It's Over! Mueller & Team Violated 'The Presidential Transition Act'

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I'm off to the golf course, Faun...see if you can come up with what was "verified" by our intelligence services from the Steele dossiers or admit you're full of shit. (Accept my surrender? That's hilarious...)
/----/ Enjoy your golf games.
There is no doubt that Trump asked Comey to lay off of Flynn who was under investigation. Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. The question was whether a fair and impartial investigation could be conducted by the DOJ. The answer was a clear no. Maybe Trump and his supporters need to take Trey Gowdy's advice. Act like you are innocent if you are innocent.

There is no doubt that Russia interfered in our election. They hacked the DNC servers and gave the e-mails to WikiLeaks. On at least 1 occasion, the trump campaign met with a Russian national expecting to receive dirt on Clinton. She DID NOT collude with any foreign agents.

How can you possibly sit here and claim that Clinton didn't collude with any foreign agents when it's been proven beyond any doubt that's EXACTLY what she DID do! The Clinton campaign paid huge sums of money to Fusion GPS and through them to Richard Steele to fabricate lies about Donald Trump and then put them out to a compliant main stream media through Russian nationals to hide who generated them in the first place! What she did is the epitome of collusion!

you either need to get out more or go on a strict no conspiracy diet ...

epitome this ......

Think about the size of the claim here: the Clinton campaign, which was convinced it was going to beat Trump in a landslide, funded an espionage-laden high-wire act with a firm whose clients included some unsavory Russians themselves, in which a highly experienced British spook got suckered by the Democrats into weaponizing some Russian disinformation. (Steele could outplay the Russians, but he couldn’t outplay Robby Mook?)

There are other variations on this theme, but central to all of them was the idea that without Fusion there would be nothing, and that we would know this if only we could know what Simpson said to the Senate investigators. But since the Senate intelligence committee wouldn’t release the transcript, we couldn’t know just how much Simpson had spilled his guts.

So now we know, and none of it supports the rickety Jenga pile of Republican conspiracy theories.

Now you're claiming that it's unlikely that the Clinton campaign would use dirty tricks because they were convinced they would beat Trump in a landslide? I take it you also think they wouldn't use dirty tricks against Bernie Sanders even though there was practically no feasible way for him to win the nomination?

Steele didn't get "suckered" into providing disinformation! It's quite clear that he got paid...and paid provide disinformation and that money came from the Clinton campaign! Rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories? What Clinton and the DNC did in that election isn't a "theory"'s proven fact! The rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories is what you on the left have employed against Trump from the moment he was nominated by the GOP! Compared to the house of cards you've built...the case against Clinton rests on concrete footings!
He got paid $168,000. Not bad but I wouldn't refer to that as "handsomely." Especially not when you consider Fusion GPS, who Hillary hired to do opposition research, got about about a million dollars.

$168,000 to sit down at a computer and fabricate a bunch of lies about someone? It's not like Steele actually did any research into anything he put out in his dossiers, Faun! He just made it all up! What part of that can't you grasp?
show the evidence you have that says his report was fabricated? PUT IT UP! (fyi-Trump telling you that, does not count as evidence)
'The Presidential Transition Act states that all records of transition operations are private and confidential.'

BUH-BAM! Game Over!

Mueller is not denying it. He is attempting to defend it.

His history of investigative and prosecutorial misconduct repeats itself once again. Time Mueller is PERP WALKED out of the building....

No it doesn't.

I just read that act and there's nothing that says records are private and confidential.

You seriously need to read the act before you post and make a total fool of yourself to all of us who have actually bothered to learn about this.
Please provide the link where the witch hunters were proven criminal in a court of law.
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

You think Mueller just started investigating on his own? You really need to stop listening to Alex Jones, and educate yourself.

I don't even know who Alex Jones is! No, Mueller didn't start investigating on his own...Mueller is a dog that was sicced on Trump by Comey, McCabe & Brennan using the bullshit phony dossier as the basis to investigate Trump and attempt to undermine his administration. All three of them knew that there was no collusion that took place between the Trump campaign and Russia! That was simply the excuse they used to get a Special Counsel appointed to dig through the rest of Trump's dealings trying to find something they could use against him.

If any of those 3 REALLY cared about collusion in that election...they would have appointed a Special Council to investigate Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the Obama Justice Department, Fusion GPS and Richard Steele!

