ll be much better off with Joe. Don’t be scared. I promise you can be an American still.
Biden’s policies will send our jobs overseas just like Obama’s did. And he will tax an already hurting economy into oblivion to pay the people who fraudulently shoved his sorry ass into office . Joe is a joke. Much like his idiot supporters.
Dis it occur to you that Liberals want this to happen?
The poor Liberals want everyone to be poor and the wealthy Liberals want the slaves to do the work.
You don't believe Biden won a free and fair election? Then they think you should be burned alive.:rolleyes:

Nah, we just think you're a delusional cult moron.

Remember, don't project your side's fanatical lust for violence on to normal people. Just because you want to kill the opposition doesn't mean we think that way. We are not like you. Trumpism is a violent death cult, but liberals reject violence.
"Trumpism is a violent death cult"; and so it's perfectly fine to do whatever you want to them, right? After all, it's a "violent death cult"...... (smh)

Why do you folks always think you're being clever when you're so obvious? You can see the groundwork being laid from orbit, just like we saw you prepping for the election fraud.

You aren't fooling anyone...... you're a jihadi, hoping to get a chance to murder the infidels who reject your religion of government as god.
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.
Come on don’t be silly. You lose credibility when you just make up stuff. None of that is accurate. Here is what is accurate. Joe’s policies help you way more than Trumps. But because you think there is some culture war going on that’ll force you to not say Christmas nor will you able to ever eat apple pie again you vote scared. It’s a ruse. Unless you make $400k a year or have too 1% investments you’ll be much better off with Joe. Don’t be scared. I promise you can be an American still.
Biden’s policies will send our jobs overseas just like Obama’s did. And he will tax an already hurting economy into oblivion to pay the people who fraudulently shoved his sorry ass into office . Joe is a joke. Much like his idiot supporters.
Dis it occur to you that Liberals want this to happen?
The poor Liberals want everyone to be poor and the wealthy Liberals want the slave to do the work.
Of course they do. They just like to lie and claim they don’t.
"Trumpism is a violent death cult"; and so it's perfectly fine to do whatever you want to them, right?

Of course not.

Again, stop assuming we think like you do.

Liberals are moral absolutists. Certain actions are still bad, no matter how bad the other side is.

Compare that to the moral relativism of conservatives, their "a liberal somewhere did a bad thing, so therefore every horrible thing any conservative does is justified!" attitude.

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