It's over dudes. Love it or hate it Joe Biden is going to be your next president.

Legally, I mean? Trump Campaign Audit Criticizes Software in Mich. Race

It seems not. There is still time to stop the fraud.

No honest rational person thinks that Biden won.
The Democrats aren't known for being honest or rational.
Moronic. The sky is red. Trump says so even though it goes against every observable fact on the planet. You’re a dipshit. Own it.

Look Fuckstick -
All the fucking math, is against you.
All the tendencies.
All the History.

Anyone with an IQ of 10 or more knows that Biden didn't have more legal votes.
Mathematically impossible for the events to have occurred as you think they did.

You may be one of those people who dishonestly knows, but doesn't care
That may be, but I can't just dismiss that your body of work indicates, an IQ below 10.
Blah, blah, blah. Biden will be president lol. It’s over.
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?

Those are talking points, not standards, bub.
No. Those are actual things said and done by the president that I don’t expect from a president. Just cause you think they are no big deal because he acts like he’s anti abortion doesn’t make them acceptable. It’s a low bar to hurdle this moron. You know it and I know it. We both know you’ve just ignored the larceny of the state and worse for some unknown reason. Oh well.
bidens done those thongs and worse,,,

he spent the last 47 yrs enriching his family from his political office,,
Bullshit. I dare you to find a picture of Biden in thongs. You’re a liar. Even if he did wear thongs he’d look way better than tomato pasty Trump. Moron.
Sorry to spoil your joy OP, but Joke "Sniffgood" Biden will never, NEVER be President.

Why was my thread discussing Sleepy China Joe's possible upcoming arrest reclassed to the Rubber Room, but TDS threads like this are infecting politics forum like a pandemic!
IMO, it is because TDS victims know January 6 is coming! :beer:
the bigger question is when Biden takes office will the Dems hold him to the same standard they held trump to???
Meh. I can guarantee you it will be a higher standard than Republicans held Trump too. Guaranteed.

Curious, what kind of standards will you hold Biden to? Care to name a few off for me? So I can throw them at you a year or two down the road when you *GASP* don't hold him to those standards?

This kind of game turns my stomach.
1. He won’t make fun of handicapped journalists
2. He won’t suggest “introducing” light into the body
3. He won’t suggest injecting disinfectant into the body
4. Won’t suggest he can shoot someone in broad daylight and no one will care
5. He won’t call the press the enemy of the people
6. He won’t publicly ask a foreign country to hack political opponents
7. He won’t appoint family members to government roles
8. He won’t direct the federal government to spend money in his family businesses.
9. He won’t say he is writing love letters to despotic totalitarian leaders.
10. He won’t try to undermine democracy by attempting to thwart a legal election.

If he does any of those 10 come kick my ass. Anything else I should list?
He locked journalists in closets against their will.
Raped a staffer
Molests children
Sold influence to China

he’s a real champ.

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