Trying to discredit Mueller won't make Trump and his cabal any less guilty of any crimes they might have been involved in.
you either need to get out more or go on a strict no conspiracy diet ...

epitome this ......

Think about the size of the claim here: the Clinton campaign, which was convinced it was going to beat Trump in a landslide, funded an espionage-laden high-wire act with a firm whose clients included some unsavory Russians themselves, in which a highly experienced British spook got suckered by the Democrats into weaponizing some Russian disinformation. (Steele could outplay the Russians, but he couldn’t outplay Robby Mook?)

There are other variations on this theme, but central to all of them was the idea that without Fusion there would be nothing, and that we would know this if only we could know what Simpson said to the Senate investigators. But since the Senate intelligence committee wouldn’t release the transcript, we couldn’t know just how much Simpson had spilled his guts.

So now we know, and none of it supports the rickety Jenga pile of Republican conspiracy theories.

Now you're claiming that it's unlikely that the Clinton campaign would use dirty tricks because they were convinced they would beat Trump in a landslide? I take it you also think they wouldn't use dirty tricks against Bernie Sanders even though there was practically no feasible way for him to win the nomination?

Steele didn't get "suckered" into providing disinformation! It's quite clear that he got paid...and paid provide disinformation and that money came from the Clinton campaign! Rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories? What Clinton and the DNC did in that election isn't a "theory"'s proven fact! The rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories is what you on the left have employed against Trump from the moment he was nominated by the GOP! Compared to the house of cards you've built...the case against Clinton rests on concrete footings!
He got paid $168,000. Not bad but I wouldn't refer to that as "handsomely." Especially not when you consider Fusion GPS, who Hillary hired to do opposition research, got about about a million dollars.

$168,000 to sit down at a computer and fabricate a bunch of lies about someone? It's not like Steele actually did any research into anything he put out in his dossiers, Faun! He just made it all up! What part of that can't you grasp?
The part I can't grasp is why you're incapable of telling the truth? What a pity you can't stop lying, huh?

Again, he's a trusted source who's helped in the past. Not something he could accomplish if his M.O. was to invent his own material; which he didn't do here, as you falsely claim. He levied former contacts he had established as a spy when he worked undercover in Russia. And again, some of the dossier has been confirmed by our own intelligence; also not something that would have been possible had he simply fabricated the entire dossier.

I ask again...what part of the Steele dossiers have been confirmed by our own intelligence?
Why are you asking that again when I already showed you? :dunno:

Can you ever stop lying?
I'm off to the golf course, Faun...see if you can come up with what was "verified" by our intelligence services from the Steele dossiers or admit you're full of shit. (Accept my surrender? That's hilarious...)
Yes, when you have to lie to support the bullshit you're posting, you're conceding the argument.

As far as the parts of the dossier which were verified, see post #229, which was made about ½ hour before your post and to which you've already responded. So who knows why you're pretending now as if I never showed you? :dunno:
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

You think Mueller just started investigating on his own? You really need to stop listening to Alex Jones, and educate yourself.

I don't even know who Alex Jones is! No, Mueller didn't start investigating on his own...Mueller is a dog that was sicced on Trump by Comey, McCabe & Brennan using the bullshit phony dossier as the basis to investigate Trump and attempt to undermine his administration. All three of them knew that there was no collusion that took place between the Trump campaign and Russia! That was simply the excuse they used to get a Special Counsel appointed to dig through the rest of Trump's dealings trying to find something they could use against him.

If any of those 3 REALLY cared about collusion in that election...they would have appointed a Special Council to investigate Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the Obama Justice Department, Fusion GPS and Richard Steele!

Trying to discredit Mueller won't make Trump and his cabal any less guilty of any crimes they might have been involved in.
No one has to discredit Mueller - he did that to himself.

The moment the man loaded up his Counsel with Trump-Hating, Big Dollar DNC/Hillary donors / supporters - and even a lawyer that runs / ran the CLINTON FOUNDATION he pretty much put up a 'BILLBOARD' declaring the 'Get Trump At Any Cost' Partisan Witch Hunt was 'Open' for business.

The moment the news broke that now DISGRACED FBI Agent Strzok...

-- The SAME Strzok that partially saved Hillary's ass from indictment by changing the FBI's final report on the investigation of her crimes...

-- The SAME Strzok who indicted Flynn for Ling to the FBI...despite the fact that FBI Director Comey declared his agents said they did not believe Flynn lied to them during their questioning...

-- The SAME Strzok who protected Hillary Aides from Indictment for Lying to the FBI, the same charges he filed against Flynn

-- The SAME Strzok who had been hand-picked by Obama CIA Director and PROVEN perjurer / co-conspirator Brennan to write the BOGUS 'Russian Threat' Intel Report - which we now know was based on the Russian propaganda-filled Dossier Hillary got from foreign spies and Russians - that was pushed to Congress in a briefing as 'fact'

-- The SAME Strzok who revealed the existence of the 'Secret Society' that had been meeting and plotting Trump's take down...

-- The SAME Strzok who revealed the leadership in more agents in Obama's administration than just the FBI did not want Trump to in the Presidency but that is he did FBI Deputy Director McCabe had an 'Insurance Policy' to take him down later...

...had been FIRED from his team...because the word of all this traveled extremely quickly, leaving Mueller no other choice but to fire Strzok...and all of these other things were reported the 'jig', as the old saying goes, 'was up'!

For all the Americans who have been dumbed down or who have become slow to put things together after years of 'programming' and 'conditioning' by the Liberals and their complicit lapdog media, what all of this spelled out was that:

-- The Obama Administration was 'All-In' to protect Hillary from Indictment/prosecution to ensure she would run for President.

-- His Cabinet and his agencies - DOJ, CIA, DIA, FBI, State Dept, as already proven through the connections/timing/actions taken now prove - engaged in a coordinated effort (as shown by US AG Lynch working with Comey to write the exoneration letter, FBI Agent Strzok handpicked by the FBI to write the bogus Intel Report based on the debunked Dossier Hillary's team had given the FBI, etc...) - a CONSPIRACY to prevent Donald Trump from winning and to oust him from the WH should he win....that part of the plan has been going on for 2 years now...and has FAILED.

Conspiracy / Collaboration within multiple agencies / Cabinet members in the Obama administration.
Corruption within the DOJ, CIA, FBI, NIA - Conspiracy, Sedition, Treason...
A 'Secret Society' that met, plotted, and has attempted to carry out treason, a coup against the Pres.

Liberals / Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper...even Obama are holding their breath in anxious anticipation of what the IG's report on the Obama administration's handling of the Hillary investigation will reveal.

The IG's report could very well be the final 'nail' in the Conspiracy's 'coffin', completely exposing /. un-raveling Secret Society, exposing the DOJ (Holder and Lynch), CIA (Brennan), NIA (Clapper, the repeat Perjury offender), the FBI (Comey, McCabe, Strzok), and others within the Obama administration (Rice, Powers, etc..)...possibly even Obama all being co-conspirators in the biggest organized criminal political case in US history.

The IG has already proved that high-ranking officials within the Obama administration did more to impact / alter the 2016 Presidential election than the Russians ever dreamed of doing, all because the Democrats had to protect Hillary and help her eliminate whatever was in her way to winning the WH...because 'it was her turn'!
When someone can show evidence of how people’s minds were altered at the polling places OR the tabulation of votes was miscalculated, then contact me with those facts.
Otherwise this is a feelings frenzy
I have met Not One Person either in person or in the internet who tells me they experienced some confusion and voted for Trump by mistake NOR one person who has reported being contacted or influenced by Russian agents who either did,or attempted to, persuade them to vote for Trump. Zero.
This is all a witch hunt, orchestrated by non competitive snowflakes who do not understand that life is a competition which involves winning and losing and not winning or pouting.
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When someone can show evidence of how people’s minds were altered at the polling places OR the tabulation of votes was miscalculated, then contact me with those facts.
Otherwise this is a feelings frenzy
I have met Not One Person either in person or in the internet who tells me they experienced some confusion and voted for Trump by mistake NOR one person who has reported being contacted or influenced by Russian agents who either did or attempted to persuade them to vote for Trump. Zero.
This is all a witch hunt, orchestrated by non competitive snowflakes who do not understand that life is a competition which involves winning and losing and not winning or pouting.

Well, that's a bit of a tough one, liberals seem to be confused all the time.
When someone can show evidence of how people’s minds were altered at the polling places OR the tabulation of votes was miscalculated, then contact me with those facts.
Otherwise this is a feelings frenzy
I have met Not One Person either in person or in the internet who tells me they experienced some confusion and voted for Trump by mistake NOR one person who has reported being contacted or influenced by Russian agents who either did,or attempted to, persuade them to vote for Trump. Zero.
This is all a witch hunt, orchestrated by non competitive snowflakes who do not understand that life is a competition which involves winning and losing and not winning or pouting.

Did you believe all the exagerated crap that was on the internet before the election? Most Trump voters still believe it. If 1/100 of that stuff were true, I would have voted against her myself. Can you say Child sex ring at pizza place?
Oh so it was Russians who floted the pizza place rumors all intending to dissuade voters from Hillary?
Do any of you libbies ever go out into the sunshine ? .A bit of sun is paramount for brain functioning
How can you possibly sit here and claim that Clinton didn't collude with any foreign agents when it's been proven beyond any doubt that's EXACTLY what she DID do! The Clinton campaign paid huge sums of money to Fusion GPS and through them to Richard Steele to fabricate lies about Donald Trump and then put them out to a compliant main stream media through Russian nationals to hide who generated them in the first place! What she did is the epitome of collusion!

you either need to get out more or go on a strict no conspiracy diet ...

epitome this ......

Think about the size of the claim here: the Clinton campaign, which was convinced it was going to beat Trump in a landslide, funded an espionage-laden high-wire act with a firm whose clients included some unsavory Russians themselves, in which a highly experienced British spook got suckered by the Democrats into weaponizing some Russian disinformation. (Steele could outplay the Russians, but he couldn’t outplay Robby Mook?)

There are other variations on this theme, but central to all of them was the idea that without Fusion there would be nothing, and that we would know this if only we could know what Simpson said to the Senate investigators. But since the Senate intelligence committee wouldn’t release the transcript, we couldn’t know just how much Simpson had spilled his guts.

So now we know, and none of it supports the rickety Jenga pile of Republican conspiracy theories.

Now you're claiming that it's unlikely that the Clinton campaign would use dirty tricks because they were convinced they would beat Trump in a landslide? I take it you also think they wouldn't use dirty tricks against Bernie Sanders even though there was practically no feasible way for him to win the nomination?

Steele didn't get "suckered" into providing disinformation! It's quite clear that he got paid...and paid provide disinformation and that money came from the Clinton campaign! Rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories? What Clinton and the DNC did in that election isn't a "theory"'s proven fact! The rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories is what you on the left have employed against Trump from the moment he was nominated by the GOP! Compared to the house of cards you've built...the case against Clinton rests on concrete footings!
He got paid $168,000. Not bad but I wouldn't refer to that as "handsomely." Especially not when you consider Fusion GPS, who Hillary hired to do opposition research, got about about a million dollars.

$168,000 to sit down at a computer and fabricate a bunch of lies about someone? It's not like Steele actually did any research into anything he put out in his dossiers, Faun! He just made it all up! What part of that can't you grasp?
show the evidence you have that says his report was fabricated? PUT IT UP! (fyi-Trump telling you that, does not count as evidence)

How many times do you progressive lemmings have to be told the same thing! Steele himself told you everything you need to know about his "dossiers" when he was sued for defamation in British court and his defense was that the dossiers were never meant to be released and were only meant as possible scenarios of what might have taken place! So what in the dossiers have been verified? The nonsense that Faun listed? None of that even comes remotely close to showing collusion! So tell me what in a Steele dossier DOES prove collusion took place! You keep making the claim that it show us all what's been verified!
Mueller is corrupt to the core. It's now imperative that he shut the investigation down due to violating The Presidential Transition Act.

Attorney Gregg Jarrett: 'Mueller and His Entire Team Must be Removed'

Dershowitz: 'Rod Rosenstein Should Recuse Himself' - Breitbart

The Presidential Transition Act states that all records of transition operations are private and confidential.

Yet Mueller seems to have ignored the law. Without a warrant or subpoena, his team of lawyers brazenly demanded these private records from the General Services Administration (GSA) which held custody of the materials. The GSA does this as a service to all incoming presidents out of courtesy, but it neither owns the documents nor is authorized to release them to anyone under any circumstances because they are deemed entirely private.

Jarrett says the most damning charge against Mueller is that he obtained, reviewed and used material that is privileged.

"Courts have clearly stated what prosecutors are supposed to do under these circumstances: “An attorney who receives privileged documents has an ethical duty to cease review of the documents, notify the privilege holder, and return the documents.” (U.S. v. Taylor 764 Fed Sup 2nd, 230, 235)

Brietbart again---:auiqs.jpg: If I had a dime everytime you have said It's OVER by using your right wing web sites as sources, well let's just say it would have greatly benefitted my income over the last year. Ignorance & denial is not going to save Trump.

Mueller within one year has accumulated 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, and another 90+ Federal Grand Jury criminal charges that are certain to produce more. Mueller's investigation is moving at the speed of light in comparison to Watergate, which took 2 years, 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.


Trump's done you can stick a fork in him.

Go to this link on this board, scroll down to post #56 and you can read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and watch another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Now after going through that post or if you have been hanging out on FOX NEWS and just reading your right wing websites, this book will get you somewhat up to date, and will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. At that point no one is going to be able to protect Trump and he will either have to resign or go through an impeachment process.


Very well written, easy to follow and hard to put down.
A top seller on Amazon today.
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Oh so it was Russians who floted the pizza place rumors all intending to dissuade voters from Hillary?
Do any of you libbies ever go out into the sunshine ? .A bit of sun is paramount for brain functioning

You can see some of the Russian adds that were inundated on Facebook, Twitter, Google & Youtube from this link. Here's just a few you might have seen. Estimated to have been seen by over 80 million Americans via being shared.





pictures of russian adds put on Facebook - Yahoo Image Search Results

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you either need to get out more or go on a strict no conspiracy diet ...

epitome this ......

Think about the size of the claim here: the Clinton campaign, which was convinced it was going to beat Trump in a landslide, funded an espionage-laden high-wire act with a firm whose clients included some unsavory Russians themselves, in which a highly experienced British spook got suckered by the Democrats into weaponizing some Russian disinformation. (Steele could outplay the Russians, but he couldn’t outplay Robby Mook?)

There are other variations on this theme, but central to all of them was the idea that without Fusion there would be nothing, and that we would know this if only we could know what Simpson said to the Senate investigators. But since the Senate intelligence committee wouldn’t release the transcript, we couldn’t know just how much Simpson had spilled his guts.

So now we know, and none of it supports the rickety Jenga pile of Republican conspiracy theories.

Now you're claiming that it's unlikely that the Clinton campaign would use dirty tricks because they were convinced they would beat Trump in a landslide? I take it you also think they wouldn't use dirty tricks against Bernie Sanders even though there was practically no feasible way for him to win the nomination?

Steele didn't get "suckered" into providing disinformation! It's quite clear that he got paid...and paid provide disinformation and that money came from the Clinton campaign! Rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories? What Clinton and the DNC did in that election isn't a "theory"'s proven fact! The rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories is what you on the left have employed against Trump from the moment he was nominated by the GOP! Compared to the house of cards you've built...the case against Clinton rests on concrete footings!
He got paid $168,000. Not bad but I wouldn't refer to that as "handsomely." Especially not when you consider Fusion GPS, who Hillary hired to do opposition research, got about about a million dollars.

$168,000 to sit down at a computer and fabricate a bunch of lies about someone? It's not like Steele actually did any research into anything he put out in his dossiers, Faun! He just made it all up! What part of that can't you grasp?
show the evidence you have that says his report was fabricated? PUT IT UP! (fyi-Trump telling you that, does not count as evidence)

How many times do you progressive lemmings have to be told the same thing! Steele himself told you everything you need to know about his "dossiers" when he was sued for defamation in British court and his defense was that the dossiers were never meant to be released and were only meant as possible scenarios of what might have taken place! So what in the dossiers have been verified? The nonsense that Faun listed? None of that even comes remotely close to showing collusion! So tell me what in a Steele dossier DOES prove collusion took place! You keep making the claim that it show us all what's been verified!
You're still lying. Steele never said that about all of the dossier. He said that only of the last couple of entries made which had not yet been vetted.

And the verified parts which you attempt to dismiss as "nonsense," after you lied and claimed I offed nothing, is asinine. Parts of the dossier were confirmed and some of those confirmed parts were used to obtain a FISA warrant on page. Hardly, "nonsense."

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?

Hamburger Hill Mueller is hilarious. I sometime wonder if he actually likes The Donald since what he is doing exposes The Swamp, Butthurt Obama, Crooked Hillary, and other criminals who will be behind bars when the USA gets an actual Attorney General who is not retarded.
Now you're claiming that it's unlikely that the Clinton campaign would use dirty tricks because they were convinced they would beat Trump in a landslide? I take it you also think they wouldn't use dirty tricks against Bernie Sanders even though there was practically no feasible way for him to win the nomination?

Steele didn't get "suckered" into providing disinformation! It's quite clear that he got paid...and paid provide disinformation and that money came from the Clinton campaign! Rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories? What Clinton and the DNC did in that election isn't a "theory"'s proven fact! The rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories is what you on the left have employed against Trump from the moment he was nominated by the GOP! Compared to the house of cards you've built...the case against Clinton rests on concrete footings!
He got paid $168,000. Not bad but I wouldn't refer to that as "handsomely." Especially not when you consider Fusion GPS, who Hillary hired to do opposition research, got about about a million dollars.

$168,000 to sit down at a computer and fabricate a bunch of lies about someone? It's not like Steele actually did any research into anything he put out in his dossiers, Faun! He just made it all up! What part of that can't you grasp?
show the evidence you have that says his report was fabricated? PUT IT UP! (fyi-Trump telling you that, does not count as evidence)

How many times do you progressive lemmings have to be told the same thing! Steele himself told you everything you need to know about his "dossiers" when he was sued for defamation in British court and his defense was that the dossiers were never meant to be released and were only meant as possible scenarios of what might have taken place! So what in the dossiers have been verified? The nonsense that Faun listed? None of that even comes remotely close to showing collusion! So tell me what in a Steele dossier DOES prove collusion took place! You keep making the claim that it show us all what's been verified!
You're still lying. Steele never said that about all of the dossier. He said that only of the last couple of entries made which had not yet been vetted.

And the verified parts which you attempt to dismiss as "nonsense," after you lied and claimed I offed nothing, is asinine. Parts of the dossier were confirmed and some of those confirmed parts were used to obtain a FISA warrant on page. Hardly, "nonsense."

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


The only part of the dossiers that Steele was being sued over for libel WERE the last couple entries! When Steele was put under oath he totally changed his tune. He went from claiming what was in the dossier was from trusted sources of his in Russia to admitting that he'd never vetted anything that he'd claimed about the Russian national that he accused of collusion! Then he changed his tune on the ENTIRE collection of dossiers...saying that they were simply possible scenarios of what might have taken place! In other words...they were fiction based on totally innocuous things...may or may not have any basis in fact and he didn't want any journalists to base any of their stories on what he'd written! This from the same guy who'd peddled that same set of dossiers to the New York Times...CNN...The New Yorker and the Washington Post when he was trying to sabotage the Trump election. THEN is was newsworthy but a year later it was wasn't? Gee, what happened between those two points in time? Oh...that's right...Steele got his ass SUED in court over what he'd written!

So for the third time...tell me what parts of the Steele dossiers it was that the Obama Justice Department used to obtain those FISA warrants? Which part of the 35 pages of innuendo that Steele produced was it that Barry's crew peddled to that judge to mislead them into thinking there was something criminal going on?
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Oh so it was Russians who floted the pizza place rumors all intending to dissuade voters from Hillary?
Do any of you libbies ever go out into the sunshine ? .A bit of sun is paramount for brain functioning

Wasn't Flynn's son the one pushing that narrative the most?
Mueller is corrupt to the core. It's now imperative that he shut the investigation down due to violating The Presidential Transition Act.

Attorney Gregg Jarrett: 'Mueller and His Entire Team Must be Removed'

Dershowitz: 'Rod Rosenstein Should Recuse Himself' - Breitbart

The Presidential Transition Act states that all records of transition operations are private and confidential.

Yet Mueller seems to have ignored the law. Without a warrant or subpoena, his team of lawyers brazenly demanded these private records from the General Services Administration (GSA) which held custody of the materials. The GSA does this as a service to all incoming presidents out of courtesy, but it neither owns the documents nor is authorized to release them to anyone under any circumstances because they are deemed entirely private.

Jarrett says the most damning charge against Mueller is that he obtained, reviewed and used material that is privileged.

"Courts have clearly stated what prosecutors are supposed to do under these circumstances: “An attorney who receives privileged documents has an ethical duty to cease review of the documents, notify the privilege holder, and return the documents.” (U.S. v. Taylor 764 Fed Sup 2nd, 230, 235)
Steve, serious question, just out of curiosity:

When you started this thread and wrote "It's over!" in the thread title, what was going on in your mind?

Were you thinking that this was really going to sink the investigation, and that Mueller would have to resign and/or just shut it all down?

Or were you just fooling around and trying to get under the skin of the lefties here?

This stuff is fascinating to me - what did you think was happening?
